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Report on efficient business management

Category: Business & Management Paper Type: Report Writing Reference: APA Words: 1250

In terms of efficient business management, a key role is played by gender diversity in leadership and management roles. Organizations that are found in the best position of gender diversity seem to operate financially better compared to medians of the national industry. Permitting females to drive increases the well-being and happiness of women, which in turn sends a ripple of the huge reform process. However, it is critical to consider tangible benefits and prospective. An increment in female mobility will increase the employment rate, labor mobility, and participation of the labor force (Hausmann, 2009).

1.1  Background of the Study of The Effect of Gender Bias on Female Promotions in the Saudi Industrial Sector

In recent decades, rapid growth has been experienced by KSA while being ranked as the twentieth biggest economy in terms of GDP or Gross Domestic Product. Regardless of this expansion, CDSI or Central Department of Statistics and Information places the unemployment of females at 35.7%. The women's labor force of KSA was the lowest at 18% worldwide in 2012 ahead of only Iran and Afghanistan. Three hundred seventy thousand females were employed in 2012 in KSA in health, administration, education, and private sectors while in the private sector, 216,000 were hired. The government of KSA is trying to raise the overall participation of women, especially in sectors that are private (Alfarran, 2016).

1.1.1 Background of the Topic of The Effect of Gender Bias on Female Promotions in the Saudi Industrial Sector                    

Gender Bias on females could be explained as the work challenges as well as the career barriers that women have to face at the workplace. However, women in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the past and present are also facing such issues. Based on the Institutional Theory the research can be done gender bias on the promotional issues in the Saudi industrial sector; however, the promotional issues related to gender bias can be related with the gender discrimination in the workplace, female lack of mobility, lack of family-work balance, salience of gender stereotypes, limited opportunities for growth, dealing with pregnancy or other gender-based challenges, etc. (Al-Asfour, et al., 2017)

1.1.2 Background of the Company of The Effect of Gender Bias on Female Promotions in the Saudi Industrial Sector

There are several companies in Saudi Arabia that are giving more opportunities to female staff now, as women are promoted in the industrial sector. There are no doubt work challenges and barriers of Saudi women in the workforce. However, steps towards career advancement are also taken. The example can be taken of Saudi Aramco that is concerned about the Gulf Region Organization for Women (GROW) forum; this is the step that is “Shaping the Future of Female Opportunities.” Moreover, GROW is a strategic platform for the professional development for women in the Gulf Saudi Aramco President and CEO are taking steps to improve female professional development (DHAHRAN, 2018).

1.2 The Problem Statement of The Effect of Gender Bias on Female Promotions in the Saudi Industrial Sector

At the moment, the participation of women in the workforce reaches only 20.1% while representing just about 18% of the female population of working age. The unemployment rate of youths between 15-24 years is about 31.2%, while 58.1% is the unemployment rate of their female counterparts despite the high educational attainment of females in KSA. In Saudi females, human capital is being wasted without any use. Specifically, Saudi women face several limitations to realizing they're an economical, social, and legal capability, which includes associated restrictions and regulations on inheritance rights, unequal properly, access to finance, and travel (Saidi, 2017).

This phenomenon is not unique only to KSA; itis spread throughout the Arab world. Saudi women have the lowest LFPR or labor force participation rate, which reaches just about 22.6%, which is quite large when compared to the participation of their men counterparts and their earnings. It can be said that this poor performance is mainly due to countless limitations ranging from protective laws of labor to lack of any access to finance; there is no equal access handled by women to collateral like real estate, financial loans, and land.

Hence, this research will examine the major factors that lead to gender bias in female promotion in the industrial sector of Saudi Arabia.

The Objectives of the Study of The Effect of Gender Bias on Female Promotions in the Saudi Industrial Sector

The objectives of this research are:

·         To determine the effect of gender bias on female promotion in Saudi industrial sector

·         To examine the relationship between gender bias and female promotion in Saudi industrial sector

·         Develop recommendations to minimize promotion bias by gender differences in the Saudi industrial sector

Research Questions of The Effect of Gender Bias on Female Promotions in the Saudi Industrial Sector

·         What is the effect of gender bias on female promotion in the Saudi industrial sector?

·         What is the relationship between gender bias and female promotion in the Saudi industrial sector?

·         How could promotion biasbe minimizedby gender differences in the Saudi industrial sector?

1.3 The Scope of the Study of The Effect of Gender Bias on Female Promotions in the Saudi Industrial Sector                                                                                              

Productivity and growth are increased when women workers are given an opportunity to use their capabilities, not only because a higher average rate of education is handled by women but also as this can raise mobility over different jobs and sectors. Through the entrepreneurship, the contribution of labor, talent, and skills, economic landscape, creativity, innovation, and economic performance throughout the KSA would be transformed. Although the empowerment of women is increased by economic development, their empowering also brings about changes in decision making, choices that seem to have a positive and direct effect.

1.4 The Relevance of the Study of The Effect of Gender Bias on Female Promotions in the Saudi Industrial Sector

In KSA, women leaders are dedicated fully towards the empowerment of females in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, it was held on September first and second in 2014 at Riyadh. The main aim of the summit was to examine the important role of females as leaders in KSA and to highlight the best leadership of Saudi women as project handlers in the worldwide podium. “Women leaders in KSA” is all about recognizing the achievers in Saudi women while encouraging maximum participation of females in all projects of development across KSA. It wasn’t short from an enlightening session that seemed to offer a networking platform and a training program for making women leaders prominent in the worldwide market. It is a struggle to offer guidance and continuous support to Saudi women while giving them a worldwide platform and helping them emerge as successful leaders. From daily life, inspiring women, Media Entrepreneur, Sales and Marketing, HR, COO, CFO, and CEO were featured in the summit (Issac, 2014).

1.5 The Significance of the Study of The Effect of Gender Bias on Female Promotions in the Saudi Industrial Sector

Regarding the importance, there will be effectively focused on the gender bias on female promotion in the Saudi industrial sector. This research also explores the relationship between gender bias and female promotion in Saudi industrial sector because gender inequality exists. Regarding the usefulness of the study this study also investigates whether promotion biasis minimizedby gender differences in the Saudi industrial sector

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