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Report on Oman Fiber Optic

Category: Business & Management Paper Type: Report Writing Reference: APA Words: 3200

Executive summary of Oman Fiber Optic

The world we are living in today is highly dynamic, and things change in a matter of seconds. Businesses are growing and so the number of employees. Where there will be a large number of people working in the same place and sharing the same environment, it is natural that there will be some issues. There workplace issues can sometimes be mild and solved with little effort, and at other times it can lead to serious issues. Employees today are at a more risky edge than before, because the work place challenges and problems are increasing. The company under discussion is the Oman Fiber Optic (OFO), this company is related to the telecommunications industry. This company is facing many work place issues, but the one which is highly problematic is the employee recognition. The employees of this organization feel, a lack of recognition and motivation in their workplace. This problem should definitely be given enough heed as a lack of motivation could turn a high performer to an inefficient employee. Overall a lack of recognition would make employees feel worthless and eventually they will stop making any efforts to perform better, and this would be disastrous for any business. Employers should address this problem seriously and within time, to avoid any significant losses. A convenient solution to this is a friendly and encouraging workplace environment, that makes an employee feel motivated and recognized for his work. When the treatment and compensation that an employee receives from the organization is fair in terms of the efforts and skills he is contributing to the business, automatically his performance will get better. To attain the pre determined objectives and goals of the organization, motivated and efficient personnel is a must, and no organization can succeed with a demotivated personnel. An organization should give the employee satisfaction due importance.

Introduction of Oman Fiber Optic

The most successful organizations are those who give their employees the best working environment that fosters growth and progressiveness. When a number of people are working in the same place there are sure to be conflicts and issues but they need to be tackled efficiently. Satisfaction of employees is one of the most important factors of business success. In the following we have discussed one of the most common work place problems in the company Oman Fiber Optics. The problem that is faced by this company is that the employees of this company aren’t given the due recognition for their efforts. This problem was mild in the start but it wasn’t addressed properly that made it severe. The proper solution to this problem with respect to management theories and how solving this problem would impact the financial and marketing sector of the organization is discussed below.

Oman Fiber Optics

 Oman Fiber Optics is a company related to telecommunications industry. Its formation dates back to 1996. However its production of cable started in 1999. Its headquarter, is located in Muscat which is the capital of Oman. The state of the art technologies are used by the OFO to draw fiber and for the manufacturing of world class fiber cable products. OFO is traded in the Securities Exchange of Muscat, so it is basically a public listed company. It specializes in the applications of fiber optics for all applications, in fiber optic accessories and connectivity and also in the installation of fiber optics. It’s a partnership firm and has around 201 to 500 employees.

Workplace Issue of Oman Fiber Optics

An environment in which people with different personalities, communications styles and worldviews interact is called workplace. The problem that is currently faced by the Oman Fiber Optics is related to the workplace. The employees of this organization work according to the expectations of the manger and their organization but they get no recognition in return which in itself is such a turnoff. According to a research an adult spends nearly a one third of his life at work, and the issues at office are a source of stress and anxiety. This kind of issues needs proper attention as employees are the ones on whose work the organization runs, if they will feel unmotivated the whole structure of the organization would be affected. Ignoring these kinds of problems leads to many negative psychological symptoms.

Impacts of unmotivated personnel of Oman Fiber Optic

An unmotivated employee is the last thing an organization may want to deal with. Now there can be many types and many reasons of this lethargy and listlessness at the workplace. The consequences of an uninterested and inefficient workforce are given below;

Reduced productivity of Oman Fiber Optic

Unmotivated employees will never be productive. This inefficiency could lead to many business risks including, delivering orders late, submitting substandard work to the clients, a drop in the business reputation etc. this reduced productivity will in turn effect each and every sector of the business. With lethargic and lazy workforce success cannot be achieved.

High turnover of Oman Fiber Optic

Another drawback of an unmotivated workforce would be higher turnovers. When workers would not feel any kind of challenge in the assigned tasks and when there is too much redundancy in the tasks the workers are only left with the option to resign and seek jobs somewhere else. Lower turnover is definitely a very costly consequence. Another aspect to this is that the employees who are efficient enough and work up to the expectations of their employer even they will turn inefficient when they aren’t given any praise and reward.

Negative Corporate Culture of Oman Fiber Optic

A lack of motivation will definitely impact the organizational culture in a negative way. When new employees join an organization, their attitude develops on the base of their senior’s attitude. Now if the seniors behave friendly and motivate and encourage the subordinates definitely that will make a positive impact on the newcomers and they will work efficiently and keenly. On the contrary if a worker feels a lack of motivation and praise from his employers he will spread this discontent in the whole system. All of this could be addressed by setting expectations that are realistic and do not burden the employee beyond his potential and giving praise where required.

Management theories of Oman Fiber Optic

Basically the problem that OFO face can be solved by the management. The main function of management is to get people to do the right things, for the attainment of a common goal. In the following we are discussing some theories regarding management that tells how a management should behave in a particular situation

Maslow’s need hierarchy model of Oman Fiber Optic

A conceptual framework was developed by Maslow, to develop the conceptual framework, for the comprehension of human motivation that has been widely acclaimed. A person’s effectiveness was defined as a function of matching a man’s opportunity with the appropriate position of hierarchy of needs. The process of motivation starts with assuming that behavior, at least to some extent, is directed towards the achievement of satisfaction of needs. According to him human needs can be arranged in a hierarchy;

1.      Basic physiological needs

2.      Security and safety needs

3.      Social needs

4.      Esteem and status needs

5.      Self-fulfillment needs

Herzberg’s motivation hygiene model of Oman Fiber Optic

A considerable development in motivation was the difference between motivation and maintenance factors in a job situation. Herzberg and his associates conducted a research, it was based on 200 accountants and engineers who were interviewed, they worked for 11 different firms. On the base of the experiment he coined out two different factors;

1.      Maintenance factors: that makes an employee work for the organization and to not leave the job.

For instance; company policy, technical supervision, inter-personal relations, salary, job security, working conditions etc

2.      Motivation factors: the factors that motivate an employee to work more, and show better results.

For instance; achievement, recognition, advancement, work itself, and possibility of growth and responsibility.

McClelland’s Theory of Oman Fiber Optic

It is another model that stresses on the higher-level needs of an employee. He figured out needs of a man in three terms, namely; power, achievement, and affiliation.

Need for power; it is the desire to influence others. Outspokenness, forcefulness, willingness to confront others and tendency to stand by their position are the attributes of a person who wants power. This kind of people are powerful speakers and demand respect from others.

Needs for achievement; this need falls somewhere between the need for self-actualization and esteem. Usually those who want to achieve something great take moderate levels of risks, so managers will assign tasks with a moderate level of risk to those who want to achieve.

Need for affiliation; a person having this need will like to form relations with others. Such kind of people will be drawn towards jobs that demand high social interactions.

Strategies for countering the problem of Oman Fiber Optics

Any problem if solved in time can save from bigger losses. The problem that is faced by employees of Oman Fiber Optics can be solved by strategizing in time. Following are the initiatives that it should take to counter this problem.

Create a friendly work environment of Oman Fiber Optic

By creating a friendly work environment, employees will feel comfortable and that will bring out their creativity. A big time of an employee’s life is spent in office, so a friendly environment will be a positive impact on an employee’s mood and will boost spirits.

Acknowledgement of employee’s achievement of Oman Fiber Optic

An employee wants recognition for his work; he wants his efforts to be recognized for his skills and his efforts. If, an employee has done something extra and commendable for the organization than he should be praised for it. Some kind words from an employer could mean much more to an employee than one can think. And also there is a quotation that what gets rewarded, gets repeated so an employee must be given due credits for his work for him to stay motivated and show good performance.

Rewarding employees of Oman Fiber Optic

At times just a pat on the back is not enough for an employee to be motivated; he needs incentives and rewards for the work he has done. However, the rewards do not necessarily have to be in monetary terms, a week of having a personal spot for parking can be a good one.

Positive communication of Oman Fiber Optic

Communication happens all the time, and it is the easiest thing you can do for your employee. One just needs to spend a small part of his time with his employees addressing their concerns, ideas and plans. This will be enough to make employees happy and satisfied for the time being, it will also give the much needed insights conveniently from the employees.

Encourage friendly competition of Oman Fiber Optic

A competition if healthy is good for the organization; it would be progressive and will instill new spirits among the employees to out- perform others. To participate in challenges and competitions the employees should be motivated and should be given incentives. Friendly competition will also boost participation and engagement among the employees.

Have a meaningful goal of Oman Fiber Optic

A company has a plan at the vision and also at the corporate and individual level should be ensured by mangers. Employees who have set goals for themselves and have a path before them will achieve their goals. Goals that can be easily achieved will motivate the employees to attain them, and they will work hard by their own selves without being asked.

Create a career path of Oman Fiber Optic

When incentives are established for a goal and employees get to know what they will get by doing them, they will naturally be motivated to achieve that certain incentive. They will also then ne more committed to their employer and their work.

Encourage creativity of Oman Fiber Optic

Creativity do not have to based on the specific work that employees are assigned, it could be on a simple task like team building or giving ideas to expand business etc.

So above where the initiatives that Oman Fiber Optics has to take to overcome its workplace conflict.

Impact on the financial aspect of the business

Having a good workplace environment will affect the environment of the business as a whole and when the workers work with a positive mind they work efficiently and this is how the net profits of the companies increase. Following are the impacts of a good work place environment on the financial side of a business;

1.      Revenue per client of Oman Fiber Optic

When the organizations work properly and there are no conflicts among the employees or with the mangers then this efficient workplace environment will eventually boost the revenue that the organization is getting from a single client. This will happen because the work force is working efficiently and this efficient work force is in turn decreasing the cost per employee. That is the reason of increase in revenues from the clients and also the work of employees have increased in quality so this is getting them more orders which is also the reason of increase in revenue per order.

Client retention rate of Oman Fiber Optic

The retention rate of client will also increase as the employees will work more efficiently. As with a better environment and some good motivation and praise the morales of the employees have increased now and they are delivering better work to clients. Clients will also recognize that the quality of the work has increased and will give them more work.

Profit Margins of Oman Fiber Optic

The profit margins will increase as well, this is due to the reason that the quality of the work will increase and the company will be in a position to charge more for their product. Also another factor will constitute to increase in profit is that the company’s sales will increase and that will in turn boost revenues.

Impacts on marketing due to work place efficiencies

Workplace efficiencies will impact each and every sector of the business, and that will also impact these sectors in a positive way with efficient working;

Sales revenue of Oman Fiber Optic

The marketing officials of the company will work better when they are given a better environment. This better environment will also increase their creativity and will make them more efficient in their work. This efficiency will then be represented in marketing efforts and those better marketing efforts will boost sales revenues eventually.

Budgeting of Oman Fiber Optic

Budget is the base of any activity in a business. However this needs to be decided carefully and with appropriate techniques and skills. When there is inefficiency in the workplace things cannot be done right and then there is haphazardness and inefficiency in the work place. But whe the work force is fully motivated, getting rewards for their work and also getting praises where needed this will motivate the employees and they will do all the tasks efficiently. Then this marketing budget will be used in the most appropriate and efficient way.

Strategies of marketing of Oman Fiber Optic

A workforce that has peace of mind and an encouraging environment for work will show better results for the task they are given. The marketing strategies will then be more focused and effective. The marketing officials will make the best use of their skills to make the strategies that will target the specific consumer groups and will generate revenues.

The right differentiation of Oman Fiber Optic

Now a days trends have changed, and now everybody is in the race of being better. In this case one who will be different as compared to other will succeed rather than being better then others. Creating a service or product that is different and unique is what makes you stand out and that will eventually boost revenues. The process starts by figuring out that what is the competitor working on, then what you have to do is to not do what that competitor is already doing. Create something of your own that is completely different to the others in the market. That is what the customer will be attracted to.

The message of Oman Fiber Optic

The other thing that matters is the message that is given by your product. That message is the one that attract the customers, that is what will make your customers connect to you product. Your message should be the one that addresses the problems of your customers and also gives an answer to it.

Patience of Oman Fiber Optic

Another factor in a successful marketing strategy is that the marketer must have enough patience to wait for his strategies to work. He must nit rush things. One of the reasons of the failure of many strategies is a lack of patience. It obviously takes some time for the customers to be aware of your strategies and make a mind to purchase your product, in the while you should patiently work for strategies to work itself.

Following was an analysis of how a successful marketing strategy will impact the clients when it is driven by a work force that is fully motivated and is sustaining in an encouraging environment.

Conclusion of Oman Fiber Optic

In the above discussion we have discussed a company that was Omani in origin and was faced by a work place hazard, that was poorly effecting its growth. The work place hazard was that there was a lack of motivation for employees that were working hard and shoeing their skills for the success of the company, still they were not given any kind of praise or reward for that work. This was posing a serious problem for the company as the employees then were not taking any interests in work and were just falling behind. This scenario was affecting the company in a bad way and its business was getting behind others. This problem was then analyzed and was tried to make better by taking into consideration some theories and they were used to make a solution of that problem. the company took some initiatives which includes, giving praise to those who show some extra ordinary work and then also rewarding in  non-monetary terms and encouraging employees to take part in competitions etc.Taking part in competitions and challenges  makes the employees more competitive and they are then encouraged to make the best use of their sills for the betterment of the organization.

References of Oman Fiber Optic

B, M. (n.d.). Theories of Motivation in Management: Top 7 Theories. Retrieved from psychologydiscussion: http://www.psychologydiscussion.net/theory/theories-of-motivation/theories-of-motivation-in-management-top-7-theories/13685

Edgecomb, C. (2017, Feb 16). What are Marketing KPIs? Retrieved from impactbnd.com: https://www.impactbnd.com/the-10-marketing-kpis-you-should-be-tracking

Elkins, H., & Reviewed by Michelle Seidel. (2019, March). Management Theories & Concepts at the Workplace. Retrieved from smallbusiness.chron: https://smallbusiness.chron.com/management-theories-concepts-workplace-17693.html

macfadden, p. (2017, Dec 11). 5 Factors That Contribute to the Success of Your Marketing. Retrieved from https://medium.com/: https://medium.com/swlh/5-factors-that-contribute-to-the-success-of-your-marketing-bffc6e48c3ef

Tompkins, C. (2017, Aug 18). 0 MOST COMMON PROBLEMS IN THE WORKPLACE. Retrieved from .glassmagazine: https://www.glassmagazine.com/article/10-most-common-problems-workplace

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