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Assignment on the GTA V Game

Category: Computer Sciences Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: APA Words: 2200

Introduction of GTA V

Artificial Intelligence methods explore the new possibilities within entertainment as well as art to enable rich and deeply communicating or user-friendly experiences. With the passage of time, artificial intelligence made life very easy because it provided several solutions as well as many ways to make life easier. The technology is now implemented in various computer applications as well as a new trend to implement this technology in mobile devices. On the other side, it is also implemented in various video games. It is also implemented in GTA V, which is a story-based game. Artificial intelligence can be seen in the game in the narrative. Narrative and time of gameplay and the actions according to situations are already defined in the source code of game but those scripts make the user experience for playing this game amazing. The research topic is to narrate on the artificial intelligence (AI) on the research on game with the name of GTA vice City V.

Video games were so boring in the last decade but artificial intelligence made now games so intelligent. The graphics, as well as the graphical user interface of the old games, were not providing clear images and a clear view of the animation on the screen. The story of the games was not so interactive because those the procedural programming language and that provided only those actions as well as animations that are assigned or the written in the code. Furthermore, the instructions of the games in the programming language were so low and the computing devices or the gaming consoles such as ATARI, Sega and other games used in the previous era. Those gaming consoles were good as well as interesting for that world but the digital era with the passage of the time brought a large number of innovations in the computer field including the computer or mobile games. The GTA V is one of the advanced forms which used artificial intelligence in the gaming environment. The mentioned game really makes the games more interactive by applying Artificial Intelligence which made the game more interactive as well as it can learn from the player's actions or the most used routes or the most used items in the games. The whole study is telling about the Artificial intelligence used in GTA V.

Overview of GTA V

            The overview of the Artificial intelligence, explaining as well as stating what it is as well as the basic concepts on how it is related to human life. The artificial intelligence (AI) was implemented in the game which made the game very powerful as well as the game user interface or the functions or the environment of the game is so much interactive as well as an intelligent learner which provide the gamers to that environment where the gamers feel that they are running or walking in the almost in the real world. It is because of the system. AI technology provides you knowledge that how it is very relevant for human life. The artificial intelligence technology elaborates the significance of the technology which is currently using in the real world games such as GTA 4, Call of Duty, PUBG, GTA V, many arcade games or in the other games as well as in the new upcoming computer game with the name of Death Stranded by Sony. In the very simple words, the technology of artificial intelligence is a high-level machine learning teaching technology that makes the whole environment of the game which carries very heavy graphics, as well as it is very intelligent technology that provides very high speed to the computing devices. Furthermore, it also provides the real-world effects in the graphics of the game as well as so many instructions are also implemented in the games which give the instructions to other characters in the game that what kind of action they will be required to perform according to the situation because the technology provides the dynamic environment where every action will have different if the user or the gamer will play the game. No doubt, heuristics are used in the games but a very heavy code is written which provides several kinds of reactions against only one action.

            On the other side, these games have a very significant effect on people's lives and this effect is because of the way their stories are shown or narrated to us using high-quality graphics and real-life examples of things going on around us or things that we see in the news or hear nearby. I plan to further explain the artificial intelligence used to communicate or share personal stories in communities. As we know, if anything has a bright side then it has its dark side too, so my report will also comprise its various advantages and disadvantages.

Artificial Intelligence Narrates in GTA V

The game is creating suspense while playing that what will happen next as well as the narration or the story is also shown at the beginning of every level or mission. Such kind of stories are making addiction for completing the next level of this game as well as the level of expectations will be high. According to McLuhan (2008), the medium has no content. In the Grand Theft Auto V (GTA v) game, artificial intelligence has made the overall game a medium to deliver joy and happiness to the users. Thus the theme of the game contradicts the theory of McLuhan (McLuhan, 2008). Moreover, games are the way through which stories of other people are presented in different ways. For instance, characters in this game doing causal work e.g. shopping and walking are the presenters of human life in our modern communities. Grand Theft Auto V (GTA v) is evidence of advanced artificial intelligence use in the games. In this game, each character has some specific role with game and player. The identical character interacts with other characters under the control of the game player. All this is possible because of artificial intelligence (AI). 

According to a research study, artificial intelligence (AI) is used in the games to develop some challenging situations for the game players. Through this artificial intelligence (AI) games developers control the level of difficulties for the game players and enable them to enjoy realistic challenging situations in different circumstances. For instance, when police follow the main character in the game the movement and actions of opponents and police are supported by artificial intelligence (AI). However, the better technology used in the game the better results would be generated for the user experiences.

Following research, it seems difficult to create something challenging for the game players that relate to the human level of intelligence. In the past, Grand Theft Auto (GTA) game was not enough capable to provide such challenging experiences to the users. Games were mainly overloaded with actions and causal characters. But in these games, artificial intelligence (AI) level was relatively lower in comparison to the advanced versions of Grand Theft Auto (GTA) available in our markets. Now, most of the games are developed on cause and effects basis. Artificial intelligence (AI) is used to present the effects of each designed cause.

In Grand Theft Auto V (GTA v) game, the majority of actions and content are made functional through this cause and effect relation. Artificial intelligence (AI) enables a computer and game software to understand to each action computer or game software has to the response. For instance, when a person will be hit by the main character then what results will show up on the screens of game players. How the car would be damaged in response to the accident and when police will follow cars. However, in most of the cases, we find that scenario and responses never remains the same. In fact, sometimes we find them quite different responses to action from what we had experienced previously. Followed by research findings, the main reason behind this variation is to make the game unpredictable and realistic. Similar responses and behavior of computer opponents and other characters can make this game less attractive and boring for the game players. Thus, artificial intelligence (AI) works as a source to deliver satisfaction to the consumers or users of the game which is itself a message in the communication process. All these actions are used as content in artificial intelligence (AI) to develop a fully-response and interactive game for game players. Grand Theft Auto V (GTA v) and similar games are made for fun and enjoyment because of this artificial intelligence (AI). Thus, relating this to the theory we can say that Grand Theft Auto V (GTA v) game itself is a medium to deliver the fun content with the support of artificial intelligence (AI). Grand Theft Auto V (GTA v) game is manly more based on artificial intelligence (AI) than graphics. Even the game has different objects and scenarios which are presented to players with artificial intelligence (AI).

In the narration of the theme of such a game, the distance is also shown in the map with the goal for the as well as the voice of the objects in the game are different. However, still, the game is mainly supported by artificial intelligence (AI). artificial intelligence (AI) makes this game a realistic game for the users and enables computer characters to communicate with society on different topics such as crime responses, normal community behavior towards accidents and causal life in communities and on roads. Researchers conclude that such games are mainly developed by simulating intellectual behaviours and presenting the increasing frequency of real-life conditions. According to the review of literature and researches conducted on artificial intelligence (AI), it can be said that artificial intelligence (AI) is a reason behind the interest and attractiveness of a game. Particularly, in the case of Grand Theft Auto V (GTA v) game, artificial intelligence (AI) has made it hard for the competitor companies to make something that beat the joy and attraction of Grand Theft Auto V (GTA v) game and produce something alternative for the users of Grand Theft Auto V (GTA v) game. Artificial intelligence (AI) enables the software to analyze a situation and create a real-time strategy for producing a challenging situation to the users (Lara-Cabrera, Cotta, & Fernandez-Leiva, 2013). Researchers claim that in the Grand Theft Auto V (GTA v) game is a combination of interactive graphics and artificial intelligence (AI).  The researcher critically evaluated the invention and success of Grand Theft Auto 3 (GTA 3) in an article and summarized the importance of an artificial intelligence-based agent. It is said that in this GTA version intelligent NPC was relatively more complex than the artificial intelligence-based solutions. Such a situation indicates the need to develop and produce an intelligence-based agent to solve such complex problems with computing intelligence (Frasca, 2003). Summarizing research work done on this topic it can be said that Grand Theft Auto V (GTA v) game is requiring a more advanced intelligence system to provide more realistic responses and situations to the users regarding these games. Grand Theft Auto V (GTA v) game will have a better opportunity for the users when advance technology is implemented and used in the game. Moreover, critical analysis of game also suggests that games are causing to increase destruction in the society which need to be controlled by improving game designs. In this improvement, artificial intelligence can play a significant role.

Conclusion of GTA V

The whole discussion concludes that Grand Theft Auto V (GTA v) game is a leading game in the world that has high responsiveness and interactive features. Interaction and responsiveness are the key features that cause to make this game unbeatable for the competitor companies. Excluding this, all major functions of the Grand Theft Auto V (GTA v) game are supported by the advanced artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence (AI) had developed interaction in the game. Moreover, from the research studies, it is concluded that artificial intelligence is the source of this responsiveness and interaction in the games. Furthermore, the use of artificial intelligence has made it possible for the game players to face some challenging situations in the game. Overall game content is based on cause and effect relation in which users generate causes and effects are presented with the support of artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence-related research studies present the need for improvement. Researchers suggested that more improvement should be made in the games through improved artificial intelligence (AI) thus game developers would be able to providemore competitive games to their users and customers to meet with the competitio

References of GTA V

Frasca, G. (2003). Sim sin city: some thoughts about grand theft auto 3. Game Studies, 3(2), 1-5.

Lara-Cabrera, R., Cotta, C., & Fernandez-Leiva, A. J. (2013). A review of computational intelligence in RTS games. 2013 IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computational Intelligence (FOCI), 114-121.

McLuhan, E. (2008). Marshall McLuhan’s Theory of Communication: The Yegg. Global Media Journal, 1(1), 25-43

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