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Assignment on The Actual and Potential a Consequence of the COVID-19 Pandemic from a Global Perspective

Category: Health Education Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: APA Words: 1100

The Actual and Potential a Consequence of the COVID-19 Pandemic from a Global Perspective

Introduction of The Actual and Potential a Consequence of the COVID-19 Pandemic from a Global Perspective

            The world is in state of shock due to the Corona outbreak, started from China in Dec 2019, and now it has become a global pandemic, spreading almost all parts of the world. This virus is officially named as Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19, and it has hit developing, as well as, developed world causing so much panic and unrest. The world has not seen anything like this in the last 100 years, after the Pandemic of Spanish Flu, which killed millions of people. China was the origin of this deadly virus, but they have recovered from it last month, and no new cases are reported in China. It was encouraging for the world to see, how China defeated Coronavirus, and it was expected that other developed world will be able to do this, but the situation so far is not encouraging at all. Even the superpower America is in state of trouble due to Coronavirus, where daily death toll and the number of patients are rising exponentially every day (BBC News, 2020). It was not expected that the developed world would face so many health and administrative issues in handling Coronavirus. Italy, Spain, and the United States have mostly affected parts of the world at the moment, causing a lot of social and economic negative impacts. If this is not controlled in time, and then its actual, as well as, a potential threat can be a lot worse than the world can think of (Lee & Cher, 2020)

Discussion of The Actual and Potential a Consequence of the COVID-19 Pandemic from a Global Perspective

            It is important to know that to date as per WHO facts & figures, 1317130 has been reported around 212 territories of the world with 74304 confirmed deaths, which shows the severity of the situation. The virus is spreading quickly everywhere shutting down all kinds of activities, social gatherings, sports events, etc. A variety of business and economic activities have been stopped all around the globe due to curfew and lockdown to stop the spread of the virus as it has been observed that social distancing is one of the important measures to stop Coronavirus spread from humans to humans. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations has said that pandemic is already posing a great threat to lives, as well as, livelihood. They said that they are expecting a large scale food crisis all around the globe, as the food supply chain is going to be disturbed. The international borders are closed and movement has been limited so the supply chain problem is an obvious one. Chronic hunger is faced by around 820m people all around the globe, and if food supply and crisis increases, then these people will be on the verge of facing more hunger issues (FAO-UN, 2020)

            It has been observed so for that economic impact and severe consequences of COVID-19 have already surpassed MERS or SARS. It has been said that many developing even developed world countries are lacking adequate response due to lack of health facilities so testing is not being done as per expectations, so reported cases are not showing the actual situation, because actual cases can be a lot more than this. In 2003, the world faced an epidemic of SARS, when around 8000 individuals were infected and reported deaths were 774. The global economic cost of SARS was around $50b. The outbreak of MERS in 2015 happened in South Korea, its economic impact was just $8.5b. The Wall Street has reported an 11.5% fall in the S&P 500 index for the companies in the U.S. The large events and commercial activities are at stake, as the spread of Coronavirus in Japan is posing a threat of canceling Tokyo Olympics, and everyone knows, how huge event it is in so many ways (Scott, 2020)

            The experts are giving more serious indications because they believe that the Corona outbreak has been so uncertain so for, and its uncertainty is the biggest threat to every other thing. The world is focusing on the social, economic and political consequences of the Virus, but experts have talked about one more threat, which is the threat of mental issues for the people around the world. The psychiatrists have said that people will have more mental health issues leading to stress and anxiety disorders. It has been proved from the statistics that people having HIV tend to deal with more mental issues as compared to the general public. So, looking at the scale and severity of the COVID-19, it can be predicted that it will impact the mental health of people in so many ways because they are not only facing the threat of death, but more people will lose jobs and businesses, causing more stress. If things continue like this, and the world is not able to stop COVID-19, then consequences will get more severe as compared to current facts (Moukaddam & Shah, 2020)

Conclusion of The Actual and Potential a Consequence of the COVID-19 Pandemic from a Global Perspective

            After looking at the actual and potential impact of COVID-19 on the global scale, it can be said that consequences have been worrisome so for, and these consequences will get severe with the passage of time. The world is already facing food security issues, food, and logistics supply chain issues, and people are getting jobless. The small and large businesses are getting closed with the lockdown situation, and all kinds of social and commercial events are banned all around the world. So, Coronavirus is going to change the condition of this world in a variety of ways.

References of The Actual and Potential a Consequence of the COVID-19 Pandemic from a Global Perspective

BBC News. (2020). Coronavirus pandemic: Tracking the global outbreak. Retrieved April 7, 2020, from https://www.bbc.com/news/world-51235105

FAO-UN. (2020). Q&A: COVID-19 pandemic – impact on food and agriculture. Retrieved April 7, 2020, from http://www.fao.org/2019-ncov/q-and-a/en/

Lee, Y. N., & Cher, A. (2020). US, Italy and Spain have the most coronavirus cases. These charts show their infection curves. Retrieved April 7, 2020, from https://www.cnbc.com/2020/04/01/charts-show-the-coronavirus-spike-in-us-italy-and-spain.html

Moukaddam, N., & Shah, A. (2020). Psychiatrists Beware! The Impact of COVID-19 and Pandemics on Mental Health. Retrieved April 7, 2020, from https://www.psychiatrictimes.com/psychiatrists-beware-impact-coronavirus-pandemics-mental-health

Scott, J. (2020). The economic, geopolitical and health consequences of COVID-19. Retrieved April 7, 2020, from https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/03/the-economic-geopolitical-and-health-consequences-of-covid-19/

WHO. (2020). Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Pandemic. Retrieved April 7, 2020, from https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019

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