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Assignment on OCCI (Oracle C++ Call Interface) Project and Reflection

Category: Computer Sciences Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: APA Words: 2300

Introduction of OCCI (Oracle C++ Call Interface) Project and Reflection

            MBA or Management of Business Administration is quite a broad and interesting field for all those who are interested in business and management. It is, however, important to note that this field requires students to be both creative and practical. In order to complete projects associated with this field, a student not only has to be creative but also be practical. And I have experienced it myself specifically during this project in which I had to research and write about multitasking and its effect on the efficiency and performance of employees in OCCI. In this project I encountered challenges and obtained a significant experience from it as well. And in this paper, I will recall my journey during my MBA and this project.

Reflection on IMP of OCCI (Oracle C++ Call Interface) Project and Reflection

            IMP has also played an important role in introducing to new concepts and theories. It not only introduced me to a range of new concepts and theories but also made me encounter different challenges while completing the IMP. As an MBA students, I realize that every new concept is like a challenge and I must overcome the challenge to succeed. In the IMP, a number of projects had to be completed and they made me structure a systematic approach to complete them. For instance, in this systematic approach, I ensured to meet the deadlines and utilized a number of methods for accomplishing the objectives.

            I can easily say that IMP has contributed significantly to my existing knowledge base and concepts. It allowed me to find about new and extensive information which will certainly help me in my journey throughout the MBA.

Management of Business Administration of OCCI (Oracle C++ Call Interface) Project and Reflection

            For a long time now, I have been interested in the field of MBA. One can say that people have different affinities and interests from their childhood and I can say the same thing about myself. As long as I can remember, I have been interested in businesses and how they were managed by people. One of the most important inspirations in my life has been my father who is also a businessman. From the start, I have seen my father diligently managing different tasks and having them completed in an efficient manner. Honestly, I have seen a role model in the form of my father in both my social and practical life. If I want to be someone in the future, my father is that figure because I don’t think that anyone else can inspire me more than him. Thus, I can say that my primary inspiration has been my father in pursuing the field of MBA.

 After graduating from high school, I didn't have second thoughts about my interest and chosen field. There was only one option in my mind and it was an MBA. Although I knew that I would get interesting and challenging experiences during the course, I didn’t know that it would make me learn to such an extent. My journey has been full of intellectual and exciting turns which have served to enhance not only my knowledge but also my practical abilities.

What have I learned?

            During the course of MBA, there have been numerous interesting and new concepts that I have acquired. As I said before, I have been interested in the field for the longest of times and even when I was in high school, I used to research about different managerial and business concepts which could help me during my actual degree. For instance, I can still remember that I was interested particularly in the human resource aspect of business. I was intrigued by how much employees could influence the success and effectiveness of a business. Thus, I used to study different HR models and concepts. At that moment, I used to think that I had grasped almost all the aspects of HR. However, now during my MBA, I realized that human resource is a lot broader than I initially thought. In fact, it is now that I have gotten to realize and know the depth of HR management.

            Similarly, there are numerous concepts which I have learned during my MBA. Some of the most important and interesting concepts include operational management, supply chain, leadership, and HR management. I have gotten to know extensively about these concepts and it wouldn’t be wrong to say that I have found these concepts very intriguing. I didn’t know that leadership was capable of influencing not only people but also how processes are conducted in an organization. Even though I had little information about leadership, I got to know about its different aspects and concepts. Before starting my journey, I didn’t have even a little information about operational management. Moreover, I didn’t know about its significance within the organization. I was not aware that without operational management, various core operations of the firm cannot be conducted effectively. I did not have even a little information that operational management has to be coordinated with other organizational processes for the firm to be efficient in carrying out a variety of its functions in a proper manner.

            If I talk about practical skills, there is a diversity of skills which I have come to acquire during my MBA. One of the most important skills is to find relevant information and utilize it to obtain the necessary material while skipping the unnecessary material. Even though I have acquired the skill of implementing different models on cases and obtain solutions, I believe that finding the necessary and important information from the existing mass of information is also a significant and valuable skill. Before initiating my MBA degree, I didn’t have any significant experience in researching. Although I could find the information I needed, I didn’t the specific websites and sources through which I could obtain journal articles. Additionally, I did not know that peer-reviewed articles are important to be reviewed while conducting research for a specific project as they are not only relevant but also authentic.

            Another important skill that I have acquired during my journey is to communicate effectively with my classmates and group members. I got to realize that communication is one of the most critical aspects within a business and without it, one cannot hope to achieve results quickly. Before starting my journey, I didn’t have many friends and I was known for not being interactive or communicative. I used to complete tasks on my own without having to consult anyone. However, I have gotten to know that communication with my fellows and group members is very important in the completion of a project. For an objective to be accomplished, it is necessary for the group members to work towards a mutual objective and collaborate with each other to ensure that the objective is achieved within the time limit. I have also come to know that if we don’t communicate with each other, we would obtain different results.

Kolb’s Experimental Learning Cycle

            In this learning cycle, there are four stages which are practiced by a person and I believe that I can recall my experience with my MBA and projects in a better way with the use of this method.

1.      Concrete Experience of OCCI (Oracle C++ Call Interface) Project and Reflection

The first stage is concerned with encountering a new experience and I can relate this situation to my experience in this OCCI project. This project required us to write about OCCI and find a solution to the problem statement. It was a completely new experience for me to write about OCCI because I didn’t have even a little knowledge or information about the OCCI or Oman Chamber of Commerce Institute. Even though I had heard about the association but I was unaware of its fundamental operations and what operations were performed by it. Therefore, writing about it was a completely new thing for me. However, I didn’t back away from the challenge or panic because I knew that it was not the solution. In order to complete this project, I motivated myself and ensured that I did not fear this project.

2.      Reflective Observation of OCCI (Oracle C++ Call Interface) Project and Reflection

After I realized that I had to complete the project and submit it by the deadline, I created a systematic approach towards it. During my journey, I had learned that backing away from the project was not a solution and even if I did step away from it, I would effectively help me. In fact, I took a completely opposite approach towards it which helped me significantly in completing the assignment. I began by thinking about the association and how much information did I possess about it. I got to realize that I only knew a little about the association such as its name and a number of operations which were performed by it. During the reflective process, I thought about how to collect more information.

It was this moment that I realized I needed a significant amount of information about the organization for completing the project. Therefore, I created a complete outline of the tasks I needed to perform for completing the project. For instance, I needed to research, write, and proofread my papers before submitting them. I outlined these tasks and created a timeline for each and every task. It helped me in completing the project in the required amount of time.

3.      Abstract Conceptualization of OCCI (Oracle C++ Call Interface) Project and Reflection

In general, this stage is concerned with the development of a new idea or re-evaluation of an existing idea. Since I had already begun to research about OCCI, I finally obtained an idea about multitasking and whether it influenced the performance of employees or not. This was quite a unique idea in the context of OCCI because there are not many studies on the concept of multitasking which are conducted with their focus on OCCI. Therefore, I chose this idea and began to work on it. I knew that the idea of multitasking was quite broad and I needed more information about it. Therefore, I researched information with the use of journal articles.

Once I had determined the idea and found the information, I began to structure the information in the most rational and organized manner. In order to complete the project, I knew that I needed reliable and accurate information. Therefore, I structured the information in such a way that it made sense. Other than just organizing the information, I kept an eye on the time limit as well. And once the selected time was reached, I stopped structuring information as my initial draft had been completed.

4.      Active Experimentation of OCCI (Oracle C++ Call Interface) Project and Reflection

This stage is normally concerned with the implementation of ideas to the considered issue. This can be related to how I began to write after I determined that the initial draft for my project had been completed. I had completed the draft and now, all I needed to do was to write in a proper and precise manner, and proofread the project to improve its language. Therefore, during this stage, I can say that I began to write about the issue of multitasking and structured the project in the most suitable manner.

Once I had completed writing within the selected time limit, I moved on to the last step which was concerned with proofreading.

There were some challenges that I faced during this project as well. One of the most important challenges was that I could not obtain relevant information from the internet or the library. Even though there were studies on multitasking, there were almost no study on multitasking in the context of OCCI. It consumed a lot of time but in the end, I was able to find the necessary information and complete the project (Smith, 2016).

Personal Development Plan

Following are the goals that I want to accomplish in the near future which would help me improve my existing skills:

1.      Improve my Research: In this project, a lot of time was consumed in researching the information. Therefore, I need to improve my researching skills in 2 Months.

2.      Improve my Communication: Another important skill that I need to improve is communication. I will make sure to enhance it within 2 months.

3.      Improve the Implementation of Models: In this project, fishbone analysis was implemented and in other projects, different models will be applied. Therefore, I need to make sure that the next time I implement a model, it is more precise and consumes less time. I will achieve this goal within 3 months.

In order to measure my performance, I will set benchmarks on a monthly basis and they will help me in evaluating whether I am improving or not.

Conclusion of OCCI (Oracle C++ Call Interface) Project and Reflection

            Overall, I can say that both my journey during the MBA and experiences acquired during the OCCI project have been quite interesting and helpful to me. They have made me not only acquire new skills but improve the existing ones as well. There will be similar projects in the future as well and I hope to achieve the above-listed goals before I get to work on other projects as they can help me improve my performance. I believe that I will further get to know a diversity of concepts during my MBA.

References of OCCI (Oracle C++ Call Interface) Project and Reflection

Smith, A. (2016). Experiential learning. Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.

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