of Data leakage by
Unethical employees
This study will mainly discuss the information
leak which has been taken as an event when an ethical and confidential
knowledge is leaked out the form an unauthorized person or group. In this
regard, some of the consequences can also be seen which is reacted with the
aspect of data leakage and it has been claimed that this unethical work has
been done by the unauthorized employee which is work within the environment.
For this purpose, some of the previous studies will include in this to review
that what factors are leading the organization toward this. There is no way to
cry over spilled, once the data of the customer has been leaked then it would
not be reverse able. In this study, it has also be mentioned that the
sanctioned users can have the access to the internet and database to attain the
data or a copy of the data and it has been said that in this some of the
unauthorized employees can hack the data from there. in dilapidation and
contextualization among previous data and the latest data directly affect the
sympathetic of cracks that the law must pay emphasis on protective.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction. 4
2. Literature Review.. 5
2.1. Human Factors in
Data Breaches. 5
2.2. Unethical Behavior
of Employees. 8
3. Conclusion. 9
4. References
Figure 1: Information about
5 fears to businesses. 6
Figure 2: Nature of an incident 7
Figure 3: Businesses that are not protected by
inappropriate IT. 8
Figure 4: Annual number of data breaches record in USA
from 2005 to 2014. 9
Data leakage by
Unethical employees
Introduction of Data leakage by Unethical
In this report, there is proper information about how the unethical employees
are involved in data leakage process in their organization. Having information
leaks which have been taken as an event when an ethical and confidential
knowledge is leaked out from unauthorized persons or groups. A news source has
been revealed that the process of data leakage has been begun in an alarming
situation. As well as it can also be defined as a process, in which the
transmission of data has been completed unethically or unauthorized. As well as
the transferring of data can be done physically or
electronically. Despite form this, it can also be known as theft of data slowly
and on a low level. As well as data leakage is one of the most significant and
wide issues for the security of data.
In some of the cases, it
may be said that data leakage can always not happen firmly and did not hinder
one’s business. Although there are some of the indirect consequences still
presented. The leakage of confidential data may affect the reputation of the
company as well as it also affects the business and their place in the market.
moreover, there are some of the causes that have been presented which can
mainly lead the organization (Frankel, Yair, & Lee, 2020)toward this in which
the first one is the information that may be shared without utilizing any
security equipment for this purpose. Furthermore, employees may involve in the
leaking the data. Moreover, it might be said that employees may send
significant data accidentally or mistakenly. Or it might have happened that the
information may not be sent to the right person. There is no way to cry over
spilled, once the data of the customer has been leaked then it would not be
reverse able. For this purpose, the organizations have to take some essential
and significant steps or precautions to avoid these types of hazards for happening
Literature Review of Data leakage by
Unethical employees
Human Factors in Data Breaches
As it has been stated by
Wong, Hwee Chin, and Ming-Lang (2019), information leakage can be developed in
the transferring in usage and at rest. This is quite a significant study in
which it has been mentioned that some of the inherent complexities of the
internal threat influencing information leakage and the truthfulness of sharing
the data from the perspective of human factors. Despite this, the actions and
attitudes of employees are mainly essential in the security of information and
security solutions have been (Peng, Tan, & Ming, 2019)depend on the individual
component on a large proportion. In this study, it has also be mentioned that the
sanctioned users can have the access to the internet and database to attain the
data or a copy of the data and it has been said that in this some of the
unauthorized employees can hack the data from there. Despite form this, it can
be said that no user instead of the human-computer interface can steal the
information and then they transfer the information to the unauthorized one. Human
aspects would be first deliberated surveyed by unintended and intended
leakages. The graph below is discussing the survey in which business are
worried regarding the use of data by the employees.

Figure 1:
Information about 5 fears to businesses
Source: (Kaspersky, 2020).
Putri, Murhandini Lutfi, and Ayu Chairina Laksmi (2019) suggested that
over the last ten years the problem of having fraud is the increased frequency
and spreading broadly and nowadays it is mainly attentive in mass
media. Attribution theory has been presented here in which it has been
mentioned that leadership attitude has been affected by the attributes. Moreover,
it can also be said that the behavior of the leaders mainly and highly affects
the actions, behavior, mentality, and attitudes of the employees. As well as it
can also be said that some of the harsh that has been taken by the leader of
the organization will also lead the employees toward (Lutfi &
Laksmi, 2019)
unethical behavior and doing fraud as in the form of leakage of data within the
company or business. The vulnerability of reporting data leakage can be
influenced by the existence and absenteeism of opportunities and it has been
seen that lake of having various opportunities is the cause behind the leakage
of data by the unethical employees. As well as it can also be said that the effectiveness
of inner control pays a negative effect on the unethical behavior of employees.
The below pie chart has discussed the nature of incidents regarding data

Figure 2:
Nature of an incident
Source: (Sher-Jan, 2018)
Draper, Chris, and
Anjanette (2020) said that the protection of data is essential for every
business. Most of these possibilities have been introduced by the catastrophe
and as well as it is also be stated that how most of the individuals who are
using technologies are related to the measure of securities. Moreover, it has
been mentioned that the password policies and security consultants were not be
followed by the employees of the organization. To apply this some of the steps
have been taken by the organization. As it has been stated that once the data
of the customer has been stolen cannot be retrieved (Draper,
Chris,, Anjanette, & Raymond, 2020). The business and
individuals can be used the framework of cloud which facilitates the association
to depiction to responsibility. Furthermore, it has also be mentioned in this
study the data which is stolen within the company has been done by the unauthorized
workers who have been working in the same company. These alterations in
dilapidation and contextualization among previous data and the latest data
directly affect the sympathetic of cracks that the law must pay emphasis on protective.

Figure 3:
Businesses that are not protected by inappropriate IT
Source: (Kaspersky, 2020).
Unethical Behavior of Employees
Ge, Yijiu (2018), Review
that the ethical climate is mainly obvious to recognize the ethical and
unethical behaviors between the members of the company. As well as it
essentially involves the opinions of the where the attitude of employees has
been confirmed according to the moral standards which have been developed on
the moral standards as well as to handle the unethical behaviors. Despite this, it has been stated that having a
negative ethical climate many causes the employee in violating and ignoring the
moral norms which have been presented in the environment which will lead toward
the unethical behavior of the employees. According to the theory of social
information, it has been said that some of the senior employees allow the
employees to learn and attain the values, beliefs and norms pf the company.
According to this supervisor is responsible for the change in the behavior of
employees. ( Yijiu, 2018)Despite this, it has also been stated in
this study that the ethical climate is the most significant factor which mainly
affects the moral decision making of the workers. Moreover, it is also mentioned
that the supervisor or authority of the organization considers being powerful
and he is playing the guiding role in accomplishing the working behaviors of
employees and this also affects the ethical climate of the company according to
the research.

Figure 4:
Annual number of data breaches record in USA from 2005 to 2014
Source: (Groot, 2019).
The above graph is giving information about the annual data breaches
that are recorded between the years 2005 to 2014. According to the given graph it can be noted
that the graph is gradually increases after each year. This shows that the data
breaches problems are increasing after each year. According to the research, as
it has been mentioned in the digital world a concept has been presented which
is associated with the growth in the technologies which mainly deals with the wide
range of data. As t has been seen that utilization of the massive data and their
chances which is related to the information leakage or variations. As it has
been known that each of the enterprises was mainly re-laid on the transaction
which has been made daily. Moreover, according to the main aim of the study is
the security issues of the data which has been presented in the working
environment. As well as the other purpose of the study to save the data from
unauthorized or unethical employees. As it has been known worldwide that
information leakage is one of the most significant and complex problems for any
of the organizations. (Koti, Raja, Kumar, & Srinivas, 2017)The security apprehensions
rise due to the accessibility amount of web possessions developed due to the development
of computer networks. Moreover, information security is also be categorized and
based on the three approaches mechanism of security, Attacks related to
security and security services. Despite this authentication is one of the most significant
approaches of which has been used while securing the data.
Conclusion of Data leakage by Unethical
Summing up all the discussion from above, I can say that the data
leakage is one of the most important issue of different organizations of the
world. In this study, I have covered the information leak which has been taken
as an event when an ethical and confidential knowledge is leaked out the form
of unauthorized persons or groups. A news source has been revealed that the
process of data leakage has been beginning in an alarming situation. In this, a
brief discussion has been done. In this study, it has been said that the data leakage
has bene happen due that employees of the firms are involved in this which has
been considered unethical. As well as the study also enhances value by
highlighting its literature review, along with the significance of data leakage
by nurturing the ethical climate and data security environment in justifying
the data leakage to attain knowledge by spreading honesty, mainly when the
organizations hold weedy inner control while transferring the knowledge. This
study improves value to the prevailing literature by rising the human factors
such as the interactive viewpoint of the malevolent internal and intellectual viewpoint
of unintentional inner, connected to suitable extenuation or ascendancy
strategies to anticipate data leakage.
Moreover, I have also evaluated the latest study also includes that different
companies hold various ethical climate and culture to transferring information.
Moreover, in my point of view, it is also necessary for the enterprises that
they will have to identify that administrator attitude and behavior plays a
significant role for their workers. Although in this regard the findings of the
informational procedure would be used as the guideline in the upcoming behavior
which may be presented in the company. The security apprehensions rise due to
the accessibility amount of web possessions developed due to the development of
computer networks. Moreover, information security is also be categorized and
based on the three approaches. authoritative of the organization consider to be
powerful and he is playing the guiding role in accomplishing the working
behaviors of employees and this also affects the ethical climate of the company
according to the research. Moreover, it can also be said that the behavior of
the leaders mainly and highly affects the actions, behavior, mentality, and
attitudes of the employees. As well as it can also be said that some of the
harsh that has been taken by the leader of the organization will also lead the
employees toward unethical behavior and doing fraud as in the form of leakage
of data within the company or business.
References of Data leakage by
Unethical employees
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(2020). Data Leakage and Information Security Using Access Control. U.S.
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Kaspersky. (2020). The
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