studies which has been evaluated, and the impact of differences in the
population growth, population size on the forecasting of population accuracy. Because
this study is based on the aggregate data, and also focused on the average errors
for the different places by the particular sizes where the growth rate has the characteristics.
The purpose of the research is to forecast the population of Hong Kong by using
the nationality and regional gender based of population data. Both exponential
as well as linear used to obtain the reliable estimations by the least forecasting
error. By using the data of between 2020 and the 2050, forecast the population
of distinct region where the Hong Kong population plus the overall population
of the Hong Kong is evaluated. The below results shown as the population in
2020 is 7,496981 and in 2050 is 8041048. Whereas the growth is expatriate population by
the male workers as well as it will also dominate the population growth as
shown in the MATLAB results. In Hong Kong for the population growth the indigenous
fertility is not the primary reason. For
the population growth the primary sources in the Hong Kong is due to the
increasing number of the workers (Wilson & et al, 2005).
the understanding of the forecasting of future population growth is dynamics
for the society and its plan is accordingly very important for the estimation
of the future populations in the simple manners. According to the statistics,
the Hong Kong experienced the incredible population growth in a last decades
which is very favorable for the macroeconomic conditions along with the
fertility of promoting the polices of government. Whereas the total population
in 2020 is 7,496981 and in 2050 is 8041048. Among with the states of Hong Kong
has the 6 administrative districts, and the population is concentrated as the
costal sides of a country (Gulseven, 2016).
The research
estimate the Hong Kong Future population along with the labor force through the
development of the forecasting model of population. For the both urban as well
as rural it combines the specific parameters according to the ages along with
the transformations of the rural areas. The significant concern for the Hong
Kong is the aging of a population in the coming 30 years it is due to the labor
forces would constitute the supposed smaller proportion for the total population.
Method of Model for Hong Kong population
projection of the population’s model created the adjustment which also produced
the population forecast. Projection of population is also developed through the
extending current as well as historical demographics along with the housing
trends in the future. Population forecasting of Hong Kong needs the assumptions
which is created regarding to the future population and changed , the adjusting
models of projecting which also accounts the different circumstance which perhaps has some past
trends and it is also affect for the future change (Tayman & et al, 2011).
Model for forecasting of population
To develop
the population for casting different types of the primary demographic models is
used for the Hong Kong along with its sub-areas. For the Hong Kong along with
its larger sub-areas where the populations is greater then the 8 million then the
Cohort Component model is used. By its smaller sub-areas where the populations
is smaller then the housing unit model is used. For the areas by large population,
the Cohort Component model is the best prediction over the long terms. For the
areas by smaller population, the housing unit model is the best prediction and
it incorporates the current annual data which also accounts the more
variability in the population growth (Pdx.Edu, 2019).
there are different methods of extrapolation for the population data according
to the gender nationality along with the decomposition based. Whereas the first
method for the forecasting of population data is linear trend extrapolation,
and it is also assumed the change of population by the same people like the
change of population annual in the years (Snider, 20113).
is the following forecasting model of population which is describing as below;
Component model
trend extrapolation
unit model
trend extrapolation
Linear Trend Extrapolation of Model for Hong Kong
the method of linear trend extrapolation the forecasting of future population is
shown in the below equation;
above equation t shows the last years of base period and the f is presented the
number of years. Here the
is the forecasting of population for the year . Shows the population of last
years. And
population at the first years (Chen & et al, Asian Population Studies).
Exponential Trend Extrapolation of Model for Hong Kong
this method it suppose the population would change at same rate and annual in the
bas period, where the exponential forecasting of this method is the future population
and it is forecasted as in the below methods;
the potential biasing and the accuracy of the forecasting of population this
method is performing, by using the past data of population.
Cohort Component Model of Model for Hong Kong
model is developed for the every country along with for the larger sub areas.
Then these types of forecast are 2020 based projections. Thus adjustments were
created for the model to incorporate into the forecasting of the 2020-2050 which
is also certified for the population estimations along with it is also captured
the trends for the most recent data which is available.
the future population forecasting the Cohort component model is used, and its
outcomes for the life event which is also occurred by the time. All these type of
events are also based upon the deaths, births along with the migrations. The forecasting
of the population for future in the cohort component models is used;
method is based on cohort component model and the availability of accuracy of
data on gender and the age composition of the populations of areas (Smith & et al, 2013).
Housing Unit Model of Model for Hong Kong population:
In this
model it is used for the preparation for forecasting for the smaller sub areas,
and these methods needs the current housing inventory for every area which is compiled
as well as the historical rate is changed on the every inventory. And this
process sis also carried out for the coming years of interval by the forecasting
periods (Pdx.Edu, 2019);
data which used in a housing unit model from the 2020 and 2050 censuses of the
housing and population from the historical data.
Result of Model for Hong Kong population
1. Hong Kong population forecast by some researchers

the analysis of the data, there are in above figure the forecasting of
population of Hong Kong is done. Then By using the MATALB the population growth
of the Hong Kong is determined in the above result 2. Then at the last the by
using the logistic model the forecasting of the Hong population is determined and
the code is shown in below appendix 3.
Conclusion of Model for Hong Kong population
up all the discussion it is concluded that the forecasting of the Hong Kong
population is determined by using the different methods, and the logistic model
as shown in the result sections and the below appendix. All the requirements of
research reports is fulfilled. To forecast the Hong Kong population the best extrapolation
techniques for every segment of the data is used. In the result section it presented
the, methods works very good for the regional analysis. For the Hong Kong along
with its larger sub-areas where the populations is greater than the 8 million
then the Cohort Component model is used.
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