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Assignment on Methodology of Supply Chain and How Is the Effectiveness in the Global Economy

Category: Supply Chain Management Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: APA Words: 2750

This section of the research study explains the research structures that are adopted to conduct this study in effective manners.as indicated its name and term, this chapter explains the materials and methods that are particularly utilized in this dissertation. Furthermore, the Research philosophy, Research philosophy, Research Strategy, Sampling, Population, Sample Size, Data Collection Method, Data Collection Instrument (Questionnaires), and Limitations of Methodology is explained in this chapter along with detailed of the ethical considerations. The research design is considered as the framework that is required for conducting complete research work. The design of the study is required to identify the type of research related to conducting the work. The design of the research is considered as the framework that is required to answer the particular research questions of this study, and it also used for further investigations. In the above-given paragraph the types of the entire research are discussed in effective manners.

3.2 Research philosophy of Supply Chain and How Is the Effectiveness in the Global Economy

The research philosophy is considered as the particular belief related to ways and means that are required analyzing and gathering the data that will be utilized in this study. The major purpose of the research philosophy is to transform the beliefs of things into known things.  There are various kinds of research philosophies that can be incurred in order to conduct the research study. By using the particular western traditions two types of major research philosophies are used in this study. These philosophies are named as; Positivism and Interpretivism. Both kinds of research philosophies are utilized to composing this research study because the according to the belief of the positivists the reality is always stable, and it can be described and observed by the research objective that is established in the earlier parts of the study. The positivist paradigm is leading towards the experiments, and it is particularly utilized to test the hypothesis. Interpretivism research paradigm always explains the concepts of the pre-existing data that is used in any research study.

3.3 Research Approach of Supply Chain and How Is the Effectiveness in the Global Economy

The research approach is considered as the particular approach that is used for conducting the research. The research approach is usually decided by considering the selection of research questions; it also explains the particular conceptual framework that has been adopted to conduct the research study. The selection of the appropriate source data collection is considered by following the research approach. Both kinds of research approaches are utilized in order to conduct the subject study, and these are deductive and inductive research approaches. The deductive research approach usually starts with the development and testing of the hypothesis. Meanwhile, the inductive research approach is particularly utilized the research questions in order to slander the scope of the study. The emphasis is particularly causality under the deductive research approach meanwhile the inductive research approach is usually focusing on the exploration of the phenomena in order to seek the previous research phenomena.

3.4 Data Collection Method of Supply Chain and How Is the Effectiveness in the Global Economy

The research is conducted by using both sources of data collection is primary and secondary. The secondary spruces data collection is utilized by emphasizing the previously existing data that has been utilized for the various projects, and it also includes theories of the various authors that are conducted on the particular topic of the Supply Chain and How its Effectiveness in the Global Economy. It includes research papers journals articles. It can be the annual report of the companies. The secondary source data collection leads towards the entire source related to the Supply Chain in the Global Economy, and it explores the concepts of the various researchers on this particular topic. The self-administrated data is considered as the primary source of data collection according to the primary source data the data is always conducted by using both kinds of the research methods that are qualitative and quantitative research methods.

3.5 Research Strategy of Supply Chain and How Is the Effectiveness in the Global Economy

The research strategy is considered as the techniques and methods that are particularly utilized to conduct the research, methods, and data from the respondents. In this said study, both kinds of research strategies are utilized because the study explores the concepts of the research question qualitatively, and the hypothesis is tested as well by generating the numeric data in order to attain the research objective for the Supply Chain in the Global Economy. By adopting the qualitative research methods the objective and aim of the research study are explained in descriptive and detailed manners. Meanwhile the quantitative research method is utilized to classifying the features that count them. The entire kinds of statistical models are constructed under the quantitative research methods, and it is good strategy for analyzing the data numerically and generating the various kinds of graphs and charts. The quantitative research methods are applied in this study because the expected results for the outcomes of the study have been decided already (Langkos, 2014).

3.6 Sampling of Supply Chain and How Is the Effectiveness in the Global Economy

The sampling is considered as the method which alludes the researchers to conclude the information related population that is based upon the results from the subset of the populations. In the research study, the reductions in the numbers of individuals can reduce the cost of the workload. The professionals of the supply chain management are taken as the sample in this study.  The supply chain management professionals are those individuals of companies that qualified in different areas related to supply chain management. The respondents are selected on the basis of non-probability approach, and purposive sampling technique is used. The data is collected from different firms to measure global impact of supply chain. The professional of the well knows n firms have ability to participate in this study for providing their views related effectiveness of supply chain management in global economy. The purposive sampling methods are referred for the benefits of being cost and time effective in order to perform while resulting the long ranges of the responses of the participants. The purposive sampling techniques provide us chances to select the individuals for the study according to the personal requirements.           

3.7 Sample Size of Supply Chain and How Is the Effectiveness in the Global Economy

By using the purposive sampling techniques, this particular study is conducted. The data is collected from the 300 respondents. It means the sample size of this study is 300 respondents, or it can be said that there are 300 professionals who are working under the supply chain firms, and they have provided their views for the effectiveness of the supply chain in global economy. The study uses 300 responses from the supply management professionals of different manufacturing-based firms that are offering the functions of the supply chain. There are numerous approaches that can be utilized in order to identify the sample size because the identification sample size is one of the most important procedures while conducting the research study. The sample size directly affects the cost of the study. In order to test the hypothesis the sampling size is the most important thing because if the sample size would not be accurate it is too difficult to test the hypothesis in good way.   

3.8 Data Collection Instrument (Questionnaires) of Supply Chain and How Is the Effectiveness in the Global Economy

The questionnaires are utilized as instrument of the study in order collect the data from the respondents. The questionnaires were self-administered questionnaires that have been used in order to attain the objective of the research study. This questionnaire was designed by considering the five-point Liker ranging scale from disagreeing to strongly agree. The point “1” is selected for the strongly disagree meanwhile the “5” represents strongly agree. This questionnaire is contained in the two major sections, and the first section explains the demographic information of the respondents related to the age, gender, and education level and employment status of the respondents. The next section of the questionnaires explains the details information’s of the variables. There are three independent variables that are; Global Logistics, Global Market Channel and Global Operations. The Supply Chain is the mediating variable in this study that explores the influences of the independent variables on the dependent variable that is Global Economy. These all variables are entirely utilized, assessing the effectiveness of supply chain in global; economy. The proper confidentiality statements will be designed at the top of the questionnaires. The questionnaires were distributed to the respondents by using the various social media sites and by making personal contacts in their companies.

3.9 Limitations of Methodology of Supply Chain and How Is the Effectiveness in the Global Economy

The said research is only confined to the one states of the USA that is New York. There are numerous factors that distract and attract the respondents towards a particular survey. Due to these factors the environments of the supply chain companies can affect as well. The said research study is conducted only by the professionals of the various companies. Therefore, the literature review discusses the details of the effeteness of the supply chain in global economy in good ways. It means there are no limitations for the research methods in this study because both methods as; qualitative and quantitative are utilized in this study. 

Chapter 4 Results and analysis

4.1 Preliminary Analysis of Supply Chain and How Is the Effectiveness in the Global Economy

The data is evaluated by the use of SPSS. The Cronbach Alpha Value of the current research work helped to determine the reliability of the data set. Descriptive statistics is all about the mean, standard deviation (S.D.), correlation analysis & the regression analysis. The main agenda behind conducting these tests is to determine both the reliability of the data set and the association of the study independent and the dependent variables.

There are two parts of the questionnaire:

·         Demographics (which are treated as the control variables for this work)

·         The dependent and independent variables of the study.

The data being collected from the study respondents is first assigned with the specified categories & the digits. It is better shown in the table below for the demographic variables

4.2 Frequency Analysis of survey

The frequency distribution is done based on the responses of the respondents. The frequency distribution, as well as the respective pie-charts for the demographic variables, is given below:





Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent




























Interpretation of Supply Chain and How Is the Effectiveness in the Global Economy:

The above table contains the data for frequency distribution along with the percentages for the respondents of gender. 46.9% of the respondents belong to the male category, and the respective frequency is 169. 36.4% of the respondents belong to the female category, and the respective frequency is 131. The majority percentage of the respondents belong to the male category.

 Interpretation of Supply Chain and How Is the Effectiveness in the Global Economy

Different colors are depicting the varying percentages for the respondents of gender, as is shown in the above-said pie-chart. The major area of the pie-chart is covered by the blue color which shows the percentage of the male respondents. The green color in the pie-chart is depicting the percentage of female respondents. The percentage of female respondents is less the male respondents for the current study.






Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent


18-24 Year





25-34 Year





35-44 Year





45 or above





















 Interpretation of Supply Chain and How Is the Effectiveness in the Global Economy:

The above table contains the data for frequency distribution along with the percentages for the respondents of age. 27.8% of the respondents belong to the age range 18-24 years, and the respective frequency is 100. 37.8% of the respondents belong to the age range 25-34 years, and the respective frequency is 136. The majority percentage of the respondents belong to the age range 25-34 years. 13.1% of the respondents belong to the age range 35-44 years, and the respective frequency is 47. 4.7% of the respondents belong to the age range 45 years or above, and the respective frequency is 17.  A second number is the age range of 18-24 years. The third and the fourth number are the age ranges 35-44 years and 45 years or above respectively.


Interpretation of Supply Chain and How Is the Effectiveness in the Global Economy

Different colors are depicting the varying percentages for the respondents of age as is shown in the above-said pie-chart. The maximum area of the pie-chart is covered by the green color which shows the age range of 25-34 years. The blue color in the pie-chart is depicting the percentage for the respondents of age range 18-24 years. The percentage of female respondents is less the male respondents for the current study. A third number is the age range of 35-44 years, which is shown by skin color. A fourth number is the age range 45 years or above which is shown by purple color.





Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent


Private officials





Government officials


























 Interpretation of Supply Chain and How Is the Effectiveness in the Global Economy:

The above table contains the data for frequency distribution along with the percentages for the respondents of employment status. 37.2% of the respondents belong to the category private officials, and the respective frequency is 134. 37.2% of the respondents belong to the category government officials, and the respective frequency is 134. 8.9% of the respondents belong to the category others, and the respective frequency is 32.  The majority percentage of the respondents belongs to the category of government officials. A second and the third number are the respondents from the category private officials and others, respectively.


Different colors are depicting the varying percentages for the respondents of employment status, as is shown in the above-said pie-chart. The maximum area of the pie-chart is covered by the green color, which shows the employment status as government officials. The blue color in the pie-chart is depicting the percentage for the respondents of the private official category. A third number is the other category, which is shown by skin color.

4.3.1 Data Reliability Analysis

In 1951, the concept of Cronbach Alpha was introduced by Cronbach. This test better helps to evaluate the reliability of the data set. The Cronbach Alpha Value ranges between 0 and 1. This value tends to evaluate the items of the questionnaire on a similar concept. The data is perceived to be highly reliable for the Cronbach Alpha Value greater than 0.70 (Nunnallly, 1978). The following table shows the overall value of Cronbach Alpha for the current research work.

Table 4.2: Cronbach Alpha

Name of constructs

No. Item


Cronbach Alpha

Global Logistics




Global Market Channel




Global Operations




Supply Chain management




Global Economy




 The high reliability of the current data set is determined by the Cronbach Alpha value, as is depicted in the above table.

4.4 Descriptive Statistics

Mean and Standard Deviation

Descriptive Statistics






Std. Deviation

Global Logistics






Global Market Channel






Global Operations






Supply Chain management






Global Economy






Valid N (listwise)







The mean values for Global Logistics, Global Market Channel, Global Operations, Supply Chain Management and Global Economy are greater than 4. This value is if measured on the five-point Likert scale then these values are measured towards the agreement for the questionnaire’s statements. This value is, if measured on the five-point Likert scale, it shows the disagreement towards this statement of the questionnaire. 1.06714, .77174, .59104, .65113and .66877show the values for the variation from the mean for Global Logistics, Global Market Channel, Global Operations, Supply Chain Management and Global Economy respectively.

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