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Business operations by capturing different International space

Category: Operations management Paper Type: Report Writing Reference: APA Words: 1870

After reading the case study, it can be easily identified that the organization is looking towards expanding its business operations by capturing different International Space companies in Japan, European Union and other related countries around the globe. Currently it is providing services to the NASA in United States only and management is keenly interested to open its new subsidiaries in new locations internationally to expand its basic operations.

Another significant need of the company is to increase the level related to technology and firewall in the organization in order to reduce the threat related to any kind of security breach. Even the CIO of the company has also raised concerns regarding the current prevailing infrastructure related to security implications. This clearly suggests that the current prevailing infrastructure for the security implications is not suitable for the operations of the company and is not suitable to meet the current demands of the company.

Another important need of the company is to make sure that the information technology improvement can be implemented in such a manner that it falls within the information technology budget of the company. Company is also so big pressurized to follow the rules and regulations related to FISMA. Proper implications must be implemented related to Information Technology department in the company in order to make sure that the company is having complete compliance with FISMA regulations.

Proposed Solution:

Different techniques can be used in order to increase the data storage capacity of the company. One of the most significant techniques which are being used by most of the organizations in modern days is cloud storage services. Cloud storage services can be utilized by organizations from of purposes services or it can also be developed on the work site according to the requirements of the organization. Cloud storage is typically associated with formulation of a host platform related to storage service which can be used in order to store data like block storage.

By looking towards the importance of the data, it is highly recommended that the management should focus towards installing on-premises cloud storage services. It will not only help them to keep their data storage secure and will also help them to make sure that their data in the cloud storage is free from any kind of cyber threat. There are different justifications for selecting this solution. One of the most significant justifications is that it is comparatively less expensive and its installation is very simple. Another significant justification is that it is one of the most emerging Technologies of Modern Times related to data storage. Most of the multinational organizations are using this data storage service in order to increase their capacity related to data storage.

Adoption Process for Proposed Solution

It is important that the recommended solution should be implemented as soon as possible in order to increase the data storage capacity of the organization. There are some benefits and risk associated with early adaptation of recommended solution. One of the most significant benefits is that it is one of the latest and fastest growing data storage Technology. Risk associated with early adaptation of this technology is that it has some cyber threats because the data will be stored on online storage platform.

It is not recommended to delay the implementation of the recommended solution because due to delay of implementation, this technology might become old. It is significantly important to implement recommended solution as soon as possible to make sure that the recommended solution or Technology does not become obsolete. One of the most significant benefits associated with delay in implementation of the recommended solution is that with the passage of time, new and latest technology is introduced and latest technology will be better than the current cloud storage platform. This will reduce the information technology related up gradation cost of the company because with the passage of time, company will be required to upgrade the data storage capacity and every time latest technology will be implemented. In my opinion, recommended solution should be implemented as soon as possible in order to enhance the data storage capacity.

Potential Positive and Negative Effects of Proposed Solutions:

There are certain advantages and disadvantages of implementing the recommended solution. Some of the advantages and disadvantages have been discussed in this assignment. One of the most significant advantages that cloud data storage service is an offside Management Service. It will help the organization to store the data online and relevant users will be able to access the data online from anywhere. There will be no physical maintenance of service will be required. Another significant advantage of this solution is that it is comparatively and reasonably cost effective as compared to other available solutions. Another significant advantage of this solution is that cloud based data storage services enhances the level of connectivity between the users of the data which helps in proper decision making in the organization.

According to research conducted by mediatronics, when cloud data storage services are supported with appropriate enterprise Technologies then it helps to increase the speed of the data access and this improves the efficiency of overall operations in the organization related to data analysis and data access (Robb, 2018).

One of the most significant disadvantages of this recommended solution is cyber thread and security thread associated with this technology. Different cases have been reported related to security breach for this technology. Another disadvantage of this technology is that organization must have strong internet connection otherwise they will face speed issues for downloading the data from the data storage platforms.

Another significant advantage of implementing cloud based data storage Technology is that it is a cost effective and less expensive technology which can help the organization to enhance the capacity related to data storage. Currently, company is facing issues regarding implementation of such a technology which should be within the budget allocated for the information technology department. This technology of cloud data storage will definitely fall within the range of budget allocated for the information technology department. Its usage is increasing with the passage of time and with increase in its usage, it is quite possible that the price of this technology will increase in near future due to increase in demand for this technology. It is recommendable for the management to adopt this technology as soon as possible in order to take advantage of less priced services as compared to future expensive services.

Comparison of Proposed Technology with other Alternatives:

One of the most significant objectives of the company is to find a solution which can be implemented in order to extend the capacity related to data storage by making sure that the new implemented technology is within the budget of the information technology department. The suggested technology is comparatively cost efficient and is less expensive so it can help the top level management of the company to achieve the objectives related to the budget of the information technology department.

There are other different alternative solutions which can be implemented like company can install physical hardware networks for increasing the data storage capacity but it would require to allocate a specific workplace location for the networking and data storage related networks. Installation cost of this alternative is also comparatively higher as compared to cloud based data storage platform. It can be clearly observed that the cloud based data storage platform is meeting the basic objectives of the company management related to data storage capacity expansion as compared to other available alternative techniques.

Another alternative which can be implemented in order to increase the data storage capacity is to outsource the information technology related matters. It is important to understand that this alternative is not recommendable because the information stored with the organization is highly important and it should be kept secured. By outsourcing the information technology related matters, risk related to data security will be significantly increased. Most of the organizations are Outsourcing their data management functions in order to make sure that they can streamline their operations and they can reduce their cost of Management related to Information Technology and data management. If the organization is not sufficient enough in the field of data management then outsourcing this operation might help the management to overcome the issues related to data management and related matters (Ismail, 2018).

Outsourced Information Technology service providers have the capability to support as well as integrate the increasing technological mixtures. With significant increase in number of cases related to cybercrime and data security, this solution might be a risk for the company by sharing the confidential data with other company but it can also be an advantage for the company because the outsourced operations will be managed in more effective and professional manner. The tools applied for data management by the new company will be focused towards making sure that there is no intervention of factors like cybercrime and data security in order to make sure that the data related to the client is safe.

Methods for Measuring the Impact of Proposed Technology:

There are different techniques which can be implemented in order to analyze the performance of cloud-based data storage Technology. One of the most significant techniques is that management can continuously analyze the performance of recently implemented cloud based data storage platform by documenting its performance in order to continuously compare the historical performance with the current performance. It will help to identify the difference between the historical performance and current performance. This variance will help the management to understand whether the implementation of this technology is beneficial or not for the company.

Same technique was utilized by Netflix recently when they transferred their data and videos from their data centers into the new cloud storage system. Netflix also enhanced their data storage facility by incorporating cloud based data storage system in the organization. This helped the management to identify that physical server was facing different issues in transferring the data and videos into the cloud based platform. It was even identified that the performance of the data when transferred to the cloud based data storage was not effective and efficient as compared to the physical service. This clearly suggests that management should continuously monitor the performance of recently implemented cloud based data storage technology in order to identify its performance level (Babcock, 2016).

After conducting the analysis, I can suggest that implementation of cloud based data storage capability would be recommendable for the management of the company. It is not only cost efficient for the company but it is also focused towards achieving the goals of the company which is to increase the data storage capacity within the allocated budget of Information Technology department within the company. This solution is also comparatively easy to implement as compared to other alternative solutions. It is also considered to be successful as most of the organizations have successfully implemented this solution for enhancing the data storage capacity

References of Organizational needs Proposed Solution

Babcock, C. (2016, 09 20). 5 Cloud Performance Measuring Strategies. Retrieved 05 15, 2019, from informationweek:


Ismail, N. (2018, 05 29). 5 technology trends transforming data management. Retrieved 05 15, 2019, from information-age:


Robb, D. (2018, 10 10). Cloud Storage Pros and Cons. Retrieved 05 15, 2019, from enterprisestorageforum:


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