In this article, the authors have
focused on the adversarial of cross-modal retrieval to have flexible experience
of retrieval across a variety of modalities such as images v. texts. It has
been explained that research related to cross-modal retrieval has been
associated with the learning of subspace, in which a comparison is made between
different modalities. To understand the perspective, a method of novel
Adversarial Cross-Modal Retrieval (ACMR) has been presented. The role of
adversarial learning is critical in this regard, and this is what has been the
focus of the researchers that they used adversarial learning between the given
process, and its role was interplay in this regard. It is vital to understand
that when the purpose is to benefit from the multimedia data’s abundance, then
multimedia technology can be used for more optimal performance. The automated
mechanism can play a vital role in this regard. In this research, it was
important to understand the complete mechanism of Adversarial Cross-Modal
Retrieval so that maximum output is taken from the research to improve the
process in so many ways. The first vital thing in this research was to develop
a method. After analysing the article, it was evident that proposed. In the
proposed method, different elements were analysed one by one such as
Adversarial Cross-Modal Retrieval, Modality Classifier, Feature Projector, as
well as, Problem Formulation.
Different methods worked under
different elements. The feature projector was the first process, where a
modality-invariant representation was generated in a given common subspace.
This process is confused with various other processes such as modality
classifiers, which is used to make discrimination between the varieties of
modalities. The feature projectors were more tested by imposing triplet
constraints so it can be made sure that representation shown by all items is
used to minimise the overall gap using the semantic labels. It was also used to
maximise the given distance of texts and images, which are semantic in nature.
When joint exploitation is made, then it was found that the data preservation
for the cross-modal semantic structure given for the multimedia data. It was
evident in the end that four important benchmarks were used, and results taken from
these benchmarks revealed the fact that the proposed method of ACMR is way
better in an effective subspace representation with its effectiveness. It was
also found that cross-modal retrieval methods were outperformed by the ACMR
method by showing more superiority and effectiveness. This model can be further
used and tested to get more opportunities in the future (Wang, Yang, Xu, Hanjalic,
& Shen).
2: A Thin-Plate Spline Calibration Model for Fingerprint Sensor Interoperability
In this article, the focus of the
authors is on the essence of biometric technology to see its usage and
effectiveness in fingerprinting. The biometric technology is used by using a
variety of tools to identify an individual or recognize him by looking at given
features, which were earlier stored in the database of a biometric machine. It
is a fact that regardless of various available biometric methods,
fingerprinting is the widely used method. The authors have focused on the
sensor interoperability of biometric, which is a system’s ability to do
compensation of the variability, which has been shown by an individual’s
biometric data. It has been observed that different kinds of biometric methods
such as speech, face, and fingerprint have been associated with the intersensor
performance, which is deemed poor. It is a well-known fact when fingerprint
technology is used, the variation is there in acquiring the fingerprint images,
and this variation happens because of sensing technology, scanning areas, as
well as, sensor resolution. If a fingerprint is not able to deal with these
variations in given circumstances, and its inability is confirmed, then the
intersensor matching performance happens to be inferior. When such kinds of
errors are shown by the fingerprint machine, then results will always be faulty
to recognise fingerprints of individuals. So, it is important to come up with a
framework or scheme of work, which deals with these variations in most of the
situations. In this research work, by using the basis of the Thin-Plate Spline
model, a nonlinear calibration scheme has been used, where a pair of
fingerprint sensors were registered.
It is important to know that authors
have made sure that they use a model, which is good enough to deal with the
fingerprint interoperability model. That’s why the calibration technique
proposed in this research has been based on evidence provided by pairs of few
images, which were acquired after the usage of two sensors. It was done so that
a deformation model is generated to define the relationship upheld by two
sensors, and this relationship is spatial as well. After implementing the
methods, when data were analysed, it was found that the proposed model/method
has proved effective to deal with the variations of intersensor geometric. It
was observed that the performance of the biometric method was significantly
improved. The sensor with this proposed model performed better than the other
sensor. This calibration technique is a good indication that such kind of
calibration models can also be used in the future, and more opportunities can
be found in this regard. The authors also discussed the limitation of the
study, which revealed that when there were sensors having distortions or
different resolutions; the proposed scheme was not able to compensate for the
given variations. But still, it is effective enough, and more research can be
done to explore its further points, which can be beneficial for the biometric
field (Ross & Nadgir, 2008)
Bibliography of Adversarial Cross-Modal Retrieval
Ross, A., & Nadgir, R. (2008).
A Thin-Plate Spline Calibration Model for Fingerprint Sensor
Wang, B., Yang, Y., Xu, X., Hanjalic, A.,
& Shen, H. T. (n.d.). Adversarial Cross-Modal Retrieval. MM’17,