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Assignment Literature review on Process Targeting of multi-characteristic product using Fuzzy logic and Genetic Algorithm with an Interval Based Taguchi Cost function

Category: Education Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: APA Words: 3500

According to the author Mujahid (2007), the author has developed a proper model that is completely based on fuzzy logic and can be used for the process targeting of different characteristic products. The major thing is that these characteristics are not measurable through calculations of different parameters. In this paper, there is a complete fuzzy relation explained in a proper way. this relation is present between the input and output parameters. For that case, the author has presented a genetic algorithm for obtaining ideal process targets.

 In the first part, the author has presented the main problem and gives comprehensive information on Fuzzy logic. In the next section, a proper model is presented that will relate the relationship between the input and output parameters. Then there is complete information about the method used for targeting the parameters. Moreover, the author has presented a proper example through the fuzzy logic genetic algorithm. For the sake of ideal results, he has used novel interval-based Taguchi cost function. This will help to deviate the function from any deviation. He has used a simple genetic algorithm for obtaining process parameters for input and output. The results are showing that the output parameters are analyzed through the use of fuzzy logic (Mujahid & S. O. Duffuaa, 2007).

 A multi-objective optimization model for process targeting

            In this paper, the author has presented a multi-objective objective model. It can be noted that without any customers and consumers, the industry is not able to survive in the market. for that case, there is a need to improve the process by increasing the quality services to their customers. Through this, they are able to increase customer satisfaction.

Any organization is able to survive in the market only when its customers are completely satisfied with their services. Moreover, the main fact is that the organization is only successful when they are able to understand the problems of their customers and then work on solving these problems. Another thing is that if the organization is able to satisfy the customer, then it will become extremely easy to solve their problems in a proper way. The main thing is that organizations are facing trouble in solving complex manufacturing problems. This will leads to economic advantages. Furthermore, there is a need for comprehensive economic adjustment for the sake of process parameters.

But the fact is that there are some deviations due to the raw materials, labor, operations, and other things that occurred during the manufacturing of the product. For this research, the author has presented a proper optimization model with the help of two objective functions. The results are showing that through the help of this model, it will become easy to optimize the cost of their products (Nezhad, Abbasi, & Shahin, 2017).

The optimum common process means and screening limits for a production process with multiple products.

In this paper, the author Taeho (2010) has presented a comprehensive profit model. This model can be used for determining the most profitable common process mean and also for analyzing the screening limits of the product that is produced. It can be noted that in the production process, there is a number of processes that are required to be analyzed in a proper way.

For this process, each item is analyzed and inspected with the help of a surrogate variable. Then it will give complete information about what variable is related to the requirement of the process. If the item is unable to meet the quality requirement, then it is completely useless. For that case, the author has presented a complete profit model that contains different kinds of constraints. These constraints are the cost of production, selling prices, inspection costs, and other costs. For this, there is a need to evaluate the quality characteristics of the products.

The author has used the Gauss-Seidel’s iterative method for obtaining the optimum common process means and other screening limits. These two parameters are obtained through the help of maximizing the expected profit function. Moreover, the author also has presented some numerical examples for evaluating the design parameters (Park, Kwon, Hong, & Lee, 2011).

An integrated model for determining the optimal initial settings of the process mean and the optimal production run assuming the quadratic loss

In this paper, the author has presented several models for determining the absolute initial settings of the whole process by just assuming the quadratic loss function. The author has responded to one of the huge problems of determining the optimal process mean and production run that can be used in any production process in the industry. The main fact is that it is extremely difficult to analyze the optimal price of the manufacturing process.

 On the other hand, this solution can be achieved easily through the help of balancing the profit of meeting the limits. To solve this problem, the author has presented the optimal process mean for the sake of production. It can be noted that this process is involved in inspecting the whole process model. Moreover, the author has also analyzed the main difference between several researchers. For that, there is a need to define the different numerical examples that will demonstrate the main applications of the model.

 In this paper, there is also a complete sensitivity analysis of the model and some information related to future research. The results are showing that obtaining the real cost of production is not easy. The main reason is that every time the cost of the product is changed with one factor. There is one main difference between the previous researches, and this research is that the production cost is optimized, and the gap was covered in a proper. Moreover, the author also presented a joint economic inspection method for evaluating the real cost of the product with the help of a quadratic loss function (Rahim & Tuffaha, 2007).

The effects of inspection error on a complete inspection plan

In this paper, the author has presented a complete effect of inspection error during a complete inspection plan. It can be noted that there are a lot of errors that are evaluated during the inspection. It can be noted that any inspection plan is extremely necessary for any business. In that plan, every item is analyzed and passed through the variable inspection.

 Moreover, in the inspection process, if the item is unable to meet the demand, then it is completely useless. The next thing is that there is a need to specify the main limits of this inspection plan. The main reason is that through this, it will become quite easy to manage the price of the product. In that paper, the author has presented two methods for minimizing the errors that may occur during the inspection process. These models checked through different rework schemes. In the last, the author has presented a brief comparison between these models (Tang, 2007).

Part 2

The impact of inventory management models practices on sustainable construction. A case study on Pulte group


Summary. 4

Research questions. 4

Introduction. 4

Objective of the study. 5

Assumptions and limitation. 5

Problem.. 5

Methodology. 6

Analysis and results. 8

Conclusion and comments. 9

Recommendations. 9

References. 9

Summary Process Targeting of multi-characteristic product using Fuzzy logic and Genetic Algorithm with an Interval Based Taguchi Cost function

In this paper, there is complete information on the inventory management model practices for the sake of sustainable construction. For that case, there is a comprehensive analysis of the inventory management plan of the Pulte group. This company is based in the USA. In this paper, there is complete research on the inventory management model of this company. The main objective of the report is presented and then in the methodology section, three important conditions were discussed related to the inventory management system.

Research questions of How can the inventory management model be improved?

How can the inventory management model be improved?

The research question is highlighting the fact of the inventory management model. The main fact is that it is extremely difficult for the company to manage its inventory as this case study is about the Pulte group. This group is involved in making new homes all over America. The main thing is that as time passes, this group has to upgrade its inventory so that better results can be achieved for the future. Through the help of this question, we can easily analyze how this group can improve its inventory to maximize its profit.

Introduction of How can the inventory management model be improved?

            In this report, there is complete information about the impact of inventory management models practices on sustainable construction. The main fact is that if the inventory management of the company is suitable and perfect, then it will become extremely simple for them to carry out the sustainable construction process.

In recent years, the Pulte Group that is one of the huge home building company operated in the USA. This company is facing some trouble due to its bad inventory management in recent years. The fact is that their construction process is not perfect due to some reasons. Due to this, the cost of any home will become increasingly and the company has to suffer that cost. The next one of the huge challenges is that this company is also involved in acquiring a Microsoft office 365 enterprise agreement. This is because, through the help of this agreement, they can easily increase their profit in an efficient way. The main plan of the company is to get benefits to form the central management system. This will help the company to reduce its cost in a proper way. but the main problem is that the email migration was delayed by the high authorities due to the increase of complexities with enterprise vault.

 In this case, there is a need for proper models that will help to evaluate the inventory and manage everything in an efficient way. This report is discussing the main impact of the inventory management models practices on this group. It can be seen that this company is struggling with inventory management systems. This challenge is increasing every year.

The objective of the study of How can the inventory management model be improved?

The main objective of the study is to analyze the impact of inventory management models practices on the Pulte group of companies. By analyzing this impact, it will become quite simple to manage the construction materials for the buildings and homes.

Assumptions and limitation of How can the inventory management model be improved?

There are some assumptions that are made while presenting the mathematical model.

·         The inventory system of the construction company must have a single type of product.

·         The warehouse that is involved in keeping steel materials must be free of any humidity factor.

·         There will be proper space to keep all kinds of items at a certain place in the warehouses.

·         It can be noted that the screening process and demand process can occur at the same time but the rate of the screening process must be greater.

·         There must be proper space for the imperfect materials in the warehouses.

Problem of How can the inventory management model be improved?

The main problem in the Pulte group is that their inventory system is not proper. Due to this, they are unable to complete the construction project on time. Another thing is that the cost of the material and also the supplier will be increased. Due to this, the group is facing some trouble in managing the whole inventory system. The next problem is that there is some delayed from the Microsoft office 365 agreement. They have sent the migrated email but it was delayed due to some complexities. Due to this problem, they have analyzed that the streamline of their operations is damaged badly and also their route budget is increased. This problem is due to a lack of inventory management models practices. This group has to handle a large amount of data due to a number of mailbox migrations. 

Methodology of How can the inventory management model be improved?

For the methodology, the Pulte Group has to research on different migration tools. But the bitter problem for the company is that none of any tool is meeting the demand. The company has to work on different things to manage the inventory process. The main situation is that whenever there is a need to manage the inventor. For that, this group has to work on the repairing process and also improve it by applying different models. If there are imperfect construction items in the inventory, then due to this, the return of reworked will lead towards zero. This can be explained with the help of a diagram.

During the period, the imperfect material is tested in a proper way. All of these materials are passed through the inspection process and after this, the cost of imperfect material is decreasing. At a certain point, this value is increased can be seen from the It can be noted that the value of imperfect materials is decreasing more and moves towards a negative point.

Ordering cost

Now it can be analyzed from the above image, the ordering cost of the construction material is given by

Then there is the cost of inspection of the materials in the warehouse is given by

In this equation  is the unit of the inspection cost

On the other hand, the holding cost can be explained through this process

In the inventory management, there is also a storage cost of the material that is given by

There is a need to apply the conditions for interest charged in the inventory system. the next thing is that if the allowed time is short, then the lead time of the inventory then due to this inventory cost of the material will be increased.

In the first condition, but the lead time of the material smaller and also make it equal to the permissible payment. Due to this fact, the interest income will be given by

This can be explained through the help of this graph

in the next condition, the lead time T is just greater than the payment time. Like in the graph, it can be noted that the payment time of the inventory materials will become low. This is given by the following expressions

The third condition, when the extra interest is charged to the buyer is high, and the payment value is given by

But the interest charged will become

Pulte Group (Steel material  )


Demand rate


order cost


holding cost


unit price of material


for inventory control

Optimal order quality, Q


Maximum inventory


average inventory


total number of order


holding cost of the material


Setup cost


unit cost


total cost of the material



Pulte Group (wooden material  )


Demand rate


order cost


holding cost


unit price of material


for inventory control

Optimal order quality, Q


Maximum inventory


average inventory


total number of order


holding cost of the material


Setup cost


unit cost


total cost of the material



Pulte Group (Other building material  )


Demand rate


order cost


holding cost


unit price of material


for inventory control

Optimal order quality, Q


Maximum inventory


average inventory


total number of order


holding cost of the material


Setup cost


unit cost


total cost of the material


 Analysis and results of How can the inventory management model be improved?

The company (PulteGroup) did research on many different tools, such as the inventory software and tools for the migration, while no one appeared to meet the needs of the company. The company did finally discover the Quadrotech that might migrate the mailboxes as well as an archive within a unified way but staying into the assigned budget, which is allocated by the accounts or finance department of the company. PulteGroup chose the inventory tools or the software for the management of the inventory (Keyes, 2010).

The company also chose migration management along with the mailbox shuttle as well as archive shuttle for the inventory software for making the bandwidth, required data or tools, or the skills, as well as all required resources, were available for the management of the complex project. The inventory tools which are chosen by the company are very helpful for the company, which will provide the benefits to the company as well as resource managers because it is very crucial as well as complicated tasks because to manage all of the resources of the company. By using the inventory management tool, the company, as well as the management team, can handle all of the resources and items plus the man forced to complete the task (Nezhad, Abbasi, & Shahin, 2017).

Conclusion and comments of How can the inventory management model be improved?

Summing up all the discussion from above, it is concluded that the Pulte group has to solve the inventory management problem. Due to this, it will become easy for the company to complete construction projects on time. In this report, there is complete detail on the impact on the inventory management system. This case study is about the Pulte group. This group is involved in making new homes all over America. The main thing is that as time passes, this group has to upgrade its inventory so that better results can be achieved for the future. The main fact is that if the inventory management of the company is suitable and perfect, then it will become extremely simple for them to carry out the sustainable construction process. This report is discussing the main impact of the inventory management models practices on this group. It can be seen that this company is struggling with inventory management systems

By analyzing this impact, it will become quite simple to manage the construction materials for the buildings and homes. The next problem is that there is some delayed from the Microsoft office 365 agreement. They have sent the migrated email but it was delayed due to some complexities. Due to this problem, they have analyzed that the streamline of their operations is damaged badly and also their route budget is increased. For that, this group has to work on the repairing process and also improve it by applying different models. The inventory tools which are chosen by the company are very helpful for the company, which will provide the benefits to the company as well as resource managers (Frank Voehl, 2017).

Recommendations of How can the inventory management model be improved?

There are some recommendations for the Pulte group. Through this, they are able to manage their inventory system. The company has to apply different software applications that will give proper data about the materials. The next thing is that they also have to apply new technologies that can easily calculate the future cost of the inventory process.  

References of How can the inventory management model be improved?

Frank Voehl, H. J. (2017). Change Management: Manage the Change or It Will Manage You. CRC Press.

García-Álvarez, M. T. (2015). Analysis of the effects of ICTs in knowledge management and innovation: The case of Zara Group. Computers in Human Behavior .

He, N. (2012). How to Maintain Sustainable Competitive Advantages-----Case Study on the Evolution of Organizational Strategic Management. International journal of business administration .

Keyes, J. (2010). Implementing the Project Management Balanced Scorecard. CRC Press.

Mujahid, S. N., & S. O. Duffuaa. (2007). Process Targeting of Multi-characteristic Product using Fuzzy Logic and Genetic Algorithm with an Interval Based Taguchi Cost Function. Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE IEEM.

Nezhad, M. S., Abbasi, M., & Shahin, E. (2017). A multi-objective optimization model for process targeting. Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering.

Park, T., Kwon, H. M., Hong, S.-H., & Lee, M. K. (2011). The optimum common process mean and screening limits for a production process with multiple products . Computers & Industrial Engineering.

Rahim, M. A., & Tuffaha, F. (2007). Integrated model for determining the optimal initial settings of the process mean and the optimal production run assuming quadratic loss functions. International Journal of Production Research.

Tang, K. (2007). The Effects of Inspection Error on a Complete 1nspection Plan . Department of Quantitative Business Analysis , Louisiana State University , Baton Rouge, .

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