Table of Contents
Introduction: 3
Issue: 3
Literature Review: 3
Recommendations: 6
Conclusion: 7
References. 8
What is
the most influential factors when promoting healthy eating among teenagers?
study is focused towards investigation of different factors which are
responsible for influencing the healthy eating habits of children in different
countries. In order to investigate different factors, extensive literature
review related to this topic have been conducted. By conducting the extensive
literature review, the paper has identified different significant factors which
are responsible for influencing the healthy eating habits of children and
different countries. The study has utilized qualitative approach in order to
investigate the form related objective. It is important to understand that with
the increase in level of globalization, there is growth in consumption of Fast
Food by children in different countries especially in developed and developing
countries. Due to this fact, it is important that factors responsible for
influencing consumption of Fast Food by children should be conducted in
different countries.
With the passage of time, the
consumption habits of children are changing and they are shifting towards
consumption of fast food as compared to consumption of healthy eatable items.
This study is focused towards investigation of different factors which are
responsible for influencing the healthy eating habits of children in different
countries. In this regard, extensive literature review has been conducted by
using qualitative technique.
Literature Review:
of the study conducted in past investigated different barriers and factors
associated with healthy eating lifestyles of children at school. This study was
conducted in order to identify different factors which are responsible for
influencing the healthy eating habits of children at school level. The study
clearly suggested that food environment inside the school as well as outside
the school are considered to be some of the most significant factors which are
responsible for influencing the healthy eating habits of children at school
level. The study also suggested that parents are also significantly responsible
for influencing the healthy eating habits of children. Family members were also
identified as responsible factors for influencing the healthy eating habits of
children. The results of the study suggested that most of the family members
does not have enough time to prepare healthy meals for their children, most of
the family members does not have proper adequate knowledge related to nutrition
content most of the family members were not having enough money in order to
purchase healthy food items for their children and unstructured families was
another significant factor which was influencing the healthy eating habits of
children at school level.
surrounding environment has also been identified as an influencing factor for
healthy eating lifestyles of children. The results of the study suggested that
most of the children eat food items like pizza, hamburgers, chips, cakes
confectionery items after school time mostly because of the fact that all these
related items available in the surrounding environment of the school. The items
were negatively influencing the healthy eating habits of children. The study
also suggested that intervention of School Board to positively influence the
healthy eating habits of children is significantly important at school level.
It is important that school board should formulate a proper nutrition program
and should provide to children in school so that their parents could implement
the provided nutrition program for the better health of the children. The study
clearly suggested that most of the teachers were given a lot of workload due to
which they were not able to focus on identification of factors responsible for
influencing the healthy eating lifestyles of children. Due to significant
amount of workload, teachers were not able to implement properly the nutrition
plan provided to them by School Board (Melo, Moura, Aires, & Cunha, 2013).
study was conducted in past investigating the factors responsible for
influencing the unhealthy eating behaviors of children in United States. The
study was focused towards investigation of significant factors like
advertising, parental role and Peer influence in relation with a healthy eating
habits of children in United States. The results of the study clearly suggested
that factors like parental influence, Peer influence, and self-efficiency are
significantly associated with a healthy eating behavior of children in United
States. This clearly suggest that these factors can be used in order to predict
on healthy eating behavior of children in United States. The study for the
suggested that self-efficiency is considered to be the strongest and the most
significant predictor for a healthy eating behavior of children in United
States. This study results also suggested that advertising effects are
significantly neutralized by parental influence as well as Peer influence and self-efficacy.
In order to positively influence the advertisement on unhealthy eating behaviors
of children in United States, it is significantly important that awareness
regarding nutrition content and different nutrition programs for children
should be provided to parents so that they could effectively understand the
advertisement. Without proper awareness, most of the parents are not able to
identify whether the advertisement is beneficial for their children or not. Due
to this fact, education of parents related to nutrition knowledge and Awareness
of parents regarding nutrition programs is essential for healthy eating behaviors
of children in United States (Kinard & Webster, 2011).
study was conducted in past investigating the factors influencing the fast food
consumption in children. This study was a qualitative study and investigated
the influence of different factors which are responsible for influence in
different types of Fast Food consumption by children. They study suggested that
consumption of different types of passport items is increasing with the passage
of time in developed as well as developing countries. Because of this
transition and changes, the dietary habits of the people are also changing and
it is influencing people from different page and group. Due to increase in
consumption of fast food, it has become significantly important to identify the
factors influencing the consumption of these items. The results of the study
clearly suggested that different factors are responsible for promoting fast
food consumption in children. Some of the factors are individual factors why
some of the factors are social level factors which are influencing the fast
food consumption in children. Individual practice means that the taste of
children in different countries is changing and they are moving towards fast
food consumption. The study clearly suggested that it is important for the
policymakers to formulate policies which would reduce the consumption of
passport items in order to promote healthy diet for children. The study also
suggested that it is important for health experts to make appropriate
interventions in order to enhance awareness regarding the importance of eating healthy
food. This study also suggested that future studies can focus on factors like
influence of parents, health experts, health related policy makers, and other
related stakeholders with food industry (Majabadi, 2016).
Studies in past have clearly recommended
that consumption of healthy eatable
items is beneficial for health as compared to fast food consumption Especially
for children.
It is recommended that future
studies can be conducted related to role of different stakeholders in
influencing the healthy eating habits of children and fast food consumption in
different countries
It is also recommended that
policymakers and government authorities should focus on promotion of healthy
eatable items as compared to fast food consumption items.
Different seminars and awareness
programs can be arranged in order to enhance the awareness in public regarding
the importance of healthy eating items as compared to fast food consumption.
It is also important that school
external environment should not have fast food outlets.
Therefore fast food consumption
for children should be discouraged and this will help the children to shift
their eating habits toward healthy food instead of passport consumption.
Different factors have been
identified as responsible for influencing the healthy eating habits of
children. Some of the most significant factors identified are the parental
influence on healthy eating habits of children. Another significant factor is
Awareness of different nutrition programs and contents among parents. School
external as well as internal environment is also responsible for influencing
the healthy eating habits of children. School Board and policy makers are also
identified as responsible factors in this regard. The study clearly suggest
that parents and school have the most significant role in shaping the healthy
eating habits of children so proper nutrition program and nutrition plan should
be formulated for children in school and school board should ask the parents to
effectively implement reformulated nutrition program and nutrition plan for the
healthy eating habits of children.
References of What is the most influential
factors when promoting healthy eating among teenagers?
Kinard, B. R., & Webster, C. (2011). Factors
influencing unhealthy eating behaviour in US adolescents. International
Journal of Consumer Studies.
Majabadi, H. A.
(2016). Factors Influencing Fast-Food Consumption Among Adolescents in
Tehran: A Qualitative Study. Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal.
Melo, H., Moura,
A. P., Aires, L. L., & Cunha, L. M. (2013). Barriers and facilitators to
the promotion of healthy eating lifestyles among adolescents at school: the
views of school health coordinators . Health Education Research.