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Assignment on Tibiaan Properties

Category: Education Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: APA Words: 900

Introduction of Tibiaan Properties

     Talent management strategies are considered critical for every organization that aims to develop a strong and skilled workforce which is capable of helping the organization in meeting the demands of customers and satisfying them. In fact, it wouldn’t be wrong to say that without such strategies, a firm cannot manage its employees in an effective manner. In this paper, Tibiaan Properties will be analysed and it will be determined whether it is implementing strong talent management strategies or not. In order to determine this, the case of Tibiaan Properties will be analysed and qualitative research method will be utilized.

      In this paper, following the introduction will be the section of discussions which will describe the talent management strategies. The last section of this paper will be a conclusion which will summarize the project.

Discussion of Tibiaan Propertiesa

The objective of Tibiaan Properties is concerned with providing exceptional services to clients and ensuring that tenants get what they really desire. In order to do this, the organization depends significantly on its employees. Following are the talent management strategies which have been implemented by the organization at the workplace for empowering the employees.

Effective Communication of Organizational Objectives of Tibiaan Propertiesa

            In order to ensure that employees and the firm share the same objectives and goals, both the long-term and short-term objectives of the firm are communicated to employees. One of the most important tasks for the management is to ensure that employees understand know about what they are working for. If they don’t even know the direction in which they have to move, their performance wouldn’t be efficient. Therefore, effective communication is developed between the top management and employees.

            In most of the organizations, there is a lack of communication and interaction between the management and employees. Due to it, employees have to face significant issues. For instance, if they have a problem with the current working environment, they cannot convey it to the management. And since management doesn’t know about it, effective measures are not implemented. Gradually, it results in the dissatisfaction of employees and their performance is adversely influenced. In order to make sure that this issue doesn’t occur within Tibiaan Properties, the management takes the first step towards employees and makes them understand if there is an issue, it should be reported to the manager (Omanvistas, 2018 ).

Metrics and Rewards of Tibiaan Propertiesa

            One of the most important ways of managing and retaining employees is to reward them according to their performance. It has been determined that employee satisfaction is directly related to rewards and performance appraisal. When employees know that their efforts are valued at the organization, they become more efficient in working and enhance their performance to ensure that they earn the reward. Thus, it can be said that rewards can play a significant role in improving employee motivation and their satisfaction (Daley, 2012).

            Tibiaan Properties ensures that the deserving employees are rewarded for their performance and efforts. In order to evaluate the efforts, a number of metrics have been set in the workplace. If employees are capable of reaching these metrics, they are not only appraised but also rewarded for the efforts which they have invested in completing their tasks. It is the management which evaluates the performance of employees and selects the deserving employees (Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, & Wright, 2017).

Career Development Programs of Tibiaan Propertiesa

            The last and another effective talent management strategy implemented by Tibiaan Properties is concerned with providing career development opportunities to employees. Different programmes are created for enhancing the skills and abilities of employees. What makes this strategy so effective is that the management doesn’t force the programmes on employees. These programmes are optional which means that any employee can choose to undergo these programmes which include a number of activities. In addition to it, the employees which undergo these programmes are given leverage as well. For instance, in accordance with the programme, employees are allowed to not complete some of their work. This ensures that employees are not overburdened with the new knowledge and their existing work (Cascio, 2015).

            These are the talent management strategies which are implemented by Tibiaan Properties. All of these strategies help in improving the satisfaction and efficiency of employees which gradually contributes to the performance of organization (Boxall & Purcell, 2011).

Conclusion of Tibiaan Propertiesa

            Overall, it can be said that some significant and important talent management strategies are implemented by Tibiaan Properties. The organizational management has established effective communication with the employees which enables them to know their contribution to the organization. In addition to it, the firm is able to keep the strategies effective by re-evaluating them every three months.  

References of Tibiaan Propertiesa

Boxall, P., & Purcell, J. (2011). Strategy and human resource management. Macmillan International Higher Education.

Cascio, W. F. (2015). Managing human resources. McGraw-Hill.

Daley, D. M. (2012). Strategic human resources management. Public Personnel Management , 120-125.

Noe, R. A., Hollenbeck, J. R., Gerhart, B., & Wright, P. M. (2017). Human resource management: Gaining a competitive advantage. McGraw-Hill Education.

Omanvistas. (2018 ). Tibiaan properties strengthens its executive team with new Omani hires. Retrieved from Omanvistas: https://www.omanvistas.com/tibiaan-properties-strengthens-its-executive-team-with-new-omani-hires/

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