Peak oil
Peak oil is the point or level
when the extraction of oil reached at maximum point in the industry. The
maximum level could be recline after touching the maximum level. Peak oil is
forecasted in the early of 2020s and 2040s which most likely based on the
economic and political condition in the country. It is often confused with the
term oil depletion which cause decrease in the supply of oil which refers to
the term reversing the supply of the oil in the economy. The concept of oil
peak was derived by the geologist in 1956 which approved as a valid theory
about a subject. Some experts anticipate that there may be adverse effect on
the economy after peak production which will decrease the oil prices as the
supply of oil is in excess due to which economy has to face negative impact on
the economy. Prediction was about the peak oil was not good as it is going to
create a lot of problems for the economy to get the stability in the market.
There may be risk in the economy which may cause of crisis in the market which
could occur in the coming decade and these predictions are most likely to be
proved as wrong in the market. As it may increase the prices of oil. The
average annual production peaked in the market within the three decades (Murphy & Hall., 2011).
The presence of oil extractions
in different methods which are used by the petroleum geologist. There may be
political, social and economic impact on the economy due to peak oil when it
would be happen in the economy which will increase the supply in the market and
prices will fall down which collapse the market and there may be adverse
condition in the market. It may create different impact on the humanity such as
reduction in economic activity, inflation, unemployment and situation of
conflict. Peak oil situation may cause of recession in the industry of oil and gas
which also impact on the economy. There may be shocks in the price which could
be disturbance in the supply and demand and this could be due to the
uncertainty of the prices due to geological and political factors in the
market. These oil price shocks could create inflation in the market. Increase
oil prices before the oil peak could also increase the prices of relevant
commodities which could be measured by the consumer price index. Oil shocks and
inflation could increase within the hand of the consumers (Almeida & Silva., 2009).
Recession in the economy by
whatever cause which could be reason of loss of employment opportunity which
should be understood that the prices which could be decrease in the consumption
which is a problem for the jobless. Peak oil may also increase the pollution in
the environment as the extraction of oil will increase there may be more
pollution in the economy. There may be problem like smog and air pollution due
to the smoke of oil refineries which could also effects the health of public.
There is also has chances to face the situation of conflict by the humanity as
there may be economic shocks in the economy which creates diplomatic relations
between economy and public. There may be different perspective as the peak oil
is cause of carbon emission in the air and could affect the climate policy
which is based on the energy prices. Active policies for treating the emission
with the utilization of fossil fuel as energy in the market. As there are many resources
which are used to evaluate the energy in the country there must be ignorance
about the consequence of the energy production. There must be greater need to
control the adverse effect of pollution in the market causing bad effects by
the extraction of oil (Chapman, 2014).
Part b: Critically assess the strategies energy
companies can pursue to promote sustainability in the face of peak oil, peak
gas, and peak coal.
There are different strategies which are
perused to promote the sustainability in the issue of peak oil. There must be
increase in cost while extracting the oil. Different oil companies are working
on different strategies which are strictly followed by the organization to gain
the sustainability in the market. It could be helpful to gain the valuable
services in the market so that the development could be organized in well
manner way in the different situation such as peak oil. It also includes to
deal with the oil extraction which is used to reduce emission in the air. The
strategies are used to reduce the carbon emission in the air which is
beneficial for the stakeholders in the market. There is diversification in the
strategies which are used in the long term activities in the extraction of oil.
Strategic management analysis is used to check the severity of the oil peak
issues in the market. There may be system changing for the sustainability to
emerge the innovative dilemmas. These strategies could be renewed to check the
major focus on the extraction of oil. There may be different strategies which
could be adopted by the company explained below with the critical review of the
chain management:
Company could adopt supply chain management in
the supply of oil which prepare a suitable quantity of the supply as there may
not excess in the supply and prices could not be increased in the market. But
with the same strategy there must be difficulty to handle the supply chain
management as there are series of people and agents who are engaged in the
There should be proper use of chimneys which
could be filter the smoke of factories and oil refineries as to gat peak
position in the market there must be more production of oil and it could
increase the pollution companies used different methodologies such as balance
in production and use of chimneys.
To avoid the level of peak there must be
increasing demand of oil which could be possible with the number of vehicles in
the country. As it is a good option to increase the demand but there will also
be increase in the pollution as the number of increased vehicles also increase
the smog in the air.
These are strategies which could be implemented
by the oil companies to avoid the consequences of the oil peak and increase the
demand for renewable energy in the market. The strategies are response to the
anticipated assuming that it owns a big portion in the market. These strategies
are applicable with the help of different companies such as Royal Dutch shell
and Total which are considered as main bodies of oil industry working in
different companies. The objectives of the developing strategies to change the
portfolios which includes the work of oil industry in the slow pace to gain the
sustainability in the market. The change in the strategies could be resulted in
the different direction of the company. There must be balance in the producing
oil and hydrocarbon in the energy production with sustainability. There must be
strategy for risk evaluation in the market, so that these strategies could be
implemented in smooth way. Personally I recommend to the oil industry that
diversified strategies should be used in the issues of peak oil so that it
could be easy for the companies to gain the sustainability in the situation of
peak. The existing energy investment in the sustaining energy as well as
diversification of energy. Both situation requires implementation of the
strategies in the company to get competitive advantages (Murphy P. , 2008).
Almeida, P. D., & Silva., P. D. (2009). The peak
of oil production—Timings and market recognition. Energy Policy,, 37(4),
Chapman, I. (2014). The end of Peak Oil?
Why this topic is still relevant despite recent denials. Energy Policy, 64,
Murphy, D. J., & Hall., C. A. (2011).
Energy return on investment, peak oil, and the end of economic growth. Annals
of the New York Academy of Sciences,, 1219(1), 52.
Murphy, P. (2008). Plan C: community
survival strategies for peak oil and climate change. New Society