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Assignment on Record Management System

Category: Business & Management Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: APA Words: 1650

Table of Contents


Introduction. 3

Identification of problems within the current records management system.. 3

Recommendation for Electronic System.. 4

Advantages and disadvantages of an electronic record system.. 5

Advantages. 5

Disadvantages. 5

Conclusion. 5

References. 6

 Introduction of Record Management System

            The Bean Coffee Shop has been opened for two years as well as the company is expanding fast. The bean coffee shop is focusing to expand its business to increase its profitability. For this purpose, the company must have an effective management record system to manage and hold the record of the company including the documents as well as the inventory of the company. The bean coffee shop is currently using its typical and simple record management system but there is some issue in the current system.

            The employees or the staff of the Bean coffee shop have to facet several difficulties to manage the record because the business has almost 500 file folders of almost every area of the business such as customer, procedure, leasing agreement, the policy as well as safety and building maintenance. The report is providing many important aspects to solve such kind of problems as well as providing several kinds of recommendations.

            The problems which present in the current management system are also identified in this document. To make the record management system of Bean Coffee Shop effective, an electronic system is recommended for this purpose because it can effectively manage the whole record of the business. Although, some important advantages and disadvantages of electronic record management systems are also provided in this study.

Identification of problems within the current records management system

            In this section of the report on the Bean Coffee Shop record management system, it is identified that the company is currently using the paper-based folders for the record management system. The Bean Coffee Shop has almost 500 file folders in which the whole record of the company is saved in the paper-based format. The folder contains multiple records of different areas of the business such as policy and procedure, administrative record, health and safety, complaints, building maintenance, leasing agreements, customers as well as sales. The administration department of the Bean Coffee Shop has to enter all of the records by writing on the papers which are very difficult things for the administration.

            The staff of the company has to face a different kind of problems at the time when they need to find any specific area’s record. For example, when the financial manager has to see the previous record as well as the financial statements of the company to analyze how many resources the company has as well as how many resources they should need to invest in the growth of the company. Furthermore, the staff of the company is also facing issues when they need to search the specific file as well as to find any particular record in the files because the company has approximately less than or more than five hundred file folders in the cabinets. Due to this reason, the staff member of the Bean Coffee Shop can spend a lot of time to find particular files from the cabinets (Ryan, Lomas, Craig, & Sommerville, 2007).

            It is because the classification of the files according to the alphabetical order may be also overlapped which can cause troubles to find the specific files and the specific document from the file folders or form the cabinets. Another type of problem is also identified in relation to the current record management system that the files which are placed into the cabinets and the shelves in the shop or in the administration department, can be misplaced. There are high chances to misplace any particular record which can be very informative or can be confidential for the business of the Bean Coffee Shop.

            Another problem is also identified in the current record management system that is data redundancy. It is also possible that the company has hired two or more people in the administration department as well as they have to make entries in the same formats. It is possible that they can also input double or duplicate entry in the file because it is difficult to find or identify the records from the particular document. It may also possible that the different staff members use a different kind of values for the same attribute.

            The very important and key problem with the current management system is that the record will be needed to update as well as it is also required to be changed according to the business requirements as well as due to the new strategies of the business. In this condition, the members of the staff may also face the problems to update the record of the company because such records were handwritten on the paper. In this situation, the previous record will be erased and the new entry will be made on the paper (Mnjama, 2003).

            The main problem with the file folders record management system is that there is very limited space on the papers in which the staff has to manage many things and they are bound to not put every kind of detail on the paper records. So, the paper-based record management system is not providing flexibility.

Recommendation for Electronic System

            The electronic systems are very powerful as well as very fast for the businesses because the electronic systems will provide the accuracy in the management of the business’s any kind of record effectively without any kind of problems. As time is passing speedily and human is going toward the technology to improve the business as well as to make all of the things autonomous because it is the era of technology. The paper-based file folder record management system was the old technique which had several types of problems and issues that the staff of the company has to face in the companies. Most of the time they may also face some difficulties to find the old record, making some changes in the existing record or making the new entries in the record of the business. The paper-based record management system is very confusing and difficult to manage.

            It is recommended that the Bean Coffee Shop has to implement the electronic record management system (RMS) into the company. The electronic record management system is providing accuracy in entering the records in the file as well as it also gives the surety that no duplicate entry or the record will be entered into the file. The Bean Coffee Shop should have to implement the electronic system and train their staff members as well as they should have to make entries of old records into the new electronic system. It will also provide the information if the members previously entered the same type of records into the papers (Jacobson, 2010).

            The company must have to manger the records. So, the electronic system will provide the facility to analyze the old records of the business including all of the financial statements of the business which were made and maintained in the past. The electronic system has the ability to better analyze those records as well as it is a better chance to grow the business of the company because the electronic system provides the information of business resources in a very speedy way and there is no need to perform calculations. By the use of this system, the company can easily assess the risks as well as can easily identify how much resources are required to be invested to grow the business.

Advantages and disadvantages of an electronic record system

            There are many advantages of the electronic record management system which are discussed in this section which is provided below;

Advantages of Record Management System

·         Improved Quality to manage the Records

·         Improved classification of files

·         Improved quality and speed of searching records into files

·         No physical space is required in the Office

·         Fast Calculations and fast analysis

Disadvantages of Record Management System

            There can be some issues related to the electronic management systems which can be harmful to the business and the workability of the business.

·         Security Issue due to cyberattacks

·         Needs ongoing support and maintenance of the system

·         Some data entry runtime or unexpected errors while inserting records

Conclusion of Record Management System

            It is concluded that the Bean Coffee shop is growing the business and it has the paper-based record management system but they are facing a lot of problems to use this system. The administration department of the Bean Coffee Shop has to enter all of the records by writing on the papers which are very difficult things for the administration. The company has approximately less than or more than five hundred file folders in the cabinets. There are high chances to misplace any particular record which can be very informative or can be confidential for the business of the Bean Coffee Shop. The main problem with the file folders record management system is that there is very limited space on the papers in which the staff has to manage many things. The Bean Coffee Shop should have to implement the electronic system and train their staff members as well as they should have to make entries of old records into the new electronic system. The electronic system has the ability to better analyze those records as well as it is a better chance to grow the business of the company

References of Record Management System

Jacobson, A. M. (2010). Patent and Trademark Office. U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Mnjama, N. (2003). Archives and records management in Kenya: problems and prospects. . Records Management Journal.

Ryan, D., Lomas, E., Craig, N., & Sommerville, J. (2007). Records management and information processing on construction sites using digital pen and paper. . Records management journal.


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