In this chapter the discussion has been
made on leadership development. As it has been mentioned
that leadership development is the strongest element for the practitioners. Despite
from this in this regard an intimidate limitations has been should be made within
the leadership development. Commitment, trust and respect are the basic tools
which has been used mainly in the leadership development. As well as in the
article there are some of the problems has been presented in the article which
have to be solved and it is quite critical effort as compare to worried about
the only leadership development. As well as in the article is as been stated
that the organization as ben facing some kind of problems in management and
some of the other departments of the company for the enhancement in the production
of the company and leading the company in the better way, they are using leadership
development. The initial reason that I have been observed in the company there
is lack of ability in the workers and leadership development will help them to
learn something from their work despite from taking them away from the work
which they already learned.
After reading the article there are some
of the leadership traits has been mentioned in this. Before describing critically,
it is necessary to have the significant and successful implementation which
makes the employees of the organization do their job in the best way. Despite
from this leader is the most important person of the organization. As he plays the most significant role in the
organization. As well as in the article some of the leadership traits has been
discussed. Despite from this there are one of the critical traits has ben
mentioned in the article which is the leadership traits which has been based on
the model of Zaccaro’s. the most critical are the need of power in which a
leader have to satisfy their employees and have to build the positive relation.
The other one is having the ability of making right decision on right time for
the betterment of organization. Moreover, the other critical trait is management
and it is hard to achieve in this type of trait a leader s responsible for all
the coordination’s which has been presented in the organization. For
this purpose, leadership development is the strongest element for the
practitioners. To develop all the leadership trait, it is significant to have leadership