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Report on Circular Economy of manufacture the electric motorcycle

Category: Mechanical Engineering Paper Type: Report Writing Reference: APA Words: 3750

Table of Contents

Introduction. 1

What is electric motorcycle?. 1

Components. 1

Structural parts. 1

Frame. 2

Seat assembly. 2

Wheels. 2

Electrical parts. 2

Switches. 2

Motors. 2

Wires. 2

Controller 3

Chargers. 3

Batteries. 3

Miscellaneous parts. 3

Tires. 3

Transmission. 3

Bodywork. 3

Upholstery. 3

Application of circular economy concepts. 3

New roads with the help of old tires. 4

Furnishing stores garbage. 4

Renting of personal cars. 4

New accessories through recycled plastic. 4

Recycle for environment 4

Sustainable home components. 5

Capital for circular economy. 5

Future sustainable industrial system.. 5

Short term and long term steps polices and standards. 6

Structural parts. 7

Electrical parts. 7

Miscellaneous parts. 7

Conclusion. 7

References. 8

 The Circular Economy of manufacture the electric motorcycle

 Introduction of Circular Economy

In this report there is deep and comprehensive discussion about the circular economy and its vital application. The report is based on the manufacturing of electric motorcycles with the help of all components that are required for manufacture the motorcycle. As the sustainability manager for manufacturing these vehicles I have to check each and every component of this motor cycle. I have to investigate some important applications of circular economy. Through this I can easily able to analyze and plan different future products that will play important part for my business in the future. For future planning I will explain and describe some short term and long term steps that will maintain the sustainable system for the company for the future. For this I will give important description on the different parts of the electric motor that include structural part, electric parts and miscellaneous parts of the bike. Then on the basis of these components I will demonstrate circular economy applications in detail. After this there are some important points for the future industrial system in detail and in the last part of the report there will be important discussion about the short and long term steps and also some important polices for the manufacturing of these motorcycles.

What is electric motorcycle?

These are such vehicles that move without any oil. These type of bikes move through the help of electricity. They are basically plug in electrical vehicles that contain electric motor inside. The electricity in these bikes is stored in the rechargeable batteries. Such motor bikes are also environment friendly, the reason is that there is no consumption of any fuel. These bikes are able to hit more than 124 miles per hour. These bikes are not too much common but in the future it will become common due to their valuable features. The battery used for these bikes is lithium ion battery and some companies’ also using nickel- metal hydride.

Components of Circular Economy of manufacture the electric motorcycle

For manufacturing electric bikes there are some important points that need to be consider. The components of this bike must be manufacture perfectly because if there is little bit deficiency in the parts so its life will be reduced in results there will be no sustainable environment for the manufacture companies. There are some valuable components of electric bikes that are demonstrated in the given section. The components of the electric motor cycle are divided into three important types that include structural parts, electrical parts and miscellaneous parts.

Structural parts of Circular Economy of manufacture the electric motorcycle

In the structural parts there are some parts for electric motorcycle that include suspension, wheels, seat assembly, frame and handles.

Frame of Circular Economy of manufacture the electric motorcycle

The frame of the bike is most important because this part must be stronger and also attractive. The reason is that if frame of the bike is stronger so that it can easily able to maintain its other parts. After this if the frame of the bike is attractive so it can easily able to convince the customers to buy their products. That why I have taken old and strong bike parts for manufacturing electric motor bikes.  

Seat assembly of Circular Economy

The seats of the bike must be comfortable and reliable for the future. For the electric vehicle the seat assemble plays a vital role because through this the customer can easily able to enjoy its ride in proper way.

Wheels of Circular Economy

The speed of the electric vehicle is extremely high so due to this the bike wheels must contain strong grip. The reason is that through stronger grip they can easily able to maintain on the road and refrain from accidents. For manufacturing I have chosen stronger grip wheels (Electronics-notes, 2018).

Electrical parts of Circular Economy

This is basically electrical bike so for that the electrical parts of the bike are extremely important. The electrical parts of the motor bike include motors, switches, wires, batteries and circuit breakers. For this bike the electrical parts are explained in the section below

Switches of Circular Economy

The switches I have selected for the electrical bikes are push button temperature sustainable switches.

Motors of Circular Economy

The motors are the main components of these bikes because they are playing the role of the engine in the bike. There are two types of motors but for that electric bike I will choose DC motor. The main issue is for the power of the DC motor. This means that what will be the sustainable DC motor for the manufacturing of this bike. For that I have selected 72 Volts advanced DC motor. The reason is that this motor is light in weight and also its efficiency is high (Bhuvaneswari & Saxena, 2017).

Wires of Circular Economy

For this bike I have selected 10 feet of 2 GA wire that are cut according to the requirement. For covering the battery the wire must be thick and better quality wire. 

 Controller of Circular Economy

For making the controller of the bike it must be considered that the battery of bike will give proper voltage and also the amperes according to the requirements. If the amperes of the electric bike is high this means it will generate more power but due to this its cost will be higher. This is not sustainable idea. The bike has to generate amperes according to requirement that this valuable sustainable solution for cost (Deng & et.al, 2017).

Chargers of Circular Economy

The charger must be according to the feature of the battery that can able to charge the battery in efficient way. The charger must be able to maintain the amperes that will not harm the battery.

Batteries of Circular Economy

For this bike I have selected the lithium ion battery because the reason is that the efficiency of this battery is quite high and also it has some reasonable price. Best advantage of this battery is that the size of this battery is small.

Miscellaneous parts Circular Economy

The miscellaneous parts of the motorcycles include its tires, transmission, upholstery and its bodywork. These parts are like the structural parts (Chen & Lai, 2012).

Tires of Circular Economy

The tire of the bike contain high grip because through the tires the efficiency of the bike is increased in better way.

Transmission of Circular Economy

The transmission of this electric bike is manual. There is proper system for the gear box and clutch system. This is because it will easily able to maintain the power energy of the motor bike.

Bodywork of Circular Economy

This is actually the outer part of the body. This is need to be stronger and attractive, stronger because it can easily able to assemble all heavy part of bike in it.

Upholstery of Circular Economy

The seat of the bike must be comfortable for this bike I have selected the seat that is cost effective and also comfortable.

 Application of circular economy concepts of Circular Economy

The circular economy is playing an important role for maintaining a sustainable environment. This is inspired by the cyclical model of nature that is involve in converting the waste material into common resources that are involved in reduction, recycling and reuse of some valuable elements. Due to circular economy there is huge chance for the manufacturers and also the producers that can easily able to think about the life cycle of the resources. Through the help of this many company are able to maintain their organizational structure for the future. There are some important applications of circular economy that many companies and small organizations are using for maintaining their future sustainability in the market.

New roads with the help of old tires of Circular Economy

        This application is used in Redisa that is the company of South Africa. This company is involved in using the old tires and from these tire they are making new roads. The company collects different tires from around the country. Then this company processes the required materials in proper way through different machines. Then after this through this material new roads are constructed like fuels that can be used for cements and also for making rubber mats. This is one of the best sustainable solution for the tires

Furnishing stores garbage of Circular Economy

It can be seen that with the help of garbage different construction material are created that can be used as the furniture for the shops. This can be done with the help of recycling and redesigning of garbage in proper way. In the garbage that include some plastic and also some electronic waste. This is used by Miniwiz that is basically the Taiwanese company. beside this there also some companies that are involved in using the garbage for making new things that include Nike.

Renting of personal cars of Circular Economy

The best application and also profitable for the economy of the country. This means that rent your own car that is standing in your garage. This is done by the company named as Drivy. This company is involved in keeping in touch with the people that wanted their own cars and wanted to use them for their use. They will contact with the real owner of the car and ask them for putting their car on rent. Through this those people who wanted car for moving from one place to anther are able to use this car easily. This service is given by the Allianz Company located in Germany.

New accessories through recycled plastic of Circular Economy

Plastic is one of the most used material around the world. The reason is that this is quite cheap material and can be used easily after recycle. Ecoalf is a Spanish company that is involved in making different clothes and other things with the help of recycle plastic. This technology is expanded day by day around the world. Now many companies are involved in making new innovative things through the help of plastic.

Recycle for environment of Circular Economy

There are some companies that are involved in using the some recycle objects for making new things. This is one of the best application for the circular economy. This is used by the Umicore Company that is a Belgian company. This company is involved in recycling those objects that is valuable for the environment. This company is recycling the products like batteries, metal or some refinery waste that can be separated from the other harmful elements. These harmful materials include cobalt, antimony, nickel and tungsten. Through this there will be no difficulty to make products that are sustainable and also good for the environments

Sustainable home components of Circular Economy

This application of circular economy is too much common in every company that contain a strong economy system. The most famous company that is involved in making sustainable home elements is Dutch architecture studio. This company is involved in making mobile homes through the help of recycle material. This can be done with the help of recycle metals and plastics that can easily able to save up to 90% of the carbon dioxide emission. This is done by the help of some solar panels on the roof top that make it more sustainable material than any other like concrete.

Capital for circular economy of Circular Economy

Many private companies are involved in making huge profit through private equity firm. Also through some emerging projects that are based on the circular economy. All of these products are involved in keeping the environment perfect and economy of the country stable (Huesemann, 2003).

 Future sustainable industrial system of Circular Economy

In the future many new and old industries are moving towards the sustainability. The reason is that global warming is increasing day by day. Due to this Ozone layer that is present right above the sky is damaged a lot. The industries are wasting their waste in the rivers or streams due to this many living organism are damaged. That is the reason why the future industries are moving towards sustainable system. This is because they want to improve the environment of the world and also wanted to stay in the market for a long period of time (Epstein, 2018).

For this report electric motor bike is manufactured, in the past bike are moved with the help of crude oil like gasoline. These bikes are not good for the environment for the future. The reason is that the oil resources are non-renewable resources that can be end after some time. This will become one of the huge problem for the different companies that are involved in making bikes. This idea is not sustainable for the future of bike manufacturing companies. Due to this many bike industries are moving towards electrical system that can be used as the main part of the bike. This means that new bikes will moved through the help of electrical energy. This industrial system for the bikes will be sustainable for the future the reason is that the electrical power energy is renewable energy and it is also beneficial for the environment. In the future most of the industries will move towards sustainability. This is because they have a major influence for making the global environment beneficial for the local human beings. It can be seen that many industrial experts has suggest that the industrial system will be changed to about 30% because they are working on greenhouse gas generation project. This industrial system is also responsible for making the quality of life for many people around the world. But the problem is that this is not enough because this system is not sustainable due to many climate changes around the world. This system is expanding and this system is creating unintended and harmful consequences for the environment that is present around us. This why in the future there is a need of proper sustainable industrial system in the world that is able to minimize the effect of global warming in the world?

It can be seen from the research some manufacturing industries are involved in making products that are good for the environment. Like the industry that is involved in making electric motor bikes and also electric cars. These industries doing well for the betterment of the humans and also for the future industries. In the future the industries must have to focus on improving the environment this can be done through sustainable industrial systems. It is more important that to analyze the impact of the product that is manufactured in the industry. Like the product that is manufactured from different chemicals the waste material from manufacturing these products is not good for the environment. For the future that is must need to be perfect and also best industrial system for the chemical industries. Through this there will be quite lower impact on the environment of the country.

There are some industries that have taken some important actions on the future sustainability of the environment. These improvements are regarding to the dramatic improvement on the system of the industry. This can be done by deploying expertise on the individual business. If single industry is involved in implementing technology. This means that this industry is completely failed to implement a sustainable environment in their industry. For the future this is one of the huge challenge for the industrial system. This challenge is one of the huge challenge for the industrial system that is need to be stop if they wanted a sustainable industrial system they just wanted to ensure that the system must be according to the environment (ESM Solutions, 2015).

Short term and long term steps polices and standards of Circular Economy

The electric motorcycles are not much common, the reason is that this is latest technology in the world. Now this technology will be increased day by day. For this the manufacturing electric motor cycle industries has to work on the sustainability. This can be done by setting some long term goal and also some short terms goals for different components that are used to manufacture the electric motor bikes. In the short term policies the industry has to set some future plans for different components for making bikes. This means that the company will buy some products for the suppliers with short term agreement with them. In this agreement there are some important points that are mentioned in proper way (Searcy, 2012).

For short term, the policy is to make sure that the consumers of electric bikes continue to get reliable electric bikes that they can use in their daily lives. Another policy is to continue the development of electric bikes in a sustainable way. Meanwhile, for the long term, there are two policies that organizations manufacturing electric bikes have to consider. The first one is to make sure that the price of these electric bikes is affordable which can be supported by any individual. The second one is to keep the manufacturing of bikes conservative so that there is no impact on the environment.

Structural parts of Circular Economy

The structural parts of the electric bikes are so much important for buying these products the supplier must be reliable. This means that if the supplier is reliable for the industry then this industry will be reliable for a long period of time. As the sustainable manager for the bike manufacturing I have to set some long term policy with the supplier of the company. 

Electrical parts of Circular Economy

The main role in the manufacturing of electric bikes is played by the electrical parts. The electrical parts must be sustainable the reason is that total price is depend on the electrical parts of the bike. For this the relationship with the supplier must be long term because through this they can easily able to make electric bikes that can easily stable in the market for a long period of time. Through long term policy with the electric parts suppliers the company can easily able to decrease the price of bike during manufacturing. The best advantage is that there will be not a single trouble for supplying the electrical parts.

Miscellaneous parts of Circular Economy

For supplying the miscellaneous parts from the suppliers, I must have to set short term and long term policy for the supplier. Through this I can easily able to make more profit on the manufacturing of bikes in efficient way. In these miscellaneous parts the most important part is regarding to the transmission parts of the electrical bike. This can be done by setting long term policy with the supplier. Other miscellaneous parts can be achieved through setting short term policies with different suppliers for the sake of profit (A.Cancino, Paz, Ramaprasad, & Syn, 2018)

.Conclusion on Circular Economy

Summing up all the discussion from above it is concluded that the sustainable manufacturing of electrical bikes are extremely necessary for better industrial system. I can easily able to analyze and plan different future products that will play important part for my business in the future. These are such vehicles that move without any oil. These type of bikes move through the help of electricity. They are basically plug in electrical vehicles that contain electric motor inside. Valuable components of electric bikes that are demonstrated in the given section. The components of the electric motor cycle are divided into three important types that include structural parts, electrical parts and miscellaneous parts.

The company collects different tires from around the country. Then this company processes the required materials in proper way through different machines. Then after this through this material new roads are constructed like fuels that can be used for cements and also for making rubber mats. This company is involved in making mobile homes through the help of recycle material. This can be done with the help of recycle metals and plastics that can easily able to save up to 90% of the carbon dioxide emission. In the future many new and old industries are moving towards the sustainability. The reason is that global warming is increasing day by day. Due to this Ozone layer that is present right above the sky is damaged a lot. For short term, the policy is to make sure that the consumers of electric bikes continue to get reliable electric bikes that they can use in their daily lives. Another policy is to continue the development of electric bikes in a sustainable way.

References of Circular Economy

A.Cancino, C., Paz, A. I., Ramaprasad, A., & Syn, T. (2018). Technological innovation for sustainable growth: An ontological perspective. Journal of Cleaner Production, 179, 31-41.

Bhuvaneswari, M., & Saxena, J. (2017). Intelligent and Efficient Electrical Systems: Selected Proceedings of ICIEES’17. Springer.

Chen, B.-Y., & Lai, Y.-S. (2012). New Digital-Controlled Technique for Battery. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, 59(3).

Deng, Y., & et.al. (2017). Design and research of motor drive mechanism for high voltage circuit breaker. 4th International Conference on Electric Power Equipment - Switching Technology (ICEPE-ST).

Electronics-notes. (2018). How Does a Spark Gap Transmitter Work? Retrieved from https://www.electronics-notes.com/articles/history/spark-gap-transmitters/operation-how-does-spark-gap-transmitter-work.php

Epstein, M. J. (2018). Making sustainability work. Best practices in managing and measuring corporate social, environmental and economic impacts., 282.

ESM Solutions. (2015). What is sustainable procurement and why is it important to our public sector economy? . Retrieved from https://www.esmsolutions.com/what-is-sustainable-procurement-and-why-is-it-important-to-our-public-sector-economy/

Huesemann, M. H. (2003). The limits of technological solutions to sustainable development. 5, 21-34.

Searcy, C. (2012). Corporate sustainability performance measurement systems: A review and research agenda. Journal of business ethics, 239-253.



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