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Assignment on Marketing Communication.

Category: Online Marketing Paper Type: Online Exam | Quiz | Test Reference: APA Words: 900

In every business whether it is small or large there are stakeholders has been the part of every business. As well as stake holders plays the most significant role in every type of business and in every kind of organization. As well as in the there are some of the organizational management has been presented which is associated and influenced by observation and perspectives and approaches of internal and external stakeholder. (Augustine & Shin, 2018) As well as stakeholder can further be defined as the group, entity or society which has been influenced by operations as been held wit in the enterprises. Moreover, they should be granted an invoiced along with the how the company functions. In given below the list of stake holders has been mentioned:

·         Internal stake holders

·         External Stake holders

Internal stakeholders of Marketing Communication

Internal stakeholders are initially involving the members which has been presented with in the organization. As well as they are directly including in all the operations which has been held with in the company. as well as they are also involved directly and financially include in the management and operational procedures.

Employees: In this the employees are playing the mot significant role in the organization. They are the initial part of the company. as well as worker have the essential financial and time investments in firm. Despite form this will also play vital role in strategies, and various operations which has been held in the company. (Valos, jhon, & Haji, 2016)A well established and well-maintained company they must take into notice the opinions and observation of their employees and they also involve them while making any of the decision or developing the new strategy for the enhancement or any other purpose.

Managers: Managers of organization are also playing the significant role as an internal stakeholder. As well as the play the vital role while developing any of the strategy with in the association and some of the operational. As well as they also paly essential role in making decision and they act as mediator for having communications among shareholders, directors and company itself.

External Stakeholders: External stakeholders as been defined as the amalgamation business within the community along with the outcomes as in the form of communication along with the quantity of various external groups. Customer suppliers, local community and government are the man external stakeholders.

Communication ways: For our organization we attain some of the communication ways to communicate with our stakeholders in various situations. As well as it is important to have effective communication with key stakeholders. The very first way is to identify that ow the understanding has been developed with key stakeholders with internal and external mainly. (Herremans & Irene , 2016) In the communication process first, the company should have to identify the type of stakeholders and then create a profile of stakeholder and then describe the various objectives of company on which te communicant has been held. The last step is plan and deliver the activity on this.

Organizational structure: Functional organizational structure has been used, and this structure has been based on hierarchy for each role of job of employees. In tis structure group and employees worked together on same goal.in this structure if company holds only three or four employees who complete all of the marketing role even in the small business. While using this structure one of the individuals has become in charge as the president of marketing. Their team would be comprising of marketing and manager and public relation manager as well.

Job description: This job description has been presented because there are some of the vacant seats has been presented in which the persons role has been described. There are three roles has been presented the first one is manager and two employees. To work in a business as an employee it is important that the have the opportunity to take responsibility while working in the organization. As well as it is also very important to tell individual and clear all of their expectations with boss and other staff of the firm. As well as there are some of the task has been presented which the new hired employee has to be done.

Effective working relationship: For having the successful working relationship, it is important to bring the company on the way of success. This can be happened because of by taking and implementing some of the ways by presence of authorities in the meetings. As well as by speaking positively with employees and team members and with head of the organization mainly. as well as the effective work can also be obtained by enhancing the interpersonal within the organization by supporting and appreciating the work of other employees. As well as it can also be done by involving employees in various activities and task of specific project.

References of Marketing Communication

Augustine, P., & Shin, W. (2018). Building relationships through dialogic communication: organizations, stakeholders, and computer-mediated communication. Journal of Marketing Communications , 68-82.

Herremans, & Irene . (2016). Stakeholder relationships, engagement, and sustainability reporting. Journal of Business Ethics , 417-435.

Valos, jhon, M., & Haji, F. (2016). Exploring the integration of social media within integrated marketing communication frameworks. Marketing Intelligence & Planning (.

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