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Assignment on Supply Chain Management and it effects on business of Supply Chain Management

Category: Supply Chain Management Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: APA Words: 2150

Introduction of Supply Chain Management

What are the key ideas of the entire principle?

The supply chain management is concerned with the management or the branch of management, which handles the flow of services and goods as well as it involves all of the processes which convert the raw material into products. It also includes the active streamlining of the supply side activities of the business for increasing the value of the customer as well as to attain a competitive advantage in the market. After the supply chain definition, some significant ideas of the principles are discussed in the report which provides a lot of the information about supply chain management that why it is used, who is using as well as how the managers can get the competitive advantage in the market by applying its principles.

The report is telling in the very first start that the managers in the market found themselves as the key players of a very real tug of war. The first edge of the rope is in the hands of the customers, while the second edge of the rope is in the hands of the companies. Customers demand quality products and services from the company, while companies want to grow and grab more profit from the marketplace. The principle is telling supply chain management is only one principle that can fulfill the requirements of both of them. The managers determined two key things: the first thing is the supply chain management as a whole while the second thing they follow a noticeable outcome in the shape of profitable growth of the company business.

In contrast, the managers also realized in the actual measures of success that the activities of the supply chain are key drivers to make the value for the customers as well as it also enhances the profitability in every chain link of the company.

Does the key idea important or contentious

The idea which is discussed in above on the supply chain management is very important as well as argumentative because the managers first noticed two things about supply chain management that the supply chain management as a whole because it is focusing on delivering customers on-demand and also focussing that how the company can take profit by having this management strategy. But the Savvy manager did assess in an effective manner that the supply chain management is focusing on delivering customers, but it is also focusing on generating more customer by increasing value of the customers into the market for their satisfaction as well as it is also focusing on making company grow in the sense of revenue, value and profit by reducing cost on per product. In the last, the concept is very important and highlighting the improvements in the definition of supply chain management.

Methodology of Supply Chain Management

Empirical/conceptual? (How the writer support the data)

The writer supported the key data in the assignment very well. He did take a start from the manger's findings, which they realized first on the concept of supply chain management that supply chain management deals with the customer need, and it makes the company values in the market. After telling the early managers' findings writer did also discussed the findings of savvy managers who did realize that the supply chain management is not only the name of the flow of goods; it makes the value of the customers in the marketplace to strengthen the company in the market. After telling this, the writer did also discussed some issues for the development and execution of the transformation plan of the supply chain for both external as well as complex internal entities towards the parallel way. For the provision of assistance to the managers for the decision making that how they can take the initiative, the supply chain initiatives or almost 100 successful manufacturers are visited by the research players to gather meaningful information about their experiences. By collecting this information, the writers did realize that they are working on seven fundamental sub principles of supply chain management, which are mentioned in the study briefly.

Critique Methodology of Supply Chain Management

In the critique methodology, the writers did assess, analyze, or review the whole seven principles and evaluate each of them by observing workability. Furthermore, during the analysis of the principle as well as the gathering of information, the writers found that companies do not complete the whole work in a day. They split or divide the working tasks, which is to be completed in the given time because other processes are also in the queue. All of the principles or tasks are interlinked. When one task is completed, then the second will be started. In the first step, managers perform segmentation of the customers that are based upon the needs of the customers. In the customization of a network of logistics to profitability and the requirement of the service of segments of customers, the companies make a strong network with the logistics because, during segmentation, they have to make a different kind of products for distinctive customers. During performing this action, the companies also focus on the current situation of the market, and they have to make some changes in the planning throughout the supply chain for making sure the consistent the forecast, as well as they, have to allocate the resources to the production lines according to the situation. The speed of the production of products is a very significant thing where the managers should have to handle because low demand in the market but production is high will cause the waste of products and resources. So, the managers control the speed of output. The management of the sources of the supply will minimize the cost per product, and they control this thing too. For saving the resources of the company, the managers develop the new technology that is supportive at the multiple levels for the making decisions because it will give the proper and transparent view of flow of the resources in the company as well as they can assess how much resources are in use, how much wasted as well as how much are available in the stock.

What do other researchers say? (For support the argument)

Other researchers also talked about supply chain management as well as shared their findings. The findings of the study support the argument, which is mentioned here. The competencies of the supply chain have positive impacts on the performance of the organization. Around the operations, distribution, services, quality as well as design effectiveness, it develops the competencies of the supply chain. The major goal of the supply chain competencies is to satisfy the requirements of the customer. The practices of the supply chain have a direct impact on the performance of the organization as well as the practices which are made up of customer services, features of the supply chain as well as integration. Furthermore, the competencies, as well as the practices of the supply chain, are associated significantly. Although, the practices, as well as the concerns of the supply chain management, are linked with them (Chow et al., 2008). Furthermore, the middle line managers are helped by the outcomes of research across the world for having knowledge of the significant components as well as the approaches of the supply chain management for focusing on the performance of the organization. Between differences between the regions, some similarities are identified, but it may also be situation dependent.

As stated by Chandra & Kumar (2000), in the many factories or industries, the supply chain management is the main issue as the companies understand the significance of making the power relations with the customer as well as the suppliers of the company. A method for bringing improvements to the competitiveness has been become by the management of the supply chain through minimizing the uncertainty as well as increasing the customer service. A large number of challenges, as well as the problems, are analyzed by this research study for supply chain management as well as the broader awareness is provided of the concepts as well as the supply chain management principles. The major goal of the supply chain competencies is to satisfy the requirements of the customer. Furthermore, the competencies, as well as the practices of the supply chain, are associated significantly. The role of the coordination, as well as the practical planning within the complicated integrated systems as well as the information technology for the synchronization of the supply chain, is stated in the particular supply chain management framework which makes the specific patterns of the structure as well as it installs the significant ether controls in the company as well as it also ingredients within the supply chain (Chandra & Kumar, 2000).

As stated by Towill, et al. (2000) that the study represents the procedure of health check effectively applied into European motorized sector, as well as the results, are represented for the analysis of the almost twenty value of trains European streams covering a larger range of the supply at the first as well as second levels. By using the quick scan, methodology activates the proper health check methodology that needs the execution through the multidisciplinary team working on the site. Furthermore, the QS team estimates degree of the integration into the value chain that is utilizing the concept of the circle of uncertainty apportions observed the possibilities, as well as according to the source, within the product delivery process. Furthermore, on the supply chain management, the researchers said that there are four major contributors such as the system controls, supply side, demand side as well as the value-added process side. The well-trodden is clearly demonstrated by the results as well as the outcomes have proven to improvements in the performance of the value stream. The value chain exemplars as well as the areas fo they identify the best approaches while a list of actions is provided by them most importantly for the improvement of the performance fo the value streams of every individual. The progress curvet will be boosted up by the reengineering programmers that based on the points of such kind of trigger towards current supply chain management, which is properly applied (Towill et al., 2000).

Opinions of Supply Chain Management

·         Known/Unknown from the article

Conclusion of Supply Chain Management

It is concluded that the report is providing important information about the seven principles of supply chain management. It is also concluded that the research report is basically an argumentative study which is telling the experiences of early time managers as well as the late supply chain manager. The first edge of the rope is in the hands of the customers, while the second edge of the rope is in the hands of the companies. The principle is telling supply chain management is only one principle that can fulfill the requirements of both of them. The Savvy manager did assess in an effective manner that supply chain management is focusing on delivering customers. Still, it is also focusing on generating more customers by increasing the value of the customers into the market for their satisfaction. After telling the early manager's findings writer did also discussed the findings of savvy managers who did realize that the supply chain management is not only the name of the flow of goods. It makes the value of the customers in the marketplace to strengthen the company in the market. By gathering this information, the writers did realize that they are working on seven fundamental sub principles of supply chain management, which are mentioned in the study briefly. During performing this action, the companies also focus on the current situation of the market. The management of the sources of the supply will minimize the cost per product, and they control this thing too. Furthermore, the competencies, as well as the practices of the supply chain, are associated significantly. The primary goal of the supply chain competencies is to satisfy the requirements of the customer. Furthermore, the QS team estimates the degree of the integration into the value chain that is utilizing the concept of the circle of uncertainty apportions observed the possibilities.

References of Supply Chain Management

Chandra, C. & Kumar, S., 2000. Supply chain management in theory and practice: a fad or a fundamental change?. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 100(3), pp. 100-114.

Chow, W. S. et al., 2008. Supply chain management in the US and Taiwan: An empirical study. Omega, 36(5), pp. 665-679.

Towill, D. R., Childerhouse, P. & Disney, S. M., 2000. Speeding up the progress curve towards effective supply chain management. Supply Chain Management, 5(3), pp. 122-130.

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