efficient market hypothesis is the financial theory that states that the prices
of the stock provide all the information about the true value of the assets. In
recent years the economic crisis of 2008-2009 has raised many questions regarding
the efficient market hypothesis. Many individuals believe that the efficient
market hypothesis is responsible for the financial crisis. The reason for which
many believes that an efficient market hypothesis does not exist is that if the
financial markets were efficient, then why investors unable to perform well in
the securities and housing markets (Malkiel, 2011).
in my opinion, there have been restrictive interpretation of the efficient
market hypothesis. The EMH does not state that the prices of the assets will
always be correct or wrong. In addition EMH has never stated that the bubbles
in the prices of the assets will never exist. It means that EMH is strongly
supported by the data, and EMH can exist with behavioral finance. Therefore it
can be said that there is a need to interpret the EMH theory correctly (Courtois, 2009).
1. Clearly outline the arguments in favor of
and against the independence of central banks. Recent debate has focused on the
importance of central bank independence in their role setting monetary policy.
In this context, what is your view as to the importance of the existence of an
independent central bank?
central bank plays a key role in controlling the supply & demand of money.
The central bank is the “lender of last resort” and responsible for financial
stability in any country. Many economists believe that the central banks have
key role in economic stability hence central bank should be independent in creating
the monetary policy. There are many reasons for making the central bank
independent. The first reason for which the bank should be made independent is
to avoid providing funds for government deficits. If the central bank will be
independent than the political parties or politicians will unable to use the
central bank as scapegoat.
politicians do not have necessary knowledge or expertise regarding the monetary
policy, and if the politicians are going to interfere in the matters of the
central bank than the central bank might unable to create efficient economic
policy. That is why many economists believe that the central bank should be
independent in making monetary policy. Although there are many arguments which
are in favor of the independence of central bank however there are some
arguments which are against the independence of central bank.
first argument against independence is that the accountability of the bank will
suffer up to lot of extents. If the central bank is made independent than
public might have no control over the entity. If central bank has been
independent than the bank can work in its own best interest and might neglect
the overall benefit of the country or economy.