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Report on How project management can drive improvement in United Kingdom environmental sustainability for carbon emissions

Category: Business & Management Paper Type: Report Writing Reference: HARVARD Words: 2200

How project management can drive improvement in United Kingdom environmental sustainability for carbon emissions

Abstract of How project management can drive improvement in United Kingdom environmental sustainability for carbon emissions

There is a growing determination that the interface mediation among the public of the United Kingdom and Policymaking through the local government commanded the initiatives. Environmental sustainability is complex, as well as project management needs to look at the improvements in environmental sustainability for the emissions of carbon. Fruthemore, research shows how project management can play a role in the reduction of pollution in the environment to make it sustainable. Change in weather in the United Kingdom and surrounding is the main cause of global warming which effectively increase the temperature as well as effectively pollute the air which is dangerous for human, animal beings and plants.

Introduction of How project management can drive improvement in United Kingdom environmental sustainability for carbon emissions

The most precious inheritance is the natural environment. The land of the United Kingdom is set apart with an outstanding variety of habitats and natural landscapes. The twenty-five-year environmental plan of the United Kingdom sets out the long term approach by project management of the country for enhancing natural landscapes for the next generations. The goals of the project management are clear, including reduction of the pollution from the environment and increasing environmental sustainability for the carbon emission from industries and vehicles oil burning to make country greener for all of the human and animal beings (Rodríguez-López, 2010). To improve environmental sustainability through protecting, project management has taken larger steps. For instance, the government has banned the microbeads, which are harmful for life to bring improvements in the air quality as well as for the improvements in the standards of animal wellbeing. Project management can drive improvements into a sustainable environment with the principles of sustainability. It is so because the sustainability combined in the environment. Furthermore, despite both initiatives like macro as well as micro levels, sustainability is not fully applied within the project management (Schipper, 2010).

Furthermore, the main goals of the research on the sustainability of the environment to carbon emission are to evaluate the effective techniques, approaches as well as the methodology used across the world as well as to see the how these kinds of techniques are interlinked with the governmental laws of United kingdom. One more reason is to conduct this research for the identification of the challenges or hurdles which are making troubles in bringing improvements. Furthermore, the environmental sustainability can be improved by the funding agencies, and the factories are using the project management is not limited to only in the construction projects or software development projects, it is applicable to all of the industries (Silviusab & Nedeskia, 2013).

Literature Review of How project management can drive improvement in United Kingdom environmental sustainability for carbon emissions

Godwin (2011) states that it is a supposition on the part of some which the enhancing restrictive construction can be met by the new building technology as well as both standards of building to convert or restoration of a new build as well as historic buildings. It is continued by carbon-free construction for being the long term goal certainly of the government of the United Kingdom. In the latest previous years or within the same decade, the professional emphasis, as well as the political impetus, has given. For sustainable construction, in the introduction of codes successively, it exemplifies the drive in the direction of sustainability in the building. Furthermore, the research study also searches for evaluation of the extent to what principles of sustainability are applied in the adaptation of historic buildings, restoration as well as conservation in the UK (Marcelino-Sádaba & Pérez-Ezcurdia, 2015). Moreover, it shall also plan how it can make them for as well as traditional building, are previous examples of sustainability for being more sustainable instead of performing harmful things to their character. The different techniques will also be explored in which experimented as well as performed testing on the techniques of craftsmanship, building as well as the use of typical resources can be utilized for a meetup the emerging standards to the conservation of the energy and the sustainability. But at the other hand, the use of the traditional approaches for building as well as the resources by the concentration on the historic properties, in the sense of new build will also be described, but specifically in the sense of retaining the local identity as well as the distinctiveness (Godwin, 2011).

Tait et al. (2016) are also highlighting in their research that there are overabundances of the labels of food signaling the attributes of the environment, the research examining the effects which are differing the formats of the label have on the preferences is bounded. The impacts on the willingness of the consumer are explored by this research study for the payment throughout the formats, which shows they are partially applied in the experiment choice concerning choices of fruits in the United Kingdom and Japan, as well as the nascent compass format. To lower or higher values, it is led systematically by no single format (Schipper, 2014). Although to label format, it finds some type of preference for enhanced nutrient content to be very sensitive but the preferences for the emissions of the production of carbon are not affected. For public goods versus private goods, a degree of homogeneity is suggested by such a finding. Among the formats as well as compass label design employing text, a difference is found by us with the implications for discussed label designs (Tait, et al., 2016).

ZainulAbidin & Pasquireb (2007) described that the rise of the phenomenon of sustainability within the modern world of construction began to seek different opportunities, which will allow such kind of concept to become the infused within the current environment of working. It was conducted by one of the significant practices to provide the in the decision making by the project management, as well as a strategic position, is held by the value management for the project management to incorporate issues of the sustainability within such projects of the construction. Furthermore, the project manager has realized the potential that value management has several kinds of inherent competencies that stated the potential as the delivery mechanism of sustainability (Carvalho, 2017). For sustainable construction, in the introduction of codes successively, it exemplifies the drive in the direction of sustainability in the building. It has conducted by the research for the investigation of the critical aspects for making sure the integration of the effect of sustainability in the environment by project management. The structural model shall be introduced by such research from this understanding that it should raise some challenges in the techniques of value management. Furthermore, the proposed model is very helpful for the framework for providing guidance about sustainability issues integration effectively within the project management as well as therefore, improving the opportunity that it offers for the factories (ZainulAbidin & Pasquireb, 2007).

Methodology of How project management can drive improvement in United Kingdom environmental sustainability for carbon emissions

Research question

The main purpose of this study is discussed as well as it also highlighted that what research question is forced to conduct this research for improvement in the environmental sustainability of the United Kingdom for carbon emission. The research question is as follows.  How the project management can driver improvements of environmental sustainability of the United Kingdom? A few improvements in the practices, as well as concepts of the project management, may have effects in both positive and negative ways over environmental sustainability. So, both of the variables, such as environmental sustainability as well as project management, are associated with each other.

The main purpose of conducting this research is to get a better understanding of environmental sustainability as well as project management that how effective project management can be effective in driving the improvements in the environment to make it sustainable where all wellbeing can easily breathe. The study is conducted to drive improvements in the sustainability of the environment of the United Kingdom. On the other hand, the literature review which is given in this study, is telling a lot of things into the research for the assessment on the applicability of the approaches into the project management. The research paper is completely focused on the qualitative research as well as it is assisted by several additional studies which are mentioned the literature review parts, as well as some resources, are also making this research more powerful. One of the main purposes of this research is to evaluate some hurdles as well as barriers that are creating complexity in the improvements in project management. Furthermore, the purpose of this study is to check whether the principle of project management is limited or vast for such kind of project for driving improvements into environmental sustainability (Sánchez, 2015).

Research methodology of How project management can drive improvement in United Kingdom environmental sustainability for carbon emissions

The research methodology part is telling which method is chosen as well as performed to conduct this research on the selected topic. The research approach which is performed for conducting this study is deductive which did make the hypothesis for the current study. In this research methodology, several kinds of research papers, as well as journals, were collected to analyze critically. The journal articles which are telling in the literature review that the project management is not limited to the construction projects, the principles of the project management can be used for making the environment sustainable where all of the well beings can easily live as well as it can be effective to reduce the carbon emission in the UK. The approach is most appropriate for such a study because the association among social research, as well as the theory, recognizes the technique for developing helpful knowledge for that.

Epistemology of How project management can drive improvement in United Kingdom environmental sustainability for carbon emissions

The epistemology is the technical branch of the study, which provides various philosophical information for developing knowledge about the research as well as techniques. Project management is a very vast field that is not completely understood by the researchers that how it can be used for making sustainable environement. Currently, many studies shows toled that the project management can handle several types of works like construction projects as well as other projects plus it can handle the sustainability of the environment. But it is not limited and the practitioners are not completed understood this term. The environmental sustainability considerations are at the head of such a project. Furthermore, it will be ensured by the viewpoints of epistemological that there is an understating of their actions as well as decisions.

Ethics of How project management can drive improvement in United Kingdom environmental sustainability for carbon emissions

The participants in the research must be based on volunteers that are requested to participate in for the research by signing on the agreements. For conducting the research, the main focus was on the data gathered from journals was actual as well as focused on project managmernt. The errors as well as negligence were avoided. Furthermore, for conducting the research and in the research, honor is given to the other related theories and their drivers.

References of How project management can drive improvement in United Kingdom environmental sustainability for carbon emissions

Carvalho, M. L. M. &. M. M., 2017. Key factors of sustainability in project management context: A survey exploring the project managers' perspective. International Journal of Project Management, 35(6), pp. 1084-1102.

Godwin, P. J., 2011. Building Conservation and Sustainability in the United Kingdom. Procedia Engineering, Volume 20, pp. 12-21.

Marcelino-Sádaba, S. & Pérez-Ezcurdia, L. F. G.-J. &. A., 2015. Using project management as a way to sustainability. From a comprehensive review to a framework definition. Journal of cleaner production, pp. 1-16.

Rodríguez-López, G. F.-S. &. F., 2010. A methodology to identify sustainability indicators in construction project management—Application to infrastructure projects in Spain. Ecological Indicators, , 10(6), pp. 1193-1201.

Sánchez, M. A., 2015. Integrating sustainability issues into project management. Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 96, pp. 319-330.

Schipper, A. G. S. &. R., 2010. A maturity model for integrating sustainability in projects and project management. (IPMA) Istanbul, Turkey.. In 24th World Congress of the International Project Management Association.

Schipper, A. J. .. &. R. P., 2014. Sustainability in project management: A literature review and impact analysis. Social Business, pp. 63-96.

Silviusab, A. G. & Nedeskia, R. S. &. S., 2013. Sustainability in project management: Reality bites1.. project management.

Tait, P., Saunders, C., Guenther, M. & Miller, P. R. &. S., 2016. Exploring the impacts of food label format on consumer willingness to pay for environmental sustainability: A choice experiment approach in the United Kingdom and Japan. International Food Research Journal, 23(4), pp. 1787-1796.

ZainulAbidin, N. & Pasquireb, C. L., 2007. Revolutionize value management: A mode towards sustainability. International Journal of Project Management, 25(3), pp. 275-282.

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