is increasing drastically on the average scale of per year. In this report we
have discussed about public health issues that are being seen in most of the
people when analysis was being done. Public health has been defined as the
science of defending or protecting the safety and then improving out the health
of different communities by giving education, doing research or even by policy
making as well for the disease and giving some recommendations to prevent it
from spreading further in the body of a patient. For every person and every
nation definition of the public health varies. Here in this report we have
discussed about some of the very common factors of the Diabetes II along with
its determinants as well that why the risk and ratio of Diabetes II is
increasing so much in such a small time period. There are number of people who
complain to have this disease in the public health sector. This report is much
helpful for all the people who have this disease of Diabetes II already or are
at the risk of having this disease Diabetes II. Each and everything has been
discussed in detail.
Introduction. 4
Types of Diabetes. 5
Symptoms of Diabetes 2. 7
Causes of Diabetes 2. 8
Diagnosis of Diabetes 2. 8
Death rate of people because of diabetes 2. 9
Research question:. 10
Research design methods. 11
Historical Review.. 12
Theoretical Review.. 12
Search strategy. 14
Results. 15
Discussion. 18
Conclusion. 20
Introduction of
Applied Research Project on Public Health (Diabetes 2)
mellitus is a disease in which body becomes unable to use the energy properly
while after eating any type of the food. There can be two situations for having
this disease:
is an organ which is situated behind the stomach in the body which produces
small amount of insulin or no insulin. Insulin is a hormone which is being
produced naturally by the beta cells which are present in the pancreas and this
hormone further helps the body to use sugar for the sake of energy. Without
energy body can’t move (Robinson, 2015).
pancreas as already talked that it is responsible in the production of insulin
but this hormone fails to work as it does in normal bodies. This is a condition
which is known as insulin resistance (Black & Macinko, 2008).
better understanding the word diabetes, it can help to know many things about
that how body use food for having energy and this process is termed as metabolism.
As all of us know that body is being made up of millions of cells (Berke,
Koepsell, Moudon, Hoskins, & Larson, 2007).
have energy, cells require food in a simple form which can be easily used. When
person eats or drink, much of the food which he or she consumes is further
broken down into a form of simple sugar and this process is known as glucose.
From where does the body gets energy to perform different activities on daily
basis? Glucose provides body this energy (Chen, 2012).
and blood vessels in the body are the highways which are responsible for the
transportation of sugar from where it is taken (stomach is the organ from where
it is being taken) to the cells in the body to use it and those are mainly
muscles, and sometimes it is also being stored in the body in the form of fats.
Pancreas in the body releases naturally occurring hormone in the blood which is
being used as a helper or the key which helps to go sugar into the cells to use
it as an energy source for body activities (Haliloğlu, 2018)
the process, sugar also leaves the bloodstream and then enters into the cells
and the level of blood sugar gets low. Without having proper amount of insulin
or the key sugar becomes unable to get into the cells of body for the use of
energy. All this process results into the rise in sugar level. Certain amount
of sugar is acceptable in the body, extra amount of sugar in the blood is not
good at all and can cause a disease which is known as Hyperglycemia which means
high amount of sugar in the blood or in simple words it can also be termed as
Diabetes (Keskin, 2019).
Types of Diabetes of
Applied Research Project on Public Health (Diabetes 2)
is a word that that is taking the lives of many different people at large
scale, as there are many diseases that are being known but they don’t have
further any types, here this disease further have two major types which is Diabetes
Type 1 and Diabetes type 2. These two are the major and main types of this
diseases. This disease is often found to be present in the pregnant women as
well but it gets finished completely when the delivery process has been
undergone. In such patients diabetes remains only for few time and there is no
as such cure for it apart from the precautionary measures (Hayashino,
is not just one kind of Diabetes known in human body, there are two types of
diabetes which are:
one is Diabetes 1 which takes place because of the cells known as pancreas
responsible for the production of insulin gets damaged. In this diabetes,
pancreas fails to produce sufficient amount of insulin and at times even
becomes completely unable to produce even a small amount of insulin. As a
result, sugar doesn’t reach in the body cells for the further production of
energy. In this type, people get insulin to control their glucose from external
source means outside from the body through injections or drips to fulfill the
body requirements. This is the most common and most occurring type of diabetes
in the people at any stage of their life but frequently it has been seen in the
people who are below 30 years in their age. Out of 100 people, 10 percent are
those which are diagnosed with diabetes 1 type. (Kahn, 2006)
one is Diabetes 2, as already discussed pancreas is responsible in the
production of insulin but as a result insulin becomes unable to work properly.
Looking at the ratio of people, out of ten almost 9 among them have diabetes 2
type. This takes place in the people who are above 40 years in their age and
are overweigh as well (Tsujii, 2012).
has been observed that in many of the cases it gets controlled by having a
proper and controlled diet and doing exercise on regular basis. Ratio of this
Diabetes 2 is huge and that is another reason that this disease has been
selected to be talked about in this report about the public health issue (Kuwata, 2017). People when started
getting aged they don’t take care of their diet as they need to and they also
become lazy and lethargic due to which they start having the symptoms of
Diabetes 2 and ultimately by the time they get to know about the disease it
gets too much that it becomes pretty difficult to control it even (Galvan & Galvan, 2017). There are
many people who successfully do control it as well but most of the deaths that
take place in the aged people is due to this Diabetes 2 type (McNeill,
Kreuter, & Subramanian, 2006). Type 2 diabetes is
being found in large population and there are still many people who are not
taking it as seriously as they need to because this is a diseases of life and
death. If proper precautionary measures won’t be taken then things can become
worse and one can lose their life just from this diseases (Piero, 2015).
Symptoms of Diabetes 2 of
Applied Research Project on Public Health (Diabetes 2)
disease has their own symptoms through which patients are being diagnose apart
from doing certain level of tests (Diabetesaustralia, 2020).
So is the case here. This disease also have some of the prominent symptoms from
which this disease of Diabetes 2 is being known in the patients. People having
diabetes 2 can have symptoms listed below: (Du, 2018)
1. Thirst rate in them increases, they
demand for water after short intervals.
2. They feel more hunger than on regular
basis or as compared to normal people
(Dendup, 2018).
3. They suffer from frequent urination (Pasala, Rao,
& Sridhar, 2010).
4. They feel dryness in their mouth and
due to which they feel the need of water.
5. They start to have blurred vision of
6. Skin becomes dry and itching takes
place on it.
7. Without
doing physical work they feel tired and sleepy (Australian Institute of Health
and Welfare. , 2015)
8. Whenever any cut takes place it
requires long time for its healing.
9. Yeast infection takes place on regular
basis in patients having diabetes (Padgett & Carter, 1988).
10. They feel tingling in their hands or can
be feet.
Causes of Diabetes 2 of
Applied Research Project on Public Health (Diabetes 2)
is not just one kind of cause due to which diabetes 2 can take place in people
but have number of reasons which are: (Kosti, 2012)
• Very first reason can be inherited
tendency, if anyone in the family history have this disease there are chances
that their children might have this disease (Dunstan, 2002).
• Obesity is another cause, weight
should be controlled to overcome this disease.
• Any kind of physical stress can lead
to this disease which may include illness of any type or it can be surgery as
well (Liu, 2010).
• People who are the patients of blood
pressure can have diabetes as well (Richardson, Pearce, Mitchell,
& Kingham, 2013).
• Any kind of injury to the pancreas
due to which this organ fails to produce enough of the insulin required by the
• Addicts of smoking and alcohol have
chances for this disease.
• Many of the people around us thinks
that if sugar intake is too much in diet then a person can only have diabetes
which is not true at all. Yes, having too much sugar can lead people towards tooth
decay but not diabetes at all (Faas, 1997)s.
Diagnosis of Diabetes 2
one can be diagnosed by any disease until or unless they don’t get to know
about the changes they feel in their body because only a person can tell his or
her own self in a better way about the changes which they feel in their body
apart from other person. But still there are many things that can be done to
diagnose a certain disease (Gordon-Larsen, Nelson, Page,
& Popkin, 2006). It is recommended that everyone should
visit doctor on regular basis and proper tests and checkup should be done to
know about the health. It is not necessary to wait until the disease becomes
worse and doctor fails to treat them. It is a better thing to know about your
disease at an early stage rather than diagnosing it late (McNaughton,
For diabetes 2, there are different techniques for its diagnosis among which
blood test is the common one. It is recommended to the patients of diabetes 2
to give their blood and know how low or high sugar they have (Chew, 2018).
These days, different apparatus and machines are easily available which are not
expensive at all and with their help one can know about their sugar level just
by sitting at home. Some other tests are also recommended by doctors for this
disease diabetes 2, which are: (Nanayakkara, 2018)
Random blood sugar test in which fasting
is not required. Blood test can be done at any random time (QI, 2017)..
Fasting blood sugar is another type which
requires fasting of the patients for at least overnight (Hayashino Y.
T., 2018).
Oral glucose tolerance test is a type in
which patients is asked to fast for overnight, blood is then taken. After this
patient is supposed to drink a sugary liquid and then the blood sugar levels
are further tested periodically for further two hours (Hayashino Y.
Death rate of people because of diabetes 2
year almost 24,000 people are dying unnecessarily because of diabetes 2. This
shock statistics shows a conclusion from National Diabetes Audit, which is
considered to be the first ever report to look and mention about the death
ration from Diabetes (Liu, 2010).
Different precautions have been mentioned in this report for all the patients
suffering from diabetes 2 and they can live their life happily and live many
yeas if they take all such precautions and control their as well (Rutter, 2007). Things can be in
their favor and the patients already suffering from Diabetes 2 can also recover
pretty soon. This report is not just to make awareness for the diabetic 2
patients but this is also for the people who may have chances to have this
diseases, they also should be much careful and particular about their lifestyle
to avoid it as much as possible by maintain their healthy activities.
(Chatterjee, 2017)
question of
Applied Research Project on Public Health (Diabetes 2):
How can identification be done of the people
who are at the high risk of diabetes 2 and how help can be given to them to
prevent all the conditions from developing?
do Australian media represent the risk
factors and determinants of type 2 diabetes
design methods of Applied Research Project on Public Health
(Diabetes 2)
research study is conducted by using the secondary source of data collection.
This study is in its types and nature. Usually, this kind of research is known
as the case study research, it also includes; studying the particular situation
for determining that how the general theory can be raised; how the existing
theory has born for various particular situations. It includes; anthropological
studies etc.
research study is conducted by considering the secondary source of data
collection. The secondary source of data collection leads towards the secondary
data collection the information; if the existing and required data on the
project or topic which is not directly or current application for the required
chosen evaluation questions. It also includes the information which has already
been protected, collected and processed another entity or researchers. It will
disclose easily that which kinds of questions still required that is needed to
be addressed; for this process, data has been yet collected.
In the secondary source of
data collection Print
Media Analysis has been particularly used. In the Print Media Analysis various
news articles has been reviewed that are relevant to the diabetes type 2. The news
articles also include in which little bit information is occurring related to
the diabetes type 2. Three national level print media were chosen for the
study. These are:
The Australian
The weekend Australian
The Morning Herald
Furthermore, the
qualitative research methods are considered as the best way to attain the
objective of this study and collect the results. It is concerned with the
behaviors of the human and the people's acts. There several common methods of
data collection that are used under the qualitative research; it includes
interviews, for instance, focus group interviews and interviews. By using both
of these methods the researcher can be able to explore the topic in detail and
depth within a small group. From the various interactions, qualitative data can
be collected in good ways. In this research; it has been observed that the
research is an essential part of the institution as compared to the outside
is a stark difference between secondary and primary methods. Primary methods
are also referred to as quantitative methods and these methods generally
include statistics for conducting research. They are completely different from
qualitative methods which depend on the existing information. In general,
literature reviews and case studies help in obtaining the existing or
historical information about a specific topic. However, the same cannot be said
about quantitative methods. These methods don’t involve the analysis of
existing information. Instead of it, they depend on the ability of research to
conduct analyses and unveil a new aspect of a theory. In this case, one
quantitative method has been considered.
Review of Applied Research Project on Public Health
(Diabetes 2)
objective of a historical literature review is concerned with examining a
certain concept or aspect throughout a selected time duration. Generally, this
type of literature review is considered because the problem of effective and
efficient control generation has been considered and researched by several
authors. In order to understand the issue and objectives of this research
better, it was quite important to conduct a historical literature review.
Review of Applied Research Project on Public Health
(Diabetes 2)
the objective of a theoretical review is all about examining a specific idea of
theory which was created with respect to an issue. It plays an important role
in establishing what ideas are already existing and what types of issues or
gaps exist in the research. Theoretical literature review, in this case, has
helped in the accomplishment of objectives which were set in this research. In
addition to just the achievement of goals which were set in this research, this
review has also helped in understanding the concept of generation control
better because there are several studies which have already focused on this
topic. Theoretical review allowed the understanding of different researches and
what was concluded by different researchers.
research and relating it to the prevalent or existing information is considered
a foundational block of all processes and activities which are related to
academic research. However, with time, this process has become quite difficult
and complicated. The development and production of knowledge are increasing in
almost every field. However, within this field, it remains not only fragmented
but also interdisciplinary. It is considered one of the most important reasons
why literature review is considered significant in this research. (Baucom, 2018)
literature review is actually a systematic way of collecting existing and
previous information and synthesizing it. An effective literature review as a
research method is capable of developing a strong foundation which facilitates
the development of a new theory and advancing the existing knowledge. Through
the incorporation of findings and different perspectives from different
empirical findings, objectives of research can be accomplished with a power
that is not possessed by individual processes of research (Galvan & Galvan,
can also help in offering a brief overview of different aspects in which the
research is disparate and interdisciplinary. Moreover, it is a reliable method
of synthesizing research findings for indicating evidence and unveiling
different aspects in which more research is necessary. It facilitates the
development of both theoretical and conceptual models. However, traditional
techniques of explaining and representing the literature normally lack
thoroughness and description. This results in the lack of knowledge of what
different researches are indicating and saying. Due to it, there is a
significant likelihood that studies might be created by authors or erroneous
assumptions. When researchers select the evidence on which they develop their
research while ignoring opposing arguments, they face some significant issues.
In addition to it, although methodology is valid, there are some issues with
what is actually making a good contribution to the research.
prior and relevant information is considered important for all types of
research projects. In general, whenever an author is reading a journal article,
he begins by describing previous studies for assessing and mapping the area of
research for emphasizing the objectives of study and justifying the research
questions. This is referred to as research background or a literature review.
However, for a literature review to be a part of methodology, there are some
steps which need to be considered. And those steps have been considered in this
strategy of Applied Research Project on Public Health
(Diabetes 2)
a multi-dimension search along with the MEDLINE database, literatures and
research studies were thoroughly screened using terminologies such as diabetes
mellitus, determinants, Australia and Risk factors of Diabetes mellitus. The
search results were mainly limited to full written publications available till
date. To avoid any missing point of studies under consideration, various
relevant literatures were also extensively search to bridge the gap or missing
points. This source included reports records that are published; chapters from
various modules of books relevant with review study, journals and numerous
small articles were considered for this public health research review on
Diabetes mellitus. Also results from the search of Australian indigenous
HealthInfoNet search are being utilized for the review (Blacket al., 2008). I
have also searched PubMed and google scholar for the wide information related
to my topic.
criteria for inclusion of publications in this review study were: (1) Various
studies Data derived from epidemiological study; (2) the literature which
contains at least one environmental factor as variable and assessment of it in
respect to diabetes mellitus type 2(3) English publication of relevant
literatures (4) Use of subject or objective environmental factors and (5)
journal articles published till date. Studies that don’t include differential
research between diabetes mellitus type 1 and type 2 are too considered. The
environment here is commonly referred to as physical surroundings where human
activities are evident such as schools, homes, roads, green spaces and so on
that could have impact on human activities (McNeill et al, 2006). The
characteristic features of environment that are measured with help of physical
means are referred to as objective measures, whereas those features measured
through various questionnaires are called object one (McCarty et al., 1996).
of the total sorted 4100 articles, 1040 duplicate or similar articles were
excluded. Furthermore, critical analysis and reviews of article and abstracts
with utmost precision, upon reviewing the titles and abstracts, near about 3001
articles were not considered, thus arriving to 59 literatures or published
articles for the review study (Richardson et al, 2013).
of Applied Research Project on Public Health (Diabetes 2)
it has been discusses earlier that this study is conducted by using qualitative
research approach that is good techniques to explore the views of the several
authors on the particular topic of the public health. It discusses the
diabetes’s type-2 along with its numerous risk factors in the human beings.
There are round about the 35 studies concluded in the said study to explore the
aspects of the risk factors of the diabetes’s type-2. This study only discus
about the reviews of the various authors by considering the problems diabetes’s
type-2 in Australian community and After reviewing various literatures,
identified themes such as risk factors, lifestyle factors, knowledge and
education, management. Few of the studies of famous authors are given as;
type 2 is a kind of progressive condition in which the body of a patient
becomes resistant towards the normal effects of the insulin and with the
passage of time it also loses the ability to produce enough of the insulin in
the pancreas. Till now, it is not known to us that what the cause of Diabetes
type 2 is. Type 2 Diabetes is linked with the modifiable risk factors of the
lifestyle. Type 2 diabetes also takes place due to the genetic factors along
with the risk factors of family risk. This disease develop sin the patient over
the long period of time and this time can be in the years as well. During the
time of this all process, resistance of the insulin starts taking place, this
is the point where the increase of insulin is ineffective at managing the
levels of blood glucose. In the result of this insulin resistance, pancreas
starts responding by the production of greater and greater amount of the
insulin level in which there is a try to achieve some amount of the management
of the blood glucose levels. (Australia, 2020)
the overproduction of the insulin takes place over the long time duration,
cells that produce insulin in the pancreas wear themselves out so that over the
time if someone gets diagnosed with the diabetes type 2 they have already lost
almost 50-70 percent of the insulin producing cells. This all means that
Diabetes type 2 is the combination of an ineffective insulin and not enough of
the insulin in the body. When people start refereeing towards the type 2
diabetes as one of the progressive condition they refer towards the ongoing
destruction of the insulin producing cells present in the pancreas. (Thomas, 2007)
are number of different elements in the environment that have been posited
towards the influence of type 2 diabetes mellitus also called as T2DM. This
whole systematic review helps in summarizing the evidence on the determinants
of environment of T2DM that have been identified in four different kind of the
databases. It also helps in proposing out a theoretical framework that
illustrates the link between T2DM and environment, it also briefly discusses
about some of the methodological challenges along with their potential
solutions and opportunities for the future research. Air pollution, physical
activity environment, food along with the different roadways proximity were
considered to be the most common environmental factors that have been studied.
Burden of this diabetes 2 is increasing very highly worldwide by posing the
socioeconomic along with the health challenges as well. Number of the people
with this disease is estimated to be increased from 415 million in 2015 year
towards the 642 million by the year of 2040. This type 2 diabetes mellitus T2DM
is being characterized by the excess level of sugar in the blood accounts for
around 90 percent of the cases. T2DM can even cause a much severe damage to the
whole body parts like eyes, kidneys, heart along with the vascular system as
well. (Ramachandran, 2014)
factors and the behavior can help in the protection against the developing
diabetes while others can also increase the risk of a person of developing this
condition. Changes in the lifestyle like losing weight, eating healthy food and
increasing the physical activity are all considered to be the protective
factors and helps in reducing the risk of diabetes to take place in a person.
Another evidence has also been known and that is breastfeeding helps in
reducing the risk of maternal type 2 diabetes in the later stages.
factors associated with diabetes 2 can further be divided into two categories,
modifiable means that can be changed and non-modifiable that can’t be changed.
Non-modifiable factors are the ones that includes the family history and age of
the person. Modifiable factors that increase the risk of developing this
diabetes disease especially diabetes 2 and it may include:
• High level of blood cholesterol
• High level of blood pressure
• Tobacco smoking
• Low levels of the physical activities
• Obesity or being overweight
• Poor diet and not eating healthy food

Ratio of diabetes in Australia.
Focus upon the future.
of Applied Research Project on Public Health (Diabetes 2)
It has been discussed in
this study that there are numerous factors related to the risk of the Diabetes
Type-2. The particular literature review explains the all of the effects
related to the risk factors, lifestyle factors, knowledge and education and
management. This literature can be explained in such manners as;
Risk factors include many
different factors that contribute towards the onset along with the development
of diabetes. Type 1 is the diabetes that is being considered to be caused by
the biological interactions along with the exposure towards the environment
agents among the different people that are being disposed to diabetes
genetically. There are certain behavioral as well as the modifiable risk
factors that plays a role in the onset of type 2 diabetes that includes being
obese, physical activity, eating unhealthy food, family history and age factor
as well. Back in 2003, physical inactivity and high body mass explained
together that there is a burden of disease in the ratio of almost 60 percent.
(Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. , 2008)
Type 2 diabetes is being
caused by the hereditary as well as the lifestyle risk factors that includes
the poor diet, not doing enough physical activity, being overweight or obese
and use of tobacco like smoking. This strategy helps in identification of the
broad range of the areas for action to help in preventing the people to have
diabetes 2, ranging from the healthy lifestyle initiatives for the overall
general population. Back in 2011, the burden of this diabetes 2 from the
selected risk factors were, physical inactivity (31 percent), obesity or
overweight (51.6 percent), diet that is low in the whole grains (11.9 percent),
diet that is high in the processed meat (8.7 percent), smoking (3.7 percent)
and use of alcohol to be (2.1 percent). All of those who considered to be at
the risk of high developing diabetes type 2 are already those with some of the
risk factors along with the prediabetes. (Gregg, 2004)
Conclusion of
Applied Research Project on Public Health (Diabetes 2)
Diabetes 2 is deadly
disease, can take your life easily. Number of different people died because of
it only because of their carelessness. This disease took the life of many young
and old men as well as women. Many miscarriages have also been faced because of
this disease. Rather than waiting for all the symptoms to get appear it’s
better to consult a doctor as soon as possible to know about the type. As soon
as it gets diagnosed it becomes much easy to get it treated. Make sure to take
its treatment on time rather than skipping injections or medicine or what so
ever recommended by your doctor. Diet should be controlled along with the
weight. Awareness of this disease should be spread to make people know about
its effects Life is precious gift of nature and should be treated with care.
Negligence in diagnosis cause troubles in the later life. We should as a
society stand up and make the society healthier before it gets too late. This
report has given all of the basic information that a diabetic 2 patient needs
to have to make their life better and recover soon as well. Every patient needs
to think about themselves because no one else is going to do that. Loved ones
around such people also need to take care of such patients as much as possible.
Ask them to take as much precautionary measures as possible along with the
healthy activities no matter how old or aged your loved ones are but always try
to convince them to indulge in the physical activities because these are the
only things that can lead them towards the healthy life and recover from
diabetes as well. Ratio of the diabetic 2 patients are increasing on huge basis
and we need to take this disease seriously. There are many products even
available in the market for such patients. Along with all this I would also
like to say that every person whose family history have this disease of
Diabetes 2 need to be very careful because it is an inherited disease and the
chances for them also increases double times. So to take precautions for
Diabetes 2 when they get to have this disease, it’s much better to control diet
and maintain a healthy life style by doing physical activities to make sure
Diabetes 2 won’t affect you at all. Stay safe by maintaining a healthy
of Applied Research
Project on Public Health (Diabetes 2)
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