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American Red Cross

Category: Financial Statement Analysis Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: HARVARD Words: 3506

Table of Contents

2.... Introduction. 4

3.... Vision. 6

4.... Mission. 6

5.... Goals. 6

6.... Objectives. 7

7.... Activities. 9

6. Values. 10

8.... SWOT Analysis. 11

Strength. 11

Weakness. 12

Opportunity. 12

Threats. 12

9.... Issue. 12

10.. Action Plan. 13

11.. Infrastructure. 16

12.. The framework/model of the organization. 16

13.. Hierarchy structure. 17

14.. Conclusion. 18

15.. References

Executive Summary American Red Cross


            In this paper, there is focus on the Red Cross Clubs that how the company or welfare agency is focused on collecting and processing blood donations, however, it is analyzed that company is focused on the comprehensive action plan so that there could be a benefit for the communities. In this way, for the company, there is also the management evaluation that how the Red Cross is serving the people by bringing the best managerial as well as the management technique.

The issues that are concerned in the management of the Red Cross are related to the old activities or techniques that the NGO is using, Red Cross is not focused on the new techniques so that there could be effective development of the people as well as the team so that effective performance for the people in danger or need could be focused. It is analyzed that Red Cross need to focus or need to use the innovative technology so that there could be improvement in the operations, and so that company and team could effectively deal with the systems related to the latest equipment, in this way, there could be leadership effectiveness as well as the growth, and in this company or Red Cross can remains at a higher standard. Moreover, it is concerned ion the paper, that human resources and effective R&D could be focused by the Red Cross so that there could be innovation activities, which timely officially recognized for the benefit (Redcross.org, 2018).

Introduction of American Red Cross

             American Red Cross has the volunteers and staff work so that they could help people in order to provide or deliver vital services so that there could be relief and support for the people in crises. American Red Cross also prepares in order to respond in emergencies.

Regarding the practice of the Red Cross, it is known that Red Cross school campuses are effectively responding to the need of the people and there are people ion the company that serves as volunteers so that effectively could be there in the operations. It is known that teams of the American Red Cross Clubs participate effectively so that awareness could be given to the community and the people, in order to get and provide the benefit (Yukl, 2012).

Thus, it is known that there are a variety of activities that the team of the Red Cross is focused; there are several of the service projects that the team is concerned with the leadership training. However, it is analyzed that there are no new techniques by the Red Cross, in this way, there is the need to do the planning events. It is concerned that the Red Cross is focused on or using the sponsored activities for the benefit or in order to get the donation in order to support the people. It is also known that there are Students in Red Cross Clubs who are also known as the organize fundraisers in order to bring the effectiveness in the variety of Red Cross initiatives.

There are benefits as well as the quick services for the people and there is the effective preparation of the disaster by the overall youth programming. It is known that American Red Cross is also building the awareness to the people that how much their blood, as well as the donation, is important for the socialites and how the benefits can be given to the communities that are suffering in this way. There is the student in the schools that are helping the Red Cross for as the hosting blood drives and in this way, also promoting the promoting Red Cross programs. Red Cross is analyzed so that there could be a better analysis of the management, and so that there could be the focus on the tools and experience of the people (Carroll, et al., 2015 ).

Vision of American Red Cross


The vision of the American Red Cross is given below:

"American Red Cross through its strong network of volunteers, donors, and partners are always there in times of need. We aspire to turn compassion into action." (Redcross.org, 2018)

Mission of American Red Cross


The mission of the American Red Cross is given below:

“The American Red Cross prevents and alleviates human suffering in the face of emergencies by mobilizing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors.” (Redcross.org, 2018)

Goals of American Red Cross


Born of a desire; the company focus to bring assistance to the people without the discrimination. However, the American Red Cross is alleviating the human suffering and focused to protect life and health etc.

It is known that Red Cross is effectively using the techniques related to the leadership and the company is still attaining strong leadership so that there could be growth in the processes. It is analyzed that for the benefit and in order to get the maximum advantage from the community, Red Cross can more effectively use the leadership tools so that there could be effective communication in the community.

Objectives of American Red Cross


Some objectives are to focus on all the times ready and prepared for the disasters, to focus on the lifesaving blood. There are support and comfort for the people in an emergency.

Regarding the objectives of the American Red Cross, it is analyzed that there are planned activities so that the organization could grow and so that there could be effective in the operations. the activity guides of the American Red Cross are based on the objectives related to the alleviation of the human suffering, there are always preparations for the face of emergencies, as there is a focus to mobilizing the power. Moreover, the donors are always ready by the organization so that these volunteers can be supportive, as there is the generosity of donors. Moreover, objectives are based on the mission as well as the vision of the Red Cross Clubs; there are objectives according to the mission-related activities (Daft, et al., 2010).

The American Red Cross is known as the humanitarian organization that provides the effectiveness to the people in the community so that there could be an emergency assistance and so that there could be timely disaster relief. Through focused on the disaster preparedness, it is analyzed that there are advice and support by the teams to focus on or to do the relief efforts. American Red Cross focuses on to build up a staff that is based on the effectiveness of the social work experts as well as the senior government. Red Cross is dissected so that there could be a superior investigation of the administration, thus that there could be the attention on the apparatuses and experience of the general population. Red Cross is reacting successfully towards the help and help and there are more spotlights on the initiative exercises. American Red Cross needs more frameworks to guarantee that their accumulation and handling of blood supply stays at a higher standard.

The "managerialism" is more concerned and it is analyzed that it needs to be more powerful for the future so that effectiveness could be bought in the thing, example the staff needs to have more medical skills; as there are issues related to the treatment of the people and that are conflicts worldwide. American Red Cross is concentration to develop a staff that depends on the adequacy of the social work specialists and additionally the senior government. American Red Cross as the staff should be prepared as it were, and there can be home security preparing. In the Red Cross mission and also the vision, there is a portion of the viable arranging forms.

The objectives of the American Red Cross need to be concerned for the development of the future plans as there is the need to decide the effective planning for the benefit by staying in the limit of the total revenues. American Red Cross has to be motivated and clear about the operating expenses and there are also need to focus on the legislation clarified or popularity and credibility (Carroll, et al., 2015 ).

Ways for leader success

Inspiring Commitment

Leading employees

Change Management


Employee Development

Strategic Planning


Activities of American Red Cross


Regarding the activities of the Red Cross, it is known that there are various service skills that the management for the leadership programs of the Red Cross is concerned with, there are also the levels of responsibilities that Red Cross also has in the club. For the American Red Cross, it is concerned that there are several effective activities by the organization that is helping the communities as well as the people so that benefits could be there (Bazerman & Sezer, 2016).

Moreover, it is not the government agency but still making its own team and leadership towards the generosity of people, company effectively responding to the vital programs and services. The teams in the company are effectively managing and support the American Red Cross, financial contributions through maintaining the relationship with the people, Red Cross wants the support of the investors as well as the donors in order to help or support the people in the greatest time of need. In order to serve the country, Red Cross is responding effectively towards the support and assistance and there is more focus on the leadership activities.

Red Cross is also effectively dealing with the Health and Safety programs, and there are knowledge and tools that are analyzed as the best by the management so that benefits could be taken from the community. Moreover, Red Cross teams have the effective training and skills in order to take the best and effective actions so that there could be effective respond towards the disaster or emergency. There is a various grassroots campaign that the teams of the Red Cross analyze by taking help from the local business people. There are support and activities of the team members in the civic clubs; moreover, individual’s pledges are there with the Red Cross services.

For the emergency response the team of the Red Cross is always preparing to support the people in the issue example, the fire victims, people in emergency military communications etc. there are services related to the CPR training so that teams could get the disaster preparedness information and is that there could be peer-to-peer fundraising American Red Cross Team.

 Values of American Red Cross


Moreover, it is analyzed that management needs to be effectively prepared for the effective business opportunities and in order to respond to the weakness that the company is facing regarding the management. In this way, or in order to respond to the weaknesses of the American Red Cross, there is the need of the managerial efforts. The managers need to be efficient enough in order to bring the change, American Red Cross needs to hire the managers that help the organization to grow and the managers who have the skills so that he can analyze the need of time or the need of the resources.

It is analyzed that if current issues, as well as the needs and demands of the communities, respond effectively then there could be effective and in this way, management opportunities can also get the insight that how to plan about the customer services. American Red Cross has some of the chapter goals so that effectiveness could be there in the organization operations and so that staff members could be given the insight for the primary focus and for the development elements.

Red Cross can stay at a higher standard, it is worried that Red Cross is centered around or utilizing the supported exercises for the advantage or keeping in mind the end goal to get the gift so as to help the general population. It is likewise realized that there are students in Red Cross Clubs who are otherwise called the arrange pledge drives keeping in mind the end goal to get the adequacy the assortment of Red Cross activities (Kennedy-Glans & Schulz, 2010).

SWOT Analysis of American Red Cross

 Strength of American Red Cross


Ø  Strong brand equity

Ø  Strong mission and vision

Ø  Presence in the social media

Weakness of American Red Cross


Ø  Poor relation with the labor

Ø  Lack of the innovation

Ø  Few limited funds

Opportunity of American Red Cross


Ø  Innovation

Ø  Strategic alliance

Threats of American Red Cross


Ø  Taxation issues

Ø  Competition

Issue of American Red Cross


The issue faced by the American Red Cross is the lack of innovation in its various processes, especially in collecting and processing blood donations. Their system lacks innovation to manage the blood supply with safety measures keeping the blood supply at a safe level for the donors as well as for the ones, who need blood donation (Redcross.org, 2018).  

Action Plan of American Red Cross


American Red Cross needs a comprehensive action plan to deal with the above-mentioned issue. They need to develop a new program with innovative ways to manage their blood donation supply. They need to include innovative technology with the latest equipment to ensure that their blood supply is safe as per the given standards.

After accessing the weaknesses as well as the threats to the American Red Cross, it is analyzed that following action steps need to be taken in the time period of the 1-3 years so that there could be affectivity in the process and so that effective development of the organization can be achieved relating to its mission as well as the vision.

For the action planning and benefit for the American Red Cross in the future, the planning is needed to be done for the donated blood, as there are planning on the Community-based blood centers and there is also the blood processing facility in order to secure the people. The people suffering the issues need to give the awareness that how help can be taken from the American Red Cross as the staff needs to be trained in a way, and there can be home safety training. In the emergency situations, the American Red Cross needs to be maintained the medical emergencies as well as the mental health services for the patients (Kennedy-Glans & Schulz, 2010).

It is analyzed that patients need to be given medical care in the case of the disasters and emergencies by the American Red Cross management teams. Moreover, in order to get the effectiveness in the operations, the action plans need to be made and anticipate so that the company would be prepared for the change.

The strategic plan needs to be made for the American Red Cross and there should be some of the specific plans that are based on the evaluation of the corresponding costs so that in the future, the timing and accountability according to the disasters and other issues can be done effectively. In the planning process, it is suggested to the American Red Cross that there is the need to adapt to the changing so that future of the Red Cross and the people associated with it can be bright. Thus, it is analyzed by noticing the situation of the people as well as the organization; there are response efforts that need to be taken.

For the effective management of the team and company; American Red Cross needs to follow the dynamic process based on the growth and development, there is the need to follow the highly qualified strategies by the senior management so that the strategic plan can be effectively planned and based on the strategic areas (Wong, 2010).

In the Red Cross mission as well as the vision, there are some of the effective planning processes that notice the levels of employees that how they need to be trained and how internal planning team can be focused for the improvement as well as the benefits. It is analyzed that volunteers and stakeholders can also the help the American Red Cross to grow because there are some planning process or action plans that help the American Red Cross to focus on the growing needs of the future, by telling about the operating expenses.


Action Plan

Action Steps





Strengthen financial stability




Build a high-performance workforce





Deliver responsive programs



Optimize the operational effectiveness




Build awareness



Significant accomplishments


Fund development culture




Data analysis



Manage their blood donation





Innovative technology





Latest equipment





Infrastructure of American Red Cross


American Red Cross needs more infrastructure to ensure that their collection and processing of blood supply remains at a higher standard. They need more technological equipment like the latest computers and machinery, latest software, and hardware along with the human resources, who have the capability to run this equipment. Moreover, they need to build an innovation block in their head office to make sure that all R&D, as well as innovation activities, are handled from that center. 

The framework/model of the organization of American Red Cross


American Red Cross needs to focus on the new opportunities and challenges so that there could be affected, there should be wellcoordinated services so that strategic goals and initiatives could be achieved. American Red Cross managers need to effectively participate to train the employees and people relevant to the company, as there is need to focus on the initiative procedure that can be engaged by the organization pioneers so that there could be benefits identified with the organizations.

The administration is compelling keeping in mind the end goal to beat the opposition. American Red Cross managers can focus on the individual's energy of shared qualities; individuals are remunerated so that there could be the inspiration. On great outcomes, alluring prizes are given case extraneous and motivating forces. Moreover, some entrenched consistent criticism by the pioneer's to build the individual and group execution through powerful preparing and instructing.

There is the need to incorporate earnest eagerness, uprightness, powerful correspondence etc. Benefactors are constantly prepared by the association with the goal that these volunteers can be steady. Red Cross is responding effectively towards the assistance and help and there is more focus on the activity works out. The targets of the American Red Cross should be worried for the advancement without bounds designs as there is the need to choose the compelling arranging.

Hierarchy structure of American Red Cross


The hierarchical outline is known as the procedure in which there is a choice made based on six key components. These are work specialization, formalization, the traverse of control, departmentalization, and hierarchy of leadership, centralization, and decentralization. Hierarchal association, it regularly starts at the best .it is with the numerous senior pioneers. It at that point falls down in the progression insightful, from the subordinate administrators.

Conclusion on American Red Cross

American Red Cross needs to reach goals for the effectiveness and there is a need to focus on the measurable through the benchmark. The tracked and measured over the planned check progress and review; Red Cross Clubs need to focus on the activity design so that there could be an advantage for the networks. However, Red Cross need to center or need to utilize the inventive innovation so that there could be a change in the activities and there could be administration viability and also the development.

Thus, additionally realized that there are Students in Red Cross Clubs who are otherwise called the compose pledge drives with a specific end goal to acquire the adequacy of the assortment of Red Cross activities. We seek to transform sympathy without hesitation and American Red Cross in this way can ease the human enduring and centered to secure life and wellbeing and so on through identifying the business opportunities example, there is need of more technological equipment like latest computers and machinery, latest software and hardware along with the human resources, who have the capability to run these equipment’s.

References of American Red Cross

Bazerman, M. H. & Sezer, O., 2016. Bounded awareness: Implications for ethical decision making. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Volume 136, pp. 95-105.

Carroll, B., Ford, J. & Taylor, S., 2015. Leadership: Contemporary Critical Perspectives. s.l. SAGE.

Daft, R. L., Kendrick, M. & Vershinina, N., 2010. Management. Cengage Learning EMEA ed. s.l.:s.n.

Kennedy-Glans, D. & Schulz, R., 2010. Corporate Integrity: A Toolkit for Managing Beyond Compliance. s.l.: John Wiley & Sons.

Redcross.org, 2018. Mission & Values. [Online]
Available at: http://www.redcross.org/about-us/who-we-are/mission-and-values

Wong, D. K. K., 2010. Approved Marketing Plans for New Products and Services. s.l.:iUniverse.

Yukl, G., 2012. Leadership in Organizations Global Edition. s.l. Pearson Ed.

Northouse, P. (2016) Leadership and Theory Practice 7th Sage Publishing. Los Angeles, CA.


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