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Report on Religious Factor of the Political Participation and Decision-Making

Category: Business & Management Paper Type: Report Writing Reference: APA Words: 2700

In the view of Islam both gender men and women are entitled for equal rights before the enforcement of law. Both genders are responsible for the actions of the law in the society. As men are entitle to find justice women are also own right of the justice. Islam give honor to the men and women but priority gives to the women. As the women is considered as dignity in the Quran therefore they deserve honor in the society with the moral duties which is considered as consequences of the kindness deed:

“For Muslim men and women and for believing men and women, for devout men and women, for true men and women, for men and women who are patient and constant, for men and women who humble themselves, for men and women who give in charity, for men and women who fast (and deny themselves), for men and women who guard their chastity, and for men And women who engage much in Allah's remembrance for them has Allah prepared Forgiveness and great reward “(Qur'an 33:35).

In the history of Islam, it is considered that women are allowed to visit the mosque in certain days. They take actively part in the discussion about the politics in the mosque in front of speaker of the challenges. This activity was continued in the reign of Umar. It is a great example of women’s dignity that once in the reign of the Umar there was a woman who challenges the khutbah of Umar and he said that the woman is right and Umar is wrong. In the light of Islam, there are hundred examples which show the dignity of women and explain the fact that women have equal right in the discussion and could participate in the opinion. There is permission to the women that she could take active part in the administrative and public issues in the battlefield. The active part in the decision making by women could make deeds of the kindness without violation of the law. Our Prophet was mostly preferred to take advice from his wives especially by Umm Salamah (McMichael, 2002).

In current age of the Muslim history, different scholars give permission to women to take active part in the decision making of certain activities. Spiritual leaders are also included in the bench of the government which works for the strategies in the society in the consideration of economic setting.

In consequence of the religious difference which creates the concept that different participation of the women. Islam is removing the hurdle in the fulfilling the desire of the women. The Pettygrove who examines the barrier to women’s political empowerment in Jordan finished and said that:

“Religious play an important role in shaping the beliefs and actions of jordinean women, and there is a lack of true questioning of the values prescribed through Islam and Jordan. Islam in Jordan has been co-opted by patriarchy and supports women in roles of subordination to men. The system of Islamic values creates realm within which women are protected but not allowed to exercises complete power or agency. Much like the family structure, this means that women feel content with the established gender roles, and do not feel that they are being deprived anything. Islamist political factions have supported women’s rights but only within the framework of conservative Islamic interpretations, and thus there is a little space within Islam for women to achieve strategic empowerment.”

The description about the koranic and description of the Prophets which modified the political intervention of women in different concept are inspiration for the women. Several women in the society are influenced by the religion factor in the society which prohibits the involvement of the women in the participation in political work. Although the question about the Islamic perspective should be avoided in the work of political decision making, still the women owns the right to make opinion in the political decision making (Horst, 2008).

Economic Factor of the Political Participation and Decision-Making

There is barrier in the political participation of the women by lack of economic resources in the society. It is prescribed above that the women have to face different issues and challenges in the society while taking part in the politics. It is commonly seen that difference between women and men applicant is represented through the connectivity between economic resources and electoral procedures. Women cannot manage the political activities due to irregular approach to economic resources.

To run their campaign efficiently, both men and women depend on using direct and indirect resources. As for direct resources’ concern, these can be included in the form of cash which is received from budgeting states, some private donors, other political parties, utilities or candidate’s personal property. While indirect resources are commonly managed by individuals, other political parties, organizations or family-based electors that financially support a candidate. The money which is given to the candidates for their election campaigns is devoted liberally without any restraint.

To manage the office, women’s decision making power is highly affected by having access to these direct and indirect financial resources. In Somaliland, women do not agree to become a political candidate due to many economic reasons including that the factor which is individually own the credit in the risk factor which is able to make payment in the capital of the payment which relates to the market which get elected  in the government of the country. Besides this the women have the issue which they have t face due to lack of capital and leadership in the communities for the social agreement in the society. Furthermore, the deficiency in the financial capital which becomes barrier in the participation in the politics for women leads to the less participation in the politics by women (Boyle & Ali., 2010).

The Challenges Facing Women in Political Decision Making Under Somaliland Political Landscape

First we will discuss about the concept of leadership under the light of different ideas and then there will be discussion about the challenges and issues which could be faced by the women in decision making process of Somaliland.

Traditionally leadership is considered as personal traits. The nation is considered that there are better chances of best decisions are made by the men as compare to women. Although there is more than number of the men as compare to women in the society. According to the Haggard, the conventions are treated to the leadership according to the methods which are adopted by the men and excluding the women from the competition. According to the culture of Africa, it is considered that the men is always about to lead and women should follow.

Growe and Montgomery described that the leaders are people who are the policy maker of the vision according to which the whole organization which is ideal to follow for the organization. By following the perspective, the leaders are genderless which means a leader should be an able and possess leadership qualities nevertheless of the gender the leader is man or woman. As situation represents that the gender is not first priority to select the leader.

It is admitted that the women as leader is unique as compare to men. Leadership of the women is considered as more flexible as compare to men which defines more elaborate power sharing. In short, it is considered as more democratic than the leadership of men. According to some scholars the women are more skillful in managing conflict and listening power of women are also better than men therefore they could be better leader as compare to men. Despite of all these qualities, some narrow minded considered the leadership of women more weak and unauthorized.

In the field of politics, women have been characterized in the different structure which could be used in the decision making techniques. In several communities there are trend that women own secondary position not first one due to the traditions and custom values. In African culture, the beliefs regarding the position of women are still not according to the rights which a woman deserves in the society according to his abilities. Instead of educating the women and making her able to go in the market, they prefer to stay at home as they are not allowed to be educated and competing the men. On other hand, the men are considered as bread earner in the public life. Taking in view the entry of the women in politics makes possibility in the education of the women and there are fewer chances of men coming in the politics. Commonly, the culture effect is against the women participation in the politics.

It is acceptable argument that the women are able enough in the speaking about their rights which is culturally prohibited in the culture of the specific region. Political campaigns are requires to stay out of homes, spend nights away from home, and many things which are not affordable by the women which means that the women could not take active part in the politics. In other area of interest the women are considered as more discriminative and stereotyping and less persecuted. This is to a great extent because of society's mentality toward suitable male and female jobs. In their discourse on boundaries ladies face in authority positions, Growe and Montgomery (2000) state that contrasted with men, women get practically zero consolation to look for administration positions. There are additionally barely any interpersonal organizations (formal and casual) for women, for example, enrollment in clubs, bringing about an absence of acknowledgment that prompts headway.

For ladies, the liability of her family, child, home as well as responsibilities of her family were also included and this has been named as double duty. Despite from this as it can be witnessed that these duties were also be applicable for the women’s who have higher Educations as well. Moreover, the problems of taking care of family and play their duties in the home and outside as well makes challenging for the ladies to achieve all the advancement. Furthermore, their traditional thoughts about the roles which were played by women’s and men’s in the society and this will obstruct the advancement of ladies to go at the peak of leadership as it was done in the politics.

Most of the scholars noticed the two most significant points in that women’s who were come into senior level were each time not too compassionate to their duties and also not to sympathetic with the ladies who were new and they need to build quo status. Obviously, in established culture and in the field of micro-Politics these concepts were behave like boundries for the ladies for the enactment and persuasive for the environment of research which will later on cultivated as political leaders and professors.

Furthermore, it is reflected that women’s of Somaliland as well as the dominance of men’s in political environment and moreover in the politics of Somaliland which were based on several factors that impedes the decision making process on the legislations. Most of the decision makers who make decisions for legislations were presented in both males and females but males were in dominance and females were in sectional and sometime ladies feels to be solidity in this matter. The men were in mainstream to take participate and the events related to politics despites from these women were in Lesley contribute in the political meetings and legal affairs that were aroused in the politics. As it was suggested by Amina Milgo, the significant members of the a specific legislation party ladies faced major problems such as ignorance in the meetings’ and discussions related to political affairs as well as lack of contributions in the campaigns. The cause root behind the arousal of these issues is the culture, traditions and norms of Somaliland where men’s suppose that they were authoritative as well as they thiks that there is no need to take the suggestions of the ladies as thay have not the appropriates abilities like Men’s as they were confident and they said women’s were not so confident and they did not handle the critical matters of the politics.

Despite from this they arranged the meetings in conductive atmosphere where decisions can be taken for the women to take part in these procedures, such as: a working committee were mostly held in the sessions of Khat Chewing and this environment is not feasible for the women’s to sit and to take part and plays their role in the discussion and give their point of views as well.

In the politics of Somaliland they do not allow their ladies to open offices publically as well as they will not give much space to women’s traditionally in the empowerment of politics and also the leadership responsibilities of clan. Although ladies did not represent them as clans, since it has been said that women’s were between in the birth of clans and marriage of the clans and this has been said by Fadumo Sundi and he was the creator of Somaliland as well as have the ministry related to family affair’s. This is the reason that the old ones of clan and society did not give importance to their females to symbolize themselves for the position in politics. Despite from this, as clan did not give or suggested any seats to represent females in politics not be appointed, selected and nominated besides this they were not get any support from the public.

Although, the people of Somaliland offers only restricted experience of politics in different complications that can be faced by those ladies who were filled the positons of politics. Hodan Abdi, had the one who propose the Ubdub political party for the females and party can be create in the parliamentary election of Somaliland, and Abdi stated that women were facing low or no legislation experiences and this would e result in as distrust among the ladies. The nonexistence proficiency between the females and it is necessary for the ladies that they should also be provided by the political capabilities to take part in the legislation as they men’s were having and having no participation cam be result in as the decision making process of politics no one can have raised their voices for their rights on the table of political decision making.

According to the culture or traditions of Somali ladies were played a compassionate role regarding to men’s and they have their self-esteem were relatively low as compare to men’s. Females were not provided with the estimated space as compare to men. According to their traditions the role of a lady does not allows them participate in the political affairs and they do not have the right to put her point of views in the political meetings.

Although somaline females had no experience regarding to legislation and what are its benefits consequences as well they even do not know about social, economic affairs of the legislation. On the other side they also do not have any resource of information regarding to the positions of leadership and what are the requirements they needed. These women did not have any ideas about the legislation decisiveness and did not build self-confidence in them. The men of Somaliland also do not want to share any of information about politics of their country to their women’s so the ladies would not give any views and information about the legislation.

Furthermore, it was difficult for the women to play their role in the discussions and the reason behind this is they have no extra time to tke participate as they have to manage their home responsibilities and this would not be favorable for the females to perform well in the political problems. As an example: parliamentary sessional meetings can be held any time anywhere which is not favorable for ladies as they have to other domestic works at home, and mostly men’s did not permit them t go outside in off and on time. 

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