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Report on Operational Management Module

Category: Risk Management Paper Type: Report Writing Reference: APA Words: 2850

Operational management module

Executive summary of Operational Management Module:

This paper is allowing the researcher to establish skills and design in order to understand operations management strategies with respect to a particular company. This report is basically emphasizing on some concepts like human resource management to maximize the ability of employee performance in order to gain competitive advantage, total quality management which include making an environment where employee can polish their abilities to provide what company want from them, inventory management which designing the shape and placement of stocked goods that business hold for some goal, capacity planning include determining of production capacity that is required by an organization. All this is explained with respect to a particular company in this report.

 Introduction of Operational Management Module:

Because of the multidisciplinary nature of the operations management, this field can get misunderstood sometimes. Operations management is mainly related with planning, supervising, organizing in order to manufacture, or provision of services. The operational manager should ensure that organization is successfully turns input and output in an effective manner.

Operations management has strong bonding to supply chain management and logistics. Like it is often critical to meet client demands according to global trends of supply chain management. A careful use of resources and cost effectiveness can be achieved with (Shai & M. A. , 2016)the help of logistics and this is becoming increasingly important in this era in which customer demands have skyrocketed.

For an operations manager it is important to understand series of processes going on with in the organization. In this sense the role of manager is directly related to supply chain management. Logistics is represented by coordination involved in setting up these mechanisms in action. In order to become effective operations manager, the mixture of understanding and coordinating the processes of company are very important.

Overview of the company of Operational Management Module:

One of the leading names in the construction sector is Behwan Engineering Group who has made its name by remarkable Product Sales and Support Service conglomerate. We, as a member of the Bhawan Holding, highly efficient in providing solutions to diverse industries and organizations situated in Oman and UAE. Above our core business, we consist of an operational investment part and also a chemical products manufacturing plant.

An Omani firm which is practicing international standards and world approved technicalities, covering the whole value chain. (Shabbir, Alam, & Khan, 2016) Our interconnected business structure ensures full scale of Engineering Construction, Product Sales and Facilities Management services providing one-point solutions to our highly valued clients.

At BEC group you are given the change to contribute your expertise in interesting assignments that marks a difference and makes you involved towards a sustainable future. Evolving the living and working standard of people, communities and companies. You contribute in a wide environment where skilled people are connected to one string to achieve results with great efficiency. You will be involved in a company which works in different dynamics and helps you to learn and grow from the opportunities. 

Products of Operational Management Module:

The Products Business Unit of BEC delivers a well-defined stack of processes to the wide Electro-mechanical requirements of the active industry in Power, Oil & Gas and Building Services sectors

Highly acclaimed projects and development in the region of Oman which is connected to Industrial, Power, T&D, Oil & Gas, Transport, Tourism, Health care, Hospitality, and Education etc. share a similarity which is, Products & Solutions from BEC’s Products Business Unit (BU).

The BU displays contribution with number of leading manufacturers from around the world who appraise eminent leadership value in the region. (Venkataramana, Pandya, Kumar, & Panda, 2018) A position acclaimed and sustained due to the trust provided by their fast-growing client tally in the quality aspect of engineering solutions and after-sales-support provided.

Team based of Managers, Engineers and Executives are well loaded to deliver technical assistance to the various customers. Sales teams are provided adequate support by remarkable Service Engineers which are ever ready to provide 24 hours service backup

A dedicated team of 40,000 is set up to cater to the requirements of our clientele which includes a inventory of spare parts which is maintained in the company’s m2 warehouse        

The Products Business Unit is operational in branches based in Salalah & UAE which are capable of comprising the following product divisions.

Electrical products of Operational Management Module:

 The Division of Electrical Products of BEC Group reacts to client needs with the process of solution from top manufacturers from around the globe. We are capable to successfully accumulate and provide assistance to utilities, contractors and (Diantha, Bodolica, & Spraggon, 2018) retailers as well as to provide facilitation to the projects in the Power, Oil & Gas sectors and building services as being the largest company in Oman.

 Mechanical products of Operational Management Module:

The Mechanical Products division covers the products, services and solution acquiring the wide area of the Building Service Industry. A single platform delivering holistic ease for multiple needs of the fast-growing Building Services Industry in the region

Services of Operational Management Module:

We are dedicated to assist our clients increase the life span & value generation from their assets with the help of our facilities management, periodic maintenance, troubleshooting, upgrades, refurbishments and aftercare services.

 Facility management of Operational Management Module:

Facilities Management & Maintenance Division (FMMD) is an integral area of a strategic business unit delivering interconnected facilitation and Management & Maintenance services in the following areas for over three decades: 

·         Airports

·         Power Plants

·         Hospitals

·         Hotels

·         Industrial facilities

·         Sports Complexes

·         Ministry Buildings

·         Educational Complexes

·         Commercial & Residential Complexes

Industrial maintenance of Operational Management Module:

BEC assists Management & Maintenance Division is highly skilled in providing works in Industrial Maintenance. These involves maintenance of Fertilizer Plants, Refineries, Petro-chemical Plants, Power Plants, Process Industries, Industrial Boilers, Incinerators and Water & Waste Water Treatment Plants.

 Operational management strategy:

Visualizing and creating a strategy are not fragile job. Developing a strategy involves a good amount analysis which also includes practice. Therefore, strategy can be described in a lot of directions.

  • Strategic deal with connecting the requirement of the current market needs along with crushing the current potential market chances
  • Strategy is organizing plans for the better and correct use of the assists

 All the literature and pointers about the strategy are relative to the operational management in various paths. From all the above mention description it can be accumulated that a strategy is the process to assist the company to maximize the performance which (Terry, 2017) always involves formation and setting up of goal and plans action for attaining the desired results.

Mission of Operational Management Module
The missions should not be so wide and descriptive but it should be dependent on some meaningful capacity of the firms. Operation strategy becoming a success is not relied on the length of the planning or on the basis of how well it is articulated. It is relied on how deep the plan is concentrated on capacity of the process effort. The capacity of the firm should push the firm capable of looking eye to eye with other firms in the competition of highly acknowledged firms around the world. Keeping in mind the main motivation to the strategy.

Manufacturing and Operations Strategy of Operational Management Module

Manufacturing strategy is the integral part of the operation strategy which is introduced as a major topic of the operational management system. Manufacturing strategy is based on the structural/infrastructure area which also involves capacity of quality, manufacturing, (Jan & Feldmann, 2018)skills audits, inventory management, innovation and requirements of investment. Manufacturing strategy can also be described as the binding of resource management and achievement of business requirements.

Operations Strategy of Operational Management Module

One of the major aspects of the operation managers is that they are known to the competency of the environment surrounding the company business so they are able to face the competitors by developing a strategy. Structure of a strategy for operation the entitles a share of the total strategy created for the business can also provide an important response in connecting the whole organization. Instead of all the disturbance in the market, a vigilant strategy can (Alessandro & Nonino , 2016) play an import part in the growing interest of the firm. In a firm the completion of strategy is quite critical due to the reason that without a short term and a long-term achievement set up will get together and create a chaos

  • Selection of new technologies.
  • Development of new products.
  • Management of human resources.

 Strategic Management of Operational Management Module

The strategic management involves with paying value to the analysis of the business surroundings and picturing the technical involved to the difference in business environment. Strategic management is connected to the idea of strategic planning along with the strategic thinking, Strategic planning is based on analytical methods which is relative to the structural procedures for the production of goods and its analytics data is used for strategic thinking, which after transforms to strategy. (Michael & Ireland, 2017)Mostly strategic management involves two procedures.

  • Formulation: This formulation involves the data of the market surrounding of the organization, and further the structure of a strategy for the working about the competition faced by the company.
  • Structuring of a competitive working involves mostly four areas: power and weakness of the organization, personal values and expectation of society from their products.

Decisions about strategy: This is calculated on the basis of the environmental assessment vision and responses of the strategy.

  • Implementation: The second process is implementation of the strategy which includes decisions about the alignment of the resources, its mobility towards the objective of the organizations. The result of the implementation of the strategy is structured organization’s resources, leadership measures, communications, monitoring the progress and incentives
  • Implementation: the second methodology is practicing of the strategy which involves decisions regarding the alignment of the resources, its moving towards the goal of the company. The outcome of the practice of the strategy is organized companies’ resources, leadership measures, communications, looking at the progress and incentives.

Location planning and analysis of Operational Management Module:

Most of the organizations face this challenge of maximizing their capacity by going to new location or increasing already present location. As an operations manager, the main focus should be on importance of location of any company by different departments of organization;

Accounting, which act on preparing cost estimation in case of change of location or maximizing existing location.

Warehouse layouts distribution, that can make handling of material easy and shorter in customer response.

Finance help in financial analysis for the investment in new location. Management information system help in providing information regarding new location for operations management to work accordingly. Marketing that help in building new location according to customer popularity. Human resources that provide employee according to requirement of new location. Operations management work by analyzing and finalizing the location that will protect and create best performances of the employee for the betterment of whole organization. Location has its important part for any business. Especially in strategical planning process of the company. The need and nature of location decision is important thing to understand. Senior operations manager often carries some evaluation analysis for various availability of the locations.

Inventory management system of Operational Management Module:

 Inventory management methodology is based on the management of non-capitalized capitalized assets (inventory) and stock items.

A component of supply chain management, it manages the ongoing process of the goods which takes origin from manufacturers to warehouses and from these places to point of sale. (Jr, John , & William , 2019) A major function of inventory management is to maintain a detail record of every new or replaced item as it come inside the data grid or leaves the warehouse or the software

The inventory management process of Operational Management Module

 Inventory management is a critical process, normally for large scale companies, but the pillars of the system are mostly the same which doesn’t involve the organization size or sector. In inventory management, the items are distributed into collecting phase of a warehouse in the position of raw materials or parts and are combined and structed into stock places or shelves

 Inventory management software systems of Operational Management Module

Inventory management software systems mostly begin as a basic spreadsheet that locates the amount of goods in a warehouse, but have evolve into more critical condition. Inventory management software can now operate several levels deep and connect with accounts and ERP systems. The technology keeps navigation of goods in the stock (Feiner & Gideon, 2019), few times across different warehouse locations. The application also accumulates the costs mostly in multiple type of currencies so that account system can configure with the accurate value of the goods involve

 Total quality time of Operational Management Module:

Time quality management define as a system of management which involve all employee of the company in continual process to build customer focused organization. In order to introduce quality discipline in different activities of the organization, it uses planned and effective communication. 8 principles are present on which quality management system rely;

1.       Customer focused: it is the customer who determine the level of quality of the product or service. It doesn’t matter how much effort the company is putting on training their employee or making good quality products or updating their technology, it all depend on what customer is going to judge.

2.       Total employee involvement: teamwork is necessary toward achieving any goal for any organization. When the fear is not present in workplace which can be driven out by empowering the employee facilities or managing the proper work environment, the commitment of the employee toward achieving goals can be obtained.

3.       Process centered: emphasizing on process thinking while time quality management is necessary. Performance measures are continuously in check in order to identify certain variations.

4.       Integrated system: different functional specialties are sometimes organized in vertical structured department; total quality management has its main focus on the processes that relate to these functions.

5.       Systematic and strategical approach: in order to achieve any vision, mission or goal of the organization, systematic or strategical approach is necessary. Strategic planning includes a formulation of a plan that incorporate quality as it cores component.

6.       Continual improvement: continual process improvement is a large part of TQM. It makes an organization both critical and analytical in finding paths to become more competitive and more effective.

7.       Fact based decision making: data is necessary on performance measures, to know that how much quality work is coming from the organization. In order to improve decision making, organization should look forward toward TQM which require continual data collecting and analyzing.

8.       Communication: communication involve strategical planning, methods and timelines. Effective communication play its major role in maintaining morale of the organization.

 Capacity planning of Operational Management Module:

Capacity planning is the process in which management of the organization coincide available employee hours to needs of the program or particular project. If talking specifically, the maximum amount of the work that can be accomplished I a given period of period. It can be measured in time that are available to work for an employee this is referred to as capacity planning. Its an act of scheduling working hour of employee against fixed time of work.

Conclusion of Operational Management Module:

This paper is elaborating the understanding of operational management concept which help the management of the particular organization to think critically and to evaluate standard model for the operations management strategical planning. This paper has a research conducted on buhwan organization. Different kinds of managemental strategies are described in this paper regarding inventory management, capacity planning, location analysis and strategy. Operations management strategies are thoroughly explained. 

References of Operational Management Module

Alessandro, A., & Nonino , F. (2016). Strategic and operational management of organizational resilience: Current state of research and future directions. Omega 62 , 1-18.

Diantha, D., Bodolica, V., & Spraggon, M. (2018). In the uncertain world of Qontrac International: navigating through family, growth and succession management challenges. Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies.

Feiner, & Gideon. (2019). Inventory management system. U.S. Patent.

Jan, O., & Feldmann, A. (2018). Distribution of manufacturing strategy decision-making in multi-plant networks. International Journal of Production Research, 692-708.

Jr, L., John , & William . (2019). Inventory management system and method. U.S. Patent Application.

Michael, H., & Ireland, D. (2017). The intersection of entrepreneurship and strategic management research. The Blackwell handbook of entrepreneurship, 45-63.

Shabbir, A. M., Alam, N., & Khan, M. I. (2016). The Performance Analysis of Saud Bahwan Group, Oman: An Empirical Study. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 1646-1649.

Shai, M., & M. A. , E. (2016). Management module for storage device. U.S. Patent.

Terry, H. (2017). Manufacturing strategy: the strategic management of the manufacturing function. Macmillan International Higher Education.

Venkataramana, R., Pandya, R., Kumar, R., & Panda, A. (2018). Method and system for data-based optimization of performance indicators in process and manufacturing industries. U.S. Patent Application.

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