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Assignment on Technological innovations of Aconex Company

Category: Computer Sciences Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: APA Words: 1550

Introduction of Technological innovations of Aconex Company

Aconex Company is one of the listed companies in Australia that offer different web-based and mobile collaboration technologies for process management and project information. It utilizes the Saas for the clients and gives them different services in different fields like oil and gas, mining, power, infrastructure and construction sectors according to client's requirement. For construction and engineering solutions, it prefers to use the cloud-based for multi-company projects. Aconex is the most innovative company that offers many different services to manage their huge projects. By using the Saas it also offer high-quality services because this will make the work easier and also provide many benefits to the users according to their project expansion and its related details that offer multiple it can handle the most technical part of the project because it offers different technological aspect that provides better solution in their difficult part. (oracle.com, 2019)

Core business and the role of innovation of Technological innovations of Aconex Company

Aconex is the IT Company that offers IT solution to different companies according to their project requirement. It offer multiple services to the clients related to information technology which include interface management (resolving and identify the interface issues of gas and oil projects), BIM data and process management (managing the BIM model and also identify for the project management at object level), O&M manuals(maintenance manuals and developing digital operations for the post-construction to dynamic management and asset owner of the asset information), field management for construction (issues from mobile devices and managing field inspections) and process management and construction project information (project information online in both web access and mobile, audit trails, workflow, communication s, building information models, documents and managing processes). The company also launched Aconex mobile, mobile applications, branded bid contender with the online collaboration platform, Aconex field with issues management and mobile field inspection, Aconex smart manuals with post-construction digital operation and maintenance and also Aconex connected BIM and Aconex handover a mobile solution for asset information management. So the company offers all type of different services related to IT projects and also handles all the solutions most effectively according to the client's requirements.

Innovation makes it's different from others:

The Aconex company is one of the most well known and famous companies that offer high-quality services to its all customers according to their project requirements. Many other companies in the market also providing the same services to the customers but the Aconex is considered different to some extent because it provides some uniqueness and attractive features as it is secure and complaint that meets the highest international security standards, it set up the process to flexible level that based on how you work and growth is change, this company also offers software of construction management that running in days, easy to configure and up and also fast to deploy, and it also offers a trusted platform and trail for audit that drive fewer disputes, visibility and adoption. So these features and its effective performance improve its level of quality and also settle all the issues that the client face while working with others. So the company wants to extend its level of performance and also handle all level of project and its performance and provide the best IT solution to all the people according to their requirement. (Help.aconex.com, 2019)

Research and development and its relationship with innovation:

The research and development is the basic tool of the organization because they bring the innovation in its all fields according to time requirement and also focus on the research and development phases according to time and need of the customer's projects. It shows many directions while following the innovation process in its research and development that means it proactively monitor project performance with real-time cost tracking and variance analysis, it minimizes the month-end headache by automatically management of payment, streamline contract change management with a single portal to manage upstream and downstream contracts, it obtain the visibility of project and its performance with cost and schedule setup, it also manages the project change that includes contingency drawdown, scope and budgets. So in its, every feature the research and development show proper results and the management of the company give more attention on the results of all the research and bring innovative development that makes it's different from others and also enhance the level of working in this field according to level of working and its requirements that can compete in the market. So the company wants to get proper research and development areas to get updates and proper innovation setup must be established. (Help.aconex.com, 2019)

Factors for innovation success:

There are many success factors for the company that make it different from others and also manage all the issues according to customer’s requirement. These factors include unparallel service and support, quality and safety processes, integrated cost management, model coordination in a common data environment, advanced communication and forms and secure documents management. These factors help to bring innovation in the business company also want to promote its features according to the company's requirements. The company also wants to bring proper innovation and also settle all the matters that that can be maintained according to its requirements.

Innovation is the major elements in every IT organization and for that company also want to explore new and innovative ideas and bring the company at the upper level. There are lots of factors that make supportive in the success of the company and also help the organization to compete in the market because IT is upgraded according to time and market requirements.  So the company gets innovated due to its research and development features and also brings all the new and innovative attributes that make its level of working more string and also handle all the matters according to new and innovative setup that manage easily without any problems and give best solutions to others. (Oracle.com, 2018)

Firm’s innovation and its category

Innovation in Aconex is the thing that makes it more highlighted among other companies. The innovations they have provided to people in terms of innovation are the most unique and most trending which are going to manage the thing properly and more innovatively. There are numerous achievement factors for the organization that make it unique concerning other people and deal with every one of the issues as indicated by the client's necessity. These variables incorporate unparallel assistance and backing, quality and wellbeing forms, coordinated cost the executives, model coordination in a typical information condition, propelled correspondence and shapes and secure archives the executives. These all components help to get advancement the business organization likewise need to elevate its highlights as per organization's prerequisites. The organization additionally needs to bring appropriate development and settle every one of the issues that that can keep up as indicated by its necessities. (Prnewswire.com, 2018)

Firm’s technology S-curve of Technological innovations of Aconex Company

Development is the significant components in each IT association and for that organization additionally need to investigate new and creative thoughts and bring the organization at the upper level. There are bunches of variables that make strong in the accomplishment of the organization and help the association to contend in the market since IT is redesigned by time and market necessities. So the organization gets enhanced because of its innovative work highlights and brings all the new and creative qualities that make its degree of working all the more string and handle every one of the issues as indicated by a new and imaginative arrangement that oversee effectively with no issues and give best answers for other people.

Utilization of innovation for success

The Aconex organization is one of the most notable and celebrated organizations that offer top-notch administrations to its everything clients as per their undertaking prerequisites. There are likewise numerous different organizations in the market that additionally giving similar administrations to the clients yet the Aconex is considered diverse to some expand because it give some uniqueness and appealing highlights as it is secure and grievance that gathering the most noteworthy universal security norms, it arrangement the procedure to adaptable level that depends on how you work and development is change, this organization is additionally offer programming of development the executives that running in days, simple to design and up and quick to convey, and it additionally offers a confided in stage and trail for review that drive fewer debates, permeability and selection. So these highlights and its successful execution improve its degree of value and settle every one of the issues that customer face while working with others. So the organization needs to broaden its degree of execution and handle all degree of the venture and its presentation and give the best IT answers for every one of the individuals as indicated by their necessity.

References of Technological innovations of Aconex Company

Help.aconex.com. (2019). Aconex Data Protection Agreement. Retrieved from https://help.aconex.com/aconex-global-policies

Help.aconex.com. (2019). Distribution curves and time-phased data. Retrieved from https://help.aconex.com/aconex/our-main-application/using-aconex/using-cost/cost-admin/project-org-settings/distribution-curves-time-phased-data

Oracle.com. (2018, October 19). Oracle Honours Customer Innovation with Oracle Aconex Connect Awards. Retrieved from https://www.oracle.com/se/corporate/pressrelease/oracle-aconex-connect-awards-2018-10-29.html

oracle.com. (2019). Proven Project Delivery and Controls. Retrieved from https://www.oracle.com/industries/construction-engineering/aconex-products/features.html

Prnewswire.com. (2018, October 16). Oracle Honors Customer Innovation with Oracle Aconex Connect Awards. Retrieved from https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/oracle-honors-customer-innovation-with-oracle-aconex-connect-awards-300731521.html

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