a) Explain Different Types of Organizations
In this modern era, the role of globalization
is significant and dominant as supporting the business practices with
strategies and advanced technology. Therefore, all the organizations are
performing excellently while adopting strategies at the right time and in the right
place. It is because the organizations are needed direction to achieve the
objectives and goals set by the top management (D’Innocenzo
& , 2016).
Different organizations have different nature that is working in a different
way to achieve the objectives. There are three types of organizations that are
working based on the set objectives and the nature that is:
Private Organizations
Organizations are those that are owned by the individual and no interference of
government in the matters of these organizations. The private organization is
established to earn profit and contribute to the economy of the country. The
purpose of the private sector is to generate profit, reporting the data in a
clear way, design the structure of the organization and save the policies of
the organization to achieve a competitive edge, enhancing the sales and
marketing share of the organization.
Public Organizations
organization that is owned by the government not only individual, and there are
no chances of profit as in the private sector. The purpose of this sector is to
provide the facilities to the people of the country. The purpose of this sector
to improve facilities like education, health and the job opportunities that are
beneficial for the wellbeing of the people of the country.
this type of organization, the main purpose is to serve the well being of people
of society as providing basic needs of life with the support of people. This
organization is working without earning profit and serve just for humanity. The
main purpose of this organization is to support disabled people to participate
in social life and provide health facilities to poor communities (Khan, et al.,
Legal Structure Organizations
It is important when a new business is started that
develop the shape of the business that is going to be started such as in
co-operatives, partnership, and proprietorships. However, different tax,
liability and the income of a company under this structure (Wallace, et
al., 2015).
Different organizations have different
nature and types that are performing according to their objectives and targets.
The size and scope of the organization are varying from organization to
organization. However, the size and scope of the three different organizations
Private GDP of a country
GDP of a country is depicted about
the economic and industrial conditions within a specific period of time.
However, the size of the private sector in developed countries has a
significant position because of its size that is increasing with the
development and growth of the organization. The purpose of this sector is to
strengthen the economic condition of the country.
Public GDP of a country
The public sector is working just
to improve the economy of the country and earn profit without the interference
of the government. The size of the public sector is based on the role of
government and the ratio of expenditures that is provided by the government and
that exhibit in the form of currencies.
voluntary organization is serving for the development and growth of the needy
people on an equal basis and provide all necessities of life. The size of this
organization is measured by the total number of registered organizations that
are attached to the NGO. It is because when the NGO is too small then
organizations are not attached to them (Jenkins, et al., 2015).
Legal Structure% GDP of a country
The legal structure is important
for the development of the industry that is followed by the organization. In
this, the legal structure is that all the organizations related to the tourism
industry fulfill the standards and rules of the tourism that are important for
the authenticity of the industry. Therefore, tourism-related organizations are
fulfilling the legal requirements of tourism.
Stakeholders GDP of a country
The tourism industry is a large and
developmental industry in which different stakeholders are attached with the
organization like, employees, people, government, community, environment,
wildlife species, natural scenes, and all others that have great influence due
to activities of the tourism industry. The tourism industry is the emerging
sector that provides a strong economic condition of the country. Therefore, all
the stakeholders of the tourism industry of Pakistan have appreciated this
sector and participated at their level to promote this sector around the globe (Quinlan &
Christina, 2019).
industry that is selected in this report is the hospitality and tourism
industry and the organizations are selected under this industry are:
The PATO is a private sector that
promotes tourism and development in Pakistan. The purpose of this company is to
promote wildlife and protect all interests that promote tourism around the
world. PATO is not performing under the interference of government and having a
purpose to earn a profit. Moreover, it is performing to develop a good
relationship and provide assistance related to the tourism of Pakistan to the
government. The PATO is operating in different regions to promote the tourism
sector around the globe (pato.org, 2016).
PTDC (Public)
company was established in 1970 and governed by the government contributing to
the share of 99.75%. The organization is developed to promote tourism and strengthen
the economy of a country that will be beneficial for Pakistan. The purpose of
this organization is to maintain the environment and sustainability within the
country as well as develop tourism to promote the economy of the country. The
size of the company is efficient as the government provides expenditures that
grow the GDP of the country.
It provides the venture of tourism
in Pakistan and promotes sustainable development. It is performing as supply-driven
and does not prefer to demand that will be beneficial for the economic, social
and environment. It is performing based on the planning according to the carrying
capacity of the area of ten Pakistan that will be beneficial for the economic
condition of the country. This organization is performing its services on a
large scale because it is registered with a large number of organizations.
Various functions/departments
Different organizations are performed based on the nature
and type of their business and their objectives as well. Here the functions of
selected organizations are discussed below:
In this organization, different
departments are working in relation to managing tourism in Pakistan. Therefore,
the organizational structure is described herein which all the people perform
different functions according to their position. In addition, there are two
parts of the organization is the Executive committee and the general body.
Executive Committee
It is the first part of the organization that is selected
for one year and then this member will be changed after some duration through
elections. In this committee officers and directors are included that are
selected based on the regular election. In this the designation of people are:
President, vice president, and secretary of different
departments like media, join finance, and general that are performing
excellently to earn the profit through promoting tourism.
General Body
In this part of the organization, both members are present
that is life and a regular basis. However, the general body is performing
different functions to promote tourism are
Selected under the policy designed by the association
Annual report and activities will be managed
Approve the budget for the activities related to tourism
Conduct the annual audit and have authority for the final
It is the organization that is owned by the government and is
performing for the development of sustainable tourism by designing different
functions from different departments that are described below:
In this organization, more than 20 directors are existing in
which, sectary in charge is the Vice-chairman and Ex-officer is the chairman of
the board.
Information Center
Information Center for the tourism that provides all
facilities related to tourist and provide all facilities for tourist through
their18 different information center in Pakistan.
It is an important department of the organization that promotes
tourism through effective marketing strategies and promotions to attract local
and international tourists. Different ways are used to promote tourism like
advertisement and workshops with the collaboration of airlines, hotels and
other tourism-related departments.
Planning and development
The purpose of this department to plan the projects that
will promote tourism and increases the economy of the country. Other
departments are also working within this organization are Human resource
management, finance department, and Personnel Administration.
STFP is a non-profit
organization that is working for the development of the country without having
no concern about profit. This organization is working with federal and
government support and other local and international sectors in relation to
improving the policies and initiatives that not only promote tourism but also
protect the environment in a sustainable way.
These organizations are
performing in the same industry but some extent some differences are also exist
based on their purpose and targets. These organizations are interrelated with
each other because all are working to promote tourism development through different
departments and functions and maintain the economic condition of Pakistan. Moreover,
different non-political organizations are also attached to STFP to promote the tourism
industry in Pakistan along with to conserve the environment having no need for
reward and perform for the well-being of the people of Pakistan.
Organizational Structure
Executive Committee
Decision-making capabilities
General Body
Align the tasks that are designed
by the executive committee
Executive Body
Authority for the decision-making
Proceed the task approved by the
executive committee
Design planned for the tourism
Keen observation on the
environment aspects
Although, some similarities are linked regarding
organizational structure as executive and directors that have the authority to
make a decision and design policies related to tourism. But some differences have
also existed that are: PATO is a private sector that is working to promote
tourism just to earn profit and owned by an individual. PTDC is the
governmental organization that is providing services to the people of Pakistan
as promoting tourism in a sustainable way and improve the economy of the country.
Consequently, STFP is a non-profit organization and working just for the
maintenance of tourism and also protects the environment with the support of the
government, environmentalists, and professionals of eminent that have knowledge
about tourism. Moreover, other organizations also registered to promote the
STFP in terms of financial aid and promote tourism with the conservation of the
environment (Labaki, et al., 2019).
Critical Analysis of the complexities of different types of business
Analyses of the complexities of different types of business structure
Business complexity is also part of a business in which some
situations are discussed that are related to stakeholders, organizational chart,
and weak systems. The structure of the organization is considering the
different departments and positions of different people that are performing
according to their position. Complexity is increased in the business when it is
connected with a large number of stakeholders, shareholders, customers, and
employees (Lin & , 2018).
Therefore, it is not easy to manage large organizations as
it is connected to a large number of people in a different form. On the other
hand, small businesses are easy to manage because few people are connected and
easy to manage all the activities of the business. When complexity increases
within the business then it takes time for the decision-making process and
chances of error are also increased. Consequently, the chances of error are
reduced in the decision-making process within small businesses.
Inter-relationship of different organizational functions
The tourism industry of Pakistan has a significant position
because it promotes tourism and maintains the economic condition of the
country. The marketing department of this tourism industry is improved that
manage all the activities to promote tourism among tourist al national and
international level. In this regard, effective performance and management of
this industry are increased the GDP rate.
The finance department is also important as it designs the
budget for the activities of tourism that attract the tourist and, in this way,
the economy of the country is increased along with the reputation of the
country. The tourism department is increasing the overall economy of the country
due to its services and performances. Moreover, the human resource department
is also performing excellently as it managed all the activities of tourism with
the collaboration of the tourism industry. The sustainable strategies that not
only promote tourism but also maintain the health of the environment (Rajasekar,
An information center is also existing in this organization
that is developed to inform the tourist about tourism, and other facilities are
also provided to tourist. In this regard, tourism is enjoying tourism as
knowing about historical facts and figures about the places.
Planning and development are also done for the project that
is going to start and its completion date, time of promotions and offers for
tourists. All are managed by proper planning and developmental procedures.
The services of all organizations of the tourism industry are
effective as all are promoting the tourism sector that is directly linked with
the strong economy of the country and develop a good image of Pakistan among
developing and developed countries. Although, different types of organizations
are performing under the same industry the aim is to promote tourism and will
develop a good image of the country (Dijesh & Mary, 2017).
Conclusion of the complexities of different types of business
It is concluded that from the above study, the role of an organization
is significant in developing the economy of the country while performing in
different sectors. Different types of organizations are performing under the
same industry but have different objectives that increase their business worth.
The organizations are Private that is performing to earn the profit and develop
significant position in the country having no interference of the government,
Public sectors that are performing for the people with the interference of the
government like education, health, and other sectors and Voluntary sectors that
are established just for the humanity and no need of any reward and profit.
In this study PATO, PTDC AND STFP are discussed that are
performing under these three types of the organization. All are performing to promote
tourism and do well in relation to improving this sector. It is because the
economic condition of Pakistan is not stable and with the emergence of tourism
the economy is going to be stable and strong. PATO is working as a private
sector and have the aim to earn a profit, PTDC is public and perform to promote
tourism for local and international people and STFP is a voluntary organization
that is performing with environmentalist and eminent professionals that have vast
knowledge and information to promote the tourism industry.
The economy of Pakistan is improving with the passage of
time with the emergence of the tourism department and foreigners are now moving
to visit Pakistan to see its beauty and natural scenes. This practice would
lead towards the strong economic condition when foreigners have visited
Pakistan and develop a positive image of the country that is a great
achievement of Pakistan as develop the international relationship due to
tourism. Therefore, it is a great opportunity for NGOs to promote tourism as
maintaining the health of the environment so that chances of funding are
increased and Pakistan will avail the chance to grow at a large level with a significant
Task 2- (LO3&LO4) of the complexities of different types of business
PATO is privately performing its services to promote tourism
without the interference of the government. There are different macro and mice
economic factors that have a great influence on the growth, performance and
development of the PATO. In this regard, PESTLE analysis is used as a strategic
tool that determines the factors related to the macro-environment having an influential
impact on the performance of the organization. To analyze the macro-environment
of PATO, PESTLE analysis is described in detail.
Political of the complexities of different types of business structure
The political factors that have an influence on the
performance of PATO are that the government of Pakistan is suffering from a lot
of political issues that are creating issues for PATO. Due to the unstable political
condition of Pakistan as foreigners are not coming for tourism because of
terrorism. Therefore, the tourism industry is badly affected when tourists do
not visit Pakistan due to the unstable conditions of the government. Moreover,
taxes are also having a negative impact on tourists. In this, the PATO is badly
affected by the unstable political condition and bad image of the country due
to terrorists.
Economic of the complexities of different types of business structure
The economic condition of
countries is improved with the passage of time. When an individual earns more than
the people move to travel and visit different countries having beautiful scenes
of nature. It is a positive factor in the development of the tourism industry.
Consequently, the situation is totally opposite because the economy of Pakistan
is also unstable as the political condition. Fluctuation in the currencies is
also developed the negative impact on PATO when economic conditions are not
favorable because of developing countries. If the economy of the country is not
stable then the tourism industry will be destroyed and the country will suffer
a lot.
Social of the complexities of different types of business structure
The social aspect is also important and tourism is the power
industry that promotes the socio-culture among people. In addition, different
people of different cultures are connected while visiting a country for a
tourism purpose. However, in Pakistan, social culture is also creating a problem
for foreigners and disliked him because of their dressing and other cultural
values that are against Islam. Their dress code, greetings and no distance
among males and females. Hence, this is creating social pressure by the people
of Pakistan for PATO when managing the foreigner’s tourists during their
visit. Therefore, it disturbs the
economy of the company as it avails the chances of opportunities to earn more
and more (Jones, et al., 2015).
Technological of the complexities of different types of business structure
Developed transportation has a positive impact on the
tourism industry as when tourists are facilitated with transport to visit the
places. The role of technology is important as it improves the ways of
transportation and other facilities to the tourist. Consequently, in Pakistan,
there is no advanced technology because of poor and traditional ways used by
the PATO because of the poor economic condition. As the transportation that is
provided on high costs and lack of internet facilities develop a negative image
of the PATO. When tourists are not properly facilitated and suffered during
their visit then the organization’s productivity and growth will be disturbed.
Legal of the complexities of different types of business structure
The legal aspects are considered as important for the
development and productivity of the organization. However, the legal aspects
related to the tourism industry are not strong that is disturbing the
performance and growth of the organization. In Pakistan, the legal system is
very weak and implementation is not good for the tourism industry. Therefore,
because of this poor legal system of Pakistan, PATO is also suffered as there
is no management and laws to manage the people. The role of government and
ministry of tourism is important in this aspect.
Environment of the complexities of different types of business
The environment is also disturbed by the tourism industry.
The reason is that PATO is also increasing pollution through transportation
such as buses and trains. This pollution is degrading the environment because
of transportation. Moreover, the use of resources is also not good as PATO does
not consider the activities of tourists and not guide them to use resources
The use of PESTLE analysis is a good practice to analyze the
strengths and weaknesses of the organization. It determines how
macro-environment affects the growth of the tourism industry specially PATO.
The political and economic conditions are not stable, technology is not updated
and poor laws and regulations related to the tourism industry. All these
factors have a negative impact on the growth and prosperity of the PATO
organization. There is a need to take initiative by the government of Pakistan
to introduce stable political and economic conditions through strict laws and
regulations related to the tourism industry. Moreover, environment-related laws
and regulations should be implemented strictly and a penalty for those who
disown these laws and regulations (Hunter, et al., 2016).
SWOT Analysis
of the complexities of different types of business structure
The tourism industry has a strong and dominant sector in
developing countries as it provides the strength of the economy of the country
and improves social life as well. It is because, it provides the chances of job
opportunities, improve and build up the infrastructure and also maintain the
diversity and environment of the country. In this perspective, SWOT analysis is
used to analyze the potential of PATO the tourism private company within the
country. It is strategic planning that
is used to identify the internal and external strengths and weaknesses of the
organization through Strength, weakness, opportunities and threats. Therefore,
the SWOT analysis of PATO is discussed in which strengths and weaknesses are
described that should be improved to maintain the development of tourism. It is
effective planning that provides direction to the organization about which
sector is needed to be improved and will generate large revenue for the
organization (Doppelt & Bob, 2017).
Strength of the complexities of different types of business structure
The strength of PATO company is that it has a lot of
historical places and scenes of natural beauty like
The civilization of Indus valley and different
sites of archeological
Different museums, buildings
The architecture of Mughals like mosques,
gardens, and different historical places
Coastlines that are located at different places
and have unique scenes and beauty
Swat Valley that is also called the Switzerland
of Pakistan
Festivals, cultural events
Highest peaks’ mountains like K2 are hiking and
Variety of resources
5-star Hotels and restaurants as a residential
place for foreigner tourists
Incentives and huge labor market
The land is available for the investment
Weakness of the complexities of different types of business structure
PATO is performing excellently in the industry of tourism
but some weakness is also facing because of
Poor infrastructure
Lack of policies related to tourism
Lack of facilities and guidance to the tourist
Ineffective laws and regulations towards the tourism
No initiatives to improve the issues
Poor facilities that are the requirements of the
tourist like ATM machine, internet, Wi-Fi
No facilities to a mountain region
Roads are underdeveloped
The inflation rate is high
Change of the government and administration
level rapidly
Ineffective Communication
Poor garbage and waste management system
Language barriers to understanding the tourists
Opportunity of the complexities of different types of business
The PATO is performing with strength and weakness but on the
other hand, the company has also chanced opportunities in different aspects
that have a positive impact on the economy of the company. The opportunities
Innovative mountaineering for people for the
Promote the marketing of historical and cultural
heritage of Pakistan
New projects are started for the tourists
Development of the infrastructure will provide
the profit for the company
Attractive marketing activities for tourist
around the globe
Partnership and investment with foreigners
Upgrade the facilities for tourists
Develop the positive image of Pakistan
Improve the facilities of transportation
Adopt Integration
Develop a good image with other countries
Effective communicational skills
Reduce the language barriers
Upgrade the system of IT
Perform actively in MDG
Reduce poverty through effective practices of
Attend seminars and international workshop
related to tourism
Focus on domestic tourism
Threats of the complexities of different types of
business structure
While PATO has opportunities to improve the performance of
the company then it also has some threats that may disturb the performance and
productivity of the company. The threats
Unstable economic condition
A high rate of insecurity and terrorism
Lack of knowledge and information about tourism
Unavailability of training of people on a regular
Unstable economic conditions
High inflation rate
Issues related to pollution
Manpower is not qualified and trained
Availability of electricity
Lack of resources
High chances of competition in the coming years
No awareness about the needs of tourists
Transformation of laws and policies of travel agent’s
day by day.
Effect of incidence of 9/11
The tourism industry of Pakistan has many strengths and
opportunities to improve the economy of the country. PATO is performing it is under
the industry of tourism and has the strength like historical places, cultural
heritage, natural resources, handicrafts, festivals and different seasons in
which the beauty of Pakistan is increased. Another strength of this tourist
company as it provides the cost-effective according to the foreigners as the 1
dollar of the US is equal to the 86 rupees of Pakistan. However, different
range of hotels and restaurants are available for tourists along with 5-stars
hotels are also present to facilitate the tourist. Moreover, different and
tasty food items with good quality are available for foreigners like KFC, Pizza
Hut, McDonald’s. Moreover, different shopping malls are also available for all
tourists like leather items, and a variety of products for all tourists.
Some other negative impact related to the tourism industry
is that foreigners do not feel secure while visiting Pakistan because of a high
rate of terrorism. The reason is that in the past, the country was suffering
from political and economic conditions and the suicide bombing, kidnapping and
other activities that have a negative impact on the psychology of the people.
There is a connection between the internal and external
factors that have a great influence on the growth and prosperity of the tourism
industry and the PATO company as well. The unstable political condition and
historical places are the strength of this industry. When a country has not
stable political condition then the strength of the tourism industry will not
remain a strength for a long time. In addition, the external factor is the
technology that is not advanced in Pakistan then the strength like attractive
places for tourists will not remain attractive for a long time. Hence, the
impact of internal and external factors has significant and theses are related to
each other.
SWOT analysis is effective and has an influential impact on
the decision-making process. It is because when the PETO is designed the
decision then all the strengths and weaknesses would be analyzed that have a long
and short-term impact on the economy of PATO. Moreover, what are the
opportunities and threats that the company will face while conducting a decision-making
process? It is effective as the PATO analyzed all the issues and design
strategies that minimized the negative impact and threats in present and secure
the future of the company. Moreover, as considering the opportunities long-term
decisions are taken to achieve the maximum benefits from the tourism industry.
At last, the PATO design the decisions under the strategic planning that is not
only good for the present needs of the company but also secure the future of
the company in a sustainable way. Hence, SWOT analysis has a positive influence
on the PATO company as it guides the company to perform under the proper
planning (Ghauri & Cateora, 2011).
Conclusion of the complexities of different types of business
The conclusion of this study is that the macro-environment
is important for the growth of the tourism industry. It is because all the
external factors have a significant impact on the development of the PATO
company. Moreover, SWOT analysis is the strategic planning that describes the
internal factors that either increase or decrease the economy of a country with
proper management. Although, PATO is performing in a good way some weaknesses
are also existing that are highlighted by the internal and external factors
related to this industry. The tourism industry of Pakistan is needed to be improved
for the sustainable growth and development of the economy of Pakistan.
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