The Beautiful Struggle by Ta-Nehisi Coates is all about two sons, a father, and a strange
unlikely road to manhood. Ta-Nehisi tells everything about his life such as his
friends, teachers, siblings, parents, and other individuals who surrounded him
and were involved in his road to manhood. Actually, the black boy was not
similar to other typical kids as his behaviour was influenced greatly by his
environment. In the story, it can be seen that there is a struggle inside
Ta-Nehisi. There are two sides which are clashing against each other in him –
on one hand, his father who was responsible for giving him knowledge and street
professors on the other hand. He was struggling to unite both of these sides.
He felt passion, love, and anger
simultaneously and they influenced him. He knew that his current way of living
would not lead him to success and he needed to gain education but he could not
bring himself to do it because he just did not like it. At school, behaviour
was his key problem. For instance, he kicked his teacher because he believed
that the teacher abused him. To him, real life was outside the classroom and
within the school walls, there was no life and thus, there was no reason to
stay at the school. Streets taught him quite important lessons and that is why
he believed that attending streets was better. Just because he believed that
street knowledge was better did not mean that he was stupid in any sense. His
father occasionally provided him with books. In addition to just books, his
father also gave him the knowledge he needed.
Ta-Nehisi and his brother both were
influenced greatly by their parents. For instance, although they did not like
going to school and getting education from school, they entered universities in
time. The reason why they believed that getting institutional education was
necessary was because their parents persuaded them significantly. For hours,
the parents conversed with the boys and explained how education was necessary.
Finally, they understood that without education, it was not possible for them
to achieve success.
The reason why Paul, Ta-Nehisi’s
father, persuaded his children to gain education was because he had grown up in
poverty himself. He had experienced poverty and he knew how a person could get
out of it. It was by gaining education and that is why he always told his
children to gain education. Knowledge was necessary but formal education was
essential and it could not be ignored. As explained above, the surroundings of
Ta-Nehisi influenced his life significantly and his father was the main
influential figure. He was responsible for keeping him on track. Actually, Paul
had been a solder and his own father had a lot of children. Thus, he had to
grow up in poverty. However, he had resolved that he would not let his own
children grow up and experience poverty. With this goal, he persuaded and
pushed his children to gain education (Coates).
Works Cited of The Beautiful Struggle by Ta-Nehisi
Coates, Ta-Nehisi. The
beautiful struggle: A memoir. Random House Digital, 2009.