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Assignment on Vincent van Gogh

Category: Education Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: APA Words: 2100

Place of birth of Vincent van Gogh

The well-known and famous artist Vincent Van Gogh was born in the town of southern Netherland, Zundert on March 30, 1853. He was famous due to his impressionist activity that used the colors to express his emotions. In Zundert, different places are existing in this town that are Achtmaal, Wernhout and others that increased the beauty of this town. In the architecture of this town, Roman Catholic that is the church and dedicated to Saint Trudo that has the treasures of art. This Saint Trudo was established in the 19th century.  In Zundert, the windmill is present that is used to process the grain in a large amount (Gogh-Bonger, et al., 2018). Most importantly, it was the place of a famous painter.


 Other important places where did the artist spend most of his life

Firstly, he moved to Belgium to study art because he had a very bad experience in his professional and personal life. Therefore, he started to join art and feel happiness while painting the beauty of nature. The first famous painting of Vincent Van Gogh was the Potato Eater and the reason for this publicity of painting is that in picture 5 people are sitting around the square table and eating potatoes. The picture is seeming like that there is an intense conversation and the emotions of people are shown by the mixture of dark colors. He used the dark pallets of colors at the initial stage of his painting.

After this, in 1886 he visited Paris where his brother was the manager at the gallery of Goupil, where he met from the different people that had painting related backgrounds that were the painters of an impressionist. Here he learned how to use a light pallet of colors that develop the impression I the painting. As a result, he was not properly learned the impressionist in his painting and designed his own style in the painting. In 1889, Vincent Van Gogh moved towards the Saint-Rémy Remy de Provence in relation to visiting the institution of psychiatric because he was suffering from a severe breakdown in 1888 (Gogh & Duquesne, 2017).

The doctor is treated well and according to him, Vincent was not needed any psychiatric because he was good but have problems related to epilepsy. In 1890, Vincent moved towards the Auvers-Sur-Oise where he lived near his brother at Auvers so that he would be able to see his brother and doctor that was treating him. At Auvers, Vincent became productive as he went out in the open air and started painting the beautiful landscape. The reason is that he did not suffer from a mental breakdown and draw the paintings according to his spirit.

Historical context of Vincent van Gogh

Historical Circumstances and Important Events in 19th Century Europe

During the 19th century, different events were established that have an impact on the history of Europe in different aspects. In this regard, the changes were also the reason for world war I. The events are:

Vienna Congress 1814-1815, and in this congress four different countries redrew Europe’s map and this congress was diminished by the revolution introduced by French. After this congress, the map of Europe was drawn and contested were started to draw the political map by the power of Europe. Therefore, the aim is to develop an alliance that will reduce negativity.

However, the independence of Greece is started in 1821, when the war was started related to independence against the empire of the Ottoman. Moreover, Belgium is also needed independence as Netherland was broke out in 1830 as part of the Vienna congress. This Polish question describes the different phases of Poland's dismantlement during the 15 century, which is considered as a powerful and authentic country (Evans & Richard, 2015).

In 1848, different revolutions are raised during this year as different protests broke out because of failure in the previous years. The people of Europe wanted to freedom in their political aspects and proper nationalities of principles that were established. Therefore, in the era of 1850-1871, the liberal forces were failed and Germany and Italy are considered as the nationalities of triumph. Moreover, other important events of Europe in history is that Germany’s unification, Duchies related affairs were also raised. Unification of Italy, 1867 Austria-Hungary, Crimean war and independence of Norway related issues are also discussed. Moreover, in 1914, minorities are organized based on the same language, history and religious aspect. Colonial empires were also established in 1914 that develops the power at a global level. Expansion and retreat of Ottoman that was started from the 14th century. In the last, in 1914, the first world war was raised when the alliances of different countries to achieve power.

Important people in the artist’s personal life

The role of family, friends, and colleagues is important for the life of a person because we interact with them. When a person has supported family and friends then achieve success will be easier and permanent. However, the famous painter VINCENT VA Gogh also had the supported family, friends and colleagues that had an influential impact on the performance of Vincent to improve the painting. The family member of Vincent was not supportive and he suffered a lot during his earlier life. He was emotional and suffered from his identity. Although, his brother supports him a lot during the art and painting as reducing stress. The name of Vincent's father was Theodorus van Gogh that was the minister of Dutch reformed and his mother was the daughter of a bookseller named Anna Carbentus van Gogh. The brothers were Cor van Gogh and Theo van Gogh.

Moreover, the best friend of Vincent was Anthon van Rappard and he wants to spend most of his time painting with him. In Paris, he also met with Emile Bernard and Paul Gauguin as a good friend. the wrote to each other and exchanged the paintings among them. Therefore, these paintings were named as portraits of friends (Edwards & Cliff, 2018). These friends were also the colleagues of the Vincent as they worked and learned from each other through their skills and capabilities that were essential in art. Some other colleagues of Vincent were Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Paul Signac, Georges Seurat.

Facts about artists’ psychology

The psychology of Vincent during painting is about his experience of life and the intensive situation of the world. He wanted to paint on the life that has different phases of happiness and sadness, love and hate, hope and pessimism due to unpredictable situations that has a great influence on the health and emotion of an individual. Therefore, he described the life using impressionist style to inspire the people through his unique thoughts and ideas about life.  When an artist is drawing a painting then he uses his creativity and the hands to introduce the new ideas and concepts from different perspectives as Vincent did. He described the different phases of life in his painting but also described the situation that has a positive impact. He just not described the negative and intense situation of life but also explained the positivity and comfort in life through draw the painting of beautiful scenes and views of nature.

Artist’s style of Vincent van Gogh

Vincent was the famous artist that is famous due to his painting style that is an impressionist. He also had other painting styles but this style was leading as he knew which combination of colors will be attractive and develop good perceptions for the visitors. However, the other style that was used by Vincent: Neo and post-impressionists and pointillism. The style of Vincent is unique and good that attracts the people and tells the deep and uncertain situation of life.

Therefore, according to Neoimpressionist is that style in which a technique is used that is termed as pictorial in which colors are not mixed on the pallet and directly paste on the canvas in the form of dots that are drawn side by side. The colors are mixed at a specific distance for the observer and considered a mixture of optical.


On the other hand, the Pointillism is also used the specific technique of the painting, in which different dots are applied to form an image. it is an effective technique that was established by Paul Signac and Georges during 1886 and took an idea from the impressionism.


               Moreover, Post-impressionist is the term that is used against the reaction of impressionists that was introduced by Cézanne, Gauguin, Vincent and Seurat. Impressionist is defined as the painting style that was introduced in the last 19th century in which bright colors are used with short brushes through the juxtaposition that is effective to show the light effect on the objects clearly. In this style, the artist captures the whole scenario of an object in one look and draw the picture with great passion. The pictures that are drawn under this style are mostly the natural scenes in which different colors are mixed with a great combination. Vincent has used the impressionist style while drawing the painting and due to this style, he became a famous painter around the world of art


A favorite painting of Van Gogh analyzes

My favorite painting of Vincent Van Gogh was The Potato Eaters. The reason is that he described the harsh and intense situation of the country and the people that are suffered from this intensive situation of the country. This painting was painted in 1885 and present in the museum that is located in Amsterdam. The dimension of this painting was 82 cm x 1.14 m and the medium are used oil paint and the technique that is used during this painting was realism and art of the modern time. The texture that is used in this painting was the dark outlines with thick boundary, walls texture was stippling and the halo was also used. Moreover, this painting has a somber and most bright painting.  He also used the darker color in his painting that also reflects the intense condition of the country where people were lived and bear these negative situations.


The painting of Vincent was failed at the time when it was painted and during his life, this painting was not successful even on the request of Vincent to display this in Salon. Now a day, this painting has achieved the highest rank in the world of art and considered as the masterpiece of painting and also displayed in the museum of van Gogh. In current days, he became a famous painter and people are inspired by his idea and thoughts.

Conclusion of Vincent van Gogh

From the above study, it is concluded that painting is good art that develops the skills and creativity of the artist. However, in this study, the role of Vincent is discussed as he was a famous painting as he learned the art from different places and observe the artists' painting style due to having an interest in painting. He was very sensitive and spent a very tough life at his childhood as he was emotional and lack of confidence. Although he suffered a lot, he was the struggler that put his efforts in a consistent way. The role of his brother was supportive as he supported Vincent emotionally and financially when he was a student of art in Paris. At the initial stage of his career, he used the dark colors in his paintings and his first painting was Potato Eaters in which five persons were designed around the table.

Although, his family was not supported and suffered a lot in terms of financial perspective. He was also suffered from a mental break down and epilepsy due to stress in his life. He also visited psychiatric institutions and treated in a good way. Moreover, he visited Paris near his brother and also visited the doctor because his treatment was not only good for him but for others. He used different painting style but the dominant style was the Impressionist that made him famous around the world of art. The famous painting of Vincent was the potato eaters that describe the intense situation of the society through his paintings that were considered a good step to highlight the issues of society through visual depiction. Art is a good way to describe the thoughts and ideas of a person and the impact of other factors that have a significant influence on the personality of a painter.

References of Vincent van Gogh

Edwards & Cliff, 2018. Van Gogh Redux:“Loving Vincent”: From Quest to Pilgrimage,. s.l.:Games to Gravitas..

Evans & Richard, 2015. Rethinking German History (Routledge Revivals): Nineteenth-Century Germany and the Origins of the Third Reich. s.l.:Routledge.

Gogh-Bonger, v., Jo & Gayford., M., 2018. A Memoir of Vincent Van Gogh. s.l.:Getty Publications.

Gogh, V. & Duquesne, E., 2017. Personal Recollections of Vincent Van Gogh. s.l.:Courier Dover Publications.

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