game playing has been found to be influenced by several factors ranging from
social to economic aspects. Whereas some of these factors are related to personal preferences such as needs
and values derived from playing particular games, others such as ease of use
are mainly technological-based.
to Penttinen, et al. (2010), mobile gamers vary in
their needs
and values – characteristics responsible for the variation in their
purchasing behavior of mobile games. These values could be related to
satisfaction with quality, functionality on a mobile phone or price compared to
their expectations. The perceived usefulness such as providing a platform for socialisation also appears to influence the user’s intention to purchase a mobile game. On
the other hand, the game-related factors
that could motivate users to purchase mobile games include ease and quickness
of setup, audio-visual effects including sound and graphics attributes, and product information.
According to Barnes et
al. (2012), significance
of the research show that the path between performance expectancy and
PBI in WoW was significant only at the 10 percent level. Furthermore, prevent
deceitful behavior lead to issues of institution-based trust, which are related
to performance expectancy issues, are diminished. Also, the relation between
social influence and purchase intention was not supported and coefficient was
close to zero. Thus, the researchers
suggest that social influence has little effect on forming players’ purchase
While Hsiao and Chen (2016) also highlight in their research that the
perceived value of mobile games may encompass playfulness, connectedness,
access flexibility and reward. The authors also observed that loyalty to mobile
game is mainly a determinant factor among the game players who pay for the
games and not in non-payers. Moreover, the gaming
experience of the consumers could motivate or demotivate them to purchase and
play a particular mobile game. Price of mobile games also appears to be a
crucial determinant of purchasing mobile games. However, it remains an
important factor for only paying gamers.
Kim and Cho (2018) similarly
determine the perceived value, as well as risks and attitude, play a
significant role in the intention to
purchase mobile games by the consumers. Risks could be related to performance
mismatch between the expected and actual performance. Satisfaction or
dissatisfaction was also found to influence the user’s behaviour in purchasing mobile games and loyalty. Whereas perceived
use and loyalty have been established to influence the consumers’ intention to
purchase apps for mobile games.
According to Su et al. (2016) humane-computer
interaction, social interaction, skill, and challenge independently positive
influenced flow experience, and further positively influenced the player
loyalty of mobile game users. They explain the influence of player behavior on
their player loyalty. In particular, the higher challenges and social
interaction are, the more the game challenges experienced players and
facilitates interactions with each other, therefore raising player loyalty.
Merikivi et al. (2017) determine
that the connection between enjoyment and continuance intentions and
what makes mobiles games pleasant. enjoyment direct impact on continued use
intentions has confirmed. additionally, Jani reveal that enjoyment within the
mobile game context depends on two kinds of artifact-related attributes: game
design and playability. Of these, perceived ease of use, novelty, design
aesthetic, and challenge are strongly influence enjoyment which in turn driven
the continual mobile game use. This literature review indicates that
motivators for purchasing mobile games could be related to individual
perspectives or system characteristics.
Passmore & Holder,
(2014) describe
in the research that playing video games can provide a wide range of
positive effects and benefits. As they have highlighted, playing prosocial
video games can promote aspects of prosocial behaviours including increasing
positive affect, generosity, helping behaviour, and accessibility to prosocial
thoughts, in addition to decreasing aggressive behaviour, hostile attribution
You, et al. (2014) from
Korea make the argument that the Participation in programs that focus on
problems, such as video game addiction or aggressive behavior, remind
adolescents of their problems rather than of their positive traits, whereas a
strength-focused approach increases positive self-perceptions. Thus, educators,
family members, and the community could utilize this strength-focused approach
to better understand the mediating roles of adolescents’ strengths regarding
the impacts of violent video games on adolescent social behaviors.
Al-Jifri and Elyas (2017) state that video games can become an effective
language learning tool in schools and universities if they were designed
‘right’. What the word ‘right’ implies is that a number of elements should form
the foundation of the game’s design to become as involving as commercial/
console video games such as Metal Gear Solid or Grand Theft Auto. These
elements include action- packed gameplay, a compelling story that addresses
serious issues such as violence, adult- related situations, beyond reproach
voice acting and etc.
Granic, et al. (2014)
describe that we have become particularly inspired by the potential that
these games hold for interventions that promote well-being, including the
prevention and treatment of mental health problems in youth. The game of Chess
in mobile is not merely an idle amusement. Several very valuable qualities of the
mind, useful in the course of human life, are to be acquired or strengthened by
it, so as to become habits, ready on all occasions. we learn by Chess the habit
of not being discouraged by present bad appearances in the state of our
affairs, the habit of hoping for a favorable change, and that of persevering in
the search of resources.
Connolly, et al.(2012) also
try to show that playing computer games is linked to a range of
perceptual, cognitive, behavioral, affective and motivational impacts and
outcomes. The most frequently occurring outcomes and impacts were knowledge
acquisition/content understanding and affective and motivational outcomes.
Thirunarayanan and Vilchez (2012)
get some results from a survey of 203 students in a public
research university are reported in the paper. Using Chi-square, statistically
significant differences were found between students who had and had not participated
in video game tournaments in the reported improvement of several life skills or
abilities, such as arithmetic skills, giving directions to others, functioning
as a member of a team, leading a group of people, coordinating the activities
of other people, and ability to memorize information. The results show that
playing in video game tournaments does have positive consequences.
Prasetya, F. X. (2015) also say that
era people prefer to play games that can be played any time. A mobile phone is
probably good tool for a game rather than computer because you can use it any
time and people can bring it all the time also Mobile phone is a network device
which supports multiplayer game.
Oliveret et al. (2015) assigned 512 participants
randomly divided into 1 of 2 groups that asked them to recall a game
that they found either particularly fun or particularly meaningful, and to then
rate their perceptions of the game that they recalled. They discovered that
Enjoyment was high for both groups, though appreciation was higher in the
meaningful- than fun-game condition. Further, enjoyment was most strongly
associated with gameplay characteristics and satisfaction of needs related to
competency and autonomy, whereas appreciation was most strongly associated with
story characteristics and satisfaction of needs related to insight and
Husni and Mohamed (2011) arrive to
result that the Electronic games have a positive impact on cognitive processes
as they encourage the development of logic and the acquisition of cognitive
skills in a fun way as it pushes learners or players to develop their
Vasileiadou, & Makrina,
(2017) research confirm the significance of incorporating technology in
the English language classroom as it increases students’ motivation also
promotes language learning . The implication of this finding, for the teaching
of English in Primary school, is crucial as it suggests that the use of
computer or mobile games should become an inextricable part of the lesson
because computers offer enjoyable practice in English as a foreign language.
Cho (2015) results show that effort
expectancy, hedonic motivation, price value and habit have positive effects on
the formation of behavioral intention to use in-app purchase items. Social
influence was not a significant factor influencing the behavioral intention. The
moderating effect of gender showed that male users consider
hedonic motivation more than female users do.
Indrawati and Putri (2018) determine that there are six variables have a positive
and significant influence on the consumer’s continuance intention of Indonesia
Go-pay adoption. Which ordered continuously as Habit, Trust, and Social Influence were the most influential on
the consumer's continued intention, while the effect of Price Saving
Orientation, Hedonic Motivation, and Performance Expectancy are less impacts on
consumer’s intention. Therefore, in order to
make the consumers become addicted to use Go-Pay, they suggest to create a
Go-Pay reward name for several levels. Once consumers unlock a higher level,
there will be higher amount of discounts and Go-Points and it will increase the
customer addiction.
Ping and Yi-chen (2016) have used UTAUT as the theoretical base to investigate
the purchase intention of smartphone users in purchasing game APP. Based on the
literature review and in order to enhance the explanatory power of UTAUT, and
hence the researcher added two variables of “Price” and “Product Involvement”.
In this study, the researcher investigated the factors that would affect users’
purchase of game App, and the researcher regarded that those who would purchase
game App were all voluntary, and hence the individual difference of “voluntariness
of use” wouldn’t be investigated in this study.
Lastly, Al-Muhanna et al. (2019) discover that relative advantage was defined under the entertainment
context of passing time, and it had the strongest effect among the other
factors in both case studies (D 0.40 and 0.32, respectively). This indicates
that participants enjoyed passing time playing the game. This is consistent
with the results in [48], as they found that game adopters have stronger
personal needs for passing time and a higher perception of Relative advantage
in playing online games, whereas they perceive the risks in terms of time spent
in playing online games as less significant.