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Assignment on Acknowledgment of Supply Chain and How Is the Effectiveness in the Global Economy

Category: Supply Chain Management Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: APA Words: 1500

First of all, I would like to thank my parents who have always been there to help me throughout my project. Normally, students would go to their friends to seek help but whenever I was confused, I would seek out help from my own parents, especially my father. I can easily remember the time when I was unable to complete my research and couldn’t find the relevant information, I had no option to take and that was when my father helped me. He helped me in finding the right direction which not only facilitated the process of research but also decreased the time which was invested in research. After my father, I would like to thank my mother who was also there to help me when I was not in the best condition to pursue this project. There was a time when I had a fever while proofreading this project and that was when my mother looked after me. I cannot thank you enough for your cooperation in my project.

            Next, I would like to express my gratitude towards my teachers and my friends who have also helped in brainstorming for this project and finding the right direction. My teachers and the staff has been cooperative towards me and have helped me in pursuing this project. The same can be said about my friends as well. When I couldn’t understand something, my friends helped me. Honestly, this project wouldn’t have been completed without your cooperation and help, and I seriously consider it important.

1. Introduction of Supply Chain and How Is the Effectiveness in the Global Economy

1.1 Background of the Study of Supply Chain and How Is the Effectiveness in the Global Economy

The green supply chain explains the idea related to sustainable environmental processes rather than the old supply chain method. Instead of using dangerous elements, green supply involves value addition and value creation through its operations. The main goal of a green supply chain includes minimizing the waste, water, and air pollution and also enhance the performance of the firm in such a way that in manufacturing less waste, recycle and reuse the product, greater customer satisfaction, positive image building, greater efficiency of assets and reduction in manufacturing costs. 

With the concept of green practice, the green supply chain are working with the concept of ecofriendly in the management of supply chain to enhance the performance of environmental sustainability  which also include product's end of life management, green manufacturing processes, green transportation with usage of biofuels, , green distribution and warehouses, and also green purchase. The main reason behind the implementation of the green supply chain is the pressure on the organization from its customers and stakeholders to use the less harmful elements in the product that make the environment less affected.

The awareness related to the environment is going to increase so different firms have to face any sort of pressure from its customers, government and stakeholders related to harmful material or any element that affect the environment negatively.

 To obtain a competitive advantage, in the manufacturing and service industry, business practice is established with sustainability and minimizing end-to-end supply chain costs in the corporate sectors that need to consider more important these factors. Many experts are going to think more eco-friendly and search optimum solutions related to green because many impacts appear like waste and air pollution, climate change and global warming. The concern with the environment increases day by day, to develop nations the green supply chain needs regular attention and great concern for the green movement and its better implementation. (Khan, 2018)

            Many companies are now finding out the cost benefits of green by saving and minimize the impact on the environment through processes of the business. The supply chain of the different organizations going to re-evaluating from managing the use of material to shipping, distributing the final product, saving and from purchasing to planning according to advantages of green policies and its implementation. The focus of the public also going to increase towards the environment. In the supply chain of the company, the executives have not minimized the environmental effect of getting more benefits. Because it is very important to understand that what is the actual meaning of green supply in the company.

Green supply also very helpful in developing the public image stronger. The supply chain should be a focus on more green to make its products more visible and its image going to be stronger in the market. Customers are attracted to the techniques and methods that companies are going to use by implementing the green supply chain. The company also faces the benefit of cost-saving by minimizing waste material. Implementing and designing a green supply chain is a complete winning package for the organization and its customers.

 When the supply chain is going to use the green strategy then the ratio of waste is going to minimize. Moreover, the cost of processing is going to reduce. The company has to implement green supply chain initiatives as cost-saving initiatives for generating more profit and beneficial. It also attracts maximum customers due to its effective techniques and supply chain. So try to provide the product according to the requirement and needs of the customer and try to utilize minimum cost in the production processes to save the cost. Because the supply chain with green strategy help to protect the process of organization with any additional cost and act as a cost-saver for the organization. (MURRAY, 2019)

There are some principles related to the green supply chain that must be implement by a different organization to make its processes and system according to the green supply chain. These are; develop collaborate and cooperate relationship with its suppliers according to environmental improvement and achievements, with most suitable packaging according to its quality and cost , design and deliver the product to customers. evaluate the potential of recycling and used available material, reduce the water-related issues and also consumption of water, properly manage and minimize the waste, in production, logistics and other processes reduce the gas emission and monitor the progress. Select less harmful products and processes in development. (cummins.com, 2018)

With this approach, many customers give more attention to that brand and its value going to increase in the market. Green labeling does not enhance the value of the brand in terms of environmental and social initiatives but with the implementation of green supply chain and its effective strategies and actions enhances the performance. So the green supply chain in the progress of the brand also plays an important role and in its development for the company and the customers. Green supply means that no involvement of harmful material and factors utilize during the productivity of the products in the organizations. Green supply also provides environmental sustainability and help to implement the green system at all level of the organization. Green supply also works with eco-friendly methods that enhance the performance of the organization according to environmental sustainability and maximum utilization of green elements in the management and production of the product without harming the environment. (Community, 2018)

Sustainability performance factors and different dimensions of green supply chain management have a strong relationship with each other and these will affect the social. Economic and environmental performance by examine the different directions of green supply and determine their effects on the sustainability performance of the organization. The green supply helps to maintain a long relationship with the performance because it explores new and innovative methods to improve the level of performance.

The Employment of corporate environmental practices like green innovation and green supply chain management forcefully implemented in the organizations with government regulations according to the emerging environmental awareness of the public. Green innovation and green supply chain management improve the performance of the environment to encourage them according to new rules and regulations. (Muhamad, 2019)

This study focus gives on the process of innovation, green and lean practice that enhances the performance of a green supply chain. By using different methods. To improve the green supply performance, the JIT, set up reduction, waste elimination, and cellular manufacturing take major contribute. GSC performance affects positively and significantly by waste management, reverses logistics, green manufacturing, eco-design, and life cycle assessment. Process innovation help to explore new results ineffective way and it provides high pay off rate in term of GSC performance.

Companies need to implement the practice of green supply chain management for formal control from the customer through contract and monitoring. Customer trust and cooperation also play an important role in this regard. Four different hypotheses for mediation and moderation effect also determine the practice of green supply chain and develop economic and environmental performance. Companies need cooperation and reciprocity with customers to obtain performance and economic conditions through green innovation and provide a better relationship with the customer with the company. (Sibel Yildiz Çankaya, 2019)

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