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Assignment on Healthcare system

Category: Health Education Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: APA Words: 2500

Introduction of Healthcare

Healthcare system is the most important system in any country that enable its government and regulatory institutes to provide better health services to the public. Healthcare system represents the ways by which healthcare services are financed, delivered, and organized for the betterment of the population. Four key types of healthcare systems include the Bismarck model and the Beveridge model. In this present work, the main aim is to study the healthcare system in a low-middle income country. The selected country for analysis purpose is Qatar. The study will rely upon quantitative analysis of some economic and social indicators to represent healthcare system of Qatar. Moreover, present work will include economic and social indicators such as GPD per capita, mortality rate, population rate, resources, percentage of population served with healthcare services, and socio-economic status of Qatar.

Country Overview of Healthcare

Qatar is famous as one of the most powerful country in the Middle East that produces oils and petroleum to be supplied in the international markets. The country is mainly situated in the middle of Western Asia. In Arabian peninsula, Qatar is occupied on the Northeastern coast. Gulf cooperation council (GCC) are the major source of fuel and energy around the world. Qatar which is surrounded by many oil-producing and selling countries are thus gifted with the very strong economic neighbourhood. However, Persian gulf separates the small land of Qatar from Bahrain. In accordance with the records of 2017, the total population of Qatar was around 2.6 million. However, these all were not the primary citizens of this country. In fact, a real estimation declares that among these 2.6 million people total natives and Qatari citizens are only 313, 000. While the rest of all ( 2.3 million) are expatriates. In other word, expatriates and foreigners are more than the actual citizens of Qatar. In this country, foreigners are more other Qatari citizens. A key reason behind this is the working opportunity in Qatar.  foreigners are working in these business organizations as workers and supervisors based on their technical skills and qualification. Qatar provides them with basic resources such as Oil and Petroleum. Although, they utilize these resources in their manufacturing and production plants.

Qatar and Public Health

According to the analysis of Qatar, the healthcare system of Qatar is gradually improving. In the past few years, Qatar was not enough strong to deal with all diseases and healthcare issues independently. The high mortality rate in past is the evidence of poor healthcare systems in Qatar. While the first hospital was established by Sheikh Abdullah bin Jassim in 1943. Somehow, in the past one major reason for the poor healthcare system and facilities for the public sector was because of limited development in the technological sector. Hospitals and healthcare centres were not equipped with modern apparatus and treatment facilities. Even there was a very limited variety available for local pharmaceutical industries. Qatar government was used to import healthcare treatment equipment and medicines from modern and developed countries.

 Before 1943 or establishment of first Qatari hospital people were also used to cure diseases from natural medicines and oral methods. For instance, in 1930 a royal member was fallen ill and he was given herbal therapy for his treatment. However, the situation of the healthcare system and public health facilities are improving now as the country is now adopting modern technologies as well as information technology. Now, electronic record-keeping systems are installed in the healthcare centres and hospitals that enable the medical team to keep the medical history of patients for better healthcare facilities and treatment services. Such improvements have improved public health and fitness statistics as well. According to the world health organization, absence of infirmity or sickness does not represent health and fitness. In accordance with this, public health is more than simple statistics about sickness and infirmity. In public health, the major concerning topics are gender troubles in health, network fitness, epidemiology, biostatistics and management of fitness offerings, fitness economics,  environmental health, behavioural health, public policy, mental fitness, health education, occupational safety and sexual and reproductive health.

Structure and Organization of Public Health

Majority of healthcare organizations are having relatively similar organizational structure and flow of information system. Although, all these healthcare services providing institutes and centres are required to follow up the goals and objectives of government regarding public health.

Model of Healthcare Structure

There are four possible models and systems for healthcare systems in Qatar which includes the Bismarck model, national health insurance model, out-of-pocket and Beveridge model. In accordance with the analysis, Qatar is following the national health insurance scheme as a healthcare system model. The analysis represents that Qatari citizens and expatriates are required to ensure the availability of their healthcare insurance while staying in Qatar. Qatari and foreigner purchase healthcare insurance packages from their salaries with support of employers to remain stress-free about uncertainties of health issues. Majority of these insurance packages are covering medical expenditures including check-up fee, operations and treatment for diseases (e.g. chronic diseases and cancers), and treatment of injuries in case of an accident.

According to the records of insurance statistics, Qatar is spending highest in healthcare among all other Middle East countries. Analysis presents, annual insurance expenditure in the healthcare sector is around 4.7 billion dollars. Moreover, the Government of Qatar is also participating in public health development by establishing healthcare centres and hospitals for free treatment. One fine example of a government based non-for-profit hospital is Hamad Medical Corporation that covers a large geographical segment of the country by providing ambulance services and treatment services for healthcare issues (Allianzcare.com, 2020).

Public Health System of Healthcare

The public health system in Qatar is improving gradually. In Qatar, the public health concept is very broad that also cover mental health facilities given to the public as well as physical healthcare facilities. In this modern world, technology has made the world move fast. The human being is busy to move with the pace of other people in their circles. In this stress-causing situation,  people are having mental health issues and emotion management problems. Common issues and problems regarding emotions and mental condition are depression, stress, trauma, and anxiety issues. Modern public healthcare system and facilities of Qatar also deals with these issues to ensure fitness and health for the population.

Access and Coverage of Healthcare

In Qatar, the majority of the population is having healthcare insurance therefore more 80% of the population has access to healthcare facilities. Apart from this, for the rest of 20% who are not having insurance or who are having limited insurance packages, the Government of Qatar is financing treatments and healthcare facilities. According to the records of the world health organization (WHO), the average expenditure on health per capita in Qatar is around 3071 QAR. While the government of Qatar represented that the average financing of government for healthcare services are now increased to 11.89 million QAR.  However, total healthcare expenditure is around 2.2% of overall GDP (Gross Domestic Product) recorded in 2014. According to the current analysis of 2012, Qatar government finance hospitals with 4.75 billion QAR (40% of total healthcare budget). These funds are required to be spent on curative inpatient care and curative outpatient care as 4.55 billion QAR and 4.09 billion QAR respectively (Moph.gov.qa, 2012).

Demographics of Country, Life Expectancy, Morbidity and Mortality Rates

According to a recent analysis in 2010 and 2012, the gender ratio is reached 309.8 which means that per 100 females country has 309.8 males. While these are expected to be increased to 1.419 males and only 0.451 females. From these males and females, work-age group population is almost 84% (age range for work =15-64 years). Historical demographic details of Qatar from 1990 to 2002 are presented below in the table.

According to the above-mentioned table, Human development index of Qatar is 0.849. While according to the analysis of 2004, Qatar was ranked on 47th around the world for its HDI. Literacy rate of Qatar is improving with time as the government is spending more on education. However, the sill literacy rate for the woman is lagging behind other countries of Southeast Asia (Who.int, 2020). While the world health organization (WHO) recorded that life expectancy rate in Qatar is around 77 for males and 80 for females. Although, the mortality rate is also reducing the passage of time. Probability of death estimated for children under the age of 5 was 7 per 1000 lives in 2018. Additionally, the latest statistics in 2017 represented that the mortality rate was 10.9 for under 5 year age children. The decrease in mortality rate in the one-year duration show improvement in the healthcare services and facilities of Qatar. However, the probability of death is higher for human being above the age of 15. World health organization (WHO) recorded 66 per 1000 lives probability death rate for males above the age of 15 to the age of 60. For the same age group, the probability of death is below 47 for females (Who.int, 2020).

Implications of Geography on Health status

Geography draws an impact on the health status of individuals as tangible and intangible resources are different in various geographical segments. For instance, social capital and government funds influence primary and secondary healthcare services offered to the healthcare institutes and healthcare centres. Apart from this, each geographical segment has some specific historical, cultural, and regional values that also draw an impact on the health status of individuals living in that particular geographical area. For instance, in past Qatari people had the culture of natural treatment with herbs and oral methods rather than using proper medicines. Qatari believed that herbs can help them cure all diseases thus they did not focus on modern health systems until the start of the 21st century (Brown, McLafferty, & Moon, 2009).

GDP and Social Economic Status

According to current statistics GDP of Qatar is inclining since 1970. Calculated GDP of Qatar in 2017 is 167.6 billion USD which is almost double to the GDP of Oman (72.64 billion USD). While detailed analysis represents that per capita GDP of 2017 is 63,505 dollars. Moreover, household final consumption expenditure is limited to $12,267 which is greater than Oman but lower than the UAE. Thus, comparatively, Qatar is a middle-income country among middle eastern countries.  

Study of social-economic status represents that in Qatar women are not given equal rights as compared to men because of cultural factors. In parliaments, women are given 0% seats from 2000 to 2017. Although, other countries of the middle east are now providing from 4% to 22% seats in parliaments.  

Government Roles and Policy of Government

In the healthcare sector, the majority of services are under the control of the government. The government provide financing to 79.1% of healthcare services by offering free-of-cost treatment in non-for-profit public healthcare institutes. The government provide financing to ambulatory care providers, treatment abroad, hospitals, ancillary services providers, and retailers of medical goods. Healthcare institutes which are operating under the financing of the Qatar government includes SCH, Aspire Zone Foundation, PHCC, Hamad Medical Corporation, and Other line ministries (MOI). The following bar graph represents healthcare financing by years as well as schemes e.g. employers, government, and households.

Considering this graph, government spending in the healthcare sector is increased up to $12,663 from $7,158 in 3 years duration. Furthermore, the government has set out policies for treatment abroad, free treatment, and other healthcare benefits. In 2012, the government of Qatar decided to increase its total healthcare expenditures by offering more treatment abroad facilities to the Qatari citizens who cannot afford treatment abroad on their own expenditure. Following this government policy total calculated expenditure on treatment abroad in one year was recorded as 1.61 billion QAR. This amount is almost doubled than government expenditures of 2010 and 2009 on treatment abroad (from 0.50 to 1.12).  Total government spending on medical goods and ancillary services are limited to 0.52 billion QAR and 1.43 billion QAR respectively (Moph.gov.qa, 2012).

Weakness and Strengths of Healthcare

According to the critical analysis of the last 5 years (2010 to 2015) health conditions and healthcare services of Qatar, the results are presented below in the table:








Gross national income per capita







Tuberculosis treatment coverage

87 [75-100]

87 [75-100]


87 [75-100]

87 [75-100]

87 [75-100]

Measles - total reported cases







Mumps - total reported cases







Number of new leprosy cases







Pertussis - number of reported cases







Poliomyelitis - total reported cases







Total rubella - total reported cases







Following these analysis and statistics presented by the world health organization (WHO), some weaknesses and strengths are identified in Qatar healthcare system. The number of leprosy cases is still out of control for Qatar healthcare industry. National healthcare department is not paying enough attention to leprosy cases to control the increasing number of cases. Excluding this, the healthcare system of Qatar has strength regarding control of increasing mumps, rubella, pertussis, and measles cases. Additionally, the life expectancy rate is improved while the decrease is also recorded in the death rate (because of diseases). Such statistics also represent strengths of healthcare sectors in Qatar (Who.int, 2020).

Future Trends of Healthcare

Statistics from 2010 to 2015 represents that diseases are controlled by the healthcare centres by the provision of proper medication and elimination of major causes for these disease in the country. Such a situation indicates that in future public health will improve and diseases elimination related goals of Qatar government can be accomplished. Furthermore, GDP per capita will increase constantly that will enable individuals to afford better health services and treatment for their physical and mental health betterment. 

Summary and Recommendations of Healthcare

The whole discussion concludes that Qatar is a middle-income country in the world. Qatar government is paying attention to public health. Healthcare services are offered to the public with the support of government financing. While the overall healthcare structure is based on the national healthcare insurance model. Government funds and policies have made it possible for the healthcare sector to ensure well-being, fitness, and proper treatment facilities for the public on equality basis. Some weaknesses are also linked with healthcare sector of Qatar that can be turned into a strength by making changes in healthcare policies. WHO analysis recommends that tuberculosis mumps and leprosy diseases should be given more attention to ensure control of these cases in future also.

References of Healthcare

Allianzcare.com. (2020). Healthcare in Qatar. Retrieved from www.allianzcare.com: https://www.allianzcare.com/en/support/health-and-wellness/national-healthcare-systems/healthcare-in-qatar.html

Brown, T., McLafferty, S., & Moon, G. (2009). A Companion to Health and Medical Geography. John Wiley & Sons.

Moph.gov.qa. (2012). Qatar national Health Accounts Report 2012 . Retrieved from www.moph.gov.qa: https://www.moph.gov.qa/publications/Documents/Health%20Reports/QNHA%202012%20-EN.pdf

Who.int. (2020). Health System Profile Qatar. Retrieved from who.int: http://apps.who.int/medicinedocs/documents/s17307e/s17307e.pdf

Who.int. (2020). Qatar. Retrieved from www.who.int: https://www.who.int/countries/qat/en/

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