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Assignment on Process and Sub process intangible assets management

Category: Business & Management Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: APA Words: 1650

Introduction of Process and Sub process intangible assets management

Asset management is getting the best value in the assets. And it also holds the assets in fields where the assets management term is coined. The assets management is the lubricating instrument, aligning, balancing and cleaning among the various extremes which have the different hybrid of forms. Managing assets for the roads, energy, water infrastructures as well as telecom in the different aspects which is the same and it also manages the production plant. There is no feasible option which sells the assets and all these options also expand the base of assets which upgrade the existing assets (Herder et al , 2012)

Literature review of Process and Sub process intangible assets management

Now according to the requirements, there are different business processes in the equipment and infrastructure of tangible asset management involving IT.

·         Capacity management process

·         Options Evaluation process

·         Procurement & Delivery Process

·         Maintenance Management Process

·         Asset Information Management Process

Figure: Infrastructure Asset Management business Processes

Now in the final report, first of all, explore the importance of the above business process intangible asset management and also provide the example of each process. Then elaborate the purpose of each purpose and it also includes the activities and steps in each process that draw the model diagram and determine the stakeholder in the execution of the process. Therefore also elaborate on the improvement of this process intangible asset management by use of automation technology (Too, et al , 2010).

It is the process for ensuring the optimal provision for the infrastructures of assets management. In this process, the effectiveness would also enable the infrastructure asset owner. The stakeholder in this process which receive the full value of the investment. The infrastructure asset management for the capacity management process organization should also ensure high utilization of assets along with the support of assets with the operations of the business.  For the high utilization of the infrastructure asset in the infrastructure organization which requires determining the current infrastructure productivity and capacity management. The importance is that capacity could also increase by the different means of the operational efficiencies which are also improved the maintenance efficiencies by the capital investments (Slack, 2015).

There is the different capacity of enhancing options that identified the evaluations and it would also have and to be conducted and select the best optimal solution which meets a business needs and the practice is shared through managers. In this process, data would also suggest an infrastructure organization which is evaluated the infrastructure asset management option based on the multi-criteria methods. The importance of this process intangible asset management is underscored through the requirement which is minimizing by the legal and financial risk and it also maintains the stakeholder’s accountability (Wörsdörfer et al , 2017).

This process is defined as the action or process which acquiring and obtained the material for the services and property on the operational level. The appropriate strategies of the procurement which is required to help and achieved the optimal solutions in terms of times and cost as well as quality.  The importance of the tangible asset management is infrastructure organization also tends to adopt the formal method for the evaluation and the most appropriate provider for the infrastructure also supposed factors like the price together by the several factors. The assets delivery and procurement process are incanting which could also deliver the value of the infrastructure management (Kashiwagi, 2011).

There is a maximum opportunity which is reduced to maintain the expenditure and it exists in the area of maintenance of tangible asset management for the operation and maintained phases. Therefore it is the requirements to deliver the maintenance which is fundamental for the infrastructure organizational and it also impacts the business process. The improvement of this process in the tangible asset management must continue which is also improve the maintained of the management process and the planning of maintenance is also recognized at the industry level which is becoming the key business and the driver is due to the increasing demand of pressure for the infrastructure assets (Barberá et al , 2012).

This process in the tangibles asset management is very important because the infrastructure operators and the owner who is constantly struggling by the lack of knowledge and the condition of the asset are possessed. It means that there are scarce resources which are available for the repair and maintenance which are used and efficiently along with inappropriately. The importance of this process is also evidenced by various cases where the organization could also be adopted by the different computerized assets of information management systems. This process could also be achieved through the IT systems which are acquired in the stores and updated the pertinent information for the infrastructure assets (Whyte et al , 2016).

Business process of Process and Sub process intangible assets management

Tangibility is the quality where the interaction is studied and the multiple disciplines like the HCI for the industrial designs. The tangibility is also referred to as the physical experiences of information technology. Assets management with the business process also ways create the money from fees which charge the client and there is also seven main business process in the asset management company;

·         Development of product

·         Distribution in marketing

·         Client onboarding

·         Investment management

·         Risk management

·         Client reporting

·         Compliance  (Rainardi , 2016)

Process elicitation with stakeholder of Process and Sub process intangible assets management

Stakeholders of a process are the subject matter experts that process consultants and talk to elicit the different information which is related to work done and the data is used by the various responsibilities.

Map out information of Process and Sub process intangible assets management

The people which are limited by the information processing capacity and the modeling information could also help to reduce the cognitive as well as it also extends the capacity which holds the details through the addition of new stimuli of information.

Make it intuitive of Process and Sub process intangible assets management

The available memory of working which is consumed by the various types of load and it's reducing the distracting of noise for the free capacity for the various concerns.

Make Process representation of Process and Sub process intangible assets management

For every problem which has more details along with it’s the less suitable representation which is depending upon the nature of the problem. And impacts of representation where it also has the task performance and the process which should best be discussed by using the fitting representation.

Tangible business process modeling of Process and Sub process intangible assets management

The t. business process modeling (t.BPM) is the outcome where different iterations are prototyped by the ideas and it’s continued to read the various literature which informs the work. The t.BPM is the tool kit which is the set of the four various shapes and it's reflecting on the iconography for the business process, then there is a various concept which is represented by the work items and the events of the routing gateways along with the user information’s (Luebbe et al , 2010)

Improvement of business process of Process and Sub process intangible assets management

The organization is increasingly concerned regarding the improvement of the business process model along with its efforts which is guarantee improved with operational efficiency. The business process quality assurance must be addressed by the objective manner of the application measures where the assessment of measurements is the result of straight forwards task and it also needs the identification of relevant indicators (González et al , 2015).

For the process of the centric organization where the improvement and management of the business process is an important factor for the advancement of organizational. In the same perspective, the change and implementation for the process have facets with change management involving managerial disputes (Saldivar et al , 2016).   

Conclusion of Process and Sub process intangible assets management

Summing up all the discussion it is concluded that, the report is about the business process of tangible asset management. In this report study of the different authors is also elaborated. Then there is a different business process that is used in the tangible asset management. All the process is clearly explained with their importance and the improvement of intangible asset management.

References of Process and Sub process intangible assets management

Barberá et al, L. (2012). Advanced model for maintenance management in a continuous improvement cycle: integration into the business strategy. International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management, 47–63.

González et al, S. (2015). A case study about the improvement of business process models driven by indicators. Software & Systems Modeling, 16(3), 759–788.

Herder et al, P. (2012). A Systems View on Infrastructure Asset Management. In Asset Management: The State of the Art in Europe from a Life Cycle Perspective (pp. 31-46).

Kashiwagi, D. (2011). Case Study: Best Value Procurement/Performance Information Procurement System Development. Journal for the Advancement of Performance.

Luebbe et al, A. (2010). Designing a tangible approach to business process modeling. Electronic Colloquium on Design Thinking Research.

Rainardi, V. (2016, May 3). Asset Management Business Processes and Systems. Retrieved from https://dwbi1.wordpress.com/2016/05/03/asset-management-business-processes-and-systems/

Saldivar et al . (2016). Analysis and improvement of business process models using spreadsheets. Information Systems, 1–19.

Slack, N. (2015). Capacity management process. Wiley Encyclopedia of Management.

Too, et al , E. (2010). A Framework for Strategic Infrastructure Asset Management. Engineering Asset Management Review, 31–62.

Whyte et al , J. (2016). Managing change in the delivery of complex projects: Configuration management, asset information and ‘big data’. International Journal of Project Management, 339-351.

Wörsdörfer et al , D. (2017). Real options-based evaluation model for transformable plant designs in the process industry. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 29-43.

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