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Assignment on Microwave Communication Theory and Practices

Category: Computer Sciences Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: APA Words: 1050

Detailed Design and analysis

a.      System Design Block Diagram and concepts regarding the microwave communication

For the case of microwave, it can be said that it is among one of the categories of electromagnetic waves. The range for the frequency of the microwave is perceived to be between 300 Mega hertz to 300 Giga hertz. For the frequency desirable for carrying out the communication through the microwave the range for the frequency is between 3 Giga hertz to 30 Giga hertz. If we just rely on the features that the microwave propagation carries then it can be said that the microwave is intensively a plane type of wave. Based on the said feature it better helps to carry out the microwave communication.

The features of the plane waves are as given:

·         The plane waves do not have the magnetic field

·         The plane waves do not have the electric field

·         The propagation direction is perceived to have both the electric and the magnetic fields to its vertical direction (Packard, 2017).

Due to the above said features, it is also termed as TEM (Transverse electromagnetic waves).

Development of microwave communication

Figure: Development of microwave communication

Block diagram for microwave communication

Source: http://enotesweekly.blogspot.com/2011/12/basic-microwave-communication.html

For the purpose of transferring the digital information, the microwave communication through digital means is being used. It is all done in an environment where either the radio frequency or the microwave is being available. The distinguishing parameters for the microwave communication are as given: 

·         The communication which better makes the use of microwave as a supporting carrier is considered the microwave communication in true sense.

·         For the phenomenon which tends to adopt the digital means for the communication purposes, the term digital is being used with the microwave communication.

·         For the proper working of the microwave communication, the intermediate frequency is a modulated version of the signals related to the baseband.

·         For the similar method, the microwave frequency can also be taken as a modulated version of the signals related to the baseband.

·         The theoretical and the practical basis for the microwave communication are being provided by the theory related to the electromagnetic field (Daenotes, 2019).

 Schematic diagrams

Figure: Transmission methods in current communication network

The above said figure is narrating the transmission methods for the current communication network. It is a combination of the modules and the sub-modules. In order to achieve the overall objectives for the microwave communication, theses components are having the direct or the indirect link. For the microwave communication, these components are making use of the microwave. It is thus enabling the overall system to carry out the microwave communication (Electronicstechnician, 2019).

c.       System Design and analysis if any: Specifications of the design components

Microwave equipment

Figure: Microwave equipment

The figure above is depicting the equipment for the microwave communication. It is basically narrating the effective classification for the purposes of the microwave equipment being equipped digitally. The modules which are an important part of microwave equipment along with the relevant functionality are a part of the above said figure. The installations along with the specifications of the antenna are a remarkable component for the microwave communication. The other remarkable parameter in this regard is about the effective flow of the signal for the purposes of microwave communication (Sajjadi, 2014).

d.      The technology and principle of working and its operations with suitable results and sustainability of aspects: highlight the parameters which make the system sustainable and discussion of effective parameters studied

For getting the understanding related to the functionality of the innovative systems there is a need to be clear regarding both the actors as well as the factors which are a part of the said innovative system. In the current era of IT and the technological advancements there is an immense need to equip all the things and the concepts with the technological advancements. For the said purpose, the desirable parameters are related to the environment, location, region, sector, area regarding the functionality of the technology as well as the levels regarding performing the analysis. So as is the case with the microwave communication. The similar parameters are required to carry out the microwave communication effectively. For the said purpose, the communication as well as the connection of both the actors and the institutions is desirable. This is how the innovative systems can better be made adaptive as well as complex. As far as the actors are concerned, it can include either the individuals or the firms (organizations). For the institutions the significant parameters may include the norms, formal/informal rules, the standards, procedures or the expectations etc. This is the main reason to build the connection of both the actors and the institutions. The connection of these parameters will help to carry out the microwave communication in a better way (Pnas, 2019).

e.       Evaluation of the work with proper justification for chosen parameters

The more the actors and the institutions are connected the better it helps to carry out the microwave communication. This is so because the methods and the procedures will be better equipped with the norms and the standards. It will make the environment comfortable for the microwave communication.

5. Conclusion and Recommendations

For the frequency desirable for carrying out the communication through the microwave the range for the frequency is between 3 Giga hertz to 30 Giga hertz. If we just rely on the features that the microwave propagation carries then it can be said that the microwave is intensively a plane type of wave. Based on the said feature it better helps to carry out the microwave communication. It is recommended to relate both the actors and the institutions for the effective microwave communication.

References of Microwave Communication Theory and Practices

Daenotes. (2019). Microwave communication . Retrieved from https://www.daenotes.com/electronics/microwave-radar/microwave-communication-system

Electronicstechnician. (2019). Integrated publishing . Retrieved from http://electronicstechnician.tpub.com/14088/css/Microwave-Communication-Systems-33.htm

Packard, S. F. (2017). Microwave theory and applications. Agilent Technologies.Inc.

Pnas. (2019). Making technological innovation work for sustainable development. Retrieved from https://www.pnas.org/content/113/35/9682

Sajjadi, B. &. (2014). Investigation, modelling and reviewing the effective parameters in microwave-assisted transesterification. Science Direct , 762-777.

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