Introduction of
Intercultural Communication Problems in the Workplace related to formalities,
assumptions, and body language interpretation in different countries.
The main Since the four million years human beings have a relationship
with each other by communicating. In another case, the culture birth is
estimated and the figures are calculated as the birth of the culture was occurs
around 35000 years ago. Now a day,
communications well as culture both are changed considerably. It has become interdependent
for one another. In the straight forward words, it can be said that the
communication of the region is interlinked with the culture of the country and
region. Hence; there is the deep impact of our culture on our thoughts and the
human thoughts build according to its culture.
Yet there are distinct aspects of each culture and human thoughts are
changed according to that culture. Even human thoughts developed along with the
perceptions and cultures of human beings (Carbaugh, 2013).
Due to intercultural communication, various kinds of disorders and
conflicts can raise and this intercultural communication can be the cause of
the various issues in society. There three most important and major issues that
are considered as the root cause of the miscommunication of intercultural.
These important issues are also known as the problems of intercultural
communication and these problems are; formalities, assumptions, and body language. For instance, body language can be understand by the
viewpoint of Ramjee (20179, as she exlianed that “Among different cultures, combinations of verbal communication and
body language can have different meanings, and this can lead to
misunderstandings. For example, if you ask a co-worker if he understood the
report you gave him and he smiles, you may interpret his reaction as an
affirmative” On the other hand, his smile may have anotehr meaning, which
is different from your assumption. These are some of the most important factors that play an essential
role in intercultural communication (Griffin, 2012).
The aspects of social communication can be actualized by the numerous
processes of internationalization and globalization. It’s played a significant
role in the cooperation of the cross-cultural environments as well as it was
developed in the second half of this century. There are several problems that
can create from the contacts of the numerous cultures. These problems occurdue
to miscommunication in various cultures and sometimes it becomes the cause of
the major conflicts at workplaces. The
concepts of intercultural communication have been developed in the second half
of the 20th century. There are several problems that can be generated
due to the contacts of the numerous cultures and these occur due to the
mismatching of the values, beliefs, norms, and features of the world partners (Sorrells, 2015).
According to
Jenifer & Raman (2015), “It is
broadly recognized that
cultural factors act
as invisible barriers
in international business communications. Understanding
cultural differences is one of the most significant skills for firms to
develop in order
to have a
competitive advantage in
international business” The major aim of this is the allocation and
contextualization of the various factors that are required for determining the
affiliation for one of the crops in order to improve the cooperation in the
various cross-cultural issues. This paper explores the problems that are raisedin
the workplace due to cross-cultural communication. This paper determines and explains
the views of cross-cultural communication by comparing it with the culture of
the different countries. Most importantly; Intercultural Communication Problems in the Workplace
related to formalities, assumptions and body language in different countries
will be critically analyzed along with relevant theories of the various authors
that are particularly conducted on intercultural communication.
Problem statements of
Intercultural Communication Problems in the Workplace related to formalities,
assumptions, and body language interpretation in different countries.
of the most important problems that are analyzed and observed in this study is
related to the barriers or problems that occur due to intercultural
communication in an organization. The problem of intercultural communication
cannot obsess in our daily routines and then to chases such kinds of problemsinthe
workplace become the most important issues that can be solved. Due to such
kinds of barriers in any organization, the concepts of diversification always
applied in the entire organization.
study is particularly conducted in order to analyze the problems of
intercultural communication because it has huge impacts on the performance of
the organization or workplace.In order to the emergence of the most important
concepts among the various languages and the standards of the various languages
that are particularly utilized in any organization, the rules for globalization
are necessary. In every language, the existence of social linguistics has been
documented in effective manners.
existence of such languages isusually legitimate that is linked with social,
educational, historical and economic conditions. Therefore; if the dictionaries
of all possible languages will be studied by individuals than; it is impossible
to attain the success of all languages. Moreover; the pronunciation become major
gaps of the languagessometimes.Inter-cultural communications would be the discussed and it
is the study which tells us about the peoples of the different region means how
the people are different from each other and what’s their cultural background what
are similarities and differences they have and they try to communicate
crosswise their culture.
communication is also the field of cross-cultural communication. Intercultural
communications are categorized into eight sorts and represented: (1) when to
talk; (2) what to state; (3) pacing and delaying; (4) the craft of tuning in;
(5) pitch; (6) what is traditional and what isn't in a language; (7) level of
indirectness and (8) union and coherence.(Tannen, 2011). Due to the growth of international
business internet and many other technologies it becomes very important for
study demonstrates cross-cultural communication in the performance of
multicultural teams. The relationship supports the studies of the various
authorsin which cross-cultural communication impacts on the multicultural
performance of the team. It has been confirmed that there exists a significant
positive association among the degree of the competence of the cross-cultural
communication of the member of the multicultural team and the multicultural
team performance. The result of the numerous studies supports the argument that
the competence of the cross-cultural model is the combination of interpersonal
skills and effective team skills are the ability to managing cultural empathy,
and cultural uncertainty serves as the model for effective team members (Bella, 2002).
Theory of
Intercultural Communication Problems in the Workplace related to formalities,
assumptions, and body language interpretation in different countries.
order to explain the relationship of the communication and culture the most
important theory is discussed. This theory is tittle as the “capitalism and globalization”
It has been argued by the French economist Michel Beaued, (2001) that the
capitalism is considered as the one of the most complex social logic which can
not be decrerase for the erconomic dimensions. The concept of the captilsim can
be understand by considering the various points sucha as political, social,
ethical, cultyral and ideogical. These all are the major issues that have
concerned with the captilisim and its relevant theory (Ladegaard, 2015). It has been argued by the neumerous
economist that the captlism evleoved naturally. The theiry of the captlism is
reffefd as the best for the association among the consumers, captlist and
labrorers. It has been noted that Robbins “The
culture of the captlism is devoted in order to encoyraging the production nad
sales of the commodities” (Robinson, 2014).But this theory can
not actually implemted for the cutral term because the human beings are not
driven by nature in order to acquire the
things and accumulate the wealth
that the theeroy of the captlisim discvuess the colonialism in accordance to
explore its cultural point of views along with the various communication ideas.
It discuss the history of the advanceemnts of the China at the beginning of the
1400s; at the time China also has efficient and sophisticated trade practices.
At that time China has its own miltioary and political as well as social
orghnaozatuion in order to participates in the global world. The intecul;atral
market place is alao exoplanied under the theory of the capatlism becuaes;
neumeropus cultural experinces, cultural; forms has become the most importanmt
things and part of the internation market .There si gap among the customs and
wayws of living of the peolle at internation level (Acemoglu, 2014). When these peoples are gettogether at same platform in any work plce
they must have to select medium of copmmunication in to overcome the problems
of the intercuoltuarl communication. The
concepts of the captlism as well as globalization can be strictly implemted on
the interculatural communication.
According to Giles (2016), “Of
all these frameworks, communication accommodation theory (CAT) has, arguably,
attracted the most cross-disciplinary, international research around the
globe.” It means that role of this theory has been critical for overall
research in the field of communication.
Analysis &
Applications of Intercultural Communication Problems in the Workplace
related to formalities, assumptions, and body language interpretation in
different countries.
performance of the multicultural team in transnational and global corporations
has been the catch-all phrase for studies of the cultural diversity within the
organizational environment. Understanding how the culturally diverse team’s
performance will be enhanced is becoming the central objective of the research
of the contemporary organization. The past studies do not explain the impact of
the competence of cross-cultural communication on the performance of the teams
in Saudi Arabia whereas it becomes the major aspect to study in Saudi Arabia
because after vision 2030 the diversity at workplaces of Saudi Arabia enhances(Kent, 2011).
It is seen that many of the Indians are hired
by Saudi Companies so, it becomes essential to understand that how this
diversity in the team affects their performance and what are the barriers that
need to overcome for improving the multicultural team performance. This study,
through its empirical analysis, contributes to past studies and overcome the
gap in the literature (Oetzel, 2017).
study shows that orientations of the national culture of the member of
multicultural teams impact the choice of the communicative behavior that in
turn, influence the leadership style and the management approaches. It shows
that the efficient multicultural teams of the organizations support the
organizations in reducing the cost of the international operations, improving
its productivity and also reducing the risk of the failure of the global
also shows that if the employees and managers of the organization are highly
competent in dealing and working with multicultural team members, the company's
understanding of the international market improves that support their
sustainable growth. The study shows that the association between the competence
of cross-cultural communication and performance of the multicultural team is
more composite and difficult than that is suggested in the literature, so
manager’s efficiency is needed for attaining high performance of the
multicultural teams. Therefore, by empirical analysis and its results, this
study effectively contributes to the academic work of diversity and
multicultural team research settings (Angouri, 2013).
study is determining the communication behavior of India and Saudi and shows
why the managers of India and Saudi Arabia differ from each other related to
the perception of cross-cultural communication competence. A team having
different cultural members can deal with each other in ineffective ways.
results show that to establish a good relationship with various countries,
people at work are not so challenging to manage according to Saudi but is
difficult for Indian managers and employee’s perception. Team members listen to
the opinions of others and share and also discuss their views with each other
to collaborate effectively. It is challenging to manage cultural uncertainties
because of the difference in language and communication style. It is difficult
to talk to cross-cultural and communicate with them. It also gives the chance
to learn different languages from different countries.
languages of India and Saudi are very different, but the results show that by
working together in a team it is not very difficult to understand another
language. It shows that many teams involve their members in the decision-making
process and don’t deal with any member of his cultural background. This shows
that studies confirmed the second hypothesis that by more individualism and
through lower the power distance the managers and employees of Saudi Arabia
attain a high score in the dimension of interpersonal skills as compared to
more collectivism and the higher power of distance of Indian managers and
managers lead the more efficient teams as compared to Indian is also supported
by the results of the study. The results highlight that most of the people
treat cross-cultural members nicely and work with mutual understanding and also
requires the good communication that support them to share information and
discuss issues opening and effectively among the team. The results show that
most of the people engage with their team members in meaningful communication
with people of different countries as same as they treat their people and
respect their diverse culture.
thought that it is very exciting for them to work with cross-cultural people
because it gives the platform to gain more knowledge from them and to
understand their culture and traditions and to share more information with
them. People coming from India follow their culture and people of Saudi Arabia
follow there, so being a team, it provides the platform to understand each
other and identifies the similarities and differences in cultures.
Conclusion of
Intercultural Communication Problems in the Workplace related to formalities,
assumptions, and body language interpretation in different countries.
is also concluded that establishing a good relationship with different
countries people at work is essential for attaining high performance and also
this imposes a positive impact on the decision making the process of the
diverse cultural team. The study suggests that the team members have to listen
to the opinions of others and also share information between the team members
and also discuss their views with each other to collaborate in an effective
manner that imposes a positive impact on the performance of the team. The study
also concludes that it’s difficult to manage cultural uncertainties because of
the difference in language and communication style. It’s also difficult to talk
to cross-cultural and communicate with them. So, through training, the company
reduces the language barrier and gives a chance for people to learn different
languages from different countries.
Praxis of
Intercultural Communication Problems in the Workplace related to formalities,
assumptions, and body language interpretation in different countries.
Recommendations of
Intercultural Communication Problems in the Workplace related to formalities,
assumptions, and body language interpretation in different countries.
study provides a novel viewpoint on the understanding and the analysis of the
communicative behavior within the multicultural teams. In today's contemporary
world, it is seen most of the companies for their sustainable growth prefer to
have people that belong to diverse backgrounds. The diversity is embraced at
the workplace because many of the top managers of the world recognize
differences as the key factor and driving force of success. They also prefer a
team working, but it is seen that teams that have multicultural members face
conflicts and barriers like an issue in communication because of different
language and ideas that impose a negative impact on the performance of the
team. So, this study, through its analysis, supports the managers and employees
on how the competency of the cross-cultural communication impacts their team
performance in which members belong to diverse cultural belonging people. The
study findings provide implications for the managers of the companies that have
multicultural employees and are committed to enhancing the productivity and the
performance of the team.
Further Research of
Intercultural Communication Problems in the Workplace related to formalities,
assumptions, and body language interpretation in different countries.
study attempted to clarify the association between the performance and the
communication behaviors and the influence of the national cultural setting of
the members of the team on their communication and performance. This study
compares the Saudi and Indian employee's and managers' perceptions related to
the competence of the cross-culture impact on team performance. It shows that
most people coming from India follow their culture and people of Saudi Arabia
follow there that affect team working.
For being a team, they have to work celibately. Future researchers have
to investigate strategies that provide the platform to understand each other
and identifies the similarities and differences in cultures.
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assumptions, and body language interpretation in different countries.
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