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Report on the Petro accompany

Category: Business & Management Paper Type: Report Writing Reference: APA Words: 5450

Unit (Unit 2 or 3)


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 Unit 2 assignment

Table of contents

Executive summary. 4

Description of the workplace. 5

Activities of BP Exploration EPSILON limited. 5

Identification of an occupational health hazard. 6

Oil and gas industry health hazards. 6

Particulate matter in diesel 6

Fatigue issues. 7

Dangerous chemicals. 7

Low oxygen environment and hydrocarbon gases. 7

The occurrence of hydrogen sulfide. 8

Radioactive material 8

Noise. 8

Silica. 8

Temperature extremes. 9

Selected health hazard. 9

Background research.. 9

Health hazard impacts. 10

Heat exhaustion.. 10

Risk of heat stroke. 10

Heat causes stress. 10

Heat causes mental well-being to weaken.. 10

Causes asthma and other allergies. 10

Assessment of risk. 11

Assessment of risk for temperature extremes. 11

Probability of any incident during the operation.. 14

Potential severity. 14

Risk rate. 14

Level of risks. 14

Instructions. 15

Proposed control measures. 16

Control measures for extreme hot temperature. 16

Proper workplace ventilation.. 16

Insulating heat sources. 16

Apply shields to minimize heat sources. 16

Apply different cool refuges. 17

Proper access to isotonic drinks to workers. 17

Small shifts. 17

Cold cloths. 17

Control measures for extremely cold temperature. 17

Protect workers from draughts. 17

Proper clothing. 17

Shift changes. 17

Easy access to hot drinks. 17

Proper gloves for outdoor workers. 18

Bibliography. 19

Appendixes. 21

 1.    Executive summary of the Petro accompany

In this report, there is complete information about the Petro accompany. The information is completely related to the health hazards that can be occurred in this company. This is because this company is related to oil and fuel. For that case, there is complete information about the background research of this company. Then after this, there will be some information about the risk assessment of this company in Oman. The next section will discuss the proposed control measures that can overcome these risks in an effective way.

2.    Description of the workplace of the Petro accompany

For completing this report Petrofac has selected. This company is located in Muscat, Oman. It can be noted that this company is a huge part of the Construction industry. There are a lot of companies are present around the whole world. In this location, there are about 700 employees are working. The sector of this company is related to energy. Furthermore, this company is belonging to the oil and gas industry. Its headquarters are located in the UK. Moreover, this company is considered as the world’s international oil and Gas Company. This company is involved in providing its customers with high-quality fuel transportation and also energy. This company was founded in this country in 2007 and after this, it will become a major investor in this country.

2.1.        Activities of Petrofac of the Petro accompany

It can be noted that this company has a huge history in the field of Construction. Moreover, they are also involved in the production in that country. Another thing is that this company is considered as the world’s most efficient company for the production of tight gas. Furthermore, this company is also involved in bringing technological products. Due to these technological products they can easily develop in this country. Through the help of this technology, this company has developed the largest unconventional gas resource in the Middle East (John D. Cressler, 2017).

It can be noted that at the end of 2017, this company has started production from the first phase of the Khazzan gas field. Due to this case, it is made up of 200 wells and involved in feeding two-train central processing. These wells are producing about 1 billion cubic feet of gas every day.

The next fact is that its second phase is under progress and it will be completed at the start of 2021. Due to this phase, the production rate will be increased up to 1.5. For that case, there are about 300 wells will be drilled in the Khazzan field.

Moreover, in 2013 this company and the government of Oman had signed on the agreement. This agreement was related to the gas sales and amended production sharing agreement for the development of this gas (Bloch, 2009).

There are also some other activities of this company in the sultanate of Oman

·         This company is also distributing lubricants all over the Oman oil marketing company SAOG. They are involved in marketing Castrol and BP brands with the help of a network named OOMCO.

·         The next activity is related to the technical advice, management and training survive. These services are related to the marketing and operation of the aviation industry.

·         They are also giving services related to Marine. In that industry, they are perfectly managing extensive fuel bunkering operations.

3.    Identification of an occupational health hazard

It can be noted that the Petrofac has started a project in Oman that is related to Construction services. The name of this project is Khazzan central processing. It is consisting of two main phases. The first phase has been completed and consisted of 200 wells. Now they are going to manufacture the second phase. It has been discussed in the above section that BP Exploration EPSILON is belonging from a petroleum and gas industry. Due to this, there are some occupational health hazards in this industry (Devold, 2013).

3.1.        Construction and projects industry health hazards

The first one is related to contact of harmful gases during the construction operation in the area. The next one is related to the exposure of Silica when operations are going on related to hydraulic fracturing. From them, there is a minor health hazard and it is related to noise pollution. This is due to heavy machinery and heavy equipment are working with high noise. From there is another health hazard in this industry and it is related to the diesel particulate matter occurred during the operation.

While digging hole for making the basement of the building from the ground there is also some chemical that is not perfect for the health of the workers. Due to these chemicals, it will become difficult for them to dig down towards the suitable surface. This is why chemical exposure is also considered a dangerous health hazard for this industry. Moreover, during digging holes there are also some radioactive materials are present. Due to their rays, it will difficult for the workers to save their lives in such conditions. All of these health hazards are explained in the given section (Yoseph Bar-Cohen, 2009).

3.1.1.    Particulate matter in diesel

It can be noted that at a construction site there are about heavy diesel engines power and heavy machinery are working. Due to that case, many workers may be exposed to some harmful level of diesel particulate matter during the operation of heavy machines engines at the construction site. For that case, there is a need to understand the OSHA and NIOSH documents. All of these documents will give guidance about the controlling of this hazard.

The first one is Diesel Exhaust and it is related to OSHA safety topics. It is also according to the diesel-exhaust hazards and its related standards. The next one is the NIOSH pocket guide for the chemical hazard. It will help to measure the symptoms of diesel exhaust (Gregory K. McMillan, 2019).

3.1.2.    Fatigue issues of the Petro accompany

It can be noted that this company is operated in the Middle East. In that country, the workers are working in long shifts. Due to this case, these workers may experience fatigue issues because they have to work more than 12 hours a day. Due to this fact, sometimes they got ill and take long sick leaves. Moreover, some aged workers are suffering from other diseases due to a fatigue issue. For controlling this hazard there is a need to take guidance from the OSHA and NIOSH document. The first one is related to OSHA that is involved in providing proper guidance for the protection for workers. It is especially for those workers that are working for long shifts. The next document is related to NIOSH and it is totally according to workplace safety. In this document, there is proper information on how to schedule evening day and long shifts for the workers (Lam, 2014).

3.1.3.    Dangerous chemicals of the Petro accompany

Some workers are also involved in using hazardous chemical during work processing. These chemicals are mostly used during hydraulic fracturing. In this condition, these members are exposed to different hazardous byproducts of chemicals during the mixture. It can be noted that the degree of potential hazard is completely depended on the toxicity and chemical properties. Moreover, some other chemical hazards include chemical burns and toxic vapours inhalations. Due to this case, every worker with a dangerous chemical in their organization has to label some safety data sheets. This is because it will help workers to train about handling these chemicals. All of this information is mentioned properly in the NIOSH and OSHA documents. In these documents, there is proper information about the protection against such chemical in the organization (Anatoli Bourmistrov, 2015).

3.1.4.    Low oxygen environment and hydrocarbon gases

It can be noted that in NIOSH and OSHA documents there is complete information about how to deal with low oxygen condition. Another thing is that some standards are made by health agencies to save workers from inhaling hydrocarbon gases. This condition occurs during the gauging of oil and gas wells. Due to this purpose, the workers have to follow these documents to save their self from such problems. Moreover, in wells, there is also a risk of low oxygen. Due to this, the workers are facing suffocation problems during construction of tunnels. But they can easily save themselves from such issues by these documents (Chandnani, 2017).

3.1.5.    The occurrence of hydrogen sulfide

According to the information, it can be seen that oil and gas are involved in releasing hydrogen sulfide and cause trouble for the workers. Due to this gas, many workers are died during working in the wells. But if the organization wanted to save their employees from such hazards then it can be done easily through these practices. If the organization is monitoring the occurrence of this gas properly then it is easy for them to prevent their employees from any injury. Another thing is that if an organization is giving proper training to employees so that can easily identify gas and save themselves. The last practice is related to good planning. This shows that the organization is required to plan each and everything according to the health and safety documents (Troccoli, 2009).

3.1.6.    Radioactive material of the Petro accompany

During the formation of oil and gas, these naturally occurring radioactive elements are released. Due to this problem, there are many works that are at risk. For that case, it will become extremely difficult to handle any equipment that suffered from any NORM. The example of such equipment is pipe scales, and Sludge. The radioactive materials are involved in contaminating this equipment during the formation of gas and oil. Therefore, there is a need for the disposal of such materials and equipment to refrain workers from such hazards. Moreover, there is a need to follow these documents so the workers can easily save themselves from any issue (Brown, et al., 2013).

3.1.7.    Noise of the Petro accompany

It is considered a minor health hazard because the minimum number of workers are suffered. During working in this industry, workers are mostly exposed to some harmful noise level during the operation. If these workers are following these two documents then it will be extremely simple for them to recognize and control this hazard. In these documents, there is complete information about such noisy condition during operation (Jones & Robinson, 2012).

3.1.8.    Silica of the Petro accompany

It can be seen that during construction many workers are exposed to some crystalline silica. Such material is most exposed when they are performing hydraulic fracturing. If the company are following both these documents then it will become easy for them to control these materials. In this document, there is also some information about how to deal with the health hazard of silica exposure (McGahan, 2004).

3.1.9.    Temperature extremes of the Petro accompany

During temperature extremes, it will become extremely difficult for the worker to work with a concentration in this industry. In such temperature extremes, workers may face trouble to carry out their tasks in a proper way. Moreover, the workers that are working at the well site are more exposed to extreme temperatures. Therefore, these workers are required to take proper precautions to refrain themselves from harmful hazard. For that case, they are required to follow these two documents. This is because these documents contain complete information about dealing with the extreme temperature at the well-site. For extreme temperatures, the workers are facing heat and cold stress. But in NIOSH document there is a complete list about prevention of such stress during working hours (PANNEERSELVAM, 2012).

3.2.        Selected health hazard of the Petro accompany

In summers, when workers are working for extracting oil and gas from the ground. They are facing some problems related to extreme temperature conditions. Due to this factor, it will become difficult for them to survive in these conditions. Moreover, temperature extremes are one of the highest health hazards for the oil and gas industry. This is because their company is operated in Oman and it is present in the Middle East. This area is considered as extremely hot. Moreover, for completing this project, the occupational health hazard is identified and it is related to the temperature extremes. This is because it is a common health hazard and there are many workers in this industry are affected due to this hazard. For that case, there are some government officials are working to overcome this health hazard in this industry. But it is considered as the most difficult health condition to overcome in that particular area. Moreover, due to temperature extremes, many workers feel dizzy and unable to construct underground in an effective way and injured themselves (Saxena, 2009).

4.    Background research of the Petro accompany

It is recognized as a hazard when there are many workers are affecting due to heat stock while working. This is because, during construction in tough situations, the temperature and pressure increase dramatically. Due to this factor, the workers that work in the well are suffered through the increase in temperature and pressure. It can be noted that the downhole temperature is about 150 degrees. Moreover, due to this temperature, there is also an increase in the pressure and it is about 70 MPa (Yuliansyah, et al., 2017).

4.1.        Health hazard impacts of the Petro accompany

It can be noted that there are some extreme impacts of the increase in temperature in the downhole for this industry. Some of these impacts are given below

4.1.1.    Heat exhaustion of the Petro accompany

This is considered as one of the most dangerous impacts on health. In this condition, the person will feel physically weak and also not able to spend proper time in the heat. Moreover, it will also cause serious effects on the whole body. Another thing is that due to this extreme temperature the body will feel tiredness and also dizziness and unable to survive (Johnson, et al., 2014).

4.1.2.    Risk of heat stroke of the Petro accompany

During the extreme temperature, there will be a high risk of developing heat stock. It can be noted that the heated stock is related to the dullness in the body. This condition occurred when a worker is working in the deep holes. Due to this factor, the temperature of the body will increase up to 103 Fahrenheit or maybe greater than this point. Then after this, the person is started to affect the heatstroke condition. Therefore, it is required proper fatal medical emergency (López-Alonso, Ibarrondo-Dávila, Rubio-Gámez, & Munoz, 2013).

4.1.3.    Heat causes stress of the Petro accompany

Another next thing is that due to extreme heat, it will become extremely difficult for the person to use his brain properly. Due to extreme heat, it will put your brain into the fog and a unique sensation is a carryout in the brain. Another thing is that it was extremely difficult for the person to take a breath. Moreover, the productivity of the person is decreased and also, he fails in different cognitive tests. This phenomenon is also affecting different persons badly (Goetsch, 2012).

4.1.4.    Heat causes mental well-being to weaken

During such extreme temperature, it will become extremely difficult for the person to concentrate during that time. This means that the person is working hard but don’t know what he is doing at that time. This is because he was not able to focus in a proper way (Forteza, Carretero-Gomez, & Sese, 2017).

4.1.5.    Causes asthma and other allergies

It can be seen that working is working for digging the wells for extracting oil from the ground. During that time, they are going beneath the ground. At that time, temperature and pressure are increased. Moreover, there is another problem and it is related to a decrease in the level of oxygen. The rate of oxygen is decreased and due to this case, the person may struggle with asthma and other problems. This is because due to lack of oxygen it will become extremely difficult for that person to survive (Akpan, 2011).

5.    Responsibility of employee and legal requirements

It can be noted that the workers that are working in oil and gas industries have to follow these two documents in an efficient way. This is because in these documents there is comprehensive information about dealing with the extreme temperature at well-site. Moreover, all of these guidelines are updated in past publications. The oil and gas industry does not save for the workers that are working in extreme temperature. This company is located in Oman and it shows that its extreme temperature is hot. Due to this purpose, every employee of the company is responsible to follow these documents. Otherwise, it will be a huge problem for them to survive in such a weather condition (Bloch, 2009).

It can be noted that the warm weather is considered a huge threat for indoor and outdoor workers. Any operation in the oil and gas industry is carried out in high-temperature cause employees with serious issues with their health. Furthermore, whenever any worker is exposed to a high temperature then their bodies will face problems in the start. Therefore, it is necessary for the worker that is working in such tough condition have to follow the precautions mentioned in the documents. It is mentioned in the occupational health and safety Act of 1970 that every employee that is working in the organization must be free from any health hazard that will cause death or serious issues. For that case, OSHA has made some weather regulation for the workers that are working in extreme temperatures. In the OSHA safety and health guide, there is proper information about protecting workers from any heat stress and cold stress. Moreover, there is also some information about protecting workers from heat illness (Commission, 2018).

6.    Assessment of risk of the Petro accompany

The next task is related to the risk assessment for the temperature extremes in this company.  This assessment is carried out by the senior managers, workers, engineers and supervisors that are working for that company. In this section, there is comprehensive information about the research related to risks.

6.1.        Assessment of risk for temperature extremes

Risk assessment—health and safety hazard in the oil and gas industry

Date: 7/3/2019

Risk identifiers: operation manager, project supervisor, engineer, worker representative, senior manager

Approved by – Senior manager

Activity: Hydraulic fracturing and Construction



Who might be harmed and how

Current control measures

Rating of risk

More control measures for hazard

Residual risk

Data for reviewing hazard

Actions are taken by

Upstream activities are carried out at the site. construction operation is carried out through the use of different equipment and tools

There may be some safety issues like difficult to handle these tools in a proper way. there will be some extreme temperature problems that can cause heat and cold stress

The worker that is construction, the project manager that is dealing with the whole project. The senior manager is responsible for future outcomes from well.

During extreme warm weather condition minimize shift times for the workers. Moreover, follow up the required safety precautions.



RR= 16 H

Work planning according to the safety rules and regulations.

Apply complete safety products to the workers that are operating in the wells

There will be a proper first aid kit to minimize any kind of risks




After every week during the summers and after every 2 weeks in winters

Project managers and senior managers

Handling hot materials during warm weather. Extracting oil from the well

Due to extreme temperature conditions, the tools may be extremely hot or cold.

May face trouble for handling such tools under such conditions

The worker that is construction, the project manager that is dealing with the whole project. The senior manager is responsible for future outcomes from well.

For that case there are some rules are mentioned in the documents.

Follow up these safety documents during working in such extreme temperatures.



RR=8 M

Work planning according to the safety rules and regulations.

Apply complete safety products to the workers that are operating in the wells

There will be a proper first aid kit to minimize any kind of risks



RR=2 L

Review this problem just in the extreme temperature conditions

Project managers and senior managers


6.1.1.    Probability of any incident during the operation




High chances of occurrence


Somehow rare chances of occurrence




Quite a rare possibility


6.1.2.    Potential severity of the Petro accompany




Extreme level risk, chances of death with several injuries and illness, faced a permanent disability, high-quality property damage


Comparatively low risk, temporary disabilities, low damage to the property, potential injuries and illness with 2 days hospital   


Minor damages, with low medical, injures, almost no property damaged


Mild injures without any damage to properties


6.1.3.    Risk rate of the Petro accompany

6.1.4.    Level of risks of the Petro accompany

 If this level is greater than 11 then it will be considered as high risk and there is a need to apply best control measures for lowering this risk.

If this level is between the 4 and 11, then it is considered as medium risk. For that case, there is still a need for proper control measures to minimize any risk.

If this level is less than 4 then it will be considered as low risk and it can be controlled easily through minimal controls methods.

6.2.        Instructions of the Petro accompany

This risk assessment must be completed by the important and senior members of the company. Moreover, it must be completed with those individuals that are working in the upstream industry for oil and gas.

Moreover, the managers have to use different tools to complete these tasks according to the specific occupation. Moreover, all of these tasks are completely associated with the operation of the company.

There is a need to list all of these activities of the company in the first column. Moreover, there will be complete information about these activities that are occurred in the organization

In the next column, there will be a list of different risk that is linked to these activities. For that case, there is a need to keep all Hazards are associated with the oil and gas industry.

Then after this, there is a need to complete the risk analysis. Due to this, it will become extremely easy to determine overall risk and also its level. There are three parameters through this it will become easy to analyze the level of risk.  This is because it will show incident probability and risk severity. For that case, it will become easy to calculate the level of risk. For this, there is just a need to multiply the probability of incident and risk severity.

When the assessment is completed by the individuals then they are required to sign this document properly.

In the next step, the supervisor is required to review the whole document properly and sign it and highlight any mistake present in it.

This document must be placed for further review from the team and also used during the operations

The supervisor and project manager have to analyze all risks during the operation and take proper actions to overcome them in a proper way. Moreover, there is a need to analyze the impact of risk on the employee during the operations.

For proper risk assessment, there is a need to follow up all required instructions in an efficient way due to this it will become easy to control it for the future.

7.    Proposed control measures of the Petro accompany

To minimize and control the risks due to temperature extremes in the oil and gas industry. For that case, there is a need to apply some control measures in an efficient way. it can be noted that it is extremely difficult for the worker to work in the extreme temperature conditions. Due to this purpose, there is a need to apply some control measures for minimizing the effect of this health hazard at the workplace. The next fact is that the company is operating in the Middle East area. Due to this case, there will be a high risk of temperature extreme conditions. In extreme weather conditions, there is a need to apply these control measures it will become simple to overcome this risk effectively. It can be seen that construction and production of building is one of the most difficult tasks in this industry. For that purpose, there is a need to apply these control methods properly (Brown, Bessant, & Lamming, 2013).

7.1.        Control measures for extreme hot temperature

In the Middle East, there is a huge chance of extremely hot temperature. This is because of it an area that contains a lot of deserts. Another thing is that during construction and hydraulic fracturing a lot of heat is evolved. Due to this many workers are unable to work with concentration. Therefore, there is a need to apply some control measures in this extreme hot condition. Through these control measures, they can efficiently complete their task (Forteza, Carretero-Gomez, & Sese, 2017).

7.1.1.    Proper workplace ventilation of the Petro accompany

It can be noted that in warm weather it is difficult to work in outdoor and also in indoor. Due to this, the workers that are working in the indoor environment, there will be a proper ventilation system. This is because when various manufacturing operations are going on in the organization. Then due to proper ventilation system in the indoor environment. It will become easy for workers to work efficiently (Chandnani, 2017).

7.1.2.    Insulating heat sources of the Petro accompany

In the company there is a need to insulate the heat sources like pipes and other materials. If these pipes are insulated with the good insulator then it will be huge change in the indoor temperature. Due to this fact, the workers are able to work in such environment.

7.1.3.    Apply shields to minimize heat sources

The manager is required to apply shields to minimize the effect of heat in the organization. Due to these shields the heat is not able to reach the indoor environment. Moreover, the workers are also able to refrain from different heat sources in a proper way.

7.1.4.    Apply different cool refuges of the Petro accompany

There are some workers that are working in outdoor environment for construction purposes. For that case, there is need to apply complete protection them in the form of cool refuges. Due to this, they can easily protect themselves during extreme heat condition.

7.1.5.    Proper access to isotonic drinks to workers

The workers that are working in outdoor environment must have attached cool water bottle beside them. Due to this they can easily stay hydrated and refrain from any kind of issue in summers.

7.1.6.    Small shifts of the Petro accompany

The managers have to arrange the total shifts in such a way that the workers are able to work easily in tough situations. At that particular time, the working hours must be low so there will be no problem to these workers in the future.

7.1.7.    Cold cloths of the Petro accompany

The workers must be provided with cold clothes in that season. This particular cloth material is able to absorb as much of the heat in an efficient way then there will be no problem to the worker in extreme heat.

7.2.        Control measures for extremely cold temperature
7.2.1.    Protect workers from draughts of the Petro accompany

There is high chance of current in winters. Due to this the managers has to protect all lines properly with proper insulation.

7.2.2.    Proper clothing of the Petro accompany

The workers have to use proper clothes in that season that will help them to give protection from illness in winter. If they are wearing proper clothes in extreme weathers then they can easily protect themselves from extreme cold.

7.2.3.    Shift changes of the Petro accompany

In winters, managers have to minimize the working hours of workers. For that the managers have to arrange the shifts in such a way that the workers are able to work easily in tough situations. At that particular time, the working hours must be low so there will be no problem to these workers in the future.

7.2.4.    Easy access to hot drinks

The managers and project managers have to provide easy access to hot drinks. Due to this, the workers are able to refresh themselves with such drinks.

7.2.5.    Proper gloves for outdoor workers

Those workers that are working outdoor environment have to wear gloves for protection. Due to these gloves they can easily protect their hands by keeping them warm.

8.    Bibliography of the Petro accompany

Akpan, E. I. (2011). Effective safety and health management policy for improved performance of organizations in Africa. International Journal of Business and Management , 6(3), 159-165.

Anatoli Bourmistrov, F. M. (2015). International Arctic Petroleum Cooperation: Barents Sea Scenarios. Routledge.

Bloch, H. P. (2009). Practical Lubrication for Industrial Facilities. The Fairmont Pres.

Brown, S., Bessant, J. R., & Lamming, R. (2013). Strategic Operations Management. Routledge.

Chandnani, L. R. (2017). General Insurance, Reinsurance and Risk Management Glossary. Notion Press.

Commission, U. N. (2018). Rules and Regulations, Volume 2, Issues 50-199. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Office of Administration, Division of Rules and Records.

Devold, H. (2013). Oil and Gas Production Handbook: An Introduction to Oil and Gas Production. Lulu.com,.

Forteza, F. J., Carretero-Gomez, J. M., & Sese, A. (2017). Occupational risks, accidents on sites and economic performance of construction firms. Safety science, 94, 61-76.

Goetsch, D. L. (2012). Construction Safety & Health. Pearson Higher Ed.

Gregory K. McMillan, P. H. (2019). Process / Industrial Instruments and Controls Handbook, Sixth Edition. McGraw Hill Professional,.

John D. Cressler, H. A. (2017). Extreme Environment Electronics. CRC Press.

Johnson, G., Whittington, R., Angwin, D., Scholes, K., & Regnér, P. (2014). Exploring Strategy (10 ed.). Pearson.

Jones, P., & Robinson, P. (2012). Operations Management. OUP Oxford.

Lam, J. (2014). Enterprise Risk Management: From Incentives to Controls. John Wiley & Sons.

López-Alonso, M., Ibarrondo-Dávila, M. P., Rubio-Gámez, M. C., & Munoz, T. G. (2013). The impact of health and safety investment on construction company costs. Safety science, 60, 151-159.

McGahan, A. M. (2004). How Industries Evolve: Principles for Achieving and Sustaining Superior Performance (illustrated ed.). Harvard Business School Press.


Saxena, P. K. (2009). Principles of Management: A Modern Approach. Global India Publications.

Troccoli, A. (2009). Management of Weather and Climate Risk in the Energy Industry. Springer Science & Business Media,.

Yoseph Bar-Cohen, K. Z. (2009). Drilling in Extreme Environments: Penetration and Sampling on Earth and other Planets. John Wiley & Sons.

Yuliansyah, Y., Gurd, B., & Mohamed, N. (2017). The significant of business strategy in improving organizational performance. Humanomics, 33(1), 56-74.

 9.    Appendixes   


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