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Report on Climate change of Bhutan

Category: Earth Sciences Paper Type: Report Writing Reference: APA Words: 3200


Country Summary of Climate change of Bhutan

 Bhutan is the country that aims to still with carbon-neutral that develops on a commitment that already exists in 2010, it technically falling into the insufficient rating as a situation that moves towards the CAT to rate the Paris agreement pledge of Bhutan as 2o C compatible. Its sequestration capacity currently shows increase GHG emissions from the other sectors and also lead to carbon neutrality as the forestry sector is pivotal for the Bhutanese carbon neutrality pledge.  From the least developed country status, Bhutan prepares to graduate, and two main issues also anticipated. It loses access to concessional financing as the first surrounds the sustainability of Bhutan's debt from the hydropower projects. From the industry and energy sector, the second issue explains the increase in emissions. Bhutan's draft energy efficiency roadmap identified measures in the building, appliances, and industry sector ay national, household, and industrial levels to reduce in emission as recognizing the importance of energy efficiency in enhancing economic benefits, energy security, and independence.

GHG emissions in Bhutan

Bhutan also aims to remain the neutral carbon in its nationally determined contribution that develop on the agreement already develop in 2010. From land use, land-use change, and forestry, this means that Bhutan willing to establish GHG emissions that lower the total carbon sink of the country. Form remaining stock of carbon-neutral without actual needs specify, the government also asked for the support at the international level. But on this target, any condition should not apply. Many other developing countries also adopted that approach departure. As a least developed country and loses access to concessional financing, the international support will become increasingly crucial as Bhutan graduates from its current status. Bhutan reaches its target level that develops with the pair’s agreement, but the CAT rating of Bhutan's NDC would be insufficient without assessing the LULUCF sector.

Pledges and targets of Climate change of Bhutan

By ensuring Bhutan that its GHG emission will not maximize the sink capacity of its all forests and in its NDC, Bhutan reaffirmed its goals and targets to still keep in the position of carbon neutral. To obtain their targets for the betterment, the government also asks for support from the international community with great efforts. No, any technical or financial support requirement is specifically explained at a concrete level. Its sequestration capacity currently exceeds GHG emission from any other sectors as the forestry sector us pivotal for the Bhutanese carbon neutrality pledge. Bhutan has a constitutional mandate to develop this share of more than 60%, and the forests currently cover 70% of the land of Bhutan. According to the royal government of Bhutan 2015, the government of Bhutan pledges to stable the current level of cover forests in its NDC. Worth USD 14 billion per year, according to the Royal Government of Bhutan 2012, the government estimates explain that the forestry sector is Bhutan also provides ecosystem services to maintain their environment and establish the level of carbon neutral. Bhutan is also moving to the compatible level, whereas in the past is was considering insufficient rating for the environment perspective.

It is 2oC compatible explains that its commitments with the rating pattern are consistent with the Copenhagen goal with the 2009 and also fair within the country fair share range according to the new patter of estimations. But the issue is that with the pair's agreement, they are not fully consistent. If, according to this range, all the government targets fall, then its arming could be held below, but not more than 2oC, and this limit are also very high for the Paris agreement whose limit is 1.5o.

Fair share of Climate change of Bhutan

In the fair share, Bhutan shows its true sharing in climate development and also explains its role in the changing climate. Following the best available science, the Paris agreement requires global GHG emissions to peak as soon as possible and also undertake rapid reduction, so in the second half of the century, according to Paris agreement, a balance between anthropogenic emission must be obtained through sources and also remove the sinks of GHGs. The actual reason behind this issue is that the mitigation pledges excluding LULUCF by climate action tracker rates. As per uncertainty and difficult to access, the LULUCF is the current sources for the mitigation measures and also global emission in this sector.

According to current situations, Bhutan is fall in the position of carbon sink balancing for the source of emission and also the carbon-neutral today. The targets which the Paris agreement required for the second half of the century, Bhutan already reached that target. This is the actual reason why Bhutan comes in the compatible category instead of insufficient rating and also upgrades the position of Bhutan at the international level. Bhutan risking the breakdown of its carbon neutrality as the concern also explain that industry emission and energy are increased in the project and could bring Bhutan in a most difficult position for the transaction of long term low carbon. In light of different national circumstances, there is also space for enhancing the level of Bhutan for its ambition, and it should be possible to reach a higher position. So the environment of Bhutan is considered most suitable for the carbon emission and also shows these effects in the long term and helpful in maintaining the climate condition of Bhutan that supports the environment.

Current policy projections of Climate change of Bhutan

There are a number of measures that can cause deviation from the BAU by the government. These all measurements utilize in Bhutan for the environment and climate control include the 2010 economic development policy, Bhutan transport 2040, the national strategy and action plan for low carbon development, and also the national environment protection act 2007.draft energy efficiency roadmap of Bhutan also explains that from the energy-consuming sectors also save the potential energy as the rationale for energy efficiency and its purposes of enhancing the country's energy security.  by the international collaboration and identification of the financial source, budget requirement, clear institutional roles and responsibilities of the agencies, and also proper feasibility study, the identified inventories are first to be preceded. From increasing the consumption of energy per capita, Bhutan’s projected increase in emissions results to a large degree.

2020 it is expected that the emission also reaches a 2.2 MtCO2 level from the electricity sector. Rural electrification master plan also establishes by the government of the Bhutan that utilizes the rate of electrification in 2013 at a 100% level. To promote energy efficiency in the industry sector, the government of Bhutan is placing a lot of emphasis on capacity-building measures. The aim of Bhutan is to implement and develop the reporting guidelines, energy audits, and energy efficiency codes in the industry sector. The government of Bhutan aims to promote energy efficiency by developing standards and labeling schemes. It formulates the reporting guidelines and energy audits. For sustainable building, the government also offers voluntary guidelines in the country. Energy consumption in the form of petrol and diesel also increases due to the major demand for transport. The imports of vehicles also increase. Different priority interventions also identified related to pollution concerns that include enforcement of fuel efficiency standards, development, hybrid vehicles and promote electric vehicles and also the expansion of mass transit options.

Assumptions of Climate change of Bhutan

From the IPCC fourth assessment report, the CAT uses the global warming potential value for the time series and figures. From the IPCC’s second assessment report, the whole assessment is completed until December 2018.

For 1994, 2000, and 2009, the historical emission for the second national communities also provided. Between 1994 and 2000, we also assume the linear interpolation. Using growth rates from the EIA and US-EPA government has fill the gaps in the data series up to 2009 using different growth rates. For Bhutan, the CAT at present does not have any current policy scenario because of the limited availability of data. Instead, a reference scenario is utilized for the Bhutan that based on the ABD report for further continues. To the historical emission, the ABD growth scenario is utilized for better results and show major improvements.

By the department of renewable energy, additional policy projections are depending on the energy efficiency roadmap of Bhutan. In the building, appliances and industry sector, the report includes energy efficiency improvement policies. As a reduction from baseline emission for all sectors, the resulting emission reductions are also presented. Forms the basis of our current policy projection calculations, the reductions also appear from the baseline emission. Every year the reduction in emission is calculated in the percentage, and it affects the performance of Bhutan. So Bhutan has many climate change issues in its consumption and production sector and also industry sector. But the government has established such policies and procedures that can help in maintain the climate of Bhutan and also implement positive change in the climate according to the current environment and also maintain a level of satisfaction in the country according to its environment requirement. (climateactiontracker.org, 2019)

Thailand of Climate change of Bhutan
Country summary of Climate change of Bhutan

In Thailand the impact of climate change also known as prolonged droughts that violent flooding, sea-level rise, and health-related issue, decrease agricultural and fishery yield  that will likely and seriously create multiple problems from many decades. These issues include many kinds like a conflict with China over dam building, damage to the tourism industry, a flood of new immigrants and refugees, water management challenges and heightening of class-related tensions. Due to shortcomings in both the planning and implementation processes, the government has begun framing policies to both adapt to and mitigate climate change in response to that matter. The political issue of Thailand also affects the decision-maker. The politician economy and the institutional structure also helps in maintaining the capacity to handle climate change, and these capacities also improve as per the democratizes country.

Within the region, the water resource management with the drought also increases the tension. Due to china's issue on the dam the water level of the country also falls in danger. In the Mekong basin, the affecting factor is the amount of rainfall that creates water management issues in the region. Rivers also experience a low level of water because the rainy season start late and end soon the actual requirements never met timely. In both the medium and long term in Thailand, the climate change is an important issue. Many different natural disasters annually affect the intensity and frequency of climate change. And this climate change also affects food production in a negative way. Such natural disasters also show a great burden on the governments, and climate change creates a problem between Thailand and its neighbors like energy policy, water management, and refugee settlement.

Climate change in Thailand of Climate change of Bhutan

Climate change is the major affected process that affects the world at large scale. Thailand is one of those countries that get affected due to its geographical location and its level of development and its economic condition. Thailand is also facing the impact of climate change at the global level. The temperature in Thailand is increasing every year by one degree Celsius. Due to anthropogenic human-based activities, the increase in greenhouse gas concentrations also appear. The local develop model explains that in Thailand, the mean temperature increase and daily basis by 1.2 to 1.9 degrees Celsius that reached till 2050. The number of rainy days and the level of perception of rain is also going to increase in Thailand.

The decline in the annual perceptions also shows a major impact on the climate of Thailand. Many experts in the environment also claim that may be shorter events may overcome this impact and also increase the intensity through floods and destructive storms.


Two different trends also appear in the climate as an increase in temperature and decline in annual precipitations and also many others like an addition in the sea level rise and also extreme weather condition, through them the amount of carbon also accumulate in the atmosphere. Such expected accelerates a major issue for the environment of Thailand and also creates many issues for its business environment, also affect its economy due to low income and also affect the production sector in Thailand.

There are many environmental problems that appear in Thailand that may cause climate change and also affect its productivity and income-generating set up of Thailand. Different precipitations patterns in Thailand also show many determinants according to climate change as Asian monsoon, EI Nino southern oscillation events, and tropical cyclones that researched and debated by many experts.

The uncertainty is always present in the environment, but some predictions and precautionary measurements also helpful to determine safety measurements according to an upcoming problem and also try many environmental aspects to safe Thailand from any type of environmental problem. prediction of future is not an easy task for the experts but with the passage of time the experts can predict the upcoming issues and also determine better solutions for the climate of Thailand and save the country from major damages and also provide better precautionary measurements for better development of the country and make its position strong at the global level. (MARKS, 2011)

Climate change impact of Climate change of Bhutan

All around the world, climate change has major impacts. Thailand is also facing the climate change impact and deal with the great struggle  that is also part of the pressure of ecological that introduce  the hydropower dams, coastal erosion, urbanization and deforestation  related to the environment. Thailand is facing many extreme weather events as a hone to a population of almost 70 million people, and they also face many disasters like droughts and floods that can cause major climate change. In 2011, Thailand also faced is worst experience related to the flood  that takes repair cost more than the US $46 billion and also nationally rehabilitation and also spends Bangkok alone the US$8 billion. More than 13 million people got affected due to the impact of the flood, and more than 500 deaths also reported.

Between 2015 to 2016, the national hydro informatics and climate data center also recorded prolonged droughts and a significant period recurrent that show the lowest water level of nationwide reservoirs. The agriculture yield, as well as the droughts, significantly lower the length of growing seasons in 2016. Along the river, the economy study explains that focus on trends in the condition of extreme weather  and that was developed in the next two decades  that also cause many issues on the rice production and also minimize the level of production in the country.


Explanation of graph of Climate change of Bhutan

Due to climate change in Thailand, the country and its people has to face any issue related to its business, industry, production area and also cultivations process and also face the water management issues according to people requirement. There are also many crises faced by Thailand at global level but with the passage of time these problems may overcome according to technology and innovative strategies that help in prediction of the nay major change in the climate that cause irregular season of rains of shortage of rain and Thailand also take precautionary measurements to handle these issue by using advanced technologies and also make future plans to face such problems in more better way. There are also many climate problems that Thailand face, but it can be handled and resolve with the time and experts of climate change can determine the better solution to overcome all the issues in a most appropriate manner and also maintain the level of the economic condition of the country according to a global level.

Climate change policies of Climate change of Bhutan

Climate change also follows many different policies that help stabilize the global climate and working collaboratively. In making its policy agenda for enhancing climate resilience, Thailand takes many steps also take for the country's development. Thailand also submitted an intended nationally determined contribution plan with the Paris agreement 2015. From the projected business as the usual approach by 2030, the plan includes a 20-25% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. According to the government's point of view, different functions also implemented in the mainstreaming of climate change in the budgeting and planning functions as the office of natural resources and environmental policy and planning and office of national economic and social development board as different national institutions.

Thailand climate change master plans 2015- 2050 is implemented under the instruction of direction of ministry of natural resources and the environment as a continuous framework for action plan and integrated policies related to climate change, and it is also developed by the ONEP with the SDGs by 2050, the plans lay out a vision to obtain climate-resilient and low carbon growth in line. As establishing a working plan, the Thailand national adaption plan is drafted and in the process according to new and updated requirements. There are many relevant policies that focus on the submission of INDC of Thailand related to SDGs achievement and also include waste management roadmaps, national industrial development master plan, environmentally sustainable system plan, alternative energy development plan, Thailand smart grid development master plan, and also include the power plants development plan with many others and these all are implemented in Thailand according to requirements and need of the environment. (thailand.opendevelopmentmekong.ne, 2018).

Due to shortcomings in both the planning and implementation processes, the government has begun framing policies to both adapt to and mitigate climate change in response to that matter. The political issue of Thailand also affects the decision-maker. The politician economy and the institutional structure also helps in maintaining the capacity to handle climate change, and these capacities also improve as per the democratizes country. Within the region, the water resource management with the drought also increases the tension. Due to china's issue on the dam, the water level of the country also falls in danger. In the Mekong basin, the affecting factor is the amount of rainfall that creates water management issues in the region. Rivers also experience a low level of water because the rainy season start late and end soon the actual requirements never met timely. In both the medium and long term in Thailand, climate change is the important issue

Reference of Climate change of Bhutan

Climateactiontracker.org. (2019, September 9). Bhutan. Retrieved from             climateactiontracker.org/countries/bhutan/assumptions/

MARKS, D. (2011). Climate Change and Thailand: Impact and Response. 229-258.

Thailand.opendevelopmentmekong.ne. (2018, February 12). Climate Change. Retrieved from                  thailand.opendevelopmentmekong.net/topics/climate-change/

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