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Report about Effect of Behavior on Management

Category: Behavioral Finance Paper Type: Report Writing Reference: APA Words: 3250

Source: https://www.pchalliance.org/news/rethinking-quantifying-behavior-change-case-new-uses-measures-and-analysis

Behavior can actually be referred to as the attitude of a person towards a certain motivation or goal. It includes the way how an individual perceives, comes to believe, and act towards a concept, task, or an objective. In simple words, behavior classifies how we might act and complete a task. Let’s consider a person studying psychology, the way he or she is learning it and how she is behaving in the process are classified under behavior. Behavior of a person varies when it comes to different things. For instance, it is different for playing a game than completing a project at the organization. While playing the game, we might exhibit excitement and we may not experience lack of motivation. However, when we are working on a very difficult project, we might not be dedicated enough. It indicates that a person exhibits different behaviors in different circumstances.

Considering the demanding nature of managing and organizing people, it is actually not surprising that organizational behavior of managers is often studied and regarded widely as the foundation of studies associated with management. In the nation of this behavior, not only acting but feeling and thinking are also included. Organizational behavior aspires to have some relevance for the understanding behaviors of employees who are working at all the hierarchical levels – from the workers who are recognized as the most senior to workers who are employed for only a part-time. Each of the worker is seemingly involved in the processes of being organized and organizing along with being managed and managing. Although the management of employees at a lower hierarchy level is transparent, it is also a case that directors and their secretaries or personal assistance, often are managing their senior executives. It can be said that the process of organizing and managing employees for providing services and producing goods can be quite demanding and requires the management to be effective.

Besides management, a significant role is played by behavior in how we are completing our daily tasks as well. Let’s say that we are learning a completely new concept or theory about organizational behavior. Our behavior towards the activity will determine just how good the outcomes actually are. If we are not properly engaged and dedicated to the task, we will not be able to produce the desired outcomes and it will not satiating. On the other hand, if we are working hard and investing the required time, we will see result become better than before and it is due to the behavior that we exhibited throughout the activity. If we talk about just organizational behavior, studying it allows us to understand better just how employees in a company are organized and what is it that they are lacking. It also allows us to assess and identify the likely outcomes and making changes along with the introduction of changes in ways which can minimize the negative outcomes while deriving positive ones. It is believed that this understanding is seemingly facilitated by considering management and organization as a concept rather that an entity or a description, and with the application of insights which are derived from the conceptual framework that connects knowledge, freedom, inequality, power, insecurity, and identity.

Organizational behavior might be the most significant for thoroughly understanding an approach to management but its significance extends to specialists areas like marketing, production, and accounting where the management and organization of people remain the main activities. For sure, behavior in terms of organization is a subject taken not only managers but also students either as a core element or a side subject in sport studies, modern languages, and engineering among others. Specialists within the different areas of business and management are working with others on whose good behavior and cooperation they depend. Similarly, the relevance of generalist managers with respect to organizational behavior are associated with the coordination of their processes with specialist operations of accounting and products. Obviously, these are not some simple activities which require technical skills but rather they involve management capabilities which are identified as motivation, communication, and leadership. Consequently, everyday experience which involve work experience have relevance for challenging, assessing, and appreciating the entity of knowledge that comprises behavior towards management (Hron, 2004).


In this paper, as the effect of behavior on management is analyzed, there are some questions that would be answered as well. Following are the questions:

1.      How do my behaviors impact on my approach to management?

2.      How do or might my behaviors affect my approach to providing the effective feedback and having some complex conversations?

Behavior is actually the most essential element that seems to impact just how a person is able to learn, act, and perceive something. However, here we are talking about the organizational context in which even the tiniest elements hold significance. Behavior in an organization affects not only the performance of a manager but also the organizational objectives in a long-term. Every person has his or her own behavior and acts according to it under different circumstances. Let’s say that a manager ‘A’ is polite and understanding while manager ‘B’ is abrasive and loud. Their approaches to management will actually have a lot of difference and they will influence others around them differently as well. In order to understand the different characteristics that can impact my approach to only management but also providing effective feedback, these questions have been considered in this paper.

How my behavior affects my approach to management

It is commonly known that the strategies which are employed by managers normally dictate the performance of employees. A manager is not calm and gets loud, for instance, will result in the loudness and abrasiveness of workers. Workers who succeed and flourish and those who fail, often do because of the supervisors and managers who are guiding the workforce of the organization. Moreover, the behavior of managers plays a significant role in how they manage the workers of their organization. Following are some aspects of workers that might be influenced by the approach of management that I choose:

Morale effect of behavior on management

If I am exhibiting a dedicated behavior towards management, it will cause the employees around me to increase their morale. When I am honestly trying to manage things, it will no doubt have an effect on how those around me are working as well. If I am dedicated and honest when it comes to management, I will be able to treat the workers in a better way, motivate way, as well as urge them to accomplish what they really want. It is commonly known that managers who are used to talk with workers in a friendly way, motivate them, and push them to accomplish the goals which they need, are able to motivate the workers in such a way that they are engaged with their work. I will be able to derive only these outcomes if my behavior towards management is honest and I am showing dedication.

Performance and effect of behavior on management

Workers often seem to mimic the dedication which is exhibited by the managers. If I am a manager who is able to work at his utmost and complete all the tasks given to him according to the deadline, the same mindset will be infused in the whole workplace. After all, from the very start, we begin to learn by mimicking and observing just how our superiors are acting. In an organization, workers act as their seniors act. Therefore, if my behavior is all about dedication and I want to complete my tasks no matter what, my management will improve because it will become easier for me to influence those around me. Eventually, it will improve how others are performing and if my behavior is positive towards management then I will also be able to help others improve. For instance, let’s consider a manager at a shop that sells pizza. When he is making sure that all the tasks are being completed and his behavior towards his management is encouraging then it will be capable of influencing others like assistant managers as well.

Feedback and Communication of management

Source: https://www.edx.org/es/course/organizational-behaviour-ubcx-busobhr1x

In organizations, it is very important for a manager to be in touch with the workers under all circumstances. It is because communication tends to solve problems quickly in comparison with solo work without relying on others. Workers often are walking down the wrong path and managers must be there to communicate with them and put them on the right track which is aligned with the organizational objectives. Therefore, it can be said that proper communication and feedback are essential for effective management.

If my behavior towards management is not only positive but also compassionate then I will be willing to help each worker who wishes to do better. I will make sure that all the workers are connected with each other in a strong network of communication that relies on each other. Furthermore, my compassionate behavior will urge me to ensure that not even a single employee is facing an issue that cannot be resolved.

AET or Affective Event Theory

According to this theory, events occurring in an organization emotionally impact the employees which in turn affects workplace behavior and attitudes. Actually, it is a direct indication that when a manager is being sincere and compassionate with others, workers will be affected on an emotional level. When I am careful about the work performance of employees, I will establish activities for workers which must be completed by them. On the day of feedback, I will check how each and every worker has performed before offering the feedback that can him or her. The activity would be planned in such a way that every other week, initial performance would be evaluated before finally at the end of the month I would evaluate the competencies of workers properly.

After the final evaluation, I would make sure to hold meetings that involve all the employees and then I would deliver the answers to questions which I primarily ask them. I would be able to do all of this if my behavior is compassionate towards management (Glasø, Vie, Holmdal, & Einarsen, 2010)

Attitude of an Organization

Since behavior includes attitude in it as well, it is significant to consider it as well. An organization had workers with both positive and negative attitudes. The attitude of a worker reflects the attitude of his or her superior. Managers who seem to take a negative outlook on usually everything urge the workers to do the same. If their behavior towards management is cynical, then the attitudes of workers would be negative and it would cause the workers to be cynical as well (A. Furnham, 2011). Consequently, it leads to carelessness. It means that if my behavior towards management is negative then it will also prevent the workers from improving and growing because my style of management then would not promote encouragement and positive thinking. In addition, I would be unaware of how I am affecting the workplace.

In fact, my feelings, mood, and disposition falling under my behavior affect everything from my capable of making efficient decisions for boosting the creativity of workers and working well with them to just how I am collaborating with them. Inconsiderate behaviors towards management like gossiping and rudeness also disrupt the smooth flow of how every person is working in the organization. It can be said that my feelings would also impact not only my but also others’ performance.

Businesses are actually starting to direct their attention to happiness as an issue of workplace and are seemingly developing the strategies of management for creating a happier environment at workplaces. When I am arriving at work with a positive behavior, I am generally more tolerant, compassionate, and considerate of others and I am certainly not defensive and create disruptions among my subordinates or coworkers. This is just how my positive behavior affects my performance. My happiness would be transferred onto others and employees will also be happy. When they are happy, everything from production and sales goes effectively and smoothly. This way, I would became the reason of lower stress and increased morale.

Rudeness of management and it’s effects

If I am adopting a positive approach towards management and saying little words like thank you and please often, I would be able to create a positive workplace atmosphere. Workers might have attitudes that someone else might be cleaning up after they are breaking some things. Actually, if I have a negative approach then I wouldn’t know just when I will be rude and it will result in conflicts, mistakes, and lower productivity (India, 2009).

Effects of Gossip on an organization 

If I am ignorant towards how workers are doing, they would create a habit of gossiping. One of the most common and difficult habits to let go is gossiping about irrelevant issues and points. Besides the obvious loss of productivity, conflict is created by gossip and ultimately, it takes a toll on the organizational performance. Therefore, if my behavior is not conscious then I would not be able to control this issue.

Effects of Bullying on an organization

Actually, Labor and Industries’ Washington State Department says that bullying is an act that focuses on intimidation created for undermining or humiliating the other. Often, in organizations, junior workers are bullied by their senior workers and sometimes, there is racial discrimination as well. These are the issues that highly depend on just what is my behavior towards management. If my behavior is not sincere towards management then I would be ignorant of all these issues. I would not be in touch with workers and it would create further issues in the organization. On the other hand, if I am careful and communicate with workers then they would not hesitate to tell me about such events. Thus, I would be able to effectively resolve these issues (Ricky W. Griffin, 2004).

Significance of behavior in an organization

Behavior in the context of organizations looks at just how employees are influencing each other and how workers are being influenced by their organization. Workers are motivated by system factors and these factors directly correlate to the satisfaction of workers. They can involve the style of leadership, workplace characteristics, corporate culture, and the management style of a manager. In addition to these elements, there are some other factors that influence how workers seem to feel about their workplace performance and jobs as well. It means that my behavior towards the management in an organization is very important. It can be said that in a long-term, it can also impact the organizational goals and its performance (Watson, 2017).

Insights into Behavior in an organization

Behavior in an organization observes just how corporate structures, workplace groups, and staff members affect employees individually. Concepts from biology, management, sociology, and communications are incorporated by this discipline. The topic is seemingly parallel to organizational theory which is classified under the human resources. As a manger, it is quite significant to comprehend just what elements of management can drive employees. When people are working together, a bond is formed, and this bond influences how they are responding in workplace environment. And collaboration among workers is formed by a careful manager. Again, my behavior will be affecting whether these outcomes are driven or not (Miner, 2007).

Various Forms of Behavior in an organization

Behavior in terms of organization is viewed from different perspectives by organizational theorists. Organizational dynamics are observed by theorists similar to economics from macro and micro views. Macro organizational theory seems to look at the entire industry or an organization while micro organizational theory looks groups and individuals. It is observed by theorists how different levels of an organization influence behavior because all of them affect the decision-making of a worker in some way. These theorists aim to understand these concepts while determining the behavior of a manger that is capable of affecting the function of a business (Jex, 2002).

Further into Organizational Behavior and Role of a Manager

Theory of organizational behavior is actually an effort to under the group and individual dynamics. With various backgrounds available in a modern workplace, this process is quite complicated. Furthermore, practitioners of organizational behavior try to foresee just how workers will be responding in the workplace and how a manager is able to drive their performance. With this type of information, leaders of workplace are able to perform better and creative some positive results. This entity of knowledge is quite valuable for the management of workers according their goals and organizational goals. Knowing how the behavior of a manger affects workers can help them adopt a better approach and behavior towards management (N. Kinley, 2015).

Workers and Their Motivators in an organization

For the management of workers, managers and business leaders first must understand the skillsets and character traits of workers. A closer look at the personalities of workers reveals a collective trait. As a manager, here I should be thinking about what work ethic and attitude is displayed by a worker and how my behavior is affecting it. This can be accomplished by the assessment of personalities of workers. For doing this, I should actually communicate effectively with them and I would be able to do this if my behavior is encouraging and positive towards management (Fox, 2007).

Workplace Satisfaction increase the performance

It can be said that workplace satisfaction plays a significant role in work performance and ultimately, organizational success. When workers are satisfied with how things are going at the moment, they are willing to work regardless of their condition and difficulty of tasks. In workplace satisfaction, the part of a manager is also crucial. If I am exhibiting a careful behavior and paying attention to all the workers then I am making sure that they are happy.

Overall, behavior can actually be referred to as the attitude of a person towards a certain motivation or goal. Organizational behavior aspires to have some relevance for the understanding behaviors of employees who are working at all the hierarchical levels – from the workers who are recognized as the most senior to workers who are employed for only a part-time. My feelings, mood, and disposition falling under my behavior affect everything from my capable of making efficient decisions for boosting the creativity of workers and working well with them to just how I am collaborating with them.

References of Effect of Behavior on Management

A. Furnham, J. T. (2011). Bad Apples: Identify, Prevent & Manage Negative Behavior at Work. Springer.

Fox, W. (2007). Managing Organisational Behaviour. Juta and Company Ltd.

Glasø, L., Vie, T. L., Holmdal, G. R., & Einarsen, S. (2010). An application of affective events theory to workplace bullying. European

Psychologist .

Hron, J. (2004). New economy and manager behaviour changes. ZEMEDELSKA EKONOMIKA-PRAHA- 50(1), 9-12.

India, P. E. (2009). Understanding and Managing Organizational Behavior. Pearson Education India.

Jex, S. M. (2002). Organizational Psychology: A Scientist-Practitioner Approach. John Wiley & Sons.

Miner, J. B. (2007). Organizational Behavior: From theory to practice. 4. M.E. Sharpe.

N. Kinley, S. B.-H. (2015). Changing Employee Behavior: A Practical Guide for Managers. Springer.

Ricky W. Griffin, A. O.-K. (2004). The Dark Side of Organizational Behavior. John Wiley & Sons.

Watson, J. B. (2017). Behaviorism. Routledge.




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