I. INTRODUCTION of Smart metering
cabinet with distribution transformer THE PRODUCT/SERVICE
“Smart metering cabinet with distribution
Smart metering cabinet with Distribution
Transformer needs to be implemented in Federal Electricity & Water
Authority (FEWA) as the device that is used to collect accurate data, it is the
best device that efficiently collects temperature, peak load, and current. It
is an innovative idea and its benefits are given as follows:
- Open Data: It has the smart sensors
from it help the data can be efficiently collected and monitored from the
- Availability of data: There is the 24
hours availability of data and the results are shown any time per day
rather than only the max peak load.
- Decrease resources: The people who go
to collect peak load, so this device can also decrease the number of
- Accurate time: There would be
decisions to collect data on the accurate time example, with the
experience the data will be collected between 8:00 – 13:00 for schools,
between 20:00-24:00 for buildings and between 14:00 – 15:00 for peak
Smart metering cabinet with Distribution
Transformer would be helpful for the FEWA as the device can save cost related
to the overtime money, the pay of the employees can also be reduced who are working
in peak load more than work hours to collect transformer data.
Smart metering cabinet with distribution transformer

Value propositions
- Remote automated read of transformer’s
data through smart sensors and smart meter
- Easy access to the system and monitor
the data which will be available for 24 hours and 30days. Therefore, it
will be easy to compare the readings every month and easy to make a
future plan regarding this comparison.
- Transparency and trust in collecting
Customer segments
- Government customers
- Industry customers
- Residential customers
- Agricultural customer
- Big factory customers (bulk customers)
- The smart metering contractor who can
offer provide a discount for buying the meter with the sensors
- Local FEWA website
- Electricity distribution network
- Smart Meters
Revenue streams
- Decrease resources: The people who go
to collect peak load, so this device can also decrease the number of
- The device can save costs related to
the overtime money; the pay of the employees can also be reduced who are
working in peak load more than work hours to collect transformer data.
Key activities
- Risk management
- Equipment maintenance
- System development
- Operation planning
Key resources
- Software
- Hardware
- Suppliers
- Employees
- Suppliers
Key partners
- System developer
- Electricity supplier
- Tech. maintenance provider
- Finance provider
- Distribution network operator
- Local system users
- Software
Cost structure
- Maintenance cost
- Technical setup cost
- Staffing cost
III. VALUE PROPOSITION DESIGN of Smart metering cabinet with distribution

IV. Analysis of the Industry of Smart metering cabinet with distribution
analysis of Smart metering cabinet with distribution
Implications of Porter’s Five Forces on
Smart Metering Technology
studying the whole five competitive forces Smart Metering Technology schemers
could achieve a whole image of what influences the
company’s profitability within the industrialized Products & Services
industry. This technology also has the capability to identify the evolving
trends and could also quickly react to exploit the developing occasion.
Smart metering cabinet with a distribution
transformer is a technology that brings innovation; however, therefore, best
strategic decisions need to be taken effectively in order to gain a sustainable
competitive advantage. Smart metering technology would be helpful in the industrials
sector to explore profitable opportunities.
a) The threat
of new entrants of Smart
metering cabinet with distribution transformer
For smart metering technology, the threat
of new entrants has moderate power in the industry as it is the technology and
competitors can come with better and lower pricing strategies. A new entrant
can be there and focus on providing new value propositions. The switching cost
is low and the comparison is easy. Therefore, for the customers, smart metering
technology should focus on reducing costs, and build effective barriers in
order to safeguard the competitive edge. There is a need to:
- Do innovation in new products and
- Building capacities
- Spend money on research and
b) Bargaining
power of suppliers of Smart
metering cabinet with distribution transformer
For smart metering technology, the
bargaining power of suppliers is high because the raw material can be supplied
from numerous suppliers. The product may face issues related to suppliers
related to the following:
- Negotiating power
- Extract higher prices
- Lowers the overall profitability
The issues can be tackled as follows:
- Efficiency in making the supply chain
with multiple suppliers
- Experimenting with product designs
- The company can shift to another
- Learn from Wal-Mart and Nike
c) Bargaining
power of customers of Smart
metering cabinet with distribution transformer
For smart metering technology, the
bargaining power of customers is high because the buyer focuses on the best
offerings available and for the smart metering technology they believe in
profitability in the long run. The product may face issues related to customers
related to the following:
- Smaller and more powerful competitors
- New technological smart metering
The issues can be tackled as follows:
- Increasing discounts and offers
- Rapidly innovating new products
- Reduce the defection rate of existing
- Large database of customers
d) Threats of Substitute Products or
Services of Smart metering cabinet with distribution
At the time the innovative product or
service reaches the same requirements from the customers within diver methods, and
then the profitability of industry will be suffered. For instance, services
such as Google Drive or Dropbox can be considered as the substitute for storage
the hardware drives. In addition to this, the threat of a substitute product or
service would definitely high only if it provides a value proposition which
quite exclusive and different from the industry’s current offer.
The Smart Metering Technology could manage the
Threat of Substitutes Products or Services with some steps such as:
- By focusing as a service-oriented
instead of only product-oriented
- By accepting the primary requirement
of the customers instead of what the customer purchase
- By improving the shifting cost meant
for the customers
e) Rivalry amongst the Current Competitors
Smart metering cabinet with distribution transformer
In case if the rivalry amongst the current actors
in an industry is strong, then it would strive down prices, and also reduce the
complete productivity of the industry itself. Smart Metering Technology works
within a highly modest Industrial Products & Services industry. This type
of competition would take a toll on the complete company’s profitability in the
long term.
The methods which described how the Smart Metering
Technology could overcome the strong rivalry amongst the current competitors in
Industrial Products & Services are as follow:
- By formatting a maintainable
- By constructing a measure, with a
purpose to perform better in tough competition
- Collaborating along with the other competitors,
in order to improve the market dimension instead of only competing within
a small market place.
- Blue
ocean strategy (value curve) of Smart
metering cabinet with distribution transformer
Blue oceans
can be helpful for smart metering technology with a distribution transformer
because this is the strategy that can provide the opportunity for growth and
there could be benefits related to both profitable and rapid.
- Value innovation: Smart metering
technology can focus on the value innovation in this way, through easy
access to the system and monitor the data which will be available for 24
hours and 30days.
- Fair process: There could be raise in
pricing or service standards of the product, moreover, implementing the
new strategy like customer relationship, the smart metering contractor who
can offer provide a discount for buying the meter with the sensors is
- Eliminate Differentiation and low cost
as to collect peak load devices it can decrease the number of
engineers/technicians. Moreover, the device can save costs related to the
overtime money as employees can also be reduced who are working in peak
load more than work hours to collect transformer data.
V. IPR Strategy of Smart metering cabinet with distribution
- How
are you going to protect your idea?

VI. Design of the MVP of
Smart metering cabinet with distribution transformer
provide some graphs about your prototype/MVP: how does it look like?

The smart meter can be connected with the
smart sensors to the distribution transformer, in this way; sensors help the network
of transformers operating state to perform efficiently and effectively monitor
and dispatch the critical information.
Better guidance to the utility operator need
to be given so that the transformer can provide long life services. There could
be advantages related to cost savings and greater reliability.
Optional (Bonus over 15 grade), should you have done a
prototype: Describe your prototype and list all the supports you have developed
(video, application, web site, app, etc.). Please show:
- Picture
of your prototype (i.e. the 3D model)
- Screenshots
of your website with URL
- Screenshots
of your app
- First
picture of your video with the URL on Youtube
VII. Implementation Plan and Budget of Smart metering cabinet with distribution
provide how you will implement your idea with the budget
One Time Costs:
System Development
Rent Deposit
License and Permits
Legal and Other
Professional Fees
Installation of Fixtures
& Equipment
Operation planning
Deposits with Public
local system users
Advertising and
Total One Time Start-Up
Monthly Expenses:
Supplies: Operating
Professional Fees: Other
Professional Fees: Legal
Professional Fees:
Payroll: Wages (Owner/ Manager)
Payroll: Wages (Employees)
Payroll Tax
Membership & Dues
Finance Provider
Technical Setup Cost
Maintenance &
Debt Service (Principal
& Interest)
Bank Charges
Total Monthly Expenses: