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Report on Influence of business incubators on strengthening the entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia

Category: Business & Management Paper Type: Report Writing Reference: APA Words: 3300

Chapter One: Introduction of Influence of business incubators on strengthening the entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia

The emerging topic is related to the measure the performance or impacts of the incubators on the particular strength of the entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia. The incubators are that particular company the supports the newly established business to perform in the field in good ways. The business incubator is considered as the central point and backbone for strengthening entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia. It is also the key to the economic development of the country. The value can be created by combining the entrepreneurial drive of setup along with the resources that are usually available for the new ventures.  Business incubators are one of the most important to strengthen the power of the entrepreneur (Salem, 2014).

Background of the Study of Influence of business incubators on strengthening the entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia

There are numerous changes in the global economy that are resulted from the particular procedures of the globalization. It includes the trends in the demographic calls that are required in order to improve entrepreneurship levels (Abu-Jalil, 2017). It also includes accelerated innovations as well as development in technology. These factors play an essential role in the development and growth of the country. The launches of the new decades have been seen in the year 2010, and this decade is referred to as the innovation and efforts of the entrepreneurship in the particular region of Saudi Arabia.

The requirement for launching such essential economic strategies is considered for placing the states for the membership of the highest economic, competitive nations around the globe. This calls for the requirement of the exciting economy in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia that is particularly driven the innovative activities and entrepreneurship. In order for the development of developing nations and economic growth, entrepreneurship is an essential key. In Saudi Arabia, the startup of numerous business programs is aimed at the development and improvement of the performance of small and medium enterprises (Salem, 2014). It also includes the provision of entrepreneurial training programs, skills related to entrepreneurship as well as nurturing talent.

The initiatives of the business incubators  such as it carried out the initiatives of the incubator network by Saudi Arabia that are particularly designed in order to promote the innovation and steadfast entrepreneurship. It also includes promoting the development of the new business which is eventually resulted in an increase in economic growth and enhancing job opportunities. In Saudi Arabia, the initiatives of the entrepreneurial ecosystem are also affecting the neighboring regions. It is considered as evidence that the major changes are evidence for the theses entrepreneurial activities.  The business incubators are playing an essential role in order to support new entrepreneurs (Mahdi, 2015).                  

Statement of the Problem of Influence of business incubators on strengthening the entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia

There are several studies that have been conducted to measure the role of incubators for the growth and strengthen points of the entrepreneurs. But there is a lack of research in order to measure the influences of the incubators on the economy of the country and there is not any study that is conducted to observe or examine the impacts of the business incubators the on strengthening the entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia. Thus, this particular study has been conducted to overcome the problems that are related to influences of the business incubators on the establishments of the entrepreneurship. This study is conducted to evaluate the impacts of the business incubator on the establishments of the entrepreneurship. KSA (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) has been conducted as a particular country for this research.

Purpose of the Study of Influence of business incubators on strengthening the entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia

The major purpose of this study is to increase the understanding of how the business incubators impact the growth of the developing nations as well as the national development of Saudi Arabia. The purposes of the research paper can be assessed by conducting an effective literature review on the association among the economic development and business incubators particularly in Saudi Arabia. Another most important purpose of conducting this research is to analyze and evaluate the significant contribution of the government  officials of the country for the promotion of the economic development and growth of Saudi Arabia. Moreover, this paper is also examining the significant contribution of business managers for  supporting the economic growth and development of Saudi Arabia. The importance of introducing business incubator strategies is also highlighted in this paper as well as the role of those important moves in order to ensure the building of wealth and ensure the value creation.

Significance of the Study of Influence of business incubators on strengthening the entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia

The study contributes to the future study by offering its various perspectives related to the role of the business incubators in the growth of entrepreneurship. The significance of the particular study lies in order to deal with one of the most essential and modern mechanisms in order to promote economic prosperity and growth; it is considered as the business incubators and its relevant sectors importance. This study will significant contributes to the work of the small project and entrepreneurship of the policymakers. This study offers various practices significantly in the new and innovative projects of small and medium enterprises.   

Research Questions of Influence of business incubators on strengthening the entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia

There are numerous research questions that will be answered in the various parts of the research study. These questions are developed to highlight the important issues in this study. These questions are a good strategy to highlights and observe the importance of this research work in effective manners. 

·         What is the relationship between business incubators and the development of entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia?

·         How the business incubators affect the strengthening the entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia

·         What is the role of incubators in promoting entrepreneurship?

Hypotheses of the Study of Influence of business incubators on strengthening the entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia

H0: There is no positive significant relationship between business incubators and the development of the entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia

H0: Business incubators are not affecting positively on the strengthening of the entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia

H1: There is a positive significant relationship between business incubators and the development of entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia.

H2: Business incubators affecting positively on the strengthening of the entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia

Model of the Study of Influence of business incubators on strengthening the entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia

Chapter Two: Literature Review of Influence of business incubators on strengthening the entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia

According to Shukri (2012), the business incubator's importance and is considered as the potential tool for the particular development and recovery of the local economy of the country through encouraging the young nations f the country . it includes the graduates of the universities who are performing the role of the initiators in order to create a new innovative, and small business. It has been concluded nad observed in the numerous studies that thee were the numerous obstacles and challenges that are faced by the business incubators. Additionally, the lack of awareness between the youngsters as the importance of the establishment of entrepreneurship as well as the role incubator. Youngsters play an essential role in the economy of the country (Shukri, 2012).

As stated by Zahrani (2013), who arrived at the human resources and material that is available in business incubators. It has been incubated was high, and the Saudi Arabian business incubators give innovative and supporting execution angles for the projects of small and medium  in a high degree. There was a positive and significant association between the accessibility of money related issues and HR in business incubators in Saudi Arabia, and the degree to which they can give innovative and supporting parts of execution for medium and small enterprises (Zahrani, 2013).

Cullen (2014) demonstrated that the business incubator is a piece of the enormous worth arrangement that can consolidate ventures which are connected by the essential support system, for example, service providers with in the country (legal advisors, bookkeepers, organizations specialist), It is required to build up connections that will proceed in the wake of leaving the task of business incubators. Results demonstrated that there was a predisposition towards the known principles, yet there was an opportunity for improving the arrangement to the market and incubation periods (Cullen, 2014).

At last, Mehdi (2015) observed that the projects of the incubators extend essentially in order  to develop  enterprise and supporting little projects for meeting  the main stage troubles. It has been observed that there is a positive significant connection among the activities of incubators and the improvement of business enterprise. The administrations related in a study (regulatory, counseling, HR improvement, money, marketing, and specialized) with enhancing business enterprises with a critical positive relationship (Mahdi, 2015).

According to  Al-mubaraki (2011), Business incubators and the NBIA have an enthusiasm for developing the business incubation industry. All things considered, there is a potential inclination in information with respect to the accomplishment of individual organizations. While data on effective incubators, customers serve to develop incubation. It is along these lines effectively open, data on ineffective customers are increasingly hard to acquire. It has been observed in this study "The disappointment of business incubators exploration to examine 'less effective' or closed the business incubators; It is suggested that potential information that could be picked in order to enhance the knowledge of the individuals related to the business incubators along with its particular importance (Al-mubaraki, 2011).

In spite of the fact that the idea of business incubation began in the US, business incubators would now be able to be discovered everywhere throughout the world. They can possibly assume an especially important job in creating nations, for example, Kuwait and the other Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), It is essential for the situations where little organizations are frequently attempting to contend in the local areas of the company, even in the national or global markets along with moderately few one resources and restricted specialized or business expertise.

The business incubators projects work in order to accomplish different objectives, for example, commercializing new technologies from colleges, incubation in local financial aspects, serving minority business visionaries, and offering new jobs. Progressively, incubators are being set up to develop organizations with developing for specific markets, which may be as different as gourmet food; it also includes biotechnology or human expressions. They can assume a central role in the establishment and development of local growth, provincial or even national economy by encouraging business improvement and extension, and it is possible by creating markets and making employments (Al-Mubaraki, 2010).

According to  Shalaby,( 2003) as far as SME development struggles, incubators are generally significant expense and along with consequently high addition. Considerable capital is "contributed" in the office in order to offer the various services of SMEs and to give specialized administrations while firms develop into self-supporting organizations. Much relies on the underlying determination process. A poor assurance of likely applicants might be deplorable for numerous programs; the significant expense of this SME exertion in a roundabout way wipes out increasingly negligible firms from support, in light of the serious selectivity included.  There are a few experts who have argued that this is one of the most important efforts that is aimed only at the strongest and best firm in the country.  Seem like various other efforts that are conducted by the experts in order to utilize the incubators as substation and frequent distorting original missions.  For the various businesses, the requirement of the inexpensive real estate, financing and office services is the often prime incentive in order to participate in it (Shalaby, 2003).

The business incubator has been initiated by the government in order to promote economy development as well as the entire nation's establishment and growth. It is required for enhancing the growth of the particular communities as well as the country’s region.  Specifically, such kinds of ideology are essential in particular such as the US, where the utilization and applications of the business incubator are working at a wide level. It depends upon the technology in order to states economic growth and supports the local community.  It has been argued in the various studies that the business incubator’s growth is globally referred as the justifiable by the numerous theoretical and established dimensions that are based upon the existing and previous evidence by which the role of the innovation can be supported as well as economic growth can be promoted (Khan, 2013). 

Chapter three: Theoretical framework of Influence of business incubators on strengthening the entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia

Chapter Four: Methodology of Influence of business incubators on strengthening the entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia

Introduction of Influence of business incubators on strengthening the entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia

The research methodology section is among the most significant part of any research because in the research methodology phase, the data is collected which is used for answering the research questions. The descriptive research approach has been implemented for gathering the data from the individuals. In this study, both types of data will be gathered which include secondary data & primary data. The secondary data will be gathered by conducting the Literature review and by collecting data from books & credible internet sources. The primary data will be gathered using the survey & interview approach.

Kind of Research of Influence of business incubators on strengthening the entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia

The descriptive research design is chosen for the study. Descriptive research is the most commonly known research approach. Many researchers prefer descriptive research design for providing information and influencing the individuals. In the descriptive research design, the data is gathered using the questionnaire & by conducting interviews. The purpose of descriptive research is to define why things are the way they are. The descriptive research design is appropriate for evaluating a variety of issues. This design of research can be used for influencing the opinion of the individuals.

Unit of Analysis of Influence of business incubators on strengthening the entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia

Based on the study topic i.e., about business incubators and entrepreneurship, the unit of analysis is an official of SMEs and by using the electronically sources. They are used collectively as a unit of analysis.

Population and Sample of Influence of business incubators on strengthening the entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia

The sample size would be 250 individuals. The selected sample size is appropriate for the study because a sufficient amount of data can be gathered with 250 participants. The sample will be taken from the population of Saudi Arabia. The study will be solely based on the region of Saudi Arabia. It means that the study will be limited to Saudi Arabia. This limitation of the study won’t affect the credibility and reliability of the study. The data will be gathered from both males & females participants. The participants will be the employees of the organization. Through this, it can be known how business incubators affect entrepreneurship. There are different sample techniques which are used by the researchers for collecting the data. It is evident that the researchers cannot collect data from the entire population. Therefore the researchers take the sample from the population which is a representative of the whole population. In this study, the simple random sampling technique has been utilized. The simple random sampling is the most common sampling technique. The key advantage of this sampling technique is that it is less costly and takes less time. The simple random sampling technique is also less complex than other sampling techniques.

      Data Collection Procedures of Influence of business incubators on strengthening the entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia

      The data from the participants can be gathered in various ways. The survey, interview observation, and telephonic interview are some of the methods which the researchers use for gathering the data. In this research study, it has been decided that the interview and survey method will be used for gathering the data. The survey will be conducted in which questions will be asked from the respondents. Before taking the response from participants there permission will be taken. The respondents have the liberty to skip the questions which they think they do not want to answer. Along with survey interview will also be conducted for gathering the data

      Statistical Software of Influence of business incubators on strengthening the entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia

      The data will be analyzed by using the SPSS because it is one of the most important and best tools that can be utilized for conducting the analysis and measuring the relationships of the various variables. This software can easily generate the tables, charts and graphs. This is the best tool in this study because it can reduce the chances of data manipulation.

      Instrumentation of Influence of business incubators on strengthening the entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia

      As discussed earlier, the data will be gathered by using the survey and interview approach. In a survey, the questionnaire will be used for data collection. In the questionnaire, those questions will be asked from the participants from whom the relationship among business incubators and the strengthening of the entrepreneurship can be understood. The questionnaire will be filled by 250 participants. The participants have the option to skip any of the questions which they think is not important or not appropriate for them to answer. The semi-structure interview will also be conducted for gathering the data. The questionnaire was sent out to the professionals of the top five companies of Saudi Arabia electronically. By using any email source or other social media communication channels such as; Facebook and what’s app.

      References of Influence of business incubators on strengthening the entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia

      Abu-Jalil, M. M. (2017). The Role of Technological Business Incubators in Supporting and Developing Marketing Capabilities for Entrepreneurship Business and Small Projects in Jordan. International Business Research, 10(2).

      Al-Mubarak, h. &. (2011). Measuring the effectiveness of business incubators: a four dimensions approach from a gulf cooperation council perspective. Journal of Enterprising Culture, 19(04), 435–452.

      Al-Mubaraki, H. M. (2010). Business Incubators. Global Business Review, 11(1), 1–20.

      Cullen, M. (2014). Business Incubation in the Eastern Cape: A Case Study. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 2(5), 76-89.

      Khan, M. R. (2013). Mapping the entrepreneurship ecosystem of Saudi Arabia. World Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development.

      Mahdi, J. (2015). The Impact of Incubator Projects in the Promotion of Entrepreneurship in Annaba. Journal of Economic Sciences, 16(2), 148-169.

      Salem, M. I. (2014). The Role Of Business Incubators In The Economic Development Of Saudi Arabia. IBERJ, 13(4).

      Shalaby, N. M. (2003). The role of incubators and technology parks as a home for entrepreneurs in Saudi Arabia. In XX IASP world conference on science and technology parks, Lisboa, Portugal.

      Shukri, O. M. (2012). The Palestinian Experience in Business Incubators and their Role in the Development of aNew Youth Work, Problems and Solutions, Faculty of Commerce at the Is. Research Presented to the Conference of Youth and Development in Palestine.

      Zahrani, A. (2013). The Role of Business Incubators in the Creative Capacity of the Small and Medium ProjectsDevelopment in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: An Empirical Study from the perspective of those in charge Development in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Journal of Management and Economics, 3(83), 138-165.

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