of lesson and length: 10am, 1 hour (60 minutes)
aims / SMART objectives:
The aim of this lesson is to:
Present the students to the real definition of regular
plural forms of nouns,
Present the students to regular plural forms of
vocabulary (nouns) utilized for a place or an object that is located inside
the classroom and/or school surroundings such as ‘pencil, ‘book’, ‘chair’.
Support the students to practice and also use the
regular plural forms of vocabulary (nouns), both in writing as well as
pronunciation at, used for a place or object that is located inside the
classroom and/or school surroundings such as ‘pencil, ‘book’, ‘chair’.
of students: Beginner
of students: Ages 6-7
size: 40
students (benefits from the size of this group might be the fact that big
classes entail an excessive deal of energy as well as required to move
around, time drives speedily and there is constantly someone who would always
eager to answer all of your questions)
Learning outcomes / Success criteria:
On the completion of this lesson, the
students are expected to:
§ Get a proper understanding regarding the terms of ‘singular’ and
§ Discover and learn the correct words’ spellings with ‘s’ used for
plural words
§ Change a singular noun to become plural and then use the word in
§ Properly use the regular form of plural words in both writing, as well
as pronunciation
§ Read within sight high frequency, as well as familiar with the words
Resources to
be used: Video sourced from YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVPcOp0FWIA)
A book, chair,
pencil, and many more which transformed from the singular form into plural with
taking the flashcards game, interactive whiteboard, small individual
whiteboards with pens or paper and pencils, small card presenting the letter
‘s’, and also prepared a sheet for homework
defined as the real meaning of teaching a concept and then assembly the dissimilar
learning requirements in a group]
Class Size:
§ It is quite difficult to monitor large classrooms
§ Will need a long time to prepare, especially with 40 students which
have different capabilities
§ Will be a time-consuming of lengthy
§ It will be hard to present closeness since it requires time to get to
know the students
Potential problems:
Strategies to deal with problems:
people will surely learn in various different methods and techniques, and for
this reason, we can classify the students into different types, or else a
combination of diverse types.
Issues related to the lesson (language):
Using a singular noun in practice at the time a
plural is compulsory
The students might be getting some issues in
pronouncing the singular and plural with the same syllables number, producing
unimportant endings of “iz” that might sound like plural must be spelled
There is no plural form in Thai language. Instead, the
Thai language uses classifier and numbers for plurals. This makes difficult
for the students to accept the plural morphology concept as something new
Thai is a tonal language which simply means that
every word or syllable could possibly have a diverse meaning, which depends
on what tone it is pronounced with
Strategies to manage
the issues:
§ Design the
lesson cautiously, in order to give a plenty of countable things to talk
about in the classroom, and disregard any uncountable noun issues that might
have come up through communication.
§ Rearrange a big
class into smaller groups.
§ Create fin and
exciting team games.
§ Peer to peer
marking: this is where students will mark each other's work.
what type of learners your students are will surely help at the planning
includes a fast warm-up activity, with a purpose to get the students adapted
to English.
give the first Worksheet 1 to the students.
the lesson by rapidly revising the practice of ‘a/an’ and “this is”. Strengthen
that these are used when discussing about 1 object. Then explain to the
students that for MOST nouns, they will need to add “-s” to the end of the
word to show that it is more than one. Now introduce the chunk “these are”.
Explain that this is used instead of “this is” when talking about more than
one object. Continue to elicit information from your students. A memory aid
for this could be that when an object is plural, it takes an extra letter
(s). Point out that “these” has one more letter than “this” and “are” has one
more letter than “is”.
Explicit Instruction/Teacher
modeling (5 minutes)
Tell students that we will be
covering three rules of plurals in this lesson.
students that “pencil” is a noun. A noun is a person, place, or thing.
that “pencils” is a plural noun. Plural nouns are more than one noun.
several more examples of regular plural nouns, writing them on the board as
singular nouns. Then
add an
“s” to make them plural.