1990 is the technological development was significantly enhanced a significant improvement
was evident in performing different tasks. The concept of artificial
intelligence in the area of science is closer to fiction. However, the main
idea is no longer a fiction, but it is a reality that has induced impact on
daily life (Poola, 2017).
Machine learning is a process in which neural networks are used for external
processes as well as actual processes for the real neurons. Artificial
intelligence has a wide range of application in real life and according to the
future perspective, it will overwhelm the science and fiction (Jordan & Mitchell, 2015). The combination of
artificial intelligence with machine learning enables complex data processing
and provides accurate information (Shabbir & Anwer, 2015). With the
development and innovation of artificial intelligence, the golden age of
artificial intelligence dominated the focus of technology in an improved way.
Notably, the artificial intelligence integration improved activities of people
along with connectedness. The term artificial intelligence also refers to the
ability and capability to resolve the issues. The integration of artificial
intelligence is related to different functions such as memory, planning,
language, attention, and person perception (Brookings. edu, 2015). In the previous 10 years, stages of evolution
of intelligence are becoming an interesting subject of research. Machine
learning can be described as a discipline that is focused on two main
interrelated questions including a procedure to construct computer system that
automatically improve the experience and fundamental statistical computer
additional information on theoretical laws for the computer system in the organization
(Intellipaat. com, 2018). Machine learning
addresses the practical implementation of computer software and fundamental
scientific applications. In the past two decades, the progress of machine
learning is dramatically improved with the widespread uses of artificial
intelligence. Many developers working with artificial intelligence systems are
now considering applications of machine learning (Interesting engineering. com, 2017). The effect and advancement of machine
learning are broadly accepted in the computer science field and industries that
are concerned with the consumer services, data-intensive issues, controlling of
logistic change, and diagnosing the fault in the complex systems (Blockdelta. io, 2018). In different
respects, machine learning methods are developed to analyze experimental data
embedded with functions to improve the accuracy of experience. In the case of sustainable organizational
performance, the machine algorithm is developed to deal with a variety of
problems and data (Shabbir & Anwer, 2015). The conceptual
machine learning algorithms are provided with the optimize performance metric
and training experiences of the program. The machine learning algorithms can be
used to deal with the decision trees, general language programs, and
mathematical functions in the organization (Forbes. com, 2018).
evolution converters methods are developed to evaluate the generator successive
conditions and deal with different approaches. The purpose of the present work
is to define future influences of artificial intelligence in our daily
life. With the passage of time,
technology and artificial intelligence are growing by leaps and bounds (Shabbir & Anwer, 2015). Despite the facts
of proper use of technology for unemployment and overdependence, technology
holds a bright future for the users. It can be concluded that technology is
shaping our future in a better way. In the sequence of this condition, present
work is based on an evaluation of the data for individual performance and
project management processes in different organizations (Jordan & Mitchell, 2015). Under these considerations,
the aim of present work is to identify the frameworks regarding the future
perspective of machine learning and artificial intelligence and how it
transforms the lives of users (Shabbir & Anwer, 2015; Jordan & Mitchell,
Aims and objectives of Influence of
artificial intelligence
intelligence has substantially improved the lives of users in many ways. There
is a number of applications associated with the implementation of artificial
intelligence in organizations and real life (Jordan & Mitchell, 2015). The implementation
of artificial intelligence leads to time-saving conditions and increases the
output of the business from day by day human activities the development in
artificial intelligence as well as machine learning procedures directed human
effort to be reduced in many ways. The other applications are automatic
transport system, computerized methods, and involvement of human beings in
dangerous jobs (Shabbir & Anwer, 2015). It can be
considered that the dramatic influence of artificial intelligence on human life
open the doors of wonders related to the automatic process and activities.
Different types of methods and manuals are used to complete the process.
Looking forward to the automatic system of artificial intelligence in different
procedures to be completed by reducing actual activities, enabling the process
proceeds to move forward, and development of industries, the role of artificial intelligence and
machine learning is universally improved (Poola, 2017).
The concern of present work is to identify the role of artificial intelligence
and machine learning in human beings. Deep learning is considered for the
development of technology and scratch surface frontiers applications in
business. The sophisticated machines are
developed, and these machines can do work with the minimum human interventions.
The major goal of the present research is to provide a guideline related to
machine learning, dimensions and parameters of data points, complexity in the
process, and classical computational resources to resolve the problems under
defined frameworks (Shabbir & Anwer, 2015). The present deals
with probability approximated correction and polynomial-time computation
constraints to develop a relationship between learning algorithm, training data
size, error rates, the advancement of research with lower bound conditions (Shabbir & Anwer, 2015).
Timeframes of Influence of artificial
The artificial intelligence is quickly becoming a reality. The
statistical analysis of business and industry is the shows change of artificial
intelligence and higher uses in the industries.
Implementation of state of art technologies under artificial
intelligence alters the way of thinking and interaction with everyday
procedures for instance manufacturing process, education, healthcare,
investment in startups, big data, full market overview, voice search, virtual
digital assistants, and recognition of statistical analysis about current state
and future scope (Jordan & Mitchell, 2015; Shabbir & Anwer,
The statistical analysis about the role of artificial intelligence in present as
well as in future perspective are mentioned below,
By 2025, the expectation with the global
artificial intelligence market is about 16 billion dollars and previously in
2016, it was 1.4 billion dollars (Bigdata-madesimple. com, 2016).
By 2030, the expected growth in global GDP is
15.7 trillion dollars.
Increase in productivity is expected to be 40% (Forbes. com, 2018).
In the past two decades, artificial intelligent
status grew about 14 times more.
By comparing with 2000 statistics, investment in
artificial intelligence startups increased 6 times more.
About 77% of devices are featured with state of
the art technology (Intellipaat. com, 2018).
Google statistical analysis has strong believed
about the next year 2020, that robots will work the same as complex human
behaviors such as flirting and joking (Shabbir & Anwer, 2015).
The statistics
show the dependence of new system on artificial intelligence and how technology
is evolving to improve the functionality and working conditions of
organizations (Shabbir & Anwer, 2015).
Data collection of Influence of
artificial intelligence
artificial intelligence as the capability to intimate with human Intelligence
and to perform a different task through proper procedures. The abilities of
artificial intelligence are to perform different types of solving problems of
taking the decisions and thinking about the learning procedures. The artificial
intelligent machines and systems are in a position to deal with the tasks and
exercise errors. Currently artificial
intelligence applications in robotic cars, controlling traffic, minimizing
speeds, taking tension, and controlling the traffic (Shabbir & Anwer, 2015).
research considered the use of artificial intelligence, technological
development, and machine learning in different research areas. In order to
identify the future perspective of artificial intelligence and machine
learning, numerous consultations were carried out from secondary data such as
journal articles, website and academic researches (Shabbir & Anwer, 2015). Connected with the conditions,
the research embraces a new form of analysis based upon the previous
research. There are two methods use in
the present to collect the data and information about the implementation of
artificial intelligence and machine learning processes (Jordan & Mitchell, 2015). The first method is
previously defined as secondary sources of information while on the other hand,
the second method is to collect the data and information from the survey (Totalphase. com, 2017).
Data analysis of Influence of
artificial intelligence
artificial intelligence is creeping into the lives of human beings speedily
through scanning machines and GPS
navigations. The implementation of artificial intelligence in the
business have a higher contribution in potentializing of different areas of
business, for instance, technical processes, customer service, administration,
finance, sales, service, marketing, along with various factors (Shabbir & Anwer, 2015). No doubt with the
past few years, the digital efforts were not isolated by technical processes in
the companies. The digital efforts will be no longer isolated projects of the
companies but also involves technology is at different levels at artificial
intelligence to improve their competitiveness (Bigdata-madesimple. com, 2016). Artificial
intelligence integrates the system activities to the business. The major role
of artificial intelligence is on the replacement of human beings from the organization
and workplaces. It enables the workers to develop creativity and potential at
their maximum peak (Shabbir & Anwer, 2015). Introducing to new
technologies in Companies, electronic action traceability and security
considerations are required to take in confidence of Management. The present
work deals with the improvement of artificial intelligence an efficiency of
people while performing the works through machines and controlling the process (Shabbir & Anwer, 2015). This condition
leads to a question about the level of performances in human beings, economic
levels, and other conditions of work. The present work is about the future
perspective of artificial intelligence Technologies and to compare it with
human intelligence. In the present work,
we considered all the applied fields and develop the potential analysis of
artificial intelligence technique, potential management, benefits, and
improvement in the system (Jordan & Mitchell, 2015).
Future of Influence of artificial
and machine learning becoming emerging Technologies that advance the
systems. Considerable attention is drawn
towards the impact of public policy and Employment through artificial business
in the workplace (Bigdata-madesimple. com, 2016). Some researchers
worked on the impact of artificial intelligence on the development of robotics
and if the Robotics becomes more advanced is it possible to take the jobs and
what will be the impact of emerging technology on the public policy and
Employment rates (Shabbir & Anwer, 2015). The present
consideration includes improvement in emerging Technologies related to services
cost of available good quality and speed. This technology replaces a large
number of workers and minimizes the workforce. The impact of automation system
through modern technologies is evidence through economic conditions (Shabbir & Anwer, 2015). World wild number
of industrial developments is considered in service sectors fraction processes
and computer algorithms. The business operation improves due to the higher
trend of Technology in the workplace (Forbes. com, 2018). Some of the researchers and experts do
not agree with the impact of automation technology on the workflows while on
the other hand, some suggest segregation of unemployment through their services
(Interesting engineering. com, 2017). The automation
Technologies have a higher focus on the benefits of employment flexible
Technology, the use of artificial intelligence in the industry expands and
Income Tax credits. Perhaps, during the whole research work, proactive
questions were raised in the paper about the future perspective of uses and
activities (Shabbir & Anwer, 2015).
increase in the improvement of artificial intelligence management systems is
increasing. The idea of creating artificial intelligence levels the system to
be working in a simple way and deliberate with the different advantages and
different advantages. Many researchers identified different ideas of artificial
intelligence that can be improved by considering different solutions for
conditions (Jordan & Mitchell, 2015). The use of
artificial intelligence increases profitability and generates higher economic
growth rates. Addition two different innovative work the aim of artificial
intelligence is too robotic technology in the industries. Artificial
intelligence has revolutionized companies and system of production increases in
the work (Shabbir & Anwer, 2015). Higher
opportunities for work are developed that makes a procedure and work easier as
compared to the previous Technology (Jordan & Mitchell, 2015). The role of human
beings in the development of artificial intelligence is highly exclusive. The
artificial intelligence machine system is ethical and moral values of the
system increases with positive outcomes and higher engagement of customers and
people with the production process (Poola, 2017).
The advantages of artificial intelligence colonization of people living in
different areas and have potential efforts to fight with free space with
critical terms. Artificial intelligence has advantages in self-replicating
procedures and investigation of different Technologies such as teleportation
and cellular level travel (Intellipaat. com, 2018). The impact of
artificial intelligence is higher in economic condition and execute stock
trades for different Technologies in case of service sector computer algorithms
are executing the sufficiently higher role. The technologies are becoming
capable to do applications (Interestingengineering. com, 2017). Different experts
are agreeing on the size of the impact of digital Technologies places four
unemployment and Staging process. Flexible security is an idea to deal with
education Healthcare and Housing assistance. The expansion of incomes and
credits is proactively based on education and worth of the business (Intellipaat. com, 2018).
Application of Artificial intelligence
Self-driving cars of Influence of
artificial intelligence
intelligence has boosted the transport system advancement in the technology is
observed by considering self-driving Cars. Advancement in technology has utilized
different safety processes development processes and car making procedures (Brookings. edu, 2015). The self-driving
car moves around the ways. The technology is used to navigate crossroads and to
reduce accidental issues. The technology behind self-driving Cars improves the
lives of others and increases safety conditions for the people sitting in the
car. A number of accidents are occurring due to substantially reduced concern
and skills of driving (Blockdelta. io, 2018). The technology used
in self-driving Cars is multiple times greater than previous searches. The
factors that contribute to accidents include alcohol, drugs, lack of
experience, aggressive driving, over speeding, ignorance of road signs, study
reactions, and overcompensation over different conditions (Jordan & Mitchell, 2015). Statistical
analysis shows that total accidents occurring during the alcoholic conditions
and drug abuse are 40%. Consequently, more than 1100 drivers lost their lives
along with the passengers, therefore, the implementation of self-driving Cars
is especially required. From 2012, the US Department of Transportation is
working on different levels of automated cars such as trains and buses (Shabbir
& Anwer, 2015; Jordan & Mitchell, 2015).
Involvement in Dangerous Jobs of Influence
of artificial intelligence
intelligence had developed reports that are human beings in critical conditions
and hazardous situations. These robots
are taking positions of human being and doing dangerous jobs such as defusing
bombs. The development of robots to deal
with diffusion of bombs is highly required to increase the life rates (Shabbir & Anwer, 2015). In these very
boards are serving thousands of lives by doing dangerous jobs. Eventually, The
Other applications include processing with toxic substances, working under
intense heat, significant benefits of knowledge for environmental conditions,
and safety measures for human beings to have protection from harm (Jordan & Mitchell, 2015).
research conducted by BBC defined hazardous jobs conducted by robots. The
technological drones are being developed to deal with the physical process of
defusing the bombs and having control over the human being lives (Shabbir & Anwer, 2015). AI integration is
used to improve the machine function. The research conducted by Robot Worx
explained the role and process of robotic welding to deal with safety features
and to prevent human beings from working with dangerous fumes (Jordan & Mitchell, 2015).
Computerize methods of Influence of
artificial intelligence
role of artificial intelligence is improved in computerized methods to perceive
daily activities. The use of the navigation system and GPS system by the
drivers is an example of artificial intelligence role in human life. The
minimum occurrence of error is considered and observed in the prediction of the
computer-based system (Intellipaat. com, 2018). Furthermore,
artificial intelligence has used financial and banking management, organization
of statistical data, reducing the number
of errors and issues and utilization of state of the art technology to reduce
the number of errors and to improve the strategist of achievement. Besides
other factors, artificial intelligence has a higher wall in medical research
and diagnosis of complex disorders. Artificial intelligence has access to human
health risks and medical research by using artificial intelligence lead to
having an influence on the study of saving a life (Jordan & Mitchell, 2015; Poola, 2017).
Reduced Human Efforts by Influence of
artificial intelligence
of artificial intelligence have an essential role in human life and to perform
human activities. The consistent rate of production increases with effective
strategies and management in the workplace. Implementation of artificial
intelligence in the work process,
promises the error-free work, speeding up of the process, accuracy in
the results, and production improvement ability (Shabbir & Anwer, 2015). The companies and
management systems keep a record of work, extract the data, and the
decision-making process is based upon the data collected in the company.
Mainly, the role of artificial intelligence is associated with the production
and processing of industries for having business development and good times.
Artificial intelligence saves the time of human beings from solving complicated
issues significantly improve the lives of the users of ai technologies (Jordan & Mitchell, 2015).
Cyborg technology of Influence of
artificial intelligence
human brain and body have limited functionalities and works for a complex
situation. Researcher Shimon Whiteson
initiative to deal with the future of human beings by considering the state of
the art technology (Totalphase. com, 2017). The use of
computers in workplaces can increase natural ability to do work and this
possible in enhancement is known as cyborg technology. There are different
conditions according to convenience practical purposes. Under certain
conditions, the brain works as a robotic limb and control significant
conditions (Bigdata-madesimple. com, 2016).
Recommendation from evidence on Influence
of artificial intelligence
Before the release of an artificial intelligence system,
organizations should rigorously test for ensuring that they will not amplify
errors and biases due to any problems with algorithms, training data, and other
parts involved in the system design. Considering the fact that this is
consistently changing field, assumptions and methods of testing together with
results should be documented openly with transparent versioning for
accommodating new findings and updates. Organizations developing and profiting
from these systems must be accountable for leading the tests including
pre-release trials. This field is far from involving standardized
methods and that is the reason why testing methods should be open for
discussion and scrutiny. This openness will be quite significant if the field
of artificial intelligence is to develop robust methods of testing over time.
After the release of an
artificial intelligence system, the organization should continuously monitor
its usage across different communities and contexts. The outcomes and methods
of monitoring must be defined through rigorous and open processes, and have to
be accountable to the public. In high stakes contexts of decision-making, the
experiences and views of marginalized communities must be prioritized. Making
sure that algorithmic and AI systems are safe is very complex and has to be an
ongoing procedure through the life cycle of the system at hand. It is
completely different from a compliance checkbox that can easily be. Monitoring
across dynamic contexts and use-cases are necessary for ensuring that AI
systems do not introduce bias and errors as cultural domains and assumptions
change and shift. It is also significant to keep it in check that not many
models of AI have a general purpose where they might utilize add-ons like
facial recognition for plug-and-play. It means that organizations
providing general-purpose models of AI can also consider the choice of
licensing for an approved use where risks and downsides have been considered.
More policy and research making is required on the
utilization of artificial intelligence systems in the monitoring and management
of the workplace including HR and hiring. Specific attention must be given to
the potential effect of an AI system on labor practices and rights and must
concentrate on the potential for unintended reinforcement and behavioral
manipulation of bias in promotion and hiring. The
discussion around labor and artificial intelligence normally focus on the
displacement of labor, which is quite a serious issue. However, it is also very
important to keep the track of just how algorithmic and AI systems are utilized
within the workplaces at present for everything from rating performance to
surveillance and behavioral nudging. Given the potential of artificial
intelligence system in entrenching existing biases and reducing diversity, more
work is definitely required for understanding how artificial intelligence is
incorporated into practices, structures, scheduling, hiring, and management of
It is also important to the development of various
standards for tracking development, performance, and the utilization of
datasets throughout the life cycle. This is crucial for better monitoring and
understanding issues of representational skews and bias. In addition to the development of better
records for just how a dataset of training was maintained and created,
measurement researchers and social scientists within the bias study field of AI
should continue to test the existing datasets of training and work for
understanding biases and blind sport that might already bet at the work. Artificial
intelligence depends on data at a large-scale for making predictions and
detecting patterns. Human history is reflected by this data and also reflects
prejudices and biases from the dataset of training. Techniques of machine
learning excel at picking such statistical designs, normally omitting the
diverse outlier for generalizing common cases. Therefore, it is significant
that research about bias should not consider data at the face value and it must
begin by understanding where data utilized for training systems of AI came from
and validating the assumptions and methods that shape a certain dataset over a
specific time period. With an understanding of this, bias and errors reflected
in data can be understood in a better way while also developing ways of
mitigating them during the collection and creation of data.
AI bias mitigation and research should be expanded
beyond a simple and narrow technical approach. Issues related to bias are
structural and long-term, and contending with them seems to necessitate
in-depth interdisciplinary research. Furthermore, the technical approach
looking for a one-time solution for a fairness risk, oversimplify the
complexity of a social system. In different domains such as criminal justice,
healthcare, or education, bias's legacies and movements towards strong equality
have their own practices and histories. These legacies cannot be resolved
without depending on the domain expertise. Addressing fairness will need
interdisciplinary methods and collaboration across different areas and
The recent increment in the work in algorithmic and AI
bias is actually an excellent sign. However, taking a purely technical approach
is still not safe. After all, there is a risk that networks and systems are
only optimized without any understanding of what to optimize for. It means that
computer scientists can learn more about the underlying inequalities in terms
of the structure that shape the data and contextual incorporation of artificial
intelligence systems by collaborating with the experts of the domain in fields
like communication, anthropology, sociology, medicine, and law. Powerful
standards for understanding and auditing the use of artificial intelligence is
complex systems is needed urgently. The development of such standards will need
the perspective of diverse coalitions and disciplines. The procedure by which
such types of standards are developed must be accountable publicly and subject
to revision and review in a periodic manner.
At present, there are no established procedures for the
assessment and measurement of the effects of artificial intelligence systems as
they are utilized in certain social contexts. This is quite a significant
issue, considering the determinations that AI systems are impacting across
various domains. The development of such methods and standards should be the
top priority for the field of AI. Conferences, universities, and companies
along with other stakeholders in the field of artificial intelligence should
release data on the involvement of minorities and women in the development and
research of AI. Now, many seem to recognize that the present absence of
diversity in artificial intelligence is an important issue which is required
for measuring the progress. And beyond this, a deeper assessment of the
cultures at workplaces is needed in the technology industry that needs going
beyond the simple recruitment of minorities and women towards creating more
inclusive workplaces.
The perspectives and assumptions of those who develop
systems of artificial intelligence will shape them. Often, developers of
artificial intelligence are male with similar backgrounds in terms of training
and education. However, beyond the general diversity statistics of the
technology industry, there are some efforts for better understanding of the
problem of diversity in the field of artificial intelligence. If artificial
intelligence is to be widely relevant, fair, and safe, efforts must be focused
on tracking inclusion and diversity while ensuring that the culture in which
artificial intelligence is being designed is welcoming to all types of experts. The industry of
artificial intelligence should be recruit professionals from areas beyond
engineering and computer science while making sure that they have the power of
making decisions. With the movement of AI towards diverse institutional and
social domains, affecting the emerging high-stake decisions, time and effort
must be concentrated on the integration of legal scientists, social scientists,
and others with the domain expertise capable of guiding the integration and creation
of artificial intelligence into established practices and long-standing
Just as a lawyer cannot optimize a DNN or deep neural
network, a technical AI engineer or researcher cannot also be expected to be
professionals in the criminal justice or any other type of social domain where
the technical system is being incorporated. Domain experts must be there for
helping the prime process of decision making while ensuring that systems of AI
don't misunderstand the contexts, complex histories, and processes in sectors
like education, health, and law. Ethical codes with the objective of steering
the field of artificial intelligence must be supported by strong accountability
mechanisms and oversight. Furthermore, more work is required on how to
connect high-level guidelines and principles of ethics for best practices to
the development processes, release cycles of product, and promotion on a daily
Various groups of computing industry are developing the
codes of ethics for ensuring the development fair and safe artificial
intelligence but these codes are generally voluntary and high –level, asking
the developers of AI to prioritize the general or common good. However, such
codes will have to be interlinked to clear and precise systems of
accountability while remaining aware of the power asymmetries and incentive
structure at work in the industry of AI.
Sustainable organizational performance of Influence
of artificial intelligence
One of the most significant and powerful examples
of modern environmentalism's limits is to push for green energy. For combating
climate change and other types of pollution, it is significant to shift to
geothermal, nuclear, wind, and solar sources of energy. However, while the
technology exists to obtain a large area of energy from these sources,
utilities and businesses have trouble integrating them into daily operations.
Each method of generation is suited to companies in different areas and with distinct
use needs of energy. Figuring out just which solution will offer the required
outcomes takes a lot of time and efforts, and has a great potential for error.
Applications of AI can determine how to implement green energy far more
effectively and quickly than human planners are capable of. Companies can feed
that data regarding energy to an application of AI which can compare these
patterns to all the available sources of sustainable energy, and identifying
the one which meets the requirements of organization properly while generating
extra-costs as minimum as possible. Artificial intelligence can also determine
the potential roadblocks in the process of adoptions so companies are prepare
to minimize those issues.
In addition to the climate and pollution change,
humanity is actually having a profound impact on wildlife ecosystems and
populations. As the usage of land is increasing, it is becoming less for the
life of plants and animals that play a significant role in the regional and
local environments. Although private initiatives and local governments try to
limit this type of threats, understanding what areas and resources need to be
saved for wildlife population is the key to effectively protect ecosystems.
Systems of artificial intelligence have the capability of resolving this issue.
By analyzing the extensive data on migration and feeding patterns of wildlife,
AI applications can offer intelligence on what areas should be saved for
keeping the wildlife ecosystem safe. This way, sustainability can be maintained
with the use of artificial intelligence (Villa, Ceroni, Bagstad, Johnson, & Krivov, 2009).
Conclusion on Influence of artificial
Overall, it can be
said that artificial intelligence plays a very important role in not only
supporting technologies but also enhancing the capabilities of organizations
operating at different levels. Artificial intelligence as technology is quite
close to fiction as it enables the development of applications that are beyond
the traditional processes of development. Artificial intelligence has
substantially improved the lives of users in many ways. There is a number of
applications associated with the implementation of artificial intelligence in
organizations and real life. Currently artificial intelligence as the
capability to intimate with human Intelligence and to perform a different task
through proper procedures. The abilities of artificial intelligence are to
perform different types of solving problems of taking the decisions and
thinking about the learning procedures. AI not only plays an integral role in
the development of applications but it also assists in the maintenance of
sustainability of the environment. Organizations can use applications of
artificial intelligence to keep sustainability in check. However, it is very
important to consider testing artificial intelligence various times before
making it public. The impact of artificial intelligence is higher in economic
conditions and executes stock trades for different technologies in case of
service sector computer algorithms are executing the sufficiently higher role. The
artificial intelligence is even creeping into the lives of human beings speedily
through scanning machines and GPS navigations.
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