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Assignment on Business plan of Building cleaning company

Category: Business & Management Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: HARVARD Words: 850

Strategic plan of Building cleaning company:

a.      Develop a vision and translate it into a mission statement of Building cleaning company

Ans. The vision of the business explains that they want to keep clean the city at major level and maintain a clean environment in every place. So their mission is to offer cleaning services to all the people who have no enough time to clean their house or areas.

b.      Assess strengths and weaknesses of Building cleaning company

Ans. strength of companies includes its best services, services of cleaning in different sectors, and offer services at all levels. Its weakness includes its lack of advertisement, lot of competitors in the market and also faces lack of people trust because of new entrances.

c.       Scan environment for opportunities and threats of Building cleaning company

Ans. its opportunities include growing market and market trends, events that act as advantage for the growth of business, regulations that positively impact the business and customer scope. The threats of the company include potential customers, price offer by suppliers, technology change in future development, consumer behavior may change and market trends also change.

d.      Identify key success factors of Building cleaning company

Ans. there are five different key success factors of the company that include finance(equipments, facilities and assets), marketing (sales , customer relationship and responsiveness), operations(work and processes), people (development, learning and personnel staff) and strategies focus(planning, management and leadership).

e.       Analyze competition of Building cleaning company

Ans. to analyze competition, company has to determine different factors like identify competitors, collect all the information about competitors, its strengths and weaknesses, directly communicate with the competitors, and also identify the competitive advantages.

f.        Create goals and objectives of Building cleaning company

Ans. the goal of the company is to offer high quality cleaning services to all the customers and people who want to keep their areas, houses and city clean. Company main objective is to offer high quality cleaning services in different sectors and also maintain a level of cleaning and quality services to all the customers and maintain a strong position in the market.

g.      Formulate strategies of Building cleaning company

Ans. Company has to maintain all the strategies to make its operations and functions more smooth and active and implement all the strategies according to company’s environment and its service requirement to obtain the better response. All the team of the company must be supportive for its strategies implementation.

h.      Translate plans into action of Building cleaning company

Ans. after implementation its strategies, company has to focus that how to convert their planning into real action and for this proper planning and action plan must be prepare that help to activate all the actions according to company’s services and promote its services.

i.        Establish accurate control of Building cleaning company

Ans. after implementation all the plans, the company has to take proper control on its all operations and plan and it must be check on timely basis according to determine its better performance and obtain required results.

Business ownership of Building cleaning company:

a.      Discuss the factors affect business ownership selection.

Ans. there is different factors that need ownership selection according to business nature and its requirements. These factors are: nature of business activities, scale of operations, capital requirements, degree of control and management, degree of risk and liability, stability of business and flexibility of administration, division of profit and costs, procedure and government regulations.

b.      Select one form of business ownership and explain why?

Ans. sole proprietorship is the most effective form of business that offer many services in daily basis and the whole authority Is establish under one roof. It owns all the profit and assets of the business with complete responsibilities and also handles all the liabilities and debts according to company requirements. In the business one person is responsible for all the issues and task and legally it is responsible for all the activities of the business.

Building a powerful marketing plan of Building cleaning company:

a.      Pinpoint the specific target markets the company will serve.

Ans. Company has to service at national level and offer services related to cleaning building of people and give their maximum services to maintain the level of cleaning in the city.

b.      Determine customer needs and wants through market research.

Ans. customer want the cleaning service because they are very busy in earning income and they have no enough time to clean their building s and areas so this company offer their services and solve this problem of people and give them many facilities.

c.       Analyze a firm’s competitive advantages and create a marketing strategy to communicate its value proposition to the target market.

Ans. company has to handle its all problems in most effective manner and also provide all the facilities to is customers, it can compete its competitors in the mraket by making its level of service high in most economical price and after all the services according to customer requirements.

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