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Assignment on Commentary and analysis of the contract law

Category: Accounting Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: APA Words: 560

Case study is based on the contracts which are made between different parties for the provision of the product services. Peter is an individual who are providing the services of advertisement in media and deal in the magazine. In first contract, there are two parties, one is Peter and the other is Ray. Peter and Ray get into a contract by promising that, Peter give him subscription of the magazine after the payment is made by Ray. Peter promised to post the order on 25 April, after getting the payment. In this case, peter is bound to publish the subscription of the Ray as it was contract of both parties and Ray fulfills the requirements of the contract. Ray could claim for damages as there is not fulfilling of the contract as it was agreed in the terms of contract.

As concerned with the £50 to Peter, the transaction was final between both parties in consideration of £150 from which £100 is paid, while £50 was outstanding by Ray and was paid to Peter after the posting of the order (Thomas, 2014).

Contract of subscription of the magazine between Sara and Peter was of 2 years which time period is agreed by both the parties. Now according to the business law, Peter is liable to provide the services in same price for the next two years. There is no dealing in the contract in the increase in the prices or any other fluctuation in prices could not impact the contract terms. In this case, Sara is not liable to pay £15 more as there is no commitment which is based on such condition. Peter is conducting wrongdoings in case of subscription with Sara.

Relationship of contract between Tom and Peter is limited to the writing of vision but there is commitment of Peter to provide one year subscription which is seems to like a reward but in case where Peter did not follow his commitment, there is no liability of Peter as there is no contract made between both parties for this transaction (Malach & Malach, 2014). In respect of legal’s right, Peter’s liability is up to the consideration for writing vision, but there is no legal binding to provide the any consideration in reward, it just ethically necessary for Peter to pay for his commitment.

According to my perspective, in first case, Peter should post order after getting £100 as he promised to post the after getting this amount and if he do not post there must be penalty imposed to Peter. In second case, Peter could not asked for further payment as it was agreed on same amount for 2 years and Peter is liable to pay for the 2 years in same price. And at the last case with Tom, there is no legal written contract between both parties, therefore legally not liable to pay but ethically he should give him subscription of one year (Malach & Malach, 2014).

Reference of the contract law

Malach, S. E., & Malach, R. L. (2014). "Start Your Own Business Assignment in the Context of Experiential Entrepreneurship Education. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement , 18 (1), 169-186.

Thomas, T. A. (2014). Developing team skills through a collaborative writing assignment. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education , 39 (4), 479-495.


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