Environmental Management in Organizations and Energy Dissertation Planning
In order to enhance the firm’s performance regarding the
environmental considerations, the requirements and the parameters are being
specified by ISO 14001:2015. These are the standards regarding the provision of
the management systems for the environmental factors. It thus helps to
critically evaluate the overall performance of an organization along with the
consideration of the environmental factors which directly or indirectly affect
the firm’s performance. State the purpose of this report , remember to name
your chosen company here too
A firm tends to make use of ISO 14001:2015 in order to
perform the responsibilities associated with the environment. This is how the
firm’s responsibilities are performed in a systematic manner. The firm’s
operations are if performed with the environmental considerations they tend to
provide with the sustainability. It helps to provide the firm with the
environmental pillars. This is the only way that a firm can better perform the
responsibilities while considering the environmental factors (ISO, 2019).
The firms intending to provide with the effective management
systems for the environmental considerations tend to make use of the ISO
14001:2015. In this way the firm’s long term objectives and the strategic goals
can better be achieved along with the intended deliverable and the timelines.
The standards under consideration make significant contributions to the
environment, the firm and all other parties who are interested in the parameter
under consideration (OBP, 2019).
For any organization, the standards & the rules of ISO
14001:2015 are applicable. It is irrespective of the nature of the firm, type
as well as the size of the organization. The parameters of these standards are
applicable to the environmental considerations of the firm’s activities,
strategic goals and the objectives, its products or the services. These activities
are if streamlined by the standards of ISO 14001:2015, then they make
significant contributions to the British Petroleum’s performance. For the said
purpose, there exist a full-fledged process that better defines the life cycle
for the implementation of the standards as well as the policies of ISO
14001:2015 (iso, 2019).
Although no specified criteria exist for the evaluation of
the performance of environmental considerations even though well-defined
criteria exist at British Petroleum. It helps the firm for the evaluation of
performance regarding environmental considerations.
outcomes of Environmental Management in Organizations and Energy
Dissertation Planning
The ISO 14001:2015 is aimed at providing British Petroleum
with various outcomes which are related to the environment. These outcomes are
specifically related to the environment. Below are the environmental outcomes
which are provided by ISO 14001:2015 to British Petroleum:
provide with the enhanced and increased performance regarding the environmental
provide with the effective compliance of the rules, regulations, standards and
the policies.
achieve both the firm’s long term objectives and the environmental objectives.
enhance both the firm’s market share and the profitability.
provide with the systematic improvement for the management of the environment
at the firm.
provide with the inclusion of ISO 14001:2015 to the system for the management
of the environment (Advisera, 2019).
being selected for analysis purposes
The organization which is being selected in order to perform
the analysis for achieving ISO 14001:2015 is British
Petroleum. This firm will better help to evaluate certain parameters regarding
the management of the environment along with the planning for energy
Analyze the effect of organizational
structure and governance on decision making in sustainability
Firstly , Definition of organization
structure? With citation
This can be
defined as the activities like coordination, allocations and supervision are
organized according to the organizational aims. Moreover, the organizational
structure is affecting the actions of the company and also providing the
standard operating procedures (Businessdictionary, 2019).
Definition of organization governance? with
It can be noted
that the organizational governance is extremely important for the modern
businesses. This is the main system on which the organization is able to
implement decision for their required objectives (Asq, 2019).
Say which type of organization structure BP
has ? then state advantage and disadvantage of that structure when it come to
decision making
The British
Petroleum has Functional organizational structure. There are a lot of
advantages in the decision making process due to this organizational structure.
The first advantage
is that every manager of the organization is expert in his field. He also knows
that how to carry out the work. The next advantage is the degree of
specialization is extremely high due to this it will become extremely easy to
carry out all the task with ideal decision making process.
There are also
some disadvantages that include
There are no
single direct boss that is handling the working of the team. Every worker is
working under different managers and due to this work load is divided. Due to
this fact there is some contradiction in the decision making process.
The higher
authorities of the firm are responsible for the decision making and
implementation of the same. In case these plans and the decisions are followed
properly then they help to provide the firm with the positive and desired
outcomes. This is how the proper implementation of the firm’s policies help to
achieve the sustainability and the growth at the firm.
Work as a team to plan and deliver an
environmental management system audit
The performance
data for British Petroleum is given below. It is
showing the firm has taken into consideration safety, greenhouse gas emission,
societal parameters, environmental considerations along with the people and
ethics. The below given data is showing the data from the year 2014-2018. There
are various parameters for all of the main heads being shown below.

Form the tables
above it can be seen that the firm seriously considers all the factors which
can have the impact on environment, safety, employee’s health, greenhouse
impact as well as the people & ethics. For every year, the firm has
significantly contributed to the environment by properly following the
standards & the regulations of ISO 14001:2015. By properly following these
parameters the firm has better achieved its long term goals and the objectives.
Also, the employees are provided with the proper safety & the security. The
added benefits all relate to the safety of the workplace environment along with
ethical considerations.
How the business may benefit further in
supporting all aspects of their environment with a regular sustainable business
The business
processes need to be streamlined with the policies and the procedures being
formulated by the higher authorities of the firm. For the sustainable
development, the remarkable and desired parameter is related to the consistency
and the continuous improvements. Once identified, the problems can better be
tackled in the future. There is a need to identify the problems by making use
of proper techniques and the methods.
Recommend improvement to achieve
sustainable development
It is required that the firm should take into consideration
the environmental factors for the efficient performance of the firm’s
activities, strategic goals and the objectives, along with its products and the
services. The sustainable achievement can be achieved by taking into
consideration the factors that have a negative impact on the environment along
with the nature of these circumstances. This is the only way to achieve the
sustainable development at the firm.
Environmental Management in Organizations and Energy Dissertation Planning
Advisera. (2019). ISO 14001 Knowledge base.
Retrieved from
iso. (2019). ISO 14000 FAMILY –
ISO. (2019). ISO 14001:2015 Environmental
management systems. Retrieved from
OBP. (2019). ISO 14001:2015(en)
Environmental management systems — Requirements with guidance for use.
Retrieved from