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Consumer’s involvement and purchasing behavior for food products in UAE

Category: Consumer Behavior Paper Type: Report Writing Reference: APA Words: 1810

Research methodology is the fundamental parts of research study. In this research study, the data is gathered on which the entire research is depends upon. Research study is also follows a entire format or structure through which data is composed and then analyze. There are a lot of tools or methods for data collection. There are two types of data collection methods, one is acknowledged as quantitative data collections methods and the other is qualitative data collection method.  In this research study the quantitative method of study will be used. In this research qualitative research types of tools would be used. The quantitative approach will be useful for gathering the data for the study about the consumer’s involvement and purchasing behavior (Bryman A. , 2017). The data that is collected will be gathered through a survey and interviews from the participants. The data collection tool for example the questionnaire will be used for gathering the information. After data collection the data will be evaluated to its validity & reliability (Greener, 2008). The data analysis has huge significance in the whole process of research. After the data analysis process, the study results would be produced which will respond the questions of the research. The quantitative type of research planned will be followed in this study because the research questions required quantitative data to provide more reliable answers (Bryman & Bell, 2015).

Research Strategy of Consumer’s involvement and purchasing behavior for food products in UAE

 There are three types of research method or strategy that are a quantitative method, qualitative method, mixed method. According to Burns and Grove cited by Cormack (1991) quantitative method is totally based on positivism paradigm and a researcher who follows a positivism paradigm can only use a quantitative approach. In Quantitative method all the data is in the numeric form and in quantitative research large sampling can be used by the researcher and on that statistical data various tests like mean, mod and median will be applied to check the validity of the data and through quantitative method the relationship between the variables through the test correlation can be found. This approach is objective and deductive in nature (Willams, 2007).

The qualitative method is totally based on interpretivism paradigm and a researcher whose follow an interpretivism paradigm can only use a qualitative approach. A qualitative research is conducted at a high level and all the data is conducted in alphabets form rather than in numeric figures in the quantitative method. Qualitative research is conducted on daily routines base of peoples and in own words of peoples and the big fact about this research is that this research is subjective and inductive in nature.Mixed method approach is an approach in which data can be collected through both quantitative method and qualitative method. In this method, both close-ended and open-ended questionnaires are developed as an instrument for data collection. This approach is both deductive and inductive in nature (Hair, 2015).

Positivism paradigm selected of Consumer’s involvement and purchasing behavior for food products in UAE

According to Slife and Williams (2007), Positivism paradigm is a paradigm in which knowledge is generated through observations and experiments. Positivism is also called scientific method post-positivism and it’s totally based on a quantitative approach. Basically, positivism paradigm used in research for a long time till half of the twentieth century but after that, it is criticized because this paradigm is only related to objective study no subjective study is used in this paradigm. Because of this drawback, another paradigm is rise anti-positivism or interpretivism (Håkansson, 2013).

Epistemological stance of Consumer’s involvement and purchasing behavior for food products in UAE

The major stance of this research is to gather the quantitative data of the Positivism paradigm. There are two method of quantitative research is used to get the response from the respondents and collect the data about the consumer’s involvement and purchasing behavior.

Research Time Horizon of Consumer’s involvement and purchasing behavior for food products in UAE

There are two types of time horizons, one is the longitudinal time horizon and other is cross-sectional time horizon. In the cross sections time is short and specified for the research and in the longitudinal research, the time zone is long and the research is to be completed in a year. This research follows the cross-sectional time interval, in which the research has to be completed in a specified period of time.

Data Collection methods of Consumer’s involvement and purchasing behavior for food products in UAE

There are many methods for collecting the data but it’s necessary to designing or deciding the instrument of the research for collecting the data. Here researchers have discussed numerous sources by which data can be collected. These sources are Interviews, surveys, telephonic call, email, personal contacts, and observations (Kristjansson, 2013).

For this research study the self-designed questionnaires were used. The self-designed questionnaire which is used for better fit the purpose of the study about consumer’s involvement and purchasing behavior. There are a total of seven questions about the consumer’s involvement and purchasing behavior and how it is likely to increase the capabilities of the employees in the banks. Moreover, this was circulated or sent to the managers and directors of the organizations for getting the response. The researchers personally met to the employees and manager to be familiar with about how are willing to respond. The researchers used the email to get the responses from the respondents via email (McCusker, 2015).

Interviews of the most useful tools of data collection

Consumer’s involvement and purchasing behavior for food products in UAE

Interviews is one of the most useful tools of data collection for the quantitative research. In case the research questions are of quantitative nature the interview will be prepared. For the quantitative research, the interviews are extremely structured as compare to qualitative that in the interview a questions set asked of the participant. So it can be said that for the quantitative data there are many of the types of interview , and for the research the best interviews can be the face to face therefore those interviews are conducted to get response from the respondents (Bryman & Bell, 2015).

Sample Size and sampling technique for the questionnaires

Consumer’s involvement and purchasing behavior for food products in UAE

In this research study the random sampling method is used for the questionnaires. And for the interviews the mails send to the managers of organization by seeing their profiles. The investigation that is used in this study is dictated from the type of research problem which is analyzed. If the size would small, then it would too tough know relationship of the variables as for doing statistical tests larger sample size is required to make sure descriptive circulation of the population and it would be considered descriptive of groups of different people results would be general. That sample size is less relevant in qualitative research. A sample 250 managers and employees to know about the consumer’s involvement and purchasing behavior are selected from a different organization the UAE. From the sample 150 were males and 50 professionals were females. The sample selected by viewing on random bases and permission letters  is get from the university through email and permission for the survey is granted by the organization before survey (Ríos & Campo, 2013).

Ethical issues of conducting the research

In this study, while conducting the research the ethical considerations should be kept in

mind, so the research can be carried out successfully without violating any academic research rule or hurting anyone. Before survey conducting the permission is settled by emails to the managers of the companies and it is making sure to the companies that their data would not be use for any of the commercial profit. The survey will be filled out by the respondent’s volunteer basis and anytime the respondent can give up the survey if they think they are not feeling comfortable to respond. While conduct the survey, it can be make sure to the respondent that their identity would be kept private and would not be exposed in  any case.

Limitations of Methodology on Consumer’s involvement and purchasing behavior for food products in UAE

 In the present research the major limitations are that it is conducted on a local location.  This is a major limitation of the study which has been taken into consideration. The major limitations of the present research are that it is going only to be conducted in some local areas. However, due to the time and resource constraints the researcher is not in an opposition to conduct the study in the whole country. This is the major limitation of the study. In the research study, there isn't sufficient literature review for the optional information. This difficulty can be solved by continuing looking deep on the Internet for white papers, official online stores of insightful research and related materials.

Brief discussion on Consumer’s involvement and purchasing behavior for food products in UAE

 By analysis the research study and the methods of the research it can be said that this research study the quantitative method of study will be used. In this research qualitative research types of tools would be used. The quantitative approach will be useful for gathering the data for the study about the consumer’s involvement and purchasing behavior. Positivism is also called scientific method post-positivism and it’s totally based on a quantitative approach. Before survey conducting the permission is settled by emails to the managers of the companies and it is make sure to the companies that there data would not be use for any of the commercial profit. For this research study the self-designed questionnaires were used. The self-designed questionnaire which is used for better fit the purpose of the study about consumer’s involvement and purchasing behavior.

References of Consumer’s involvement and purchasing behavior for food products in UAE

Bryman, A. (2017). Quantitative and qualitative research: further reflections on their integration. In Mixing methods: Qualitative and quantitative research (. Routledge , 57-78.

Bryman, A., & Bell, E. (2015). Business Research Methods. Oxford University Press.

Hair, J. F. (2015). Essentials of Business Research Methods. M.E. Sharpe.

Kristjansson, A. L. (2013). Data collection procedures for school‐based surveys among adolescents: The Youth in Europe Study. Journal of school health, , 83 (9), 662-667.

McCusker, K. &. (2015). Research using qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods and choice based on the research. Perfusion, 30(7), , 537-542, 537-542.



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