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Assignment on A paper about Usability and Smartphone applications

Category: Computer Sciences Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: APA Words: 4400

Background of Usability and Smartphone Applications:

In all level of society, the usage of Smartphone becomes a common element and it's going to be a part of daily routine. Smartphones are considered the most strong technology used daily. Now almost every second person has a Smartphone and enjoys its features and technologies with complete understanding. With the additional developed computing connectivity and capability highly, the Smartphone’s are present the modern time according to their requirement.  The touch-sensitive display is considering the most extensive method for input. The Smartphone utilize a different operating system like blackberry, windows phones, iOS and Android. Apple Store and Google Play offer a different type of applications to people and also develop a strong market competition for the software developers to produce the application of high quality. (Usability.gov, 2013)

According to this point of view, usability is the most significant area according to a software product. The mode of communication, daily routine tasks and entertainments are become more advanced due to different technologies introduced in different applications and Smartphones. In an integrated way, different digital convergence methods show major inventions that obtain from different human-computer interaction according to requirement. When the evaluation occurs of all these different applications according to human-computer interaction than many different measurements also consider context data, subjective evaluation and quantitative data.

To evaluate the usefulness and quality of Smartphone applications, usability is known as the significant quality dimension. It assesses how simple and the easy user interface is to use according to its quality attributes. A method of improving the design of the process is also known as usability. There are normally six different dimensions that explain the usability with complete understanding and also offer improved quality. These dimensions are; user satisfaction, error rate, effectiveness, efficiency, memorability and learnability. So usability also explains in such terms that usability is an easy way to give learning to the user that how to operate, inputs prepare for and output of a system interprets. The usability dimensions consist of two different classifications according to its dimension requirement. its first classification includes effectiveness, efficiency and user satisfaction and its second classification include attractiveness, portability and learnability. These different dimensions of the usability explain according to four different factors that include environment, activity, technology and users. There are almost many different ways to determine the usability of Smartphone’s and their application. The usability can be determined according to the Smartphone technology and also establish a compete for the process of interface for the user. (Gonçalves, 2014)

Some of the common methods to access the usability include user surveys, system usability scale measurements, laboratory experiments, field experiment, user testing and experts review. Different questionnaire related to the usability of smartphones includes four basic parts that include demographics of Smartphone’s, customer utilization behaviour of Smartphone’s, customer’s reputation of Smartphone’s and statistics customer’s preferences for the layout capabilities of Smartphone’s. As interacting with the smartphones, a huge percentage of the usability issues the aged customers confronted at the same time as applying a heuristic evaluation approach using the SMASH turned into shown to be effective in figuring out. A huge number of problems had been due to problem of the elderly in performing the gestures which carried out to the corresponding undertaking the particularly the drag and drop and faucet and keep gestures, and the usability troubles had been not most effective because of UI designs.  For different applications, usability and user experience is a major quality factor. Through user experience, great focus given in the hedonic aspects likes fun, emotions and enjoyment. They do not essential utilization worth but they only meet up the universal needs. (Experienceux.co.uk, 2019)

            If an application is difficult to understand and use than usability s consider as an important factor in using the application effectively. The software risk of building the wrong product will reduce when the usability is testing on the right time, in the right manner and with accurate observation. How to adopt them and consider the dynamicity of the mobile scenario, usability assessment is crucial so that the developers learn very well during the evaluation of Smartphones. Several challenges face by the evaluation of the usability of Smartphone’s applications according to the potential research context. Because of new restricted features of mobile phones like unreliable network, varying environmental factors and limited bandwidth, these all challenges are emerging. 

Further challenges include web connectivity issues, restricted resources, navigation ignorance and connectivity, limited focus on interface architecture and lack of usage-based testing and response. For the success of mobile applications, the technical capabilities of mobile apps and obtain high-level user satisfaction are important. to make sure that mobile applications are practical, effective and easy to use, the usability testing of mobile apps is considered as an important and compulsory process. To support the usable application structure, a large number of usability guiding principles have been modelled because of its significance. For the desktop application and web-based applications, these guiding principles are specially developed. The smartphone application very much changes as compared to conventional applications because of mobility nature of Smartphone’s devices. (Shareef1, 2019)

For the usable Smartphone application, to date, the guiding principles are limited and isolated. To evaluate the usability of Smartphone’s applications, complexity and difficulty also added in the Smartphone’s. Usability is the basic part of every smartphone because by using its all features and its applications. Make the Smartphone’s need of every person its working and performance must be moving at the upper level to get all the facilities and benefits from the Smartphone’s. By following the standard benchmark the study performs hardware-based evaluation such as display resolution, screen size and memory size. It also highlights the software related issues like the existence of online help, use of simple data entry procedures and user guides. Usability describes the consistency and system usability scale and also explains the usability at a large number of mobile and their applications for phones and tablets which use the Mac operating system and Android. The level of enjoyment with the mobility also explains with the usage of Smartphones according to its persistence.

The measurement of usability includes effort expectancy, post usage attitude, continuous intention, satisfaction and performance expectancy. Different models are also used to determine the performance of Smartphone’s and also enhance their credibility and their performance according to new technology requirements and follow all the new and innovative strategies to support all the working and data transmission according to user requirement. To measure and conceptualize the underlying scope of the usability, the attributes of usability evaluate the branded mobile applications. So usability help to explain what is the working methodology of the Smartphone’s and how they give benefit to the organization according to new and innovative requirements and methodologies. Smartphone’s are more advanced form of conventional phones that include all the features and facilities that provided to the user according to their new technological requirements and also handle all the issue related to data transmission and the performance of Smartphone’s because advanced technology need advance requirements and measurements according to latest requirement of the users and also provide all the advanced features. 

How is the technology used in this area, History of tools?

Smartphone's applications are a trending success ratio nowadays and they are going to increase the working efficiency of the human being. Using Smartphone applications the work of human being became quite easy and efficient as well. There are many applications are launched still and they are growing continuously in becoming more advanced and more developed to help people and their tasks to be easy and efficient. First, the thing which was introduced was the Smartphone's but the applications of smartphones have made the working easier and efficient as well. The applications have taken the place of all the previous slow working tricks for the human being by making their work quicker and providing them with more advanced ideas and tricks as well. (Raza, 2016)

Many of the times it happens that smartphones have some hidden features that people even do not know exactly and hence they remain unfamiliar with the after-effects and real benefits of it. Many different things happen to be with Smartphone's usability if someone used it properly and hence they are going to manage the things more effectively and more appropriately. There are many different and unique things that not only make the work more effective but also increase its working idea more innovatively in it. Smartphone applications work according to a very well managed system and it enhances the working efficiency and speed of the working of human beings that they are the most efficient and most highlighted things ever in the field of technology. (Rextin, 2018)

This area uses a lot of technological effects and it is great working for the applications that they use to connect every single thing for you with great and quick speed and hence makes you work well and very much appropriately as well. All the actions of the society are going to be managed and properly maintained although run only because of Smartphone's usage. Many different and unique things are going to be tackled by the working of Smartphone's and hence they are going to manage the workings more properly and more efficiently. This technology is not new but it is enhancing continuously and taking the world towards a new edge. There are many different and unique features these technologies have and it is owned by one in every three citizens according to a statistical data observation. The touch-sensitive display and the advanced technology used in this aspect is going to make the world's advancement highly sensitive and to the next level in the world. (Quaresma, 2014)

Cell phone's applications are a slanting achievement proportion these days and they are going to build the working productivity of the individual. Utilizing Smartphone applications crafted by individual turned out to be very simple and proficient too. There are numerous applications are propelled still and they are developing constantly in turning out to be further developed and increasingly produced to help individuals and their errands to be simple and proficient. In the first place, the thing which was presented was the Smartphone's nevertheless the utilization of cell phones have made the working simpler and proficient too. The applications have replaced all the past moderate working stunts for the person by making their work speedier and giving them further developed thoughts and deceives also. A large number of the occasions it happens that cell phones have some shrouded highlights that individuals even don't know precisely and subsequently they stay new to the delayed consequences and genuine advantages of it. (Iqbal, 2017)

 There is a wide range of things that happen to be with Smartphone's ease of use if somebody utilized it appropriately and henceforth they will deal with the things all the more viably and all the more properly. There are various and one of the kind things that make the work increasingly successful as well as increment its working thought all the more creatively in it. Cell phone applications work as indicated by a very much oversaw framework and it upgrades the working productivity and speed of the working of people that they are the most proficient and most featured things ever in the field of innovation. This territory utilizes a ton of mechanical impacts and it is extraordinary working for the applications that they use to interface every thing for you with incredible and brisk speed and thus makes you function admirably and particularly suitably also. (Reynoldson, 2014)

Every one of the activities of the general public will be overseen and appropriately kept up even though runs simply because of Smartphone's utilization as it were. There are various and interesting things that will be handled by the working of Smartphone's and consequently, they will deal with the functions all the more appropriately and all the more proficiently. This innovation isn't new yet it is upgrading ceaselessly and taking the world towards another edge. There is a wide range of and extraordinary highlights these advancements have and it is claimed by one in every three residents as indicated by a factual information perception. The touch-delicate showcase and the cutting edge innovation utilized in this angle is going to make the world's headway exceptionally touchy and to the following level on the planet. (Marcus, 2014)

Literature Review of Usability and Smartphone applications:

What is usability?

As stated by Shareef (2019) that the Usability is the degree to which something can do or able to use according to actual requirement. To obtain the targets of the users, the usability is the measure of the potential of the product according to basic requirements. This term is normally used according to software applications and websites according to information technology but sometimes it can also be used according to accomplish a task of any product this is used daily. For the evolution of the technology, in determining the product usability different factors are used it explains the process, visual consistency explains and eases of use for all the products explain. For web developers, the usability of websites is going to be a major issue. Usability engineers also employed by major websites that make sure for the friendly site and easy to use that offer customer experience positively. For better usability testing and evaluation, different websites offer different recommendations. (Shareef, 2019)

Many quality attributes are also measured for quality purpose. Usability and utility having equal importance and to get something useful they determine together. Usability also explains how pleasant and easy to use different features of the products and how they give benefit to the users according to their requirements. Usability simply means that provide an easy way to utilize the product according to user interface and also use the new technology with complete understanding. In different applications and Smartphone’s, usability provide complete and easy access to the features and provide complete guidance that how to work and operate the function and get maximum advantages. So usability is considered as the basic requirement of the new technology and new innovative products that offer multiple features to the user and also offer different applications. (Nielsen, 2012)

When did usability start?

The concept of usability is started from different developers or designers that try to make their methods of working more easy and understandable and users can use the technology most effectively. Usability is a journey from simplicity to complexity. The way of working different features according to user requirements the usability matters a lot. Usability history is full of lean methods and well-defined concepts that are very complicated, messy and ill-defined concepts. Technology is the basic requirement of every person in the world, and Smartphone is the major examples of this technology. The smartphone includes all the features and functionality that explain in the Smartphone’s and offer all type of facilities that user obtain from computers or other devices according to their requirements. So Smartphone development is the major example of technology advancement and Smartphone’s include different features. Users want to get maximum knowledge about the Smartphone’s and its features.

So the developers of the Smartphone’s want to develop such methods that make the usage of technology more easy to use and understand for the users and also provide complete information about the application and its features and its focus on the transmission of data according to the actual need of the users. When the Smartphone’s applications run actively than the developers effectively activate the element of usability in a better way and also provide complete understanding related to the application and its usage that maintain the performance to a high level and also manage all the issues according to the current requirement of the data and applications (Adamiak, et al., 2006).

Who invented usability?

The usability was invented from 1911 till 2012 according to the advancement of technology and also the need of the users because technology is becoming more advanced with the passage of time and its better understanding is also important to understand how to use the technology and how it provides benefits to the users according to their need. The professional utilization of usability is started at a large level in 1980 according to the latest advancement of technology. When the computer introduces for the general public and people were using the computer and desktops according to their business and study level then the developers think that they have to introduce new and innovative features with the technology that may resolve their issues and also sort-out all the problematic facts of the users related to computer and advance technology. In 1988, professional usability is also introduced in the market and they offer high-quality features to the users according to technology improvements.

Developers and professional engineer’s offer different methods and techniques to handle latest and new technologies according to new requirements. In 1994 the usability becomes mature and also establish new studies that belong to professional methods and studies and also focus on professional practice in the new technology advancement. Usability was becoming standard that offers multiple services to the users and also provides complete understanding related to applications and their usage according to the new requirement of users. So the usability help users in different decades according to their need and requirements and they travel its journey from simplicity to complexity because when the technology is simple then its usability is simple and when the technology is going to be more advanced and complicated than its usability also convert to technical and complex form and guide the users as per the advanced technology usage.

History of usability:

            From the first interaction of life according to its environment, a key to success is the organism of adaptability. It allows major control in the interaction with the environment so the introduction of tools into the experience of humans and other animals allowed for adaptability of the tools to the organism. It indicating design change to enhance the use of the ease of different tools itself and ease of accomplishment of tasks for improvement of tools appear in archaeological evidence of even pre-humans. The last 100 years of usability is very informative and it gives a major change in the concept of usability according to advancement in technology. In 1911 time and motion studies and its method for improvement published. In 1919 smaller step on the improvement of work motion appear and also happen critical working criteria. In 1936 usability highlights as advertisement features. In 21943 pilot error reduce using the usability. In 1988 the usability is designed the usability of everything that normal user used to get better results.

In 1993 practical guides to usability testing appear to provide major studies to different users according to their understanding. In 2000, don't make me think to explain different testing of usability and also in 2012, the usability profession is move at, major level and the developer work at a major level to bring a major difference in this regard. So in 100 years of usability, it provides a complete study about the starting point of usability and its benefits and how it's changing through technological complexity according to new users requirements. With the advancement of technology, the usability also brought major changes and it was developed according to complex requirement and features of the technology and application of computers and Smartphones. (Stockwell, 2007)

Importance of usability:

            Usability is a process that measures a product according to specific users and its specific scenario. In a satisfied and effective degree to obtain the specific goal of the users. First of all, the usability involved in the technical level of the complete system and also related to the interface designs. It evaluated by operating a variety of task and also reflected by human factors. It teaches how a product can be used easily and also explain how a user can interact with a product effectively. Usability also explains in such terms that users do not have a master of computer hardware and software knowledge. With their operation process, users can focus on their tasks and also operate. 

They don't need to determine of how to convert the task into computer input process and input mode and they don't need to find the man-machine menu interface or understand the software structure and icon meaning and man-machine interface structure. In a short time users can learn the operations. Less misunderstanding and operation errors occur. Users are able to operate it normally according to scenarios and specific environment. The operation should be simple and repeatable and users never distracted by the hand operations. User can operate it with a pleasant mood instead of feeling stupid, so usability is important because it can make the users complete the task accurately, from the users’ point of view. To determine the success of a system, usability is an important principle according to user’s aspects. People will not buy the product when the poor usability of the product greatly reduces the productivity according to manager’s point of view. Time and energy is waste more when the usability is less according to user requirements. (Smith, 2017)

Goals of usability:

            To assess the performance of site throughout the development, the setting measurable usability goals will help the team. Throughout iterative wireframe testing, after release the assessment is at the beginning of the processes. And improving on task performance can only improve the usability of site and also determine its benchmarking criteria. When visits the site, the most effective usability goals is measure the ability for different users to finish the tasks. Ease of use is a procedure that estimates an item as per explicit clients and its particular situation. In a fulfilled and powerful degree to get the particular objective of the clients.

Most importantly, convenience associated with the specialized degree of the total framework and furthermore identified with the interface structures. It assessed by working an assortment of errand and furthermore reflected by human components. It encourages that how an item can be use effectively and furthermore clarifies how a client can be interface with an item adequately. Ease of use additionally clarifies in such terms that clients don't have ace of PC equipment and programming information. With their very own activity procedure, clients can center in their very own assignments and furthermore work.

What is actually tested using usability? (Learnability, efficiency, memorability, errors and satisfaction)

The idea of convenience is begun from various engineers or originators that attempt to cause their techniques for working all the more simple and justifiable and clients to can utilize the innovation in the best way. Convenience is an adventure from straightforwardness to multifaceted nature. The method for working various highlights as indicated by client necessities the ease of use matters a great deal. Convenience history is brimming with lean strategies and well-characterized ideas that are confounded, muddled and poorly characterized ideas. Innovation is the fundamental prerequisite of each individual on the planet, and Smartphone is the significant instances of this innovation. The cell phone incorporates every one of the highlights and usefulness that clarify in the Smartphone's and offer all kind of offices that client get from PCs or different gadgets as indicated by their prerequisites. So Smartphone improvement is the significant case of innovation progression and Smartphone's incorporate various highlights. Clients need to get greatest information about the Smartphone's and its highlights.

So the engineers of the Smartphone's need to grow such strategies that make the use of innovation all the more simple to utilize and comprehend for the clients and furthermore give total data about the application and its highlights and it additionally center around the transmission of information as indicated by the genuine need of the clients. At the point when the Smartphone's applications run effectively than the designers successfully initiate the component of convenience in a superior manner and furthermore give total understanding identified with the application and its use that keep up the exhibition to a significant level and furthermore deal with every one of the issues as per the present necessity of the information and applications. At the point when the PC present for overall population and individuals were utilized the PC and work areas as indicated by their business and concentrate level then the designers feel that they need to present new and inventive highlights with the innovation that may resolve their issues and furthermore sort-out all the tricky realities of the clients identified with PC and advance innovation.

References of Usability and Smartphone applications

Adamiak, M. G., Apostolov, A. P., Begovic, M. M., Henville, C. F., Martin, K. E., Michel, G. L., & Thorp, J. S. (2006). Wide area protection—Technology and infrastructures. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 21(2), 601-609.

Experienceux.co.uk. (2019). What is usability testing? Retrieved from https://www.experienceux.co.uk/faqs/what-is-usability-testing/

Gonçalves, M. Q. (2014). Usability Analysis of Smartphone Applications for Drivers. 352-362.

Iqbal, M. W. (2017). Usability evaluation of adaptive features in smartphones. 2185-2194.

Marcus, A. (2014). Design, User Experience, and Usability: Theories, Methods, and Tools for Designing the User Experience. Springer.

Nielsen, J. (2012, january 3). Usability 101: Introduction to Usability. Retrieved from https://www.nngroup.com/articles/usability-101-introduction-to-usability/

Quaresma, M. (2014). Usability Analysis of Smartphone Applications for Drivers. 352-362.

Raza, A. (2016). Usability Issues of Smart Phone Applications: For Visually Challenged People. 2-15.

Rextin, A. (2018). Perspectives on usability guidelines for smartphone applications: Anempirical investigation and systematic literature review. 130–149.

Reynoldson, C. (2014). Assessing the Quality and Usability of Smartphone Apps for Pain Self‐Management. 15(6), 2-13.

Shareef, S. (2019). Evaluation of Usability Dimensions of Smartphone Applications. 10(9), 1-6.

Shareef1, S. (2019). Evaluation of Usability Dimensions of Smartphone. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 426-431.

smashingmagazine.com. (2012, may 23). The History Of Usability: From Simplicity To Complexity. Retrieved from https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2012/05/the-history-of-usability-from-simplicity-to-complexity/

Smith, A. (2017, december 7). Usability First — Why Usability Design Matters to UI/UX Designers. Retrieved from https://uxplanet.org/usability-first-why-usability-design-matters-to-ui-ux-designers-9dfb5580116a

Stockwell, G. (2007, december 8). A review of technology choice for teaching language skills and areas in the CALL literature. ReCALL, 19(2), 105-120. Retrieved from https://www.uxmas.com/2013/history-of-usability

Usability.gov. (2013). With Measurable Usability Goals – We All Score. Retrieved from https://www.usability.gov/get-involved/blog/2013/09/measurable-usability-goals.html

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