In this report discussed the technology like
cell phones. Mobile phones technology is used for the cellular communication.
Over the past years the CDMA (code-division multiple access) technology has
evolved rapidly. To get benefit from single frequencies as it actually restrict
from two or more sources frequencies of two livelihood interference by this
CDMA platform. Over the years this channel has developed. The use of this
technology is diverse as well as it used for communication in the market. As we
talk about two decades ago, the mobile technology was a not known thing, rather
it was like mystery but currently it is a major need for both urban and rural
areas. With internet connectivity the mobile is also equipped. With the help of
cell phones it’s easy to transfer files. GPS is also present in cell phones you
observe the location of a person through GPS. In this report illustrate the
history of cell phone technology and also its impact on social, environmental
effects as well as economic effects. Also depicted the future of this
technology and what is come next in modification.
of Cell Phone phones technology cellular
Presently, it is certainly thought that no
one could live their lives without having a mobile phone. It was the era of
1940s, when AT&T’s engineers were working the mobile phones and invented
established cells for base station of mobile phones. The mobile technology is
used for cellular communication. Mobile technology CDMA (code-division multiple
access) has developed rapidly. A standard mobile device has gone through being
not more than a simple but mobile phone, navigation of GPS device, web browser
as well as messaging the client instantly. With wireless networking mobile
computing is the future of computer technology. As voice only communication
through “brick phones” in the early 1980 1G was introduced. And the 2G is
introduced in the 1991 with the capabilities of MMs and SMS through the phones
you can receive or send the pictures between the phones. After that in 1998 the
3G was introduced that have the capabilities of higher transmission of data
which support the video calling as well as internet access is easy. In 2008 the
4G was released and support the more demanding services for example mobile TV
HD, services of gaming, video conferencing as well as 3D technology. For the
coming future 5G technology has been planned. Presently 4G technologies are
offered in the cell phones that are 10 times faster in performance than the 3G (Macwan, 2017). In the 4G network
the high-speed packet domination transmission in the channel is the most
important factor of this technology. In the 2G and 3G the same codes are used
that to 4G mobile applied or else wireless network, due to poor partial
correlation properties very short bursts the detection would be the serious
problem. On a OSI (open systems interconnection) model multilayer network
architecture is depend recent study indicate this tradition and this may be not
good for the 4G networks of mobile where in the channels the major parts is the
transaction of the packets. Blackberry OS, Android, iOS, webOS, window mobile
as well as Bada these are many types of mobile OS that are available for smart
phones. In all of them the latest and popular is Apple iPhones: by Google a
mobile OS developed.
As mobile phones become the necessity part of
modern family daily life as technology has penetrated all different societies.
By using different type of devices one of the biggest changes is that has been
introduced to facilitate communication of interpersonal such as mobile devices.
As people interact with one another through the modern technologies which
increase the mobile use. Cell phones are
modified day by day. As we look the first phone and that phone which is used
now a days there is a lot of difference as the technology increased. And every
company is released new cell phones that come with latest technology (uswitch, n.d.).
to Question related to the Cell
Phone phones technology cellular communication
– 1:
Today our inspirable companions are mobile
phones, mainly the smart phones. Moreover, for a wireless telephone in Kentucky
in 1908 when US patent was issued goes back to the history of mobile phones.
When engineers work at AT&T in 1940s mobile phones were invented base
stations for mobile phone. The first mobile phones are not really like cell
phones. This is used only when an emergency is happened then communicate with
the help of this because it’s a two-way radios which allow people to
communicate. One very powerful bases station covering a much wider area this
involved in first mobile network. Motorola is the first company that is
produced the first handheld cell phone on 3 April 1973. These are known as zero
generation cell phones. Today phones are relying on 3G or 4G mobile technology.
With the experiments of communication mobile telephony has a long history which
has started as well as rather than handheld device moving vehicle. In the
development of interoperable standard as well as with the explosive success
copying as well as for bandwidth and reliability ever increasing the demand these
are the main challenges that have lain.

In few categories for comparing one or two
variables bar, base line as well as pie charts are excellent tools, but the
question is raised in our mind that what happen when compare multi variable at
the same time? In this situation the chart plot may be a good choice. Let’s
take an example we compare the size of several phone markets according to the
market analyst. The chart of mosaic allows the marketers to describe all type
of variables straight forward and clear.
Here, discuss some of the cell phones that
made the history. There are some of the phones that pushed the boundaries from
80s menhir –like “brick phones” to the iconic nokia handset. A significant
number of the early PDAs were viewed as "vehicle telephones," as they
were excessively vast as well as in a pocket bulky to bear. In 1983, be that as
it may, the Motorola Dyna TAC 8000x touched base available. By a present
principle despite the fact that immense, since it was little enough to convey as
the main really cell phone it was viewed. The mobile phones, moreover
unfathomably expensive, but a popular image of culture was turned in by Gordon
Gekko, who appeared in the film “Wall Street”, and Zack Morris, who appeared in
the movie “Saved by the Bell”. It is a fact that there are always few innovators,
who never shy away from doing new things, and once they come up with some sort
of success, then everyone starts to pursue that. To make any item mainstream
these pioneers are vital." Be that as it may, to the overall population
yet mobile phone use hadn't spread.

For talking the previous phones were used
only for this purpose. Progressively, things to see like voice communication
were included, yet for existing the fundamental reason was the discussion. Unavoidably,
to understand producers of mobile phone started that they could coordinate
different advances into their mobile phones as well as highlights are extended.
A most punctual let client cell phones
get to email, as well as a fax machine, pager, along with address book utilizes
the telephone (J., et al., 2010).
As of late, a motivation behind a PDA from a
verbal has moved specialized instrument towards a device of media, receiving frequently
the name "cell phone". Our PDAs are currently utilize more for
surfing the web, email browsing, photographs snapping, as well as our online
networking refreshing status than really setting calls. "Quickly software
titles are extending, continually enhanced the interface, as well as better
screen goals make phones simpler to explore, along with progressively enjoyable
to utilize. The mobile phones of today are additionally our different
contraptions supplanting, such as, camcorders as well as cameras. When cameras
were first presented at the point on cell phones, a pictures were low quality as
well as an element was considered to simply be added. The camera of Iphones is
best it have the qualities which full fill the demand of the customer (Ray, 2015).

This is the graph that shows the sale of iPhone
from the 2007 to 2018. It is a fact that the mobile phone innovation has experienced
few drastic changes after sometime; through a rollercoaster of changes the
physical plan has likewise gone. Unique vehicle telephones as well as bag cell
phones were as extensive as cutting edge PCs as well as similarly as
overwhelming. Jones said that after sometime was passed, the mobile phone also
started to become littler like PCs. In the era of mid-90s, Jones made an effort
that he went to check the center, which was actually gathering results, when he
was working with Ericsson GE Mobile. It is a well known fact that the
telephone’s performance has been exceptional, and that’s why their assessment
was determined by the recognition that size of the telephone was very little."
It means that clients' discernments were moved as well as a request was made
for sleeker & littler mobile phone. Preparing for a bigger screen and less
catches, the plans of phones have really started to increase as well as less
complex. The good thing about telephones is becoming a portable media, which
allows so many functions to its users. Many major changes were made like
removal of the console, and touch screen was also installed. One of the best examples
of this descriptions is the Apple iPhone as well as ensuing contenders like the
Droid models. Here we describe the pi chart below where the market analysis is
done. As shown in the figure the 50 percent are those who use Apple smart
phones and the other 50 percent are android users in which nokia, HTC, Samsung
as well as Huawei companies are include (Andrew, n.d.).

- 2
Mobile phones are the invention of humanity
this become the essential part of human’s life. A different sophisticated
feature combines in mobile phones. To keep pictures, personal information,
memories, correspondence, financial data as well as health in one place this
are allowed to user. Modern telecommunication facility is becoming an important
part of mobile phones. As it’s very
essential now because people communicate with those who are lived other
countries. Internet communication, retrieval information, e-commerce video as
well as other features for many people this makes the devices necessity these
are the example of mobile phones as well as HHD (handheld devices) that combine
the capability of advanced computing. As the mobile phones ratio is increases
day by day according to the US Census Bureau the figure of mobile devices is
between 7.19b to 7.2 billion. The growing rate of mobile phones is effected the
life of human health, as we explained the effect of cell phone on the society
In the
workplace environment the use of cell phone has a huge impact on the
performance and productivity of the employees. The excessive use of cellphones
can make the employees unconnected with the actual workplace work can reduce
the productivity. Because of the use of
cell phones the people in the society less aware of their reality and they are
all building a virtual reality for themselves. As far as the society is concern
the cell phones are not less than the permanent hypnotizes for the community. On
the other side the cell phone are also not good for the environment as they
emit a lot of radiation in the environment, this radiation is also not good for the health of humans. Dependency of
the economy on the mobile phone businesses is also increasing.
With all of the disadvantages of the cell
phones there many of the positive things associated with the use of cell
phones, for example, in the workplace cell phones can be used by the employees to get in touch with
managers or the customers, it is a good
way communication between the staff. In
the society the people can use the cell phones, not just to communicate with
each other but also give their opinions, where their voices can be heard around
the world. Economically the cell phones in some of the countries are the main drivers
of the economic development. Because of the increasing demands of the cell
phones, they can be a good source for the economic growth in the countries.
In the decades of previous couple, there has
been an upset in communication as well as computing, along with advancement of mechanical are that all signs as well as data
technology of utilization at a fast pace will proceed. In the power going with
as well as supporting the sensational increase as well as the reason of
enhancement as well as utilization of expanded challenge new data innovations
has been the cost of interchanges declining. Every 18 months as per Moore's
law, a preparing is multiplying intensity of microchips. Yet in addition
present real difficulties these advances present several critical chances. Presently,
over various areas in data innovation of society advancements are having
wide-going impacts, as well as policymakers are on issues following up
including financial profitability, innovation licensed rights, insurance of
security, as well as moderateness in addition to access to data.
Decisions made presently will have durable consequences,
along must be paid with consideration to their social as well as financial
effects. For directing business, another method over the Internet, the most
noteworthy results of the advancement a standout amongst of data innovation is
likely electronic trade. It is a fact just two years old; the financial exercises
and social conditions may be changed drastically. For now, it pressures such
vast parts as transactions, money along with exchange of retail as well as might
be extend to regions, for instance, training as well as health administrations.
It infers the utilization of data consistent as well as correspondence technology
that is led electronically along the whole appreciate chain of a business.
In digital form results increasing the wide
variety of satisfied representation is easier as well as information
distribution. For the private and public sector computing as well as
communication power has increased considerable concerns. Data storage decrease
in cost as well as for both enterprises of private data mining along with to
collect detailed government record on all citizens processing information make
it similar that it would be practicable. No one knows that this that is used
for the good purpose or for another purpose which is not good. Cryptography is
a approach that is used for protecting the privacy and to criminal
investigation cryptography presents a serious barrier for the investigation of
criminal. Today people suffer overload information that is a popular wisdom. On
the internet a lot of information is available which might be correct or
incorrect. As many people waste their time on absorbing the irrelevant
information because this information is provided on internet and they think
that they have that knowledge.
On technology unavoidably makes reliance with
mechanical advancement. Without a doubt, imperative framework the making on
that foundation guarantees reliance. As doubtlessly on its vehicle as the world
is presently reliant, mobile phone, as well as unlike frameworks, to the rising
data foundation it will be subjected. On innovation reliance can bring dangers.
In innovative disappointments foundation could cause the financial breakdown as
well as usefulness of social.
Long- removed of power outages telephone
utility, information of credit frameworks, finances of electronic exchange systems,
as well as other such crucial communications along with administration’s handling
of data would without a doubt cause a far-reaching financial disturbance. In
any case, it is quite hard thing to keep away from mechanical reliance.
Moreover, consideration should be made for the presentation carried out by a
reliance on technology with an unmistakable likelihood of disappointment, no
serviceable close by substitute, as well as staggering expenses because of the disappointment?
On modern society the ongoing communication as well as revolution has computing
several economic as well as impacts on social. So as to manage its risks as
well as dangers it requires investigation of serious social science (Miakotko, 2005).
There are the following advantages and
disadvantages of the usage of cell phones. First we discussed the disadvantage
of cell phones. As from the phones electromagnetic waves are generated which
effected the brain and other part of the human. Such as with the enough use of
mobile phones these waves are continuously generated it also effect out
environment. When a person goes for a morning walk and use mobile phone there
than it could be dangerous for the bees as bees don’t like the sound of the
cell phones.
As a result the bees should be died in the
coming years if the use of mobile is increases. Electromagnetic waves direct
affect on the brain of the person. These also affect the eyes of the person who
use this technology more than the required time. Mobile phones become the part
of our lives the scientist are research whether it harmful or not for the
human. The rate of cancer is increased by excess using of cell phones.
According to the recent research of National Institute of environmental health
sciences the researcher said the 2 to 3 percent brain tumor is developed in
male rats and 2 to 7 percent developed the heart tumor. But this rate is less
in women which is 1 percent in brain tumor and 2 percent heart tumor.
Everything has there positive and negative aspects.
There are also advantages of using cell
phones. Because of the cell phone we can talk to our family members with no
time. We get information through our phone. To improve the life standards
mobile devices also help in this. Violence is the worst form of poverty. The
people are being largely empowered in so many ways that take control of their
future mobile technologies. The people are really able to interact with one
another, financial services, basic health access as well as services of
business the handheld devices transform the way of people life. We can say that
mobile phones empower the poverty (Lee, 2011).
– 3
There are several ways that help in improving
the technology to enhance the workplace productivity. With the communication
software bring teammates near as well as far closer together. For team
productivity we all know that effect communication is crucial. As mobile
technology is help in workplace. We can say that real time communication and
always available device. You get notified by the incoming calls, emails,
through a phone after few second when they’re sent. This technology makes the
world into a small village. You could connect with friends, family and make new
friends around the world. You will remain associated as long as you wish as
well as the event full social media, thanks to texting, calling ability as well
as chats (A., 2016).
- 4
In the past decades the cell phones has
changed as well as established so quickly that it seems as you can think
anything for the future of cell phones. All our technological gadgets are
converted into the mobile devices. The most of the hardware as well as software
of the phones is move to the cloud and the output and the input the product
mainly is consists of this. The time will not away when the cell phones take
over the whole market. I expect that regular cell phones disappear regularly
within a next few years.
In the future we avoid saying the smart
phones smart anymore. In the future the cell phones will be the ones, making more
appeal to the users’ emotional senses. In the coming days, the cell phones are
going to be more natural with our biological reflexes sync as well as processes
for example movement of eye, processes of thought, kinesthetic along with
preferences of culture. Hoe the cell phones change us in future this is the
question which we have to answer. Like IBM’s Simon the early smart phones
showed us a glimpse of in 2007 what mobile devices could be, by Apple and the
iPhone their potential was fully realized.
But, in 2018, today, they become a staple of
our today lives. For our digital cameras as well as music players from
replacement, to personal assistants such as voice search along with siri using
our cell phones we have ceased merely to communicate with each other. To grow
constantly the advances of smart phones continue. What will come next it’s hard
to predict. To continue growing voice commands are also expected (Chen, et al., 2010).
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