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Case study on the rules and regulation of the employees

Category: Human Resource Management Paper Type: Case Study Writing Reference: APA Words: 3050


Overview of the rules and regulation of the employees

The case study is related to the rules and regulation of the employees and it’s also includes the benefits of the employees that they get from their companies. It discusses about the assumptionary company MTB&T’s. MTB&T’s is the well-known company that very performing very good and it is providing family friend benefits to their employees in order to accommodating them in good ways. The family friendly benefits of the MTB&T’s encourages the people to work in this organization because it support them to spend time with family while working. Beverly is graduated lady and she is keening to do the job along with the responsibilities of her young children’s.

1) Problem Identification of the rules and regulation of the employees

The problem of case study can be explored by suing the various aspects in this and there are the most important three aspects that can be utilized to observed and identify the problems from which MTB&T’s is suffering these aspects are;

Central facts of the case of the rules and regulation of the employees

There are three most important and major facts that has been observed in this case and these facts are appropriately the bisses causes and problems of this case due to which the employees of the MTB&T are not satisfied with the company.

Management Conflicts of the rules and regulation of the employees

The conflicts among the management has been pretended in this case study because the employees are follows the rules and regulation and policies of the companies according to the policies of the companies. Such as; Beverly encouraged to work in this just because of the family and friendly benefits. Suddenly, she heard from her manger to pays the duties according to various other companies’ rules. The company is not responsible for the personal problem of the employee’s related to their families. There is conflicts in the management of the organization because someone is offering polices on the behalf of organization meanwhile another mangers is restricting to implement that policies.       

Ethical dilemma of the rules and regulation of the employees

Obviously it is unethical to pretend something else and offer something else. As MTB&T offers the golden policies to their employees as the company is keening to accommodate their employees for the managing the Workplace Stress and making balance for the Work and Family. Meanwhile such kinds of the facilities are not available for the employees. It is ethically not good to telling a lies to their valued employees.   

Communication Gap of the rules and regulation of the employees

It has been observed that the most important major facts for the problem is related to the communication gap. There is lot of communication gap in the MTB&T. Because the higher authority and policy makers are not hearing the problems and voices of the employees directly and the get the performance and routine of the employees by the mangers.

Stakeholders of the rules and regulation of the employees

There are the numerous individuals and groups have an important stake in the outcome and these are the person who are working in the organization. First of the Beverly is an important stake holder of the MTB&T. She is graduated from the Hardison College along with the degree of bachelor in the specialization of the finance and eager. This degree encourage her to enter in the more exciting world of work. Graham & Smithson is another company that is includes in this case and this is the company ta where the Beverly work first as senior leadership. Sasun is the stake of the MTB&T and he is doing work at this firm previously and paying his ditties in good ways.

He have encouraged Beverly to work in MTB&T. Rex is engaged in preforming the duties of the mangers at MTB&T. He was retired from AMH. So, he is taking the policies of the MTB&T as AMH. George Alvarez, vice president of operations. The department of HR who had introduces the policies of the Family and friendly benefits.

Relevance of the rules and regulation of the employees

Yes, this case is applicable in the real world organization. Although; it is not common in today’s organization but it’s happening in the most of the organization. There are the numbers of the organization that introduces the various strategies policies to their employees while hiring and later own these organization negotiates their policies. The negotiation of the policies can be positive as well as negative for the employees. Moreover, this case is common in the organization of todays because the conflicts in management and employees occurs in each and every organization.

Topic Analysis and Integration of the rules and regulation of the employees

Substantial overviews of the rules and regulation of the employees

Workplace Stress of the rules and regulation of the employees

The work place stress can be explained as the stress that is occurs to employees during his professional life and while he was working to stay in the particular organization. The stress at their workplace can be occur or create due to the various reason and perspective. Before knowing about the causes and reason at workplace is important to know about that what is stress and what are most important processes involved in this. The stress is referred as the body responses towards the perceived and real threats. In these days most of the problem particularly related to the professional work cannot be solved easily.

There are no kinds of the fight and flight responses in order to solve that particular problems. In order to explores that concepts of the stress at workplace; it requires efforts by observing the problems and searching the constructive solution related to stress at this work place. The stress at the work place becomes more harmful for the emotional and physical responses when there is conflict crates or occurs among the job demands on the employee as well as the amount of control that an employee has in order to face such problem. The conflicts among the employee’s expectations and current work or present situation can be referred as the stress at work place and it can be the major cause of the stress at work place. At the work pace stress can be harm full because it creates distortion for working of the employees (Harms, 2017).

Work Family Balance of the rules and regulation of the employees

There is lack of references in order to explore the concepts of the particular term “work family balance” there are the numbers of the writes that has taken its meaning according to their own needs and requirements. This terms is referred as the one that would be hard pressed in order to find and maintain the balance among the family and work. Simply it can be said to distribution of the time by considering the priorities related to work place as well as the person’s family (Frone, 2003). The work family balance is an essential components for performing activities smoothly in daily routine.

The vague notion is represented by the work family balance according the numerous authors. It represents that the family life and work are somehow harmonious and integrated. There are two more precise meaning for the work family balance is suggested by the empirical research and close examination. The first and most important meanings for this tern that is widely held in this world is related to the lack of interference and conflicts among the family roles and prior professional work. The mismanagement among the work family balance can be the cause of the stress for the particular persons. Due to its effects a man can be the victims of stress while staying at similar work place. The work family facilitation can be referred as another commonest that has been discussed in order to exploring the concepts of this term (Huangi, 2017).

Integration of topics of the rules and regulation of the employees

Relationship between leadership, workplace stress, and work-family balance

There is the string relationship among the leadership, workplace stress, and work-family balance because the leadership is an authority that gives you determination to coach the numbers of the people even the group of the people. One of the important factors, which can play its part in leadership is related to the workplace stress that is being carried by employees in a given work environment. A study was conducted to understand that what kind of jobs stress variables play their part in affecting employee performance. The study was also looking to find a relationship between leadership and job stress.

The study found out that work overload as well as skills’ underutilization is dominating variables in increasing job stress. So, company should turn its focus to develop the skills of employees so that job stress elements can be mitigated. There is strong relationship among the both of these factors because if the leaders will not take actions for their employees and relevant stress for their work than employees can annoyed by their jobs.

There is strong prelateship among the leadership styles as well as stress at the workplace. Such as; the transformational leaders are considered as the successful survival of the organization that are committed for the stress free human resources. The humans and employees who are working in the organization are getting the stress from their work and the leaders are responsible to solve their problems in effective manners. Due to the stress at work place the leadership of nay leader can be affected (Silva Karkoulian, 2016).

The relationship among the work family balance is also pretended as positive because the leaders are the one of the most important elements or factors that can run the organization in effective manners. The leaders must be create the effective work environment due to which the employees can maintain balance among their personal and professional livers. There must be effective leadership strategy in order to maintain the balance among work and the personal lives of the employees. The mangers of the organization must be introduces the innovative benefits for their employees by which their family can be accommodate. The organization must higher the professional and skilful employees as leaders who can perform their duties in good ways (Marcello Russo, 2019).

Self-Reflection of the rules and regulation of the employees

When it comes job and I thought about my than the work life balance is considered as very important for me.  Mostly it happen due to my siblings who are attached with me with their lovely inspirations.  The work life balance is mandatory aspects for me while I think to do work in  nay organization and I always tried focus on the benefits and policies of the organization that are offering for family.  If, I got to choose the options from two by my company; either they will pay me hand sum amount but no kind of any work life balance and on other hand the moderate amount salary but fairly good work-life policies in place. I will give the priority to the second options because, my family is too important for me as compare to extra money.  I will not sacrifice my family importance just for the few money. This work life effectiveness really means to me because strongly feeling and caring for my family.

There are the lot of the issues that can be discussed for the topic work life balance and these are over this reflection papers. By discussing the work life balance the organizational policies and benefits can be also discussed that are granted by any organization for their valued employees. I love to martin balance with my personal and professional duties and I always maintain the work life balance while staying my organization. Finally, I have observed the gap among the various expectations of the employees as well as employers about the implementation of the successful work life policies. I like to implement the work life policies in my organization because its good source to improve the organizational performance by improving the performance of the employees. Moreover; if I will be the leader of organization I always give the priority to the expectation and needs of my employees for their work.

Case Analysis and Recommendations
As Beverly
of the rules and regulation of the employees

As Beverly; I will take strict action for the reactions of the Rex and I will talk to the higher authority by taking code of Conduct Company. I will protest for rights along with the complete evidence of the company policies. I discuss my problems with my higher authority because discussion is always considered as excellent strategy for thing which is used for enhancing the motivation of the employees and it is also used to fostering the intellectual agility and the major purpose of the discussion is encouraging the democratic habits.

The way of the leadership of the employees create vast opportunity for the employees in order to participate the sharpen numbers of skills and it also includes the ability of defending the position and articulation. I will convince my higher authorities for the good mangers as well aim of the manger while staying in the organization is to encourage the employees to enhancing their performance level and celebrating the transparency. I will add the values in my conversation by producing the tangible results related family and friendly benefits policy. Even I will encourage or convince my colleague for taking action about the mismanagement of the Rex.

As Beverly, I will realized to means of the policy and ensure to my management due to this flexibility in timing and working I can perform in effective manners. I will struggle effectively to made plan successful. I will fight for my rights by sharing my priorities to join this particular company. I will realized the management that work life balance policies really have means for something and it can be source of effective performance of any organization. If the company will gives the work life balance policies than their employees will perform effectively due to which the productivity of the organization will enhance as well.

As a Manager of the rules and regulation of the employees

To measuring the progress of the management is too tough because management can be measured by the various qualities and it can be measure by the suggestion of the other individuals. But there is not numeric standard to measuring about the progress of the management and mangers but the results of the activity or project is the best and effective to measure the progress of the management. As manager of the company; the progress has decided about my potentials for the management.

In future I will try to ignore all the mistakes which are occurs at the time of decision making for the various activities of the committee and that have committed by the Rex for his companies related to the family and friendly policies. I will follow the rules and regulations which are assigned from the organization and I will always values priorities expectation of my employees that they with the organization. My personal leadership philosophy is always focusing on the several thoughts of the leadership and follows the various definition of the leadership.

As it is stated by the great author “Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality” and definition of Ralph Nadar` is the one best definition according to my leadership philosophy because I always focus to create ease for the employees in order to enhance their performance for organization. Being good manger; I believe to perform ethically; giving priorities to the human on the rules not to the rules on the life of the human. I will perform in the organization by considering effective management strategy and these strategy will be much better than the fake strategies of the Rex. I will be performs as more employees oriented leaders.

As MTB&T of the rules and regulation of the employees

As MTB&T Company I will adopt the various strategies and policies in order to institutionalize the family friendly policies in my company. It will depends on the employees either who wants to take this policy or not. These benefits will be used to motivate and encourage the employees to prove that the companies is means and concerned with your problems. The MTB&T can perform in effective manners by paying attention on the policies of the family friendly benefits. Because this policies is the one of the major reason that can be easily encourage the employees to perform in good ways.

These polices can enhance the productivity of the organization as well. There are few the methods that can be utilized in order to creating the family friendly policies.

These policies can be created by implementing the few of the ways and these are;

·         To create the family and friendly culture

·         To offers flexible arrangements for working

·         To establishes the internal policies

·         To offers the flexible hours working

·         By offering the effective arrangements for the leaves in an organization.

·         The policies of the work place.

References of the rules and regulation of the employees

Frone, M. R. (2003). Work-family balance. . Handbook of Occupational Health.

Harms, P. D. (2017). Leadership and stress: A meta-analytic review. The Leadership Quarterly, 28(1), 178-194.

Huangi, H.-C. ( 2017). A study of indigenous measuring factors for employer brand attractiveness in taiwan: comparative analysis of academy and industry experts . International Journal of Research in Business Management, Vol. 5, Issue 11, Nov; , 11-20 .

Marcello Russo, G. M. (2019). Better Work-Life Balance Starts with Managers. hbr.org.

Silva Karkoulian, J. S. (2016). A gender perspective on work-life balance, perceived stress, and locus of control. Journal of Business Research xxx , xxx–xxx.

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