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Assignment on Climate change impacts on marine living organisms

Category: Education Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: APA Words: 2100

Introduction of Climate change impacts on marine living organisms

Marine ecosystem has been defined the complex study of living organism with in the environment of ocean. Marine ecosystem covers almost the two-third area of the earth. In some of the area’s ocean is deeper than the highest mountain of the world. Despite from this the shape of seas and oceans of the whole country are changed essentially form the last 60 years. Some of the marine theorist has been said that the inner surface of the earth has been made up from various plates. As well as the organisms of marine (Barbier, 2017) has not been dispersed in the ocean mainly. Difference in characteristics in the environment of marine develops the various livings and some of the impact. Despite from this water, light, depth and proximity to land mainly effects the organisms of Marine system. The presence of light effects the living marine organism in the specific area of marine ecosystem. In the great depth of ocean, the reduced light can infiltrate until below the depth of the water where light cannot be reached.

Moreover, the marine environment has been presented as the environment of the upper surface of the ocean has been known as pelagic environment and the environment of deep water has been known as benthic environment. Despite form this it has also been mentioned that the marine biodiversity, organisms and ecosystem are now get threatening by pollution and over fishing. (Österblom, Henrik, & Beatrice , 2017)The change in climate mainly challenges the capability to develop sustainable management to maintain the healthy ecosystem. Moreover, the chemical and physical properties of ocean can be differed according to their depth, latitude which is closer to the land and this will give the effort of fresh water.

Research Significances of Climate change impacts on marine living organisms

 The said study will contributes in the environmental strategies that are builted for controlling the climate change. It offers the accurate ways for saving the lives of the living organisms of the marine animals. This strategy contributes in the practices of the policy makers for savings the marine lives in various climate zone and change.    

Research Aims and Objectives of Climate change impacts on marine living organisms

There are the several research objectives that will be attained in this particular part of the research study. All of these objectives are developed in order to highlight the important and major points of the study. These objectives are the good source for focusing the important area of the study. It will explore the innovative aspects for the lives of the living organisms of the ocean. The objectives of these studies are;

·         To explores the climate change of the present day

·         To evaluate the impacts of the climate change on the marine lives

·         To considers the consequences of climate change for marine biological processes

·         To examines the risk and threats that are occurring to the marine lives due to climate change

Research Questions of Climate change impacts on marine living organisms

There can be various research questions that must be answered in the said study in effective manners. All of these research questions are emphasis on the research objectives that it must be attained in effective manners.  

·         How the climate change of the present day can be explored for marine lives?

·         What is the impact of the climate change on the marine lives?

·         What are the consequences of climate change for marine biological processes?

·         What are the risk and threats that are occurring to the marine lives due to climate change?

Literature Review of Climate change impacts on marine living organisms

As it has been suggested by the Diniz, Mário, Diana (2017) that the effects of climate change merely, sea warming and ocean acidification and this will lead toward the physiological and biological changes in the spreading of organisms. This stress would be shifted in the marine livings at the level of proteome and this will change the appearance of proteins and variations is still unidentified. In this regard the most commonly used technique for the marine proteomics which is related with the change in climate are 2-dimensional electrophoresis and identification which has been made by mass spectrometry. (Diniz, Mário, Madeira, & Araújo, 2017) Moreover, some of the workflow which involves many sequential steps. But the spices of marine are now responding to the hot temperature and they are moving toward the coolest water to the northward. From a research it has been mentioned that more than 100 marine organisms have been shifted in the deeper and coolest water. Moreover, it has been said that omics and proteomics have the strength to give new visions with the responses of organisms to the environmental pressures. Despite form this the study also suggested that the distinctive use of proteomic mainly pay focus on the that it can be used as the workflow for the species of marine.

In this article it has been said by the Mahanes, Samuel (2019) that the climate change and invasions of marine organisms are now become the one of the great threats universally. The invasive of marine species has been describes as the organisms which has been introduced by the humans in the region from the outside of the range. (Mahanes, A, & Sorte, 2019)Despite from this it has been said that the marine ecosystem which holds the high latitude experienced some invasions of species rather than the temperature of marine ecosystem and discrepancies which is associated with to barriers such as reduced propagule pressure and risky and seasonal abiotic situations. Moreover, it can also be said that every single barrier has been affected by the climate change and the enhancement of individuals activity with in the high latitude. Despite form this it can be said through the change in climate mainly challenges the capability to develop sustainable management to maintain the healthy ecosystem. Moreover, the chemical and physical properties of ocean can be differed according to their depth, latitude which is closer to the land and this will give the effort of fresh water.

Methodology of Climate change impacts on marine living organisms

Study design of Climate change impacts on marine living organisms

This study will be the descriptive in its nature because few of the case studies will discusses under this research related to marine lives. This study also explores the incidents of the climate change in the lives of the marine living organisms. Usually, this kind of research is known as the case study research, it also includes; studying the particular situation for determining that how the general theory can be raised; how the existing theory has born for various particular situations. It includes; anthropological studies. Descriptive nature of the research explains about the numerous case studies that are considers as the good example for conducting any study.

This research is also experimental in its nature. It is known as the experimental research. Usually, it is known as the cornerstone of science and defined as creative research. These kinds of research are usually concerned with the cause and effects. Even under these kinds of research, the interesting variables are defined in effective manners. The relationship between the dependent and independent variables explain under this kind of research. These kinds of research are required to examine the changes in cause and effect independent and independent variables.


Data collection methods and instruments

The research study will be conducted by using the both sources of data collection secondary and primary. The secondary source of data collection offers the information; if the existing and required data on the project or topic which is not directly or current application for the required chosen evaluation questions. It also includes the information which has already been protected, collected and processed another entity or researchers. It will disclose easily that which kinds of questions still required that is needed to be addressed; for this process, data has been yet collected. Meanwhile, the primary source of data collection is included as the unvarnished data which cannot be manipulated in any kind. So, in any research, the primary data can be preferred. Even the authenticity and reliability of the research can be increases by using the primary data. Several experimental studies are based upon the primary source of data collection. Usually, it is known as the data that will be gathered specifically along with the end goals of the research venture. The primary data can be favorable for the various conditions as it can particularly be customized according to the needs of the analysis. One of the most important drawbacks of the primary data is that it is costly in order to get the hold of the primary data otherwise this data will be referred to as the raw information.

The questionnaire is used as the instruments of the study. The questionnaire is considered as the most commonly used methods in the research for collecting the data from respondents. It has been formulated in order to attain the point of information in any subject area. Generally, the questionnaire is referred to as the inexpensive method in the data collection that is compared to several other methods of primary research. The questionnaire is a good tool to know about the reviews of the wide ranges of people on a particular topic

Data analysis methods of Climate change impacts on marine living organisms

For the process of the data recording, the excel sheet will utilized because it is a good source for record-keeping. The data analysis and the various test has been applied by using the SPSS software that is good tools for generating the tables and graphs. The excel sheet is only utilized arranged and organized the gathered data is to. Then for analysis purposes, different tests are performed on the available data related to the reviews of the employees of the companies. In SPSS software the various formulas are implied in order to compute the variables. It helped to evaluate the impacts of risk management on the productivity of the company for the specified tenure.

Conclusion of Climate change impacts on marine living organisms

In this it has been concluded that climate change impacts on marine living organisms. the first chapter of introduction mainly describes the Marine ecosystem has been defined the complex study of living organism with in the environment of ocean. Marine ecosystem covers almost the two-third area of the earth. In some of the area’s ocean is deeper than the highest mountain of the world. Despite from this water, light, depth and proximity to land mainly effects the organisms of Marine system. The presence of light effects the living marine organism in the specific area of marine ecosystem. Despite form this it has also been mentioned that the marine biodiversity, organisms and ecosystem are now get threatening by pollution and over fishing. The change in climate mainly challenges the capability to develop sustainable management to maintain the healthy ecosystem.

In the second chapter of literature review some of the previous studies has been included.

 the effects of climate change merely, sea warming and ocean acidification and this will lead toward the physiological and biological changes in the spreading of organisms. This stress would be shifted in the marine livings at the level of proteome and this will change the appearance of proteins and variations is still unidentified. In this article it has been said by the authors that the climate change and invasions of marine organisms are now become the one of the great threats universally. The invasive of marine species has been describes as the organisms which has been introduced by the humans in the region from the outside of the range.

Time duration or time plan

In order to represent the time plan and duration of the time the Gantt chart is particularly used.

Research Proposal  

Month 1


Month 2


Month 3


Month 4


Month 5


Month 6


Month 7


Month 8


Month 9


Proposal Defense










Literature Review










Data Collection










Data Analysis










Conclusion & Recommendation












References of Climate change impacts on marine living organisms

Barbier. (2017). Marine ecosystem services. Current Biology, R507-R510.

Diniz, Mário, Madeira, D., & Araújo, E. (2017). Effects of Climate Change on Marine Organisms: A Proteomic Approach. In Environmental Problems in Marine Biology, 190-212.

Mahanes, A, S., & Sorte, C. J. (2019). mpacts of climate change on marine species invasions in northern hemisphere high-latitude ecosystems. Frontiers of Biogeography.

Österblom, Henrik, & Beatrice . (2017). Marine ecosystem science on an intertwined planet. Ecosystems , 54-61.


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